Irish-born reporter Neil Munro, who is in the States legally on a green card, interrupts Emperor Obongo at White House to ask why he is granting amnesty for illegals….
He breaks in on Obama, who was not allowing any questions from reporters. Munro asked…..
“Why do you prefer foreign workers over Americans?“
Reporter Heckles Obama at White House Immigration Announcement | The Weekly Standard
Neil Munro explains his exchange with President Obama in Rose Garden
Munro explains that Obama often takes NO questions:
(Black comedian Dave Chapelle)
Batman never fights crime in neighborhoods that need it. I’d like to see Batman fight crime in MY neighborhood.
“Yes, Batman?”
“Didn’t we park the Batmobile right here, man?”
====================SOLUTREAN VIEW OF WOMEN
A comrade in Massachusetts wrote:
I have sometimes wondered about your views on women in society, and I’m not sure if I have read you expound on the subject. I generally take you as a conservative. There are Christian conservatives who see the woman’s role as being “in the home”, hopefully bearing children with the blessing of the Lord and focusing her energy on those things.
At the same time, there are Christian conservatives of the Sarah Palin variety who support raising children and keeping home, but who also can swing with ambitions in business, politics, other careers and maybe wearing some sexy shoes.
There are guys who want their women to be mousy in public, hopefully reserving their hotness for private time at night, and I suppose there are those who want a mouse 24-hours a day. (? huh?)
Then there are those who like to parade their woman as a trophy, happy to see her drawing mean looks from other women and desirous gazes from other men.
And then, of course, there are the women, some of whom are happy to be a satellite orbiting their man, some of whom have a natural independence and view their life stories as being not only unique, but as important and meaningful as any other human’s, including those of the men they mate with.
I suppose I was always one of the latter – I have a relatively high “male side,” as they say and come with all my own tools (absolutely no double entendre intended there! I mean circular saw, reciprocating saw, table saw, jig saw, wet saw and all the other tools that aren’t saws, lol.)
However, my view on my role as a woman in the community changed completely the moment I had a child. It may have changed while I was still pregnant with my first child. I knew I would throw all ambition away and simply be there for my child. I am completely willing to accept this as a fault, this squaw mentality. 😉 The bottom line is recognizing the child’s need for his mother, from birth until whenever. When he or she is sick, or simply cries out in the night from a bad dream, they need the consistency of their mother. Needless to say, I rarely go out at night, when they are small. Sooooo, very long story short, I “get” the fundamentalists’ commitment to preserve the opportunity for women to be there for their children and families.
I guess it was Otis Redding who sang, “Oh she may be weary.. and young girls they do get weary.. wearing that same old shabby dress, yes, yes.. but she gets weary, try a little tenderness…” 😀 Or, hey, try a brand-new freaking dress! Yes! Yes! I do digress.
Service to the family, nose to the grindstone in the home, life with heads down yoked together in good work can grow tedious, I suppose. In the luxurious life 😉 we now enjoy, the concept that two oxen yoked together can pull more than double the combined weight two single oxen could pull might seem silly or irrelevant. Put enough pressure on and those truths become very valuable.
So I am curious about your views on women, in general, in society, in service to the greater good or in service to their families, in bringing home the bread or kneading it on the counter… And I am very much aware of how busy and driven you are.
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I responded:
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A great email — thanx — and actually I have not yet expounded on the role of women on my blog…..
As with everything else, the reality of reincarnation puts everything in perspective. When a spiritual being chooses to be a woman in a given life, then due to hormones and body structure, and then association with girlfriends, sisters, mothers and aunts, and finally through motherhood, she will come to act differently than a man. The eternal spiritual being is the same inside, and sexless, but the outer shell and behavior is modified by woman-ness.
In the same way, a sexless being who becomes a man becomes less talkative, more action-oriented and capable of the harsh and brutal things society requires of men, from taking out trash, lecturing or spanking kids, to confronting his daughter’s boyfriends, or killing spiders, to facing workaday dangers as a construction worker, cop, fireman or soldier. He becomes like his forbears a hunter, a killer-… and she becomes a peaceful gatherer, nourisher and comforter.
A Russian woman in ancient heathen garb (the singer Arkona)
Hallmark revealed years ago that it sells twice as many Mother’s Day as Father’s Day cards….. Sad for men! The role of a mother in a two-parent household — to love — is much sweeter than that of disciplinarian dad….. She is the “good cop” and he must punish and be the “bad cop.”
If a being chooses to be a woman, then it chooses to become emotional, because the love of our little monstrous darlings requires a huge amount of love — a FEELING — and the patience that love instills.
In fact, a being who is very macho can choose to be a woman to learn MORE about compassion, caring, listening and sharing.
If it chooses to be a man, logic and facts will become more important, and simple reality — whether ugly or beautiful.
All over the world, you see heaps of women in leftwing parties — the compassion parties — and a predominance of men (or somewhat masculine women) in rightwing parties, which want hard work and no excuses from people. Liberal parties are “mommy” parties, and conservative parties are “strict father” parties….. I have personally seen this in Italy, America, Germany and France.
Reincarnation means sex, or rather gender, is not absolute, but relative and temporary.
All old souls have been both men and women, and if they integrate both energies they can become truly great, having both compassion and necessary harshness at times.Savitri Devi in her book about Hitler, The Lightning and the Sun,said Hitler was not brutal enough, that he was too compassionate and too “feminine.” It is interesting to watch his hand gestures as a speaker to see that he was very sensitive, very artistic, and almost delicate in how he used his hands. Mussolini wrote his mistress Clara Petacci that Adolf was in general a sentimental person, and actually teared up when meeting him, which the Duce found strange…..
