Compiled by JdN Science correspondent
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If the vaccine works, why are people who have been vaccinated still being told to wear masks and avoid contact with others?
The whole point of getting the vaccine – at least for most halfway sensible people who made the mistake of undergoing the medical procedure – was so they would be immune to COVID-19 infection and be able to resume life as usual.
Why else would anyone with a shred of sense and having any doubt the vaccine was good for you actually get the shots?
If the vaccine’s effective at preventing infection from COVID-19, it should mean that fully vaccinated people no longer need to follow long-standing CDC restrictions….right?
Yet as of this week, vaccinated people in the United States and across Europe are still being told to stay home and they need to continue to mask up when outside.
Criminal government propogandist Dr Fauci – whom Trump should have fired well over a year ago now – has still, until very recently, been all but demanding vaccinated people continue to wear masks.
An even better question is why SPECIFICALLY did Fauci wait until last night to tell us it was in fact okay to take our masks off?
Fauci claims the reason he’s been reluctant to “allow” us to breathe again is sound, and his intentions are pure.
As if!
“I didn’t want to look like I was giving mixed signals and worry people,”
Fauci said, when asked why he has still been wearing masks in public despite being fully inoculated against COVID-19, that he was caught not wearing his mask at a Washington Nationals [baseball] game (he wasn’t eating, btw, despite what he claimed) BEFORE he was vaccinated, and that he has been advising vaccinated people to continue to wear masks, just to add insult to injury.
Fauci’s desire to wait for the CDC’s new guidance and roll it out at the right time might have been understandable, if he hadn’t spent the past year lecturing people who don’t “follow the science” and had said that his actions were never meant to convince, “only educate.”
But clearly, the science hasn’t been driving Fauci’s messaging.
Otherwise – and if he believed the vaccine even remotely worked – he would have started encouraging vaccinated adults to live their lives again restriction-free as soon as their two-week inoculation period was up. Instead, he did the opposite, ironically spreading doubt (the reason why he is now correcting his actions) about the vaccines’ effectiveness along the way.
This is, in fact, why the evil man is now telling vaccinated people it’s cool to toss their masks.
Now that Fauci’s advice is threatening to derail the Federal Government’s vaccination efforts by sowing the seeds of doubt that the vaccine even works, Fauci has changed his tune and the CDC has “adjusted” its guidance.
Their argument is that the science “evolved” in the past few weeks, prompting a guidance reversal.
Sure it has….
The conservative “Washington Examiner” – not to be confused with the Jeff “” Bezos-owned “Washington Post” – reported that:
“Mainstream science (rooted in propaganda and lies) has always been the same: The studies used to push the vaccination published back in March and April “showed” that COVID-19 vaccines protected recipients from variants and prevented transmission. The only thing that has evolved is the public and its unwillingness to put up with these restrictions any longer, and more importantly, people are asking why one has to wear a mask and stay indoors if the vaccine is as effective as they say?
Fauci, like any other evil bureaucrat, has only ever cared whether the public adheres to coronavirus guidance. He has never cared about the quality or relevance of the actual guidance itself. It didn’t matter whether the guidance was actually in line with “the science”, or harming us as a people….so long as people accepted it and obeyed.”
What makes the sick little man especially heinous is the fact that he is pushing a vaccine that might prove to be catastrophic in the years to come.
His advice to continue to mask-up means he KNOWS the vaccine does NOT do what it says it does (so what does it do?), and that something else is at play here.
Libertarian-Republican US senator Rand Paul of Kentucky said it best when he proclaimed that the actions of men like Fauci
“have all been government theater”.
There was no scientific need for Fauci to wear a mask after being fully vaccinated; it was just for show. The fact the vile man was spotted sitting inches away from a mate of his at a ballgame PRIOR to receiving the vaccine, as well as the fact he once famously said that wearing masks was not beneficial at preventing COVID infection, tells me that mandating masks and shutting down the world had as much to do with COVID-19 as the “Green New Deal” does with “Climate Change”.
It should also tell anyone with half a brain that the vaccine itself is not what we were told it was.
In fact, the new, “magically appearing” variants from India and Africa, I expect, will be exploited (do they even exist?) to put us back into lockdown conditions , and they already are proving that people who rushed to be vaccinated made a fatal flaw in judgment.
Western nations ignored President Trump’s suggestion (which was brought to his attention by India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi) that COVID could be controlled by infected people using existing medication like Ivermectin.
Why? Just so they could push an evil vaccine when now nations like India are successfully fighting the infection with cheap pills. This should tell us something else was at play all along…
Second question:
Could COVID-19 have been successfully controlled a year ago with medication already available on the open market?
