India says NO to Pfizer Covid vaccine after it REFUSES safety testing on Indian people

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….See also

HIGHEST ALERT: Does the new Covid vaccine contain deadly PRIONS so — months later — you develop a kind of “Mad Cow” Disease, get weak and mentally groggy, then die?

Catastrophic interview for hemming/hawing/glasses-adjusting pyscho-nerd Bill Gates — even (((CBS))) libtard reporter grills him: “Why do 80% have BAD side effects after the second vaccine? IS IT SAFE?”

Heart-rending — OMG! Nurse took Pfizer’s Covid vaccine (from jew CEO Bourla), came down with Bell’s Palsy (facial PARALYSIS) — IS THIS TRAGIC VIDEO FOR REAL?

Pfizer itself warns you (black-magic rule) ‘we have not completed testing; yes, our vaccine could make you sterile’

Jews behind the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

Fmr Chief Science Officer at PFIZER denounces Corona FRAUD –the video Jewtube took down in two hours

BOMBSHELL: Former Pfizer executive says covid-19 “pandemic is over,” so-called “second wave” based on fraudulent testing

More proof the Big Jews don’t care about the little ones — Israeli 19-y-o gets heart-muscle damage from faux Covid “vaccine”

Member, Royal College of Physicians, tells RFK Jr & Judy Mikovits PhD: Moderna Covid “vaccine” by definition NOT a vaccine; neither stimulates immunity nor stops transmission — It’s a tiny medical device created to make you SICK & them RICH

VIPs fake taking the vaccine! No real syringe — or no solution in it! Bumbling Biden angers Pentagon and public; why Trump served his purpose as a MARTYR and now we NEED the outrageous Biden

Why I no longer miss Trump — women convulsing after his Warp Speed vaccine; black female doctor invented it

Rate Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shot — among even the young and healthy!

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