To comrades Ray Goodwin and John Kaminski:
Well, maybe we need to fight fire with fire…. As you know, Ray, Hitler constantly used the word “fanatic” in Mein Kampf as a positive thing, and this at first reading (way back in 1978) of course disturbed me, because our American approach is usually moderation, plurialism, different-strokes-for-different-folks, balance-of-powers, and diverse kinds of white immigrants and religions needing to get along on the frontier.
Hitler and Himmler, however, admired fanaticism, understanding that we just will not beat the Jews with sweet reason, and privately they praised the Catholic church for many things, such as top-down obedience, and especially the Jesuit order for this same reason. We can learn from our enemies!
It is no coincidence that the SS uniform was patterned on the black cassock of the priests of the Catholic Church
My goal in the religion therefore I am creating (fulfilling a project I began in 1984) is to integrate Jesus (and not cynically but sincerely) into it as a ferocious fighter against Judaism, a man who called the Jew leaders children of the Devil (John 8:44)…..
….but to reject utterly what many call Christinsanity, Judeo-Christianity or Saulianity.
Another thing, brother Ray, is that around the world women tend to be religious (including our pagan female ancestors, many of whom were seers and oracles, and think of the Pythia at Delphi or the Vestal Virgins in Rome).
And yet our own WNism is sorely lacking in good women. (I have met some nutzoid skinhead chicks and others who were rather eccentric.) But the ratio of good WN men to good WN women is, I suspect, about 2 to 1.
And this means male WNs must date women who are liberals, and I have had many a chat on Facebook with such men in this predicament. Another reason for a dynamic white religion is to attract women back into our cause, whose triumph is in their own best interests in a world of rape, abortion, childlessness, homosexuality, disrespect for mothers and homemakers, and murder.
London police discover yet another female murder victim of Jack the Ripper, a Polish Jew named Aaron Kosminski
NS means defending women and children from harm, and husbands and fathers who are loving, responsible, and have good-paying jobs
Btw, the current (or is it now the previous) issue of Readers’s Digest (with the military couple and a baby on the cover) has a big article on the cover favorable to reincarnation, written by Jim Tucker, MD of the University of Virginia, which university has 2,500 detailed cases of kids with accurate, detailed memories of earlier lives. (But this is exceptional. They all died young: in war, via an accident, or were murdered.)
To my pleasant surprise, Ray and John Kaminski, the great WN Revilo Oliver, PhD, whose fiercely anti-Christian views are well-known and prominent, wrote very favorably also of reincarnation.
To wit:
here: Revilo P. Oliver º Afterthoughts on Afterlife) almost halfway down)
Revilo P. Oliver º Afterthoughts on Afterlife
by Revilo P. Oliver WE DO NOT KNOW when or how or by whom the notion of a life after death was invented.
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The most reasonable theory that offers immortality to all is metempsychosis [reincarnation ” Ed.].
It avoids all the absurdities and the repulsive immorality of such cults as Christianity, and, by a doctrine of karman, yields the only rational theodicy. It assumes no childish miracles or divine meddling with the immutable laws of nature,
but instead presents itself as natural law that operates uniformly throughout the universe as precisely as do the forces that determine gravity, chemical combinations, or optical phenomena. So plausible and reasonable a doctrine, which cannot be shown to be inconsistent with ascertained facts, naturally appeals to our racial mentality.
There is the difficulty, of course, that the reincarnated individual does not remember his previous lives.
[Oliver is wrong about this: some do, and all of us have feelings we cannot explain of attraction or repulsion, which our upbringing and environment do not explain, toward certain people, races, religions and concepts.]
But it is assumed that his subconscious being persists through all his lives, and it is usually provided that he will at some time remember all his previous lives, at least those in human form, when “the veil of ignorance” drops from his eyes.
In many forms of belief in transmigration, one also avoids the embarrassing question why an afterlife is the perquisite of a limited number of species of anthropoids, to the exclusion of mammals, e.g., dogs and horses, that are often morally superior. And, most persuasive of all, one can construct for each individual a neat evolutionary sequence from the lowest forms of organic life to the human, from the lower races to the higher, from the morally mediocre to the morally superior, and then onward to superhuman beings who reside, perhaps, on other planets in the vast universe in which our earth is but an atom. Metempsychosis could be called a psychic Darwinism, the evolution of spiritual species.
It is possible, of course, to combine the two doctrines, metempsychosis and an Elysium. The most beautiful conception of immortality of which I know, and certainly one that by contrast shows the utter vulgarity of Christian ideas, is set forth in Pindar’s second Olympian: after three or six lives in which a man has lived with strict justice and perfect integrity, he passes beyond the tower of Cronus to the fair realm that cannot be reached by land or sea, where gentle breezes from a placid ocean blow forever on the fields of asphodel. For a description, see Pindar. If the beauty of great poetry can commend a religion, here you have it.
I would invite you to peruse the following if interested:
Two great American antisemites both were on public record as saying they believed reincarnation was a fact: George Patton and Henry Ford
My videos “Are God and the soul real?” almost halfway down here: Videos of JdN Speaking – John de Nugent the testimony of the Harvard brain surgeon is especially interesting.
None of these people, Ray and John Kaminski, are pitiful weenies and losers who need a crutch, or seek a feminizing faith of surrender such as Christinsanity……
Videos of JdN Speaking – John de Nugent
Videos of JdN Speaking SOLUTREA ARISE! . …..ADOLF HITLER – in feeling his continuing presence “MY HEART WILL GO ON” . . Every night in my dreams I see …
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Reincarnation Evidence – John de Nugent
Reincarnation Evidence [edit] “The Highwayman” by Willy Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash Lyrics: I was a highwayman. Along the coac…
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