Is Mars NOT red when you get there? and blue, dagger-shaped UFO hovers over Ohio’s Wright-Patterson AFB

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NASA has always claimed that planet Mars is nothing more than a red dead rock with an almost non-existent atmosphere. According to them originally, with such an atmosphere or lack thereof, the sky on Mars as if one were looking up from the surface should be almost totally black. Yet once the Rovers landed and started snapping photos, it was proven that Mars not only had an atmosphere that was much thicker, but one that also contained beautiful blue skies and clouds that have been recorded passing by.
It was also widely suspected that NASA began to add heavy false “reddish” coloring to the Martian images to make the landscape seem hazy and hostile.

But, evidence has shown that Mars truly does have beautiful blue skies and an atmosphere very similar to Earth.

Something that would allow possible alien life to exist on the planet.. In response, NASA would later state that they would routinely release photos “that had been color corrected” to create the “false blue sky” as a flimsy attempt to cover their tracks and keep up the lie.

Unfortunately for them, the space agency has multiple times been caught in their cover-up, after accidentally publishing Blue Sky Images to the Public as they were first received back via satellite, showing the True unedited Earth-like color of Mars as they were originally taken and beamed back; only to be quickly pulled offline, then re-uploaded with a brand new red filter added.. 🌍–>🔴

So what’s the reason for this?… It’s probably that NASA doesn’t want you looking into Mars. So by controlling the information you see and hear, they convince the public at large to think Mars isn’t special, it has no life, and will never have life. No life equals no aliens, which finally equals don’t look into it and don’t go looking for anomalies.

JdN: Not really red?

But we’ve proven that wrong time and again on this channel, from UFOs above the surface to structures and possible activity down on the ground. Thankfully other Space Agencies like India and Europe are showing more true-to-life color images. Bottom line: Mars is definitely worth looking at.

That’s my take anyway! Stay safe and NEW video being edited!



A Gary Collins’s comment underneath all this:
That is incorrect, the blue in our sky is due to nitrogen in the atmosphere, Mars no longer has an atmosphere. If Mars did have an atmosphere there would be an aura around it, just like our planet has a blue aura around it.
The fact of the matter is is that the only color you see while on Mars, is the sunlight reflecting off of the surface of the planet, which has a red hue to it. This is why the planet looks of the color red to us in the night sky. Now, it may not be quite as red as the left-hand picture, but it does not look like it does on the right, not at all.
You have to remember in 2008 Bill Nye [JdN: “the science guy” — a nasty jew;] realized that images needed to be color corrected due to atmospheric conditions on the planet, and he introduced a system to color correct satellite, and Rover images.
Since 2008 all of NASA’s cameras that they have landed on the planet Mars are already have their cameras color corrected, sending us images that are true to the eye color, looking the same as it would to you if you were actually there… No Mars does not have a blue sky. The current Rover pictures coming back to Earth are correct in color and hue.

…… Dr. Joseph Farrell on the ancient war between Earth and Mars

Closeup of the gigantic scars— No other planet has these…. and no comet or meteorite can make such lengthwise gouges, thousands of miles long.


ENGLISH Fmr NASA employee saw humans on Mars walk toward Viking lander in 1979

……Wright-Patterson AFB sighting

This is the big UFO base the Air Force has for downed spacecraft. (Yes, the US Deep State does brutally shoot them down, killing the crews, to get at the propulsion, metallurgy, and cloaking technology. The US does have good weaponry.)


….Recent donations

— 1 March 2022 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts


— 26 February 2022 $100 check from K in California


— 26 Feb 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 23 Feb 2022 $80 via PayPal from J in San Francisco

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Duran coffee mug from P in Florida

A friend in Florida who also assiduously follows the Dynamic Durans, the best World-Figure-Outers Ever, bought me this elegant and sturdy Duran mug. This is the mug shot. 😉 Soon it will be full of hot coffee as a reward for a morning of snow-blowing (just off Lake Superior in Upper Michigan).