A well-known Indian medical writer, Niharika Sharma – who herself at times has pushed the vaccine – reported as far back as September of 2020 and as recently as February of this year that
“the Indian government believes that existing medication is more effective – both in “cost and in medical benefit”- than a vaccine.
Not only because it is cheaper and proven to be effective against the original COVID-19 but because it is not based upon one specific strain and can therefore work with forthcoming variants and mutations.”
Sharma added that “Modi’s government has distributed millions of tablets” of the “controversial novel drug” typically used to fight malaria and various autoimmune diseases as part of its “Covid-19 Relief programme” that included “handwashing”, “basic precautions” and the belief that “herd immunity” would shut down the virus.
On Feb. 2 of this year, the government informed the Indian Parliament that it had distributed 111.6 million pills of hydroxychloroquine or HCQ to regional governments and it had been successul in reaching the farthest corners of the subcontinent.
The Indians, though, faced opposition from the usual Globalist suspects – the WHO, American Big Pharma and the United Nations.
At the start of the pandemic, back in early 2020, scores of scientists in India and beyond were claiming that HCQ was effective against various coronaviruses. However, by mid-2020, convenient “research” funded by American pharmaceutical giants and via the “scientists” at the World Health Organization (WHO) had quashed these claims.
On June 19, the WHO, after meeting with representatives from various Western governments, as well as Pfizer and Moderna, stopped their HCQ trials, claiming that
current data shows that this drug does not reduce deaths among hospitalised Covid-19 patients, nor help people with moderate disease.”
(Note how they conveniently forgot entirely to test the efficacy of HCQ in PREVENTING infection. 😉 )
India, along with several other Asian research bodies (even China got involved in the action and agreed HCQ was golden!), reached quite different results….
In India, most states that received HCQ tablets from the central government saw COVID numbers drop drastically and more importantly, “average” infections “far less virulent” than those seen earlier. According to official data out of New Delhi, “HCQ had been VERY effective on all fronts”.
The WHO and Western elite hit back furiously, saying that the Modi-backed studies (boy, do the elite HATE Mr. Modi, due to the fact he is ten times the leaders Merkel, Trudeau and Biden are) were too small and “flawed”.
The Indians hit back HARDER again, noting that the WHO’s studies had conveniently ignored HCQ’s ability to not only treat infection but PREVENT it!
.And they said that perhaps the benefit conferred by HCQ when consumed PRIOR to infection is what made it so effective once infection set in.
So….in March 2020, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) – beholden to neither the World Health Organization nor American Big Pharma – began a nationwide “India-based demonstration study” to evaluate the “efficacy of HCQ as a prevention drug against coronavirus”.
Modi and the ICMR tasked a team of India’s leading virologists, chemists and biomedical researchers with analyzing whether or not HCQ and other medications that successfully protected against autoimmune illnesses – which targeted organs and tissues also attacked by COVID-19 – actually worked.
That same month, the Narendra Modi government released an advisory for healthcare workers attending to Covid-19 patients and household contacts of confirmed cases to “TAKE” “Modi’s Medicine” and record whether or not they became infected, and if they did, the severity of their symptoms.
The results were remarkable!
Not only did people in the test study, but also on the ground, NOT come down with COVID-19, but those that did recovered at a far faster rate with less potent symptoms.
Just as importantly, unlike the vaccine that’s already killed thousands, and may kill exponentially more down the road, NO ONE who took Modi’s “medicine” died or fell ill.
The trial was so successful that Prime Minister Modi took his nation’s findings to the one person outside India who’d listen.
To President Donald Trump.
HCQ was famously endorsed as a treatment for Covid-19 by former US President Donald Trump in May 2020 – but this was two days after the then-US president met with the nationalistic, anti-Islamic and Aryan-in-mind and outlook Prime Minister Modi.
Within minutes the monstrous mainstream media machine pounced on the President and ATTACKED him for “peddling snake oil”. Social Media shut down any commentary mentioning HCQ and the Establishment enlisted their minions to decimate any notion HCQ might save humanity.
In fact, President Trump, after reviewing the Indian government’s findings, was so convinced HCQ could also work in America that in May the US imported around 50 million HCQ tablets from India….none of which sadly ever hit our shelves for their intended purpose, sadly.
What saddens me most is that President Trump eventually entirely backed off from his support of HCQ and started peddling the vaccine as part of “Operation Warp Speed” – something he’s still doing to this day.
