In harmony with my predictions about Putin since April 20, 2005, and about the Van Rensburg prophecy since April 20, 2017, Russia has agreed to send super-advanced S-400 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran to shoot down Israeli or US jets

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This S-400 missiles (photo above) delivery from Russia to Iran is a huge development. As in the Vietnam War 60 years ago, Russian surface-to-air/anti-aircraft missiles (known then as “SAMs”) are deadly to fighter jets and enemy missiles, and highly accurate.

This delivery of Russian S-400s by Putin to Iran also vindicates what I have said and proved about Putin since the year 2005, 19 years ago.
For Russia to arm and defend the two fiercest enemies of the Jewish State of Israel — Syria and now also the much bigger, smarter, and more formidable Iran — shows that Putin has finally, totally “had it” with the Khazars after years of wearing the beanie and trying to make nice with the jays.
And Americans need to understand that for ten years now, since 2014, when the American CIA illegally overthrew the democratically elected and pro-Russian government in Kiev, Russia has seen the US wage a covert war on Russia itself. It has used Ukraine and the coke-snorting j midget Zelensky, and, before that, the fat j billionaire Poroshenko.

It has shelled specifically the ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine whom the Communist dictator Lenin, in 1922, put INTO that country of Ukraine against their will. Jewkraine — under the Khazar Poroshenko (2O14-19) and Zelensky (2019-present) has KILLED 14,000 Ukrainians by artillery shelling of villages, schools and hospitals, slaughtering innocent ethnic Russians who speak and are Russian!

In a country that is 1/4 of 1% jewish, both presidents since the 2014 CIA coup, Poroshenko and Zelensky, have been jews,  (as is the mayor of the capital, Kiev)

This hatred and mass murder since 2014 have posed a huge threat to Russia, given the massive manpower of the Texas-sized Ukraine, its highly industrialized economy, plus amazing, rich topsoil and abundant agriculture.
Worse, Obama, Trump and Biden all sent advanced jewmerican weaponry to Jewkraine to kill Russians.
Washington DC jay “think tanks” even state openly that the American goal is to overthrow the government of Russia and break the country up into five pieces!
THIS IS WAR. Imagine if Russia said its goal was to attack and break up the United States! But this is what WE are doing to THEM!
All of this in turn fulfills the astonishing Nicholas van Rensburg prophecy from 1917 of THREE world wars!
He also said to general mockery and ridicule in 1917 that some day both his native South Africa and the United States would have BLACK presidents.
America then was highly segregated and was witnessing the rise of the second KKK, and South Africa was also segregated and moving toward a full apartheid system.
The white man was firmly on top all over the world at that time, especially with the vast white colonial empires. Black or brown presidents or prime ministers in white countries were UNIMAGINABLE in 1917, but Van Rensburg said that Whites would indeed lose power — in their own countries!
Van Rensburg foretold during WWI that Germany would lose both World War I and then also WWII, but, instead, it would be the US and Russia going nuclear on each other in the final war, WWIII — with Europe, North America, and Russia all devastated for generations.
My mission — since I first learned of this startling prophecy back in 2008 from. a Boer woman with four blond kids who stayed with me and Margi — is to watch for the signs that it is coming, and then to awaken our race spiritually to THE VALUE OF TRUTH …
I will now do this in order to prevent this jay-caused nuclear war that otherwise IS DEFINITELY coming. My goal is to save billions of lives, and especially to preserve the very existence of the once so progressive, so gifted, so inventive and so decent white nations of this earth!



…..Mass shootings, then gun bans

In the case of both Britain and Australia, in the 1990s the Deep State carried out horrible shooting massacres with dozens of dead — and then, as the jewsmedia cheered, puppet parliaments quickly rushed gun bans into law.


……Even CNN election expert says Trump is winning….

My prediction: Either DJT totally caves in and agrees with the neo-cons (mostly jews) to a literal war with Russia, China and Iran (which IMO he will agree to do), tor he Deep State will go with Kamala BECAUSE SHE IS INFURIATING to white, gun-owning conservatives and veterans and because she is INCOMPETENT.

Their purpose: a literal civil war (with many states declaring secession from the US) in order to unleash the full, woke, LGBTQ, US military on white conservatives to crush them and devastate the seceding states — violently — once and for all. So, as in 2020, I predict they will pull MILLIONS of mail-in ballots out of their butts and declare Kackling Kommunist Kamala the “winner.” They WANT a civil war. The Demoncrats COULD have made white Kentucky gov. Andy Bashear the nominee, but because he is a white male and not infuriating, not nauseating, and not incompetent, he was rejected. They want a civil war.

……Boys need to be boys

This is 100% right. I can say, having taught highschool off and on over a thirty-year period as a substitute, that Hitler was right. Boys and girls should attend different schools. Boys should get two hours of phys-ed (sports) every single day, an hour every morning and another in the afternoon, to make the boys tired-out and happy, not squirming in their seats for hour after hour of classes.
Prussia, the biggest part of Germany, also had a tradition that when army sergeants retired after age 40 or so, some were invited and trained to teach elementary school so that boys would have exposure to male teachers and not just to female teachers. When WWII began, these masculine, self-confident boys, as young Wehrmacht soldiers, absolutely kicked a–. This is why it took the WHOLE WORLD s-i-x y-e-a-r-s to defeat one single country, NS Germany.
And unless America restores masculine men and feminine women, we will be destroyed in a war with the very tough Russians and Chinese, and, in losing to them, the Pentagon will end up resorting to nuclear weapons — which will destroy the world.

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