Info distribution about jew crimes leads to arrest of white couple by negro sheriff on “302 counts of misdemeanor LITTERING” — in open violation of clear Georgia Supreme Court decision

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Couple Arrested, Charged for Handing Out Legal Flyers

By John Friend


In yet another brazen example demonstrating how the First Amendment and freedom of speech has all but been completely destroyed in America, a couple has been arrested and charged each with 302 counts of littering for distributing political and religious literature in a Lithia Springs neighborhood, an unincorporated community about 15 miles west of Atlanta in Douglas County, Ga.

No doubt a target of organized censorship groups such as the Anti-Defamation League for their bold, constitutionally protected free speech activism, Philip and Hillary Jacobs were originally arrested in early November after livestreaming their literature distribution campaign on their video podcast program “Catfish & Weaver,” hosted on the alternative video streaming site Odysee. Philip and Hillary are known online as Mr. and Mrs. Catfish Jankens and have claimed to have personally distributed over 100,000 fliers, mainly in Georgia, in recent years.

Douglas County sheriff’s deputies were made aware of the flyers being distributed, and quickly discovered the livestream video. Nine deputies arrived at the Jacobs’ residence the following day after obtaining warrants for misdemeanor littering and arrested the couple.

Douglas County sheriff officials described the literature as “anti-Semitic” in nature, legitimate political speech and perspectives that are the biggest target by organized grievance groups, law enforcement, and America’s political and mass media establishment. Since the outbreak of hostilities between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip, the American public has been subjected to an endless stream of propaganda denouncing “rising levels of anti-Semitism,” which is portrayed as one of the gravest threats facing the country.

The Jacobs couple have long engaged in flyer distribution in their home state of Georgia as well as Florida, and often use literature promoted by the Goyim Defense League, which concentrates on exposing the role that Jewish individuals and organizations play in various aspects of American society and government as well as their prominent role in promoting endless wars in the Middle East, subversive cultural agendas, and other anti-Christian, anti-American policies.

“First and foremost, our goal is to inform white Americans regarding the Jewish power structure that controls America and our corrupt and craven politicians,” Philip Jacobs told this reporter in an exclusive interview. “We operate in the spirit of Thomas Paine, one of the most iconic pamphleteers in American history. We do not break any laws. We simply exercise our beloved constitutional rights guaranteed under the U.S. constitution.”

The Jacobs argue that their constitutional right to distribute political and religious literature is protected by Georgia Supreme Court case law, specifically Statesboro Publishing Company Inc. v. City of Sylvania.

In that precedent setting case, the City of Sylvania argued that its ordinances restricting the delivery of printed material in the city were designed to protect the aesthetic beauty of the community. However, the court ruled that “the city’s ordinance imposes too many restrictions on the distribution of handbills, pamphlets, and newspapers at homes” and that “the city’s desire to protect the aesthetic beauty of the city does not justify these restrictions.”

“Because the Sylvania ordinance unreasonably restricts the home delivery of printed materials, we hold that it violates the free speech and press provisions of the Georgia Constitution,” the court conclusively ruled.

That is precisely the type of delivery of printed materials the Jacobs have been engaged in.

“My wife and I are charged with 302 counts each of littering, even though the literature was secured in a bag with ballast to prevent the flyers from becoming litter,” Jacobs explained. “Chief Magistrate Judge Susan Camp ordered a $30,000 bond for each of us for political and religious flyers that do not advocate violence in any way and are well within our right under the Georgia State and U.S. constitutions.”

In order to crack down on activists spreading controversial yet constitutionally protected political literature, the state of Florida has previously attempted to criminalize such activism by labeling it as “littering,” a tactic that the state of Georgia has now adopted.

Georgia officials are also seeking to pass legislation further criminalizing “anti-Semitism,” which amounts to criticizing or identifying Jewish power and influence in society.

“To stifle our freedom of speech, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp recently signed HB30, securing a definition of anti-Semitism,” Jacobs noted. “According to the text of the bill, it would ‘require state agencies and departments to consider such definition when determining whether an alleged act was motivated by discriminatory antisemitic intent.’ Other state representatives and senators in Georgia are conspiring with law enforcement to violate the civil rights of Georgians, which is a federal felony.”

Readers are encouraged to visit the Jacobs’ GiveSendGo page* to learn more about their case and to support their legal defense.

You may also donate to Foundation to Defend the First Amendment (FDFA), which has provided a $5,000 legal grant to the couple’s legal counsel in order to help defend themselves against this malicious prosecution. If you do donate to FDFA, please be sure to place “Jacobs” on the memo line of your check or money order so we know where to direct your donation. (See ad at right.)

Currently the Jacobs are being represented by the good people at Free Expression Foundation, headed by attorneys Glen Allen and Randy Sheppard.

* has more information and ways to donate.





…..VIDEO: Married, law-abiding couple raided by a dozen Sheriff’s deputies for exercising free speech.

Michael Weaver of Georgia,  whose birthday happens to be today, April 20th, ( 😉 ) is a long-time white-rights activist and a person who himself has been heavily persecuted, wrote:


It is my job as the GDL spokesman to look after my race and comrades. I want every pro-White activist to know the seriousness of our cause. I do this out of love as an activist of 29 years. Last time I checked the Sheriff’s department of any jurisdiction is suppose to honor and uphold the constitutional rights of its citizens. I’ve attached several videos of the Douglasville, Georgia Sheriff’s Department raiding the Catfishes for a misdemeanor “littering” warrant in the so-called land of the “free.”

These jackbooted Bolshevik thugs are terrorizing White Americans for Orwellian wrong think. This is the epitome of JEWdicial tyranny under a Zionist Occupied Government. Read:,7340,L-3342999,00.html




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