On May 22, 2020, the Modi government released a second advisory asking frontline workers, including the police and people conducting door-to-door surveys to estimate Covid-19 cases, to take HCQ to prevent infection.
From all accounts, the vast majority of these truly front-line workers – who visited homes where mask-less dying people were literally coughing and spluttering live “virus” in their faces – on average, or at a rate far lower than they would have if they’d not taken HCQ, DID NOT GET SICK!
It was at this very important juncture that several “global medical research bodies” and NGOs started raising “red flags” against the use of HCQ for these purposes. The WHO were so “perturbed,” they “demanded” Modi’s government STOP giving the medicine to India’s nurses and medics and spreading “disinformation”.
This in spite of the fact India had enlisted its brightest minds to research the efficacy of “Modi’s medicine”.
Can’t let the brave and resourceful Indians protect their own people by using a pill that costs a few pennies to make, and that might derail vaccine research and production now, can we?!
But India did not back down.
The ICMR [againj, the ” Indian Council of Medical Research “], led by Mr. Modi, defended the use of the drug, saying “it showed that HCQ was useful in treating Covid-19” and that they’d continue to use it until it was proven unsafe. They even invited the WHO to do so….
The WHO knew they weren’t dealing with President Zuma and a bunch of spear-chucking Bantu. The WHO and American Big Pharma bosses were scared $hitless as there’s no shortage of scientists in India to see through their evil globalist bullshit!!!!
As expected, NO proof EVER came and the meds continued to be distributed….as they ARE to this very day.
All along, the Indians were clear.
Their studies didn’t just measure HCQ’s potency against COVID infection but evaluated
“What we have done in India is different from the studies done anywhere else in the world in the sense that we have been checking whether it could work as a prophylactic [preventive] medicine, whereas everywhere else it was given to [Covid-]positive patients as a treatment option. The results look like favourable in our population,” an ICMR official told national daily Hindustan Times defending the use of the medicine in India.
So not only does HCQ (alongside the other secret ingredients found in “Modi’s medicine”, as well as zinc and a few other meds designed to prevent lung damage in autoimmune diseases), effectively work to heal you after you’re ill, but they work long before you come down with COVID as well!
The “medicine” does precisely what the COVID-19 vaccine is claimed to do [such as dealing with variants] — and apparently at a much better rate and with NO side effects.
In fact, India still has a lower mortality rate than we do, and they’re beating back the China beast with meds they use to beat back the mosquito!
The “India Times Health Journal” reported,
“Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has maintained its recommendation and approved the use of HCQ as prophylaxis based on the studies conducted in India, despite World Health Organisation (WHO) suspending the clinical trials using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) under its Solidarity Trial.
A recent case-controlled study by ICMR has underlined the benefit of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as prophylaxis, showing that the sustained use of the anti-malaria drug along with the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) was associated with a significant decline in risk of Covid-19 infection rate by up to 80% among the healthcare workers.
The study findings further strengthen ICMRs stand on HCQ as prophylaxis, meaning the treatment is given or action is taken to prevent the disease.
There is a huge difference [in dosage amount] between the (HCQ) dose which is used for therapeutic and for preventive purposes.
The prophylactic HCQ is given in very small doses (400 milligrams once a week),” said Dr K. Arvind, Chairman, Centre for Chest Surgery and Director in Institute of Robotic Surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, who is also taking it himself.
According to the ICMR study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR), consumption of four or more maintenance doses was associated with a significant decline (>80%) in the risk of Covid-19 infection among the ‘participants’. The study also found that there was no significant association between HCQ and adverse drug reactions.”
This still was not good enough for the monstrous WHO.
….nor was it for our evil Western political elites and the governments they infect.
We’ve got no problem importing millions of third-worlders to pick our veggies – or in the case of Mexicans and Africans, to shoot at us on the street and infect us with disease – or in the case of Indians and Asians in general, to treat our kids in hospital, run our dot.coms and work in our research labs.
But we ignore the miraculous discoveries their brightest minds make in their OWN lands where they are saving the lives of their countrymen — discoveries which might save our lives too!
That’s the evil we are up against here, the mega-crime which Fauci, WHO President Tedros Adhanom, and the rest of the bloodthirsty globalist monsters destroying our nations have committed.
By June of last year and JUST after India came out with its findings, the BBC reported that
“the US, France, and Australia suspended their clinical trials on HCQ’s ability to fight coronavirus, adding to the concerns around its safety and efficacy.”
Yep, the intentional suspension of their research added “to the concerns” around the safety of a drug that has been given to hundreds of millions of people over the past decades to protect against malaria.
