Irish charity exec hacked to death in South Africa for his iPhone by his beloved, oppressed Africans

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A highly respected Irish charity worker has been found brutally hacked to death in his apartment in South Africa just days before he was due to return home to Dublin.

John Curran, 60, has spent two years as the Director of Education for Mellon Educate based in Cape Town helping to bring education to poor local [black] children. 

His body was found in a pool of blood and police sources said he had suffered multiple stab wounds several hours earlier.

Neighbour Dragan Kuruzovic tweeted: “I woke up this morning at like 9am with a woman outside my room SCREAMING about 10 times:

‘Oh my God, my boyfriend is dead. There’s blood all over the place!!”

I heard people running and freaking out, etc. Doors slamming.

“I called my neighbour … He went in the place the moment the girl screamed and saw the full-on dead body and blood all over. Says it was definitely murder”

South African Police Service spokesperson Captain Ezra October confirmed that Mr Curran had been stabbed to death and it seemed that only his phone was stolen.

It is believed CCTV footage has captured Dublin-born Mr Curran’s killer fleeing the block of apartments at 4am where he had lived for several months in Buitengracht Street.

Another neighbour, who asked not to be named, said: “A person had come to see John and I assume they had their own key. […] Someone said it was his girlfriend who found him”.

Mr Curran had spent two years after his retirement working for non-profit-organisation, Dublin-based Mellon Educate in Cape Town, as their Director of Education.

It was his role to work with the South African government to improve the quality of education at under-resourced schools and also build houses for homeless people.

Popular Mr Curran was educated, getting a degree in Multimedia at Trinity College, Dublin, and is believed to have two sisters living in the city, Paula Curran and Dolores Rafferty.

Mr Curran retired from Mellon Educate in September and had moved into the flat where he was murdered shortly afterwards and was due to return home to Dublin this week.

The police have opened a case of murder. No arrests have been made yet.

He then took up his charity role with Mellon Educate in October 2016 until he retired in September this year.

A colleague said: “I know John as a person of high integrity and honesty”.

When Mr Curran joined Mellon Educate the NPO had already built 25,000 houses for the needy and he oversaw numerous charity projects to help build schools for poor local children.

One of his most notable achievements with Mellon Educate was with the help of 270 volunteers to rebuild and renovate schools in the 400,000-strong township of Khayelitsha near Cape Town.

….Jack Sen sent me this news item and commented:

Post on Facebook by Jack Sen, with whom I spoke today on Skype

“I hate to sound callous, but his actions amount to swimming with sharks with a blood-drenched seal carcass duct-taped to his torso.

I wonder if he told them how hard he was fighting “white privilege” while they were gutting him like a fish.

I hate to sound insensitive, but [heedless white liberals] like this put us all in danger. How many young volunteers did he put in danger while running his charity?

The deluded man, like most genuine liberals – not to be confused with champagne socialists like Jeremy Corbyn – needed mental help.


Jack with his daughter Alexa on a Cornwall beach

This post was shared from one of Jack’s Resistance pages. His other page is his primary UK page

….My own comment

As someone of proud Norman-Irish heritage — our family built this ancient castle, Castle Nugent or Delvin, in County Westmeath, around AD 1166 —

….being a descendant of Laval Nugent, a decorated field marshal in Roman Catholic Austria — winning its very highest award for valour, made a count by its emperor after 50 straight years of uninterrupted victories in battle, from fighting Napoleon to beating the Italians and the Hungarians in 1848, 

Knight’s Grand Cross of Maria Theresa

…a relative whom people tell me I very strongly resemble…



… I must confess that the Irish have an underdog-o-mania after 700 years of experiencing harsh occupation that makes them bend over backwards for everyone they are told (by someone) is all innocent and “oppressed.”

When John Curran’s “Irish Eyes Are Smilin’ “– then don’t go confusing him with any facts about the blacks!

And thus the noble quality of compassion is disastrously misused.

In fact…. the ancient Sanskrit word “Aryan” (spoken  by the ancient whites who once ruled India) does not mean blond-hair-and-blue-eyes, but noble, and this word “Aryan” is used to this very day in India in that meaning.

If you help another Indian, he says back to you in gratitude: “That was very Aryan of you.”

Only two men in American history have won the Medal of Honor twice, which is the equivalent of Great Britain’s Victoria Cross, and one of them was Smedley Butler of the legendary US Marines. This is what he said after 33 years of heroic service:

But there is also what is called the sin of “enabling.”

In the hilarious Jim Carrey comedy “Liar, Liar,” Jim play a lawyer who is cursed with a spell which makes him say the truth (an awful burden for an attorney, indeed.)

In this scene, a “homeless person” (start the “pity-party” music) begs for some spare change (coins, money).

But Carrey, this time, cannot lie, and cannot “enable” him. He is “cursed” with telling only the truth! 😉

What liberal whites in Ireland, and England, Germany, France, Sweden, Canada, the US and Australia are cursed with is “denial” and “enabling.”

The bestselling spiritual guide Eckart Tolle (with ten million copies sold of his two book, The Power of Now and The New Earth, has pointed out that if our “egoic mind” takes over, we do literally suicidal things — things that destroy us physically and even our entire country — and

1) imagine it was “for a good cause” and

2) we puff up all self-righteous and feeling good about ourselves, addicted to our delusion of virtue, as we HARM ourselves and our nation (and also do NOT truly help, but instead harm, the racial-minority recipient)!

How on earth are the black South Africans now in any way better off under their current black rulers?

RSA (the Republic of South Africa) under black rule leads the world in rape, AIDS and murder!

Blacks brutalizing their fellow blacks!

And beyond that, they have raped hundreds of thousands of white women and killed an estimated 56,000 white Boers and British South Africans, a race thathad brought order, prosperity, hospitals, schools and western rule of law to them!

The core spiritual problem of white and black both is being in denial and enabling.

We are picking and choosing which truths we like and which we reject … because you — or in many cases it is just your relatives or your so-called “friends” — don’t like these TRUTHS!

A new spiritual path is coming, and it is based on what a man from Galilee said:


The truth is that the different breeds of horses, dogs, and birds are different — and so are the different breeds of humans!



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