In major movie, Tom Hanks’ character says to Julia Roberts’ character: The Jews run Congress

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This is a screenshot from a funny, but fairly true-to-life 2007 account of how the US drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan (which, however, let the radical Taliban come in!) See below.


This was my own father with President Reagan, who asked him twice to serve on the National Security Council and also to be US ambassador to Hungary). My father clearly understood that the Democrat Party, which he saw as “destroying this country,” was controlled by wealthy jews. In Rhode Island, to be a jew was to be a Democrat, period.

And my father was bitter and hurt that his insurance brokerage (Davis, Bateman and Nugent)  lost the Hasbro account (Hassenfeld Brothers, makers of the action toy “GI Joe”) “to the synagogue,” as he put it, saying to me “the jews are very clannish.”

I had not heard the adjective “clannish” before and asked him what it meant. He replied: “The jews stick together and always help each other. Some would say they are selfish.”

Two decades later, he said to me: “John, you cannot take on the jews.” And he said it out of love — and realism.

This does not mean American politicians like the jews, not at all. They just put up with them as a fact of life, as a force that must be appeased.

Genuine liberals actually loathe the State of Israel for oppressing and killing the indigenous Palestinians, and for its perceived militarism, fundamentalism and nationalism.

And genuine conservatives despise the jews as the funding source behind feminism, LGBTQ, abortion, gun bans, open borders and the entire George Soros agenda.

I remember well how very popular congressmen and senators who criticized Israel lost re-election, such as Cong. Paul Findley, R-Illinois, Senator Charles Percy (also R-Illinois), and Senator J. William Fulbright (D-Arkansas)

The jews had poured donations into their opponents and various scandals were dug up or invented about them and then churned through the jewspapers.

Same went for Nixon, whom the jews “got” via Watergate:


I remember when Satanyahu of IsraHell (over the opposition of President Obama!!!) addressed a Joint Session of Congress in 2015, got thirty obsequious standing ovations, and yet on the faces of many Republicans, standing there and clapping away obediently, there was just cold resentment.

My goal in life — now that my cancer-ridden wife, Margi, mercifully has passed on to a world without pain and sorrow, our house was sold and has now been evacuated of its massive contents, a seven-day ordeal — is to change this equation through a spiritual revolution.

Then you will see all the RFK Juniors, and the admirals and the generals, the judges and the police commissioners, all turn in retribution on the arrogant, bullying and wicked jews, just as they always wanted to do.


…..A big, very jewish Hollywood movie is what woke a Dutchman up to the JQ!

I received this very nice email in mostly perfect English from a Dutchman. In that incredibly libtard country (full of truly extreme “Nazi” and German-haters, as I also know myself from painful personal experience), he recently awoke to the race and JQ issues:

Dear Sir John de Nugent,

[it is not surprising a European would address me thusly. Holland, like England, is a monarchy, with an aristocracy as well, going back over a thousand years, as does my family.]

My name is [], I am 32 years old and I live in the Netherlands.

Unfortunately it was rather late in my life (in fact, this very year of 2020) that it has come to my attention how badly I and many others of my fellow countrymen and fellow Europeans around the world have been lied to, cheated and deceived by our elites and by “the usual suspects.” To avoid the search engine filters I will call them ‘the group.’

We have not been told the truth about what really happened in the two world wars and even before that period to European civilization by the actions of this group.

Ironically what changed my perspective is when I watched “Charlie Wilson’s War.” (In that movie, the main character plainly said that he was elected by “the group.”)

*** JdN

I was unaware of this, but how right our new comrade is!!!! Wow! I bought the movie for $6.99 last night on Amazon (thanks to donations of Amazon gift cards ). This was the only way I could make the screenshots you see below — by buying it, btw.

In this scene, Demoncrat Congressman from Texas Charles Wilson (played by Tom Hanks, and this movie is closely based on a true story) is discussing après sex with the wealthy Texas activist (played by Julia Roberts) the political risks for him with the jews of “helping a bunch of Muslims.” (In this case, it would be by the US quietly arming the Afghans in the 1980s in order to drive the Soviet Army out of Afghanistan, which eventually did happen).

Wilson lays it out quite frankly:







So jew money runs the Congress…..


Back of US one-dollar bill


This film, having such big stars as this, is obviously a major Hollywood production, not some little “indie” [ = “independent”] flic.

And the men behind it are all prominent, Establishment jews.

Producer: Gary Goetzman

Director: Mike Nichols

Screenplay writer: Aaron Sorkin (“A Few Good Men,” “West Wing,” etc.)


So this is a perfect example of the jews arrogantly flaunting the truth that they have long run, and increasingly, sadistically ruined this once-great country.

And remember, this is also a black-magickal warning.

For not only do they run this country, this psychopathic, semitic two percent of us, but they intend to finally genocide all the Whites in it except for a few miserable sex and work slaves.

And by warning us, their “conscience” is clear. After all, via this movie scene — using two international superstars, Hanks and Roberts — and many others, they have indeed explicitly warned us.

We have enslaved you and, some beautiful day, we will kill you.

My mission is to address why this does not even bother people.

“The egoic mind”…………………………..


*** back to the Dutchman’s email

I also read an article by a former intelligence official, Philip Giraldi:

After that, I started putting the pieces of the puzzle together and it wasn’t pretty. It felt mentally like a ton of bricks came down on the picture I had in my head (told by my history teachers, the media and our politicians in my country) on how the world works, and it took me a while to adjust to this new reality.

Honestly, from time to time, I still find it hard to believe that it is really true, to wrap my head around it all…. to really comprehend just how deep the rabbit hole reaches, and how ugly it truly is.

But if I look at the facts and the evidence, I’m afraid it leaves me with no other option.

In any case, on to the proximate reason why I am sending you this e-mail:

At the moment, I am in the process of starting to live in a reality based on real truth, and I am also a rather curious person by nature. Therefore I want to make a serious effort of educating myself on the topic of the survival of Europeans as a people, our (real) history, our (real) culture and of course the ever present JQ. Of course, the Internet is a wonderful source of knowledge, when used properly and effectively, but since I am a bit old-fashioned I am also a big believer in books. It is, in fact, a hobby of mine to collect antiquarian books. I used to be interested in economics and political science, but given my awakening, not surprisingly my topic(s) of interest have shifted and have become broader. For this very reason, since you are a lot more knowledgable on these matters than I am, I would like to ask you for (educational) advice.

Which books and/or thinkers* have influenced you the most on how you see the world (or are your favorites) and as a result can you recommend me for educational purposes?

* everything and anything you have is most welcome, aside from English I can also read German and (a bit of) French.

In either way thank you very much for your attention.

Kind regards from the Netherlands.



…… My reply

Dear Dutch comrade,

The thirst for knowledge, and love of books, is typical of  us Northern Europeans. But you deserve kudos for your courageous search for more, for the forbidden truth!

Honestly, I would recommend you read the major articles on my own site, which offer a unique new perspective, as well as two books which I heartily recommend, and consider donating. 🙂


My most vital articles 2008-present


$17,767 (plus12 excellent books and two great pistol holsters) since early December 2022



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