*** JdN
Margi took it (actually another version, called just “chloroquine,” because of its cancer-fighting qualities. No bad side-effects, AND her cancer has never come back, either…….
It was almost as if our oppressors TIMED their “findings” to coincide with and “refute” India’s proven medical miracle….
The Indians pressed on, however, and they have since seen mortality rates drop to 1/7th what we have in America.
They have saved hundreds of billions of dollars, and life in that nation has resumed pretty much as normal.
And again, all without using a vaccine that may still prove to be deadly in the long run….
This in spite of the fact that India has hundreds of millions of unimaginably poor people, the filthiest conditions known to man, and deplorable medical care.
But are you surprised?
HCQ is cheap. It works.
So there’s no Big Money to be made for Big Pharma.
The lockdowns would’ve ended the moment HCQ was made available — and there’d have been absolutely no need for the evil and dangerous vaccine [which is causing deaths, blood clots, strokes and miscarriages].
Note – The reasons India is still struggling with COVID-19 is down to logistical, bureaucratic and financial failures which have resulted in the nation’s inability to administer HCQ to more than 1/8th of its massive 1.5 BILLION person population.
End article
….JdN My question
Good article, but it would seem Modi and the Indians are doing certain vaccines after all… including the infamous Astrazeneca one.
Two Covid-19 vaccines that have been granted emergency use authorization by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) in India are Covishield® (AstraZeneca’s vaccine manufactured by Serum Institute of India)
Has Modi been “gotten to”?
In any case, the two vaccines authorized in India are not using mRNA, that is, gene therapies, and thus are not like the two big jew-created Covid vaccines, BionTechPfizer and Moderna, which many warn are incredibly dangerous, if not outright genocidal.
Both Pfizer and Moderna are jew-made, and mRNA-based:
AND the Pfizer one is being given en masse to Israelis!
IMO, the temporary ban by 19 EU counties of the British-made Astrazeneca vaccine was politics — punishing Britain for leaving the EU.
As for India, it has only had about thirty million people vaccinated out of 1.5 billion. But there are 400 million ppl on HCQ in India.
America has 150 mill ppl vaccinated, out of 350 million, so 33% vs 2% in India.
And india also is using the old fashioned vacc, so itÄs not mRNA. So it’s not going to take them out four years from now, unlike the American Dr Frankenvaxx might. It’s very different.
IMO; if you don’t drop in proximate time [within ten days] after getting the Astra vaxx, you are fine. The American one is dangerous in the long term.
India has like less than three percent vaccinated while America is well over 40%
And the type of vaccine is different. A Jerusalem Post article quotes an Israeli doctor as saying “Which vaccine is given matters.”
America, like Israel, is getting the scary one. But India is getting the standard one, so 1/3rd have been vaccinated in America with the scary mRNA vacc vs 2.7% in India with the old-fashioned, deadened-virus vacc, the NON-mRna vacc.
In India, it is a totally different kettle of fish, and the ppl getting vaccinated in India in many cases will have ties to the West.
As for India and hydroxy, is it still being given out to people in May 2021? YES. Only the rich get the vaccine. Most ppl in Indian live on a dollar a day, and HCQ costs just pennies, whereas the vaccine is like 50$ a pop!! So only 2% of the populatiobn there is getting vacinated. The middle class in India is like 25% now, so they might get it.
But, again,…the vacc they get is TOTALLY different.
It’s a dead, attenuated vaccine. What America has is something else entirely. The Pfizer-Moderna vaxxes are code, genetic code, inserted into the body. There is NO attenuated virus in the new-fangled (((American))) vacc. It’s like a little code that just instructs the body to make antibodies. It literally enters the body’s existing cells, and then instructs them, which a traditional vaccine doesn’ do.7:43
Traditional vaccines enter the body like an ACTUAL virus, fooling the body into thinking it’s under attack, so the immune response kicks in. This is why you get sick, fever, etc. It’s an inflammatory response.
The Indian vaccines are old-fashioned, the Russian Sputnik V as well, and the British one is pretty much as well. Only the (((American))) one is this new “gene therapy.” An Israeli doctor said she wished Israel had taken the British or Russian one, NOT the one by Pfizer.
My late father, who was a research physicist employed the national labs of Oak Ridge and Argonne, would have said of Trump that he was a man who had a deficiency of intestional fortitude.
John, Do you think we will be able to cure all diseases and regrow limbs in the future ?
If earthlings survive, yes. Other species live hundreds of years, and die when they are tired of the incarnation they are in.
With Aryan unity we can accomplish anything ,-)