— 22 Feb 2022 $150 by bank wire from P in Australia



— 21 Feb 2022 $100 Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 20 Feb 2022 $100 from K in Massachusetts from CashApp

— 17 Feb 2022 100 euros (same in US dollars) from C in Germany

 — 17 Feb 2022 $100 via Cash App from K in Massachusetts
From: “Cash App” <>
To: “John de Nugent” <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 6:13 PM
Subject: K[] sent you $100
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— 12 Feb 2022 40 euros in cash from M in France

— 10 Feb 2022 200 euros from M in France




  1. Highest Good: Aryan Blood!

    A Viking Age depiction of Odin with two snakes (although some “researchers” want to call him a snake witch) on the picture stone in Fornsalen in Gotland/Sweden (Pay attention to the triskele/swastika of snakes). Viking stonemasonry from Sweden from the 4th century AD:

    Cernunnos was the god of the Celts, he is related to Odin, just as Celts and Germans once emerged from the same root, according to Caesar. Here is a find from England (Cirencester) depicting him. He holds two snakes in his hands:

    The Galsted Buckle (Fibla fra Galsted) – A gold-plated silver buckle made locally around 500 AD. It is believed to represent Óðinn (Odin/Wotan) or Tuisto. The original is in the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen. Notice the two snakes:

    Kon Tiki Viracocha, also called Huiracocha or Wiraqoca, creator deity originally worshipped by the pre-Inca inhabitants of Peru and later incorporated into the Pantheon of the Incas. He has been described as a white bearded god.

    Here is a depiction of him holding two snakes in his hands on the megalithic “Gate of the Sun” at Tiahuanacu (Tiwanaku), Bolivia.

    This god is known in other parts of South America as Quetzalcoatl/Kukulkan.

    He is said to have created the sun and the moon on Lake Titicaca. According to tradition, after creating the rest of heaven and earth, Viracocha wandered the world and taught people the art of civilization. Here is another representation of Viracocha in ancient Tiwanaku (Bolivia). Note: Indians don’t have a beard. “El Barbado”, the bearded (monolith):

    It seems as if Odin, Cernunnos, Tengri (Central Asian Himmerls god of the Aryan Scythies) and Viracocha have one and the same root and the swastika is always their divine sign of eternity. The snakes are also a very old symbol of eternity (Ouroboros = snake biting its tail and forming a ring = eternity = world snake/midgarch snake/Jörmungandr = DNA).

    Highest Good. Aryan Blood. We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children. Wotans conscious lives in our indogermanic blood and connects us all with each other. Do not let GOD die (God is derived from Godan which is the gothic word for Wodan/Odin).

    Tyr (Teiwaz, Tiwaz, Ziu, Tuisto, Zio) is a god in the Germanic writings of the Edda, where he is named as the god of battle and victory on the one hand, but also appears as the preserver of law and order on the other. The Old Norse form of the name is the most commonly known and used. Other singular language forms are in Old English Tiw, Tig, Old Dutch dīs and Old High German Ziu, Tiu, Tiuz.

    The root of his name suggests that Tyr was originally a father or sky god.

    “As progenitors and founders of their nationhood, they [the Teutons] glorify Tuisto, a god sprung from the earth, and his son Mannus in ancient songs-the only kind of historical tradition that exists among them.”

    – Tacitus: Germania 2,2

    The manuscripts to the Germania offer a great variety of spellings of the name; Tuistonem and Tuisconem can be discerned as the main variants. A decision between the two forms of the name is neither possible from the tradition nor from the etymology. Both can be traced back to an element of Germanic *twis- “two-“.

    German (Deutsch) comes from Teutsch. Teutsch from Teutz. Teutz from Tuisto/Ziu/Tiwisko.

    This is the root like Deus/Dyaeus/Zeus.

    Ziu = Zwo = Two (Two). (Example Twilight).

    Odin = Wodan = Godan (Gothic name) = God.

    Odin however is the first.

    In the Indo-European Russian language ODIN is called ONE until today.

    ODIN (=Godan = God) has breathed his breath (Odem = Odin) according to the Edda into an ash tree trunk (=life tree = DNA).

    So the Germans are (according to legend, which always contains a grain of truth) descendants of God.

    Therefore, whoever touches the Germans and white people in general, touches God.

    The highest and most sacred thing that is given to man by nature for his

    nature for his existence, is his hereditary property . This good cannot be acquired or increased. It is

    a good that we have been entrusted by our Creator to manage and pass on.

    It lies hidden in thousands and thousands of living cells,

    cells that lie dormant in our bodies like treasure chambers. They are the carriers

    of our life and destiny and contain all the inheritances of the body and soul of our

    ancestors for thousands of years. Shape and essence, feeling and will, thought and deed have their origin in these inconspicuous structures.

    Draw strength and character from them!

    This hereditary property decides about

    happiness and sorrow, success or ruin of a human being; it makes him good or bad

    good or bad, strong or weak, gifted or untalented.

    You must also know and care for this precious property; you must understand the

    life laws of the blood and serve them in such a way that you consecrate your whole life to them. Above all, you must take care of the valuable

    and good qualities that have flowed into your blood from your ancestors.

