Taylor Swift, mudshark; Is America the reincarnated and again doomed Atlantis?

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….”Another one bites the dust”

I never liked this skinny chick, Taylor Swift, no do I like women bearing male names (like “Taylor”).

And now she has gone full-NWO, as all superstars must. The Khazars won’t let you become world-famous and rich, i.e. powerful and influential, unless you totally sell your soul. The sad thing is how many gifted [censored] artists never reach the top, because there are evil things they just will not do, even for fame and fortune. Margi had a bf named Terry, a gifted painter who struggled until the day he met another woman, a J-Teamer, who got him to paint orgies with Asian males and miserable-looking white girls. THEN he got in all the galleries…… By SELLING HIS SOUL.

Viktoria Hiesberger, Alex Kern and 83 others


…..Muslims cook cat in microwave


The worst fact of all is that even if the perps were Muslims, there are plenty of sicko young whites out there who are willing to do this, especially “do-what-thou-wilt” satanists. I know one, a WN, and would not put anything past him.


In harrowing footage the giggling teenagers from Dunkirk can be seen closing the door on the cat as it desperately tries to struggle out of the oven. The depraved pair then switch on the microwave and watch the helpless animal scramble around and whimper inside.

“French” teenagers with African DNA. Then the media attempts damage control by saying after many death threats from people who found out their addresses.
“One of the address’s listed is of a little old lady” Bullshit.

“The cat is fine — here’s an updated picture of it.”

Lie — completely different cat.

This is yet another example of why I have lost faith in regular white nationalism to cure spiritually sick people. Hating blacks and Jews does not change an asshole into an angel. 😉

In fact, to the extent that WNism is about hating other races (and white libtards, Antifa and leftists), that kind of WNism may actually enhance a negative, fault-finding, perpetually angry personality.

Then such a person lashes out at his or her comrades as well, and maybe even worse, since we are not Deep-State billionaires, just other regular people.

I find the Atlantis story fascinating of the famous healing psychic and reincarnationist Edgar Cayce, whom an earlier edition of Wikipedia confirms to have “held the typical view on blacks and Jews of the South at that time.”

Cayce says that atheistic satanists, “the Sons of Baal,” took over, sacrificed children, denied there was a God but worshipped Lucifer, and drilled mineshafts heedlessly into the very crust of the earth after wealth, even though Atlantis’ outlying areas were sinking for generations before the sudden and total inundation wiped this huge island continent away for good.



As I have blogged, Cayce said the Jews of today were “reincarnated criminals.” And I believe they are also the reincarnated Sons of Baal who gradually seized control of Atlantis, made it insane with conquer-the-wirld ambitions like modern-day Jewmerica with its $738 billion “defense budget,” and defeated the well-intentioned conservative-restoration forces, the “Sons of the Law of One.”

…..More moves to legalize pedophilia


1 Comment

  1. Interesting. I read a lot of Cayce in my late teens/early 20’s and was fascinated with him but don’t remember seeing any of those comments you mention. Very interesting.

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