Incarnation of absolute evil strikes in Walmart; the lesson about young souls

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The girl was abducted at a Walmart, raped and strangled. Cops did nothing for six hours but eat more donuts…..
Especially heart-rending is the 911 call….


*** Wik on Donald Smith (why did it take five years to try this scum — a repeat sex offender against minors —  and why is he still not executed eleven years later?)

Murder of Cherish Perrywinkle

Cherish Perrywinkle

Cherish Lily Perrywinkle
Cherish Lily Perrywinkle

December 24, 2004

Jacksonville, Florida
Died June 22, 2013 (aged 8)

Jacksonville, Florida
Cause of death Ligature strangulation
Body discovered June 22, 2013
Resting place Riverside Memorial Park
Nationality American
Parent(s) Rayne Perrywinkle (mother)
Billy Jarreau (father)

Cherish Lily Perrywinkle (December 24, 2004 – June 22, 2013) was an 8-year-old girl from JacksonvilleFlorida who was abducted from a Walmart on June 21, 2013.[1] She was seen on CCTV cameras leaving the store with a man named Donald James Smith (born September 4, 1956) who was later convicted of her murder and sentenced to death.[2]

Life and murder[edit]

Cherish Lily Perrywinkle was born in Jacksonville, Florida on Christmas Eve of 2004 to Rayne Perrywinkle and Billy Jarreau, who were never married and had custody battles.[3]

On June 21, 2013, around 8 pm, Rayne, Cherish, and her two younger sisters went shopping when they first met Donald Smith at a Dollar General, where he offered to buy them clothes they could not afford with a $150 Walmart gift card. The Perrywinkles then got into his white van and went with him to Walmart, where they shopped for the next 2 hours. At 10:30 pm, Smith offered to get them cheeseburgers at the store’s McDonald’s and Cherish followed him. However, surveillance footage shows that they walked out of the store instead, which was the last time Cherish was seen alive.

About half an hour later, Rayne called the police to report that her daughter had been abducted; an Amber alert was issued five hours later.[4] The next morning, Cherish’s body was found in a creek behind Highlands Baptist Church. It is believed that Smith had bound her in the back of his van, where she was sexually assaulted and strangled to death.[5]

Smith’s arrest[edit]

Police immediately identified Smith as the abductor, with his van being one of the main focuses. Around 9 am the next day, officers saw his van on the interstate and cornered him before he surrendered and was promptly arrested.

Smith was known to police as a local sex offender with a long criminal history including numerous offenses against minors.

He had been released from jail only three weeks before Cherish’s murder.[6]


Smith’s trial began in February 2018. He was found guilty of first-degree murder and sexual battery and was sentenced to death in May 2018. The jurors were in tears after witnessing crime-scene photos of the murder as the defense tried to suppress the images. Julie Schlax, the defense attorney, urged the jurors to focus on the law and not their raw emotions.[7][8]

In April 2021, Smith unsuccessfully attempted to appeal his sentence.[9]





My two conclusions:

  1. As I have said over and over, the only solution for child molesters is to kill them. The recidivism rate is about 90%, the highest for any crime category. They just cannot stop raping and killing children; it is totally addictive for them. They know it is wrong and take great precautions and measures, such as reassuring lies and pretend-friendliness, to get away with it. (The fact that this fiend dumped the body in front of a church is just beyond the pale.) They also look for vulnerable people such as kids who act emotionally neglected, or in this case a mother (separated) who had very little money, and then the guy offers to pay for a pretty dress for her daughter.

    A police report said Smith met Cherish’s mother at the Dollar General on Norwood Avenue and said he had a $100 Walmart gift card that he would use to by clothing for the woman and her three children.

  2. The majority of earthlings are young souls, or they have bad karma, which is why democracy — rule by the masses — is truly insane. They are just incredibly ruled by various emotions and delusions. It is so painful to hear this mother recriminating herself for letting her beautiful daughter go with a nearly perfect stranger and despite her inner voice saying no. This poor woman is going to hate herself every single day three times a day for the rest of her life.