But to answer your question, it is certainly better for women to be dedicated to family, because they are more gifted for this, and men are less gifted for such tender and patient things.
But we must never forget that a feminine woman today was perhaps a great general and a man with a five-o-clock shadow just a few lives ago.
I will publish this on my blog….
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Volunteer firefighters
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La catedrale
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Warsaw Castle
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Saturday, June 16 @ 18:07 : United States, US
Saturday, June 16 @ 18:07 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
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Sainte Chapelle
Saturday, June 16 @ 17:49 : Menifee, California, US
Saturday, June 16 @ 17:49 : Glendale, California, US
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Saturday, June 16 @ 17:43 : Grand Prairie, Texas, US
Saturday, June 16 @ 17:47 : London, GB
Saturday, June 16 @ 17:36 : El Dorado Springs, Missouri, US
Saturday, June 16 @ 17:33 : New York, New York, US
Saturday, June 16 @ 17:25 : Sindelfingen, DE
Saturday, June 16 @ 17:24 : Warsaw, PL
Saturday, June 16 @ 17:16 : Sofia, BG
Saturday, June 16 @ 17:15 : Morocco, MA
Saturday, June 16 @ 17:13 : Elkhorn, Wisconsin, US
Saturday, June 16 @ 17:02 : Tel Aviv-yafo, IL
Saturday, June 16 @ 16:59 : Chicago, Illinois, US
Russia prepares army for Syrian deployment
By Clara Weiss
12 June 2012
[SOURCE: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2012/jun2012/rusy-j12.shtml]
Given the worsening crisis in Syria, the Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper reported that the Russian army is apparently being prepared for a mission in Syria. Citing anonymous sources in the military leadership, the newspaper said that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the general staff to work out a plan for military operations outside Russia, including in Syria.
The units being prepared for an intervention are the 76th Division of airborne forces (an especially experienced unit of the Russian army), the 15th Army Division, as well as special forces from a brigade of the Black Sea fleet, which has a base in the Syrian port of Tartus.
The details of the operational plan are being prepared by the working parties of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation, to which most of the post-Soviet states belong, as well as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, to which China and Russia belong.
According to the newspaper report, deployment depends on the decision of the Russian government and the UN. However, the plans also foresee that the troops might intervene without UN approval. The Russian government has so far not confirmed the report.
On Monday last week, three Russian warships were sighted off the Syrian coast. An anonymous source from the Russian government told the Iranian newspaper Tehran Times that Moscow wants to show NATO that it will not allow any military operation against Damascus under the guise of a humanitarian mission.
Earlier, the secretary-general of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, Nikolai Bordjusha, had held out the possibility of using “peacekeepers” in Syria. “The task in Syria is likely to be to impose peace—primarily against the insurgents, who use weapons to solve political problems.”
Russia and China strongly oppose a military intervention by NATO in Syria, and have already blocked two UN resolutions on the issue. The US and its allies, especially Turkey, Saudi Arabia and France, have stoked up a civil war in Syria and are systematically arming the so-called rebels, who consist mainly of Islamists, ex-members of the government, or Al Qaeda terrorists. Turkey is increasingly in the leadership of the US proxy war in Syria.
one comment:
stupid Russians and Chinese , we have our ppl infiltrating into your government ever since you started to grow in power. you will have to bow down to Us same as the US government DID. it may not be today or tomorrow perhaps a 100 years. our leaders are successful because they can wait 100 years for their plan to work. you will become our next hosts LIKE IT OR NOT. OUR THOUGHTS CANNOT BE DESTROYED. WE WILL RULE THIS MOTHERF**KING PLANET AS GODS.
זה לא יהיה פשוט לקחת את הארץ המובטחת שלנו, אבל כל הקרקעות. אלוהים
ברא אנשים גדולים אבל אנחנו יותר. לקרוא את הספר!
[translated from Hebrew: “We will not just take OUR promised land, but ALL the land. God created some great people but we are greater. Read the Book!”]
============BLOOD RIVER
Having trusted in “moderate conservatives” in 1994, the white South Africans turned their country over to the black majority.
And this has been the result:
But the Afrikaaners once were a God-fearing and fighting people.
In the aftermath of the Battle of Blood River (Zulus against Afrikaaners in 1838)
…….. the Boer chaplain Sarel Arnoldus Cilliers (1801-1871) noted that “when it was
all over, they lay on the ground like pumpkins on a rich soil that had borne a large crop.” He counted over 3,000 dead Zulu bodies.
Incredibly, inconceivably, not a single Boer was killed— and neither was any of their livestock. Besides the gash on their leader’s arm sustained in a hand-to-hand struggle with a Zulu, only two others had received flesh wounds.
The chaplain, recognizing Divine Intervention when he saw it, commented that the
Word of the Lord had been fulfilled:
“By one way shall your enemies come, but by the blessing of the Lord, they shall fly before your face.”
The tough Boer spiritual leader and soldier may well have added an appropriate verse or two from Psalm 91:
“Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day…. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee…. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation.”
However, the Boers were not the only ones who noted God’s hand in the battle. South African author Dirk van der Merwe and Afrikaner historian P. C. Venter, recorded:
“Old Zulus who took part in the battle as young warriors were later to tell that what decided the battle against them was not the Boers shooting from between the wheels of the wagons, but ‘giant white warriors’ shooting from the white cloud hovering above the laager all day… Afrikaners know their survival is completely dependent on Divine intervention.”
=================HOW YOU CAN JOIN MY DONORS:
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Send them to
John de Nugent
76 Highlands Mall 67
Natrona Heights PA 15065
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* * *
“Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens.” — Alphonse de Lamartine
Don’t worry:
As long as there is algebra, there will ALWAYS be prayer in schools.
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