Inside scoop on Rockwell and Koehl

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A Rockwell news conference with Matt Koehl on our left.


A onetime stormtrooper with the NSWPP wrote me:


Hi John,

It was my privilege to have known and unfriended some great comrades from Chicago and Milwaukee who were great examples to me of National Socialist sacrifice. I NEVER criticized Matt K while he was alive, but I’ll do it now. All of these great men were systematically discouraged by Koehl and his neuroticism. So much potential discarded.

So a great deal of thanks go to these elite men for what I learned from them.


I answered him:

11 Jan at 1:52 PM

Hi, []

Koehl was the perfect example of the Peter Principle, a man whom fate thrust above his competency level. As Rocky’s assistant he was fine — sergeant or corporal material.

I dislike speaking ill of the dead, and honor Koehl for his sincerity and efforts.

My father hated the no-win policy in Korea, saying half his officer class was killed or wounded and evacuated with serious wounds, such as he himself.
So many officers above him were killed that in 1952, at age 25, he, still ranked a first lieutenant (O-2), commanded a battalion of 600 Marines, which normally a lieutenant colonel (O-5) would command.
But he was up to the job.
Koehl was not, but being “commander” was the only job and income he had. He had sacrificed everything to follow Rockwell, likely never dreaming the job would be his.
So, with the French, I say, “comprendre, c’est pardonner.”     
And even if a man of Rocky’s stature had stepped forward, pushing Koehl aside, could he have have done much more than the founder, Commander Rockwell?
The truth?
Rocky himself was sleeping, almost gigolo-style, with a German NS lady in upstate New York just to barely pay the headquarter bills in Arlington. He got himself killed driving himself to the dry cleaner because there was so pitifully little staff on “Hatemonger Hill.”
The old NS just never caught on with Americans, [], even with the ones that hated “n—-rs” and jews.
So I saw Koehl as confronting an impossible task that no one with that approach could have led to victory.
And I felt foreboding when I first knocked on the door in 1978 on Franklin Road.
“I just know this ain’t gonna work.” 
And it didn’t, despite many fine men like you.

The comrade responded that Koehl had bkown a huge opportunity in Marquette Park, Chicagoland, a row full of Jew-hating Lithuanians

I replied:

Metairie, Louisiana was like Marquette Park.

So the Jews poured Hispanics into it. David Duke could never carry the state rep district today which he barely won in the spring of 1989. In fact, he moved totally away to the other side of Lake Pontchartrain to avoid the Mexican tide.

When he ran for US Senate, the commanding general of the Louisiana National Guard wrote a letter to every guardsman in official stationery denouncing Duke by name. Totally illegal, but he got away with it

Duke told me and Margi in Feb. 2007 at his ski chalet in Austria:

“When the Jews realize you are going places, they pull out the stops, and it is like four earthslides hitting you at once.”

We need, literally, as in literally, a miracle.

An actual miracle.

And that is what my religion will achieve.


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