“It’s been six weeks and I keep thinking she’s going to walk in the door,” Perrywinkle told Channel 4’s Hailey Winslow Tuesday night.

“It’s beyond any nightmare I could ever imagine. I don’t ever want any parent to feel like this.”

Perrywinkle said every day is a struggle and she feels nauseous all the time. She said she can barely eat or sleep.”

We need a national socialist society where the best and wisest, who understand life, the world and reality, run things and not — I hate to say it — the majority, who are fools with little or no critical thinking skills.

And they need protection; young souls are not necessarily bad people, but they are easy prey for psychopaths.

Reincarnation explains this. Young souls are literally recent animals. For thousands of years reformers have tried to stir the people up to fight injustice and for their own rights ” and they just get this cow stare. *;) winking

spirit-incarnates-as baby-inside-mother-reincarnation

(1/10th down) ¦..on really homely people in all races


Pro-immigration leftist womanfrench-do-gooder-liberal-pro-immigrant-humanimal


Terran societies must be ruled top-down because the majority are just clever animals.

Yes, they can drive a car — send text messages — cook — talk — and go online and type stuff.

But their upper chakras are barely active. Truth, duty, and reality are just tiny little dots on their mental map.

They believe what they want to believe. If a fact supports their belief system and their “wants” (not their needs), they accept it, and heartily resent any truth that interferes with their wants.

The worst offenders of all on this planet are young-soul white women, who have simply huge levels of estrogen. This mom wanted her daughter to have that dress she could not afford to buy.

So she threw caution to the wind and ignored her own nagging inner warnings, which is what she herself told the 911 operator.

This is just the kind of female voted in a landslide for Barack Obama in 2008,


…..or for Hillary Clinton in 2016, or, if a Republican, she would be a born-again Christian Israel-lover and vote for Ted Cruz, and of course be “afraid” of Donald Trump.




In other words, vote yet again for a psychopathic caste of politicos who are raping not just one little girl but the entire country.

Over and over and over again.

Every four years the lemmings vote for a new fake leader who is a monster.

And then the masses stare at US for telling the truth as if WE were the crazy ones.


As the wise and strong Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius said….



The century of the good emperors in Rome was a time when the empire was at peace within, prosperous, and it expanded to its greatest extent and also crushed the Jews.

Each emperor groomed for decades a capable, respected, well-liked young man to be his successor, approved by the Roman Senate.

This is the system Hitler was going to put into place for after winning the war and then his retirement.

This is why he personally decorated the top war heroes. He was looking for his successor, an man of proven worth, wisdom, courage and charisma.

A very moved SS colonel Jochen Piper and an equally moved Adolf  Hitler, who awarded him in January 1944 the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves 




…..the psychopaths among us

These are literally incarnated demons — born that way (unlike their siblings), utterly incorrigible and even totally untreatable. There is no therapy, drug or punishment that will deter them.

….My hell as a child with molesters


  1. If I had a child and someone like that monster raped and murdered them, they would not even make it to court. I would have retribution against them and make sure they suffered an agonising death.

    • Well, in Saudi Arabia they use the death penalty a lot, and the family can come and attend the beheading.

      Better would be for a family member himself to do the beheading or fire a gun as part of the firing squad, or push the button to electrocute them.

      Dr. Pierce said once that every time a man reaches for the phone and calls his lawyer instead of personally killing such a monster, he loses some of his manhood.

      • Yeah theres very few decent white men left with a backbone in this day and age, and even lesscaring,nurturing and protective white women that have children.
        If you don’t experience love and kindness as a child and nobody has ever cared about you properly.
        Then it shapes who you are as a person, it took me a long time to forgive my grandmother for the grief she caused me. She wasn’t evil, just very mentally ill and had schizophrenia for years.
        I actually feel sorry for her being that she didn’t have a peaceful death, she died from heart failure and was in a lot of pain before she died.
        And she was crying saying her chest was hurting and i don’t want to die.
        My mum who is still alive and i havn’t spoken to in over 4 years is a mentally unstable nut that i would not feel sorry for if she dies.
        Children are innocent and need to be protected from sick and evil people.

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