    Nurture them, promote them and bring them to fruition, preserve them against the hardships and disfavor of the environment and enforce them. But you also have to take care of the darknesses in your blood, and the evil inclinations that haunt you, with open senses.

    You cannot eradicate your weak dispositions and evil inclinations, but you can

    suppress them within you, and above all you should develop the valuable

    forces in you. You can desecrate or honor the inheritance of your ancestors, you can use it

    irresponsibly or use it responsibly in the struggle for life.

    In this respect, you are the master of your will and thus the master of your

    destiny. In this, the Creator has clearly raised us far above the animal.

    This will is the divine spark in you, which makes you the lord of your

    inheritance, the co-responsible shaper of your destiny. “Where there is a

    Will, there is always a way.”

    You are not today and you are not tomorrow. You are a thousand years before you and

    are a thousand years after you.

    A thousand years before you have guarded their blood that you became as you are.

    Take care of your blood, so that the generations of the thousand years after you

    know thanks.

    That is the meaning of life, that God becomes awake in the blood. But only in pure blood is God.

    Your ancestors are our people of old:

    In you lives the heritage of millions of ancestors, the blood of your whole people.

    Behind your 2 parents there are 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents and so on. With each previous ancestor sequence the number of your ancestors doubles. In the 25.

    Generation it is already more than 33 million. 25 generations, that is about

    600 years. From each of these 16 million men and 16 million women you are

    you are a part, a breath, a feeling, a thought. All of them still live in

    your form and your being immortally until today. 16 million men

    and 16 million women have woven on you, have bequeathed, strengthened or

    erased. All the people of that time are your ancestors, as they are the ancestors of all of us.

    So also the history of your people is your own history.

    Our common blood and our common history make us

    brothers. In this great community, your blood, your soul also lives on.

    It lives in your deeds and works, your thinking and dreams . and will

    one day be in your children and grandchildren.

    You too, fight for the future of this blood! In the blood

    of your people you are immortal.

    -Hans Belstler “Du stehst im Volk”

    “If a people is led to its end by the means of governmental power, the resistance of each and every one of this people is not only a right but a duty.

    The struggle is therefore will be fought with “legal” means as long as the power to be uses such means; however, it will also use illegal means, if the oppressor also uses such means aswell.

    In general, however, it should never be forgotten that it is not the preservation of a state or even that of a government is the highest purpose of existence, but the preservation of its own kind.

    If, however, this species itself is in danger of being suppressed or even

    eliminated, then the question of legality plays only a subordinate role. It may then be

    that the ruling power will use a thousand times so-called “legal” means in their actions, nevertheless the self-preservation instinct of the oppressed is always the most

    noble justification for their struggle with all weapons.

    Only from the recognition of this proposition alone history provides us with gigantic examples of struggles for freedom against internal and external enslavement of peoples.

    Human right breaks state law.

    The world is not there for cowardly peoples.”

    -Adolf Hitler “My Struggle” (“Mein Kampf” Page 104 – 105)

    “He who wants to live, let him fight, and he who does not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve life.”

    That the white gods in ancient south america were european white people can be confirmed by DNA evidence carried out by researcher Brian Foerster on the long skulls found in South America:

    Latest DNA Results For The Elongated Skulls Of Paracas: Part 1 Of 4: The Red Haired Baby – Hidden Inca Tours

    “DNA tests of the baby paracas were performed in the laboratory at Lakehead University in Canada, as well as in two other laboratories in the United States. The results showed that there is only one recognizable haplogroup, namely U2e1. This haplogroup is not associated with native Americans, but with proto-Germanic and proto-Balto-Slavic speakers!”

    Kon Tiki Viracocha was also called “The Feathered Serpent”. Here is a depiction of the “Feathered Serpent” in North America (Mount Builders) as a swastika:

    The swastika is a symbol for eternity. God (Godan = Odin = Odins Breath = Life Force) lives on in our aryan blood, which can be eternal, if we have big white families, do not race mix and protect our people from all threats, that endanger our existance.

    God is with us. Therefore: God wills it. DEUS VULT!

