Is the end nearing for the US eagle?

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The Great Seal of the United States (photo source: Reuters) in front of a US embassy. [JdN: Notice the Star of David up there, put there by the Judeophile president Franklin Roosevelt in 1935!]

The fall of the eagle is near, by Bruno Guigue
Apr 23, 2019

[source: Translated from the French by me, JdN]

A professor and observer of international politics, Bruno Guigue discusses a recent discussion between Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump to analyze and explain his vision of the decline of the American hyper power.

Would we reach this crucial moment when the declining hyperpower begins to doubt itself? The American press has just recounted what former President Jimmy Carter told Donald Trump during their recent interview. The White House tenant had invited his predecessor to tell him about relations between China and the United States, and Jimmy Carter publicly reported on the talk at a Baptist meeting in Georgia. It’s a real nugget.
You are worried that China is passing us, and I agree with you. But do you know why China is passing ? I normalized diplomatic relations with Beijing in 1979. Since that date, do you know how many times China has been at war with anyone? Not even once. And we are constantly at war. The United States is the most warlike nation in the history of the world because it wants to impose American values ​​on other countries. China, for its part, is investing its resources in projects such as high-speed