Innocent White Americans murdered by black thugs during pandemic resulting in massive Trump support across South Florida

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White Cubans in Greater Miami have HAD it with black predators.


article by Elena Lombardo

Let’s be honest here.

White Cubans are some of the most “based” people we have.

Having lived on an island inhabited by mostly blacks (and mulattos), where murderous authoritarian Leftist scumbags rose to power, confiscated white-owned businesses, shut down free speech and handed vast swathes of land and cash to the non-white majority will have that effect!

In fact it has had such an impact in recent months, the farther the Demoncrats move Left, the faster Cubans jump ship!

The more the Left panders to black criminality, support looting and rioting etcetera, the more white Floridians in general support pro-white candidates in the Republican Party.

Although Cuban Americans are often seen as criminals, the reality is the vast majority of the crime perpetrated by Americans of Cuban ancestry is perpetrated by non-white Cubans.

While White Cubans have done well in America, Black Cubans have been unable to assimilate. Due to their low IQs and poor work ethic, Black Cubans have failed miserably since arriving on our shores. They, like Florida’s Haitian invaders, have joined the ranks of the state’s African-American community in waging war on White America.

There was a story I read sometime back about a young girl trying to get by during the lockdown that was gunned down by two feral Florida youths. Although the races of the murderers was not immediately known, I knew.

Anyone that trusts their gut instinct and has been successfully able to fend off the brainwashing knows when a young white girl is targeted for robbery, it is going to be by a black male. This is just how these creatures roll.

Let me tell you, as a woman I can tell you that black men scare the hell out of me. Their small brains and high testosterone tell me that when they look at me, they don’t see a young lady, they see a piece of meat.

When blacks see something they like, they take it.

Whether it’s sex from a woman or a pair of sneakers — if it’s not bolted down or standing behind the barrel of a loaded gun — they will take it if given the chance.

There was a pretty horrific murder in Miami recently that illustrates how blacks think and just how evil they are. It was such an enormous local story — that occurred during the height of the pandemic when people were willing to do  anything to pay their bills — that it shook the White Cuban community to its core.

Caps Lacayo (left) was shot in the torso, while her boyfriend, Sergio Berben (right), was grazed in the arm last week

A young White Cuban couple, Andrea Camps and her boyfriend Sergio Berben, trying to survive during the China-virus lockdown, started an online business for selling sneakers. They would buy expensive collectible sneakers at wholesale, and then post photos of them on their Instagram account looking for prospective buyers.

According to the Miami Herald, detectives say Camps, 18, and Berben had agreed on Instagram to sell two “men” who had contacted them on Instagram three pairs of Adidas Yeezy sneakers for $935. One was 19-year-old George Walton.

Police say as the couple sat in their car on a busy public road when the black man named George Walton (not to be confused with George Floyd) approached the vehicle and asked to try on the shoes, but Berben demanded payment.

According to detectives, at that moment a second black male — identified as Adrian Cosby (not to be confused with Bill Cosby) — sneaked up on the couple sitting in Berben’s car and opened fire, striking Camps in the torso and grazing Berben.

Berben drove as quickly as he could to a local hospital, in the hope he could save his beloved girlfriend but, tragically, Andrea Camps died in surgery.


Camps was a student in her last year of study at Terra Environmental Research Institute.  She was the captain of Terra Environmental Research Institute’s competitive dance team and was scheduled to graduate one month before she was murdered.

And let’s have this sink in a bit — she was murdered over sneakers.

Police say they tracked down the murderers by going through the victims’ social media communications. Thankfully, the murderers were morons — using their own computers/mobile device to set up the robbery.

Police say both confessed, with Walton telling detectives — “Gee, officer” — his only intention was to steal the high-end athletic shoes after trying them on.

Berben, who survived after being shot in the arm, reportedly identified Cosby as the gunman.

Imagine losing your life over a pair of sneakers. Losing your life trying to earn a little money to pay for college (Andrea was due to study nursing in the fall) and perhaps pay your rent during a national crisis.

And did we hear about this story?


We were bombarded by stories about how a convicted felon was murdered by cops but heard nothign about Andrea Camps, Sergio Berben or (photo, right half) Canon Hinnant.

Parents of 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant want death penalty for suspect.

But Florida’s white Cuban community sure knew about it.

And they took note of who the murderers were, the national media’s silence, and the Party that empowers the beasts who took the life of one of their own.

As François Arouet pointed our in a recent article, like this nation’s white immigrants of the 17th, 18th, and 19th century, white Caucasian Cubans of Spanish origin (Spain is, of course, a European nation) arrived in America in order to better their lives through hard work and so they have been escaping here since the Castro communist takeover in 1958, often on homemade rafts and planks of wood, fleeing from the Marxist ideology which the Bolshevik Left is pushing now right here in America.

WHITE Cubans had and have no interest in taking over our country, changing our language, or pushing their culture and ideology on anyone.

Trump and the RNC should remind Cuban voters of Fidel Castro, not their political home


They’re a people able and willing to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. And those who want to earn a living with as little bother from State interference as possible typically support Republican candidates.

White Cubans fit into this category perfectly and as such, have become part of the fabric of America.

They shouldn’t be confused with Mexicans — the vast majority of whom are Mestizo or totally non-white — and as such have a very different agenda.

They want to push their language in our schools, and change this country demographically. They want to spew hatred against the men who built this nation, while demanding we let them in. As they are typically from low IQ backgrounds, they care little about success, education and bettering their lives.

Hard to better anything when there are militant blacks empowered by a liberal elite marching around, stabbing, shooting, looting and burning….

This BLM-Antifa havoc, though, has resulted in a huge increase in support for President Trump.

I will leave you now with some good news coming out of South Florida.

NBC reports that, In 2016, only about half the Cuban American vote in Florida went to Trump.

But the numbers have increased, according to recent polls. A Florida International University poll (FIU) released Friday found that 59 percent of South Florida Cuban Americans now say they will vote for Trump.

The boost is coming primarily from those who came from Cuba in the last three decades, as opposed to Cuban Americans born in the U.S., who lean Democratic and now outnumber exiles or those who came from Cuba before 1980, who are reliable Republican voters.

According to the FIU poll, 53 percent of Cubans are registered as Republicans, but among those who arrived between 2010 and 2015, 76 percent say they are registered Republicans.



  1. Hi Elena,

    You write very well. Very clear and easy to understand.

    I have always noticed Cubans as distinctly closer to European Spaniards. It is good to hear that they are becoming more race aware as have the Tex-Mex over the last 200 years.

    If Chicago-style vote rigging can be overcome, Trump would win re-election in a landslide.

    Thanks for this valuable and uplifting information.

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