    The Legend Of The Blue Eyed Bearded Gods Of Mesoamerica :

    Library Genesis: Thor Heyerdahl – White Gods – American Indians in the Pacific – Thor Heyerdahl (No OCR)

    One can also read Plato’s dialogue on Atlantis: Critias (dialogue) – Wikipedia Plato describes the origins of Atlantis (from the knowledge he is said to have brought with him from Egyptian priests, who are said to have possessed a great historical record). He said that Atlantis was assigned to Poseidon. Poseidon fell in love with a mortal girl named Cleito (daughter of Evenor and Leucippe), and she gave birth to a number of children, the first of whom was called Atlas, who inherited the kingdom and passed it on to his firstborn for many generations. Kritias then describes in great detail the island of Atlantis and the temple of Poseidon and Kleito on the island and refers to the legendary metal Orichalcum. Critias then repeats the remarkable virtuousness of the Atlanteans, saying:

    “For many generations, as long as the divine nature lasted in them, they were obedient to the laws and besent to the God whose seed they were; for they possessed true and great spirits in every respect, who united gentleness with wisdom on the various occasions of life and in their dealings with one another. They despised everything but virtue, cared little about their present state of life, and thought little of the possession of gold and other goods that seemed to them to be only a burden; they were neither intoxicated by luxury, nor did wealth rob them of self-control, but they were sober and saw clearly that all these goods are multiplied by virtue and friendship among themselves, while they are lost by too much respect and respect for them and friendship with them.”

    However, the Atlanteans were corrupted: “… when the divine part began to dwindle and diluted too often and too much with the mortal admixture, and human nature gained the upper hand, they behaved improperly, since they could not bear their happiness, and were visibly humiliated for him who had an eye for it, for they lost the most beautiful of their precious gifts; but to those who had no eye for seeing true happiness, they appeared glorious and blessed just when they were full of stinginess and unjust power.”

    Plato tells us about the gods who came from heaven and gave us their DNA. A German researcher (Spanuth) has located Atlantis in the North Sea (Dogerland and Helgoland). Therefore, it can be said that the Germans and the whites are the true chosen race. The descendants of the white gods.

    Atlantis The Mystery Unraveled Jurgen Spanuth:

    Atlantis Edda & Bible by Hermann Wieland (1925) : Hermann Wieland

    Compare this with Genesis in the “Bible”, which goes back to ancient Sumerian sources: “then the sons of God saw after the daughters of men how they were beautiful, and took to women whom they wanted.” (1 Moses 6:2).

    Highest Good. Aryan Blood. We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children. Wotans conscious lives in our indogermanic blood and connects us all with each other. Do not let GOD die.

  2. Regarding the giant Valles Marineris canyon on Mars, which dwarfs Earth’s Grand Canyon, was most likely carved out by giant electric arc discharges emanating from space. The videos and websites below theorize that another planet, possibly the one whose remains now compose the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, got too close to Mars in the ancient past, which caused giant electric arc discharges to pass between that planet and Mars, destroying that planet and carving out the Valles Maineris canyon and other strange geological features on Mars. The other possibility, not considered by these videos and websites, is that some advanced race had space-based weapons capable of generating these giant electric arc discharges:

    • True, indeed. Someone (Mr. de Nugent) should make an article out of it.

      Here is a picture for John de Nugent to use, in his brave fight to expose the truth.

      • VERY good meme, and thanks.

        But I might suggest some changes.

        On two, Mary was of Irish heritage, but not Catholic. In the Deep South, except for heavily Acadian-French Louisiana, there were not many Catholics or Catholic churches.

        So Mary devoutly attended and was very active in the Second Baptist Church in Marietta. In fact, little Mary, who stood just 4’9″ at age thirteen, had already washed and ironed her white Sunday dress for church on the Saturday that she was murdered.

        Third part: The ADL was founded in September of 1913, a month after Leo Frank was convicted of murder and sentenced to hang. Its real purpose was indeed to overturn Leo Frank’s murder conviction (or to get the death sentence commuted by the governor to life imprisonment in the hopes of getting a second trial eventually where Frank could use big jew lawyers and money to get a more favorable judge and jury, then bribe or threaten them, get found “not guilty” and thus get away with murder.

        The ADL was actually founded almost two full years before he was righteously lynched (September 1913-August 1915).

        If the meme can be redone, I might suggest this wording:


        My name is Leo Frank, the Harvey Weinstein of 1913 Atlanta. I was President of the Atlanta B’nai B’rith and superintendent of the National Pencil Company, and sexually harassed Gentile girls non-stop.

        This is Mary Phagan, a devout, 13-year-old Christian girl and virgin who worked 55 hours a week at my factory. I knocked her out, then raped and strangled her after she refused to submit to my sexual demands. Three juries and three detective teams I hired found me guilty of premeditated murder.

        A month after my conviction and death sentence — later confirmed by the Georgia and US Supreme Courts — wealthy New York Jews met to create the ADL. Its purpose was to to overturn my just sentence and henceforth to systematically defame ALL critics of Jewry as hate-filled bigots.

        Outraged and righteous Georgia citizens seized me from prison and hanged me facing Mary’s family farm in August 1915.

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