IRA terrorist sympathiser Biden hates Britain as much as Obama did – he is ALREADY threatening to kill a Brexit trade deal, posing with wanted terrorists and telling our media he’s pro-Irish and therefore loathes us

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by a concerned British grandmother
Firstly I wanted to thank John for giving me an opportunity to write this article after publishing my letter earlier this week discussing my concerns about Biden.
As a patriotic, God-fearing Englishwoman and huge supporter of Brexit, I have always felt a close affinity with the USA, having lived there for many years. This increased with your electing Donald Trump, a genuine self-described Anglophile who openly supported us and embraced Brexit.
Like your NAFTA, Mr Trump knew the EU – and the unfair trade agreement we found ourselves in, resultant mass immigration etc – was killing us!
We also witnessed (I should not speak of Mr Trump in the past tense as I still hold out hope that he will remain in office once the legal votes are counted, and you should too 🙂 a president that loved Britain for the first time for as long as I can recall.
Why do I have the feeling that President Trump loved Britain?
Immediately after the good man took office, he had a bust of Sir Winston Churchill – that Obama had discarded (a precursor to the Talibanesque toppling of statues happening across the West in my opinion) within weeks of his winning in 2008 – returned to the White House.
He also talked about the “special relationship” that exists between Britain and America, and how this was more than our blindly following America into soul-destroying wars, but one based on trade, mutual cooperation, shared history and culture and a longlasting deep friendship – citing the EU and NATO as – irrelevant when it came to Britain and America’s relationship.
He often talked about his love of Britain and how his mother hailed from Scotland. You could feel his genuine warmth.
Conversely, in 2016 the hateful Obama used his demonic pulpit to spit at us during the run-up to the referendum on whether we should leave the EU or not, alienating my nation at a time when we needed your president to remain impartial.
In fact, Obama travelled to London to meet our former PM, the inept David Cameron, to try and convince British voters not to vote for Brexit. But we were not having any of it! We won in spite of him, and in my opinion, partly due to his meddling.
Imagine some glorified colonial subject, with absolutely no business even having an opinion on the matter, travelling to a nation he HATES to try and tell them what to do.  We were appalled at the brazen audacity of Obama, and during my campaigning for Brexit on the streets of Hampshire I spoke to many ordinary people who were enraged at this foreign beast poking his nose in our affairs, as I was. Some even told me that they had been undecided about voting for Brexit, but when they heard the lies and nonsense coming out of Obama’s gob, they too knew we should leave the EU!
In fact, I think it is fair to say that we have a peaceful friendly relationship with Trump’s America – in spite of the abuse he has been subjected to from our press and the likes of London’s Islamist mayor – Sadiq Khan – and there is no reason why that should change. But I am afraid if Biden becomes president, the special relationship between Britain and America will diminish, especially in regard to Biden’s views on Ireland and his links to the IRA.
Firstly let’s look at the sort of Irish people Biden associates himself with.
A photograph emerged recently (see above) in which Biden’s arm is around an IRA fugitive – one Rita O’Hare – with the pair flanked by former Sinn Fein leader, Gerry Adams, who, in a truly brazen admission, said he actually discussed a “united Ireland with the former vice-president”!
In 1972 O’Hare was arrested in Northern Ireland for the attempted murder of a British Army officer in Belfast the previous year.  Yes, the ATTEMPTED murder of a British Army officer. Released on bond, the vile coward “fled” to the South where the Irish High Court (their highest court) ruled that she should not face extradition to the UK because her alleged offence was “political”.
She is believed to be among almost 200 IRA suspects told they would not face prosecution by Tony Blair’s government as part of the Northern Irish peace process.
Imagine if Trump was photographed embracing someone who plotted to kill a soldier?
The man can’t even be seen standing within a mile of someone waving a Confederate flag, but this Biden can be photographed embracing a terrorist! It shouldn’t surprise anyone though, as Biden’s former boss, Obama, also cozied up to the very same terrorist scum.
Biden is also adding fuel to the fire, constantly albeit quite comically, referencing his imagined Irish heritage (I have 4 times the Irish ancestry he has) – yet another indication he will spit at us the first chance he gets. People like Biden are in fact laughed at in Ireland. I suspect though he is too stupid to know that.
If that’s not bad enough, and as a further taste of things to come, I was horrified to see a clip of a video on Youtube in which a reporter from the BBC (a once honourable institution and broadcaster) had stopped Biden as he was leaving an event a few days ago.
The globalist sycophant of a reporter shouted to Biden,
“Hello, Mr. Biden, I’m from the BBC”, while smiling lovingly in the senile fool’s direction. Biden’s snap response was, “The BBC? I’m Irish.” And then, he rushed off. What kind of presidential talk is that?
I could almost hear the blithering idiot saying “Come on, man” as he walked away!
But then again, you ain’t Irish, unless you had your vote stolen by Joe Biden 😉
A lasting impression, I must say!
Then there was his “warning” to Prime Minister Boris Johnson that if Brexit undermines the Good Friday Agreement, there will be no trade deal with the US.
This is appalling. We are counting on that trade agreement as Mr Trump promised it. People’s lives in fact depend on it!
Hopefully, he has already cooked his own goose with Brits by responding in such a hostile manner, although our society-hating lefties will most likely find his disdain and nastiness admirable, so that remains to be seen.
And it wasn’t just me that found it offensive. Every one of my friends commented on his distasteful remark. In Britain we are less tolerant of hostile, arrogant politicians. And sadly, this just isn’t some shanty town rhetoric or the ramblngs of a man caught up in the throes of dementia.
Biden has already started to throw his weight about before he is even confirmed as president-elect. He already told our PM, Boris Johnson, he must scrap the controversial clauses in the Internal Market Bill that is going through Parliament at the moment as it will affect the peace process in Northern Ireland–which is patently false.
The Bill was introduced by the government to protect trade, after the Brexit transition period ends at the end of the year, between all the countries of the UK in order to maintain peace in Northern Ireland.
And this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Generally speaking, thinking about the prospect of a Biden presidency scares me not only as a Brit, but as a Christian who wants to see peace in the world.
There have been no wars during Trump’s time in office; it has in fact been the longest period of peace for many years. Here in the UK most sane people not blinded by our media’s hatred of your president also welcomed that.
This though is now bound to change.
I know that the American neo-cons, who also sadly have influence over Boris Johnson’s administration, are hovering in the wings (soon to be your West Wing) just waiting to start a war and I know Sleepy Joe will comply!!!
Tony Blair and the Bush Iraq War are still fresh in the minds of many Brits. Blair is in fact still reviled by Brits, after all these years, as we have not forgotten the way he teamed up with Bush as his poodle and involved us in a costly, disastrous — in lives and money — illegal war in Iraq. Our mistrust of America was not lessened during the Obama years as we were dragged into a war in Libya – regime change – and the ensuing horrific aftermath.
Four years of peace with Trump as president has changed that, but if Biden wins, those days will soon be a faint spot in our memories.
May God watch over us all.


  1. My God, what a line up. Biden the paedo protector, Gerry Adams …. Gerry’s brother, Liam, was convicted of repeatedly raping his own daughter. Gerry knew about it, yet told his niece to keep quiet. Nice one, Gerry. You left a little girl to be repeatedly raped. No wonder Biden likes you.

  2. My position is firm:

    The Power of Now.

    This was the title of a bestselling spiritual guidebook by the German Eckhart Tolle.

    And so look at us NOW:

    Blacks, browns, Chinese, Muslims, demonic Jews and paedophiles breathing down our necks to genocide us all.

    Now is the time to say we have all sinned in history against our white brothers and ourselves.

    And it was hating each other that let these jews in to divide and conquer us.

  3. I despise Biden but…
    If you believe this was written by a “Concerned British Grandmother” I have a Rothschild-owned bridge in London to sell you. Any bridge, take your pick. The Brits are the primary White traitors responsible for the crisis our race is in. In any new White Imperium that may arise in the future, they should be rendered pariahs and forced to make the reparations and indemnities that they have forced others to make.

    • It was written by her.

      I know her personally.

      Save your hatred for “the British,” please, until you have read this, and then you will understand how the awful, ghastly things the British ruling class has indeed done were even possible. And these misdeeds, btw, have not helped the common British people one tiny bit:

      …..The Normans — white nordic aristocrats who borrowed from and intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class.

      Prescott Bush (r) of the Bush political dynasty — note the nose — with then-U.S. Congressman Richard Nixon

      Ever since the Norman Conquest (done partly by my own de Nugent ancestors, unfortunately), England has been heartless toward the working people.

      The Normans were Vikings who were ravaging France in the AD 800s, and captured even Paris. These Northmen were then given Normandy (henceforth called “Northman-Land” by the French, “La Normandie”) by the king of France as an outright bribe so they would stop marauding all over his country.

      They learned French in Normandy, then cast about after 150 years of very boring peacetime for another land to pillage, conquer and milk dry.

      Rouen, Normandy Jews then lent them the money to launch a vast expedition to conquer England in 1066, and in turn the Normans made them their ruthless moneylenders and tax farmers, using the Domesday Book to record what every Englishman was worth.

      In the end, the profligate Norman lords went broke, then married their sons off to the hooknosed daughters of their Jewish bankers, and as a result England is ruled by lords and gentry like David Cameron with semi-semitic facial features and vile attitudes 0f barely concealed contempt toward the native, common British people:

      They simply use and abuse them, or even rape and molest their children, and send off the grown young “Tommy Jenkins” (in Rudyard Kipling’s word) to kill innocent faraway peoples, or die or be maimed, for the sole benefit of their own parasitical Judeo-Norman wealth and power.

      UK PM Theresa May, hooknosed and all smiles with South African President Ramaphosa, who is seizing all white farmlands without paying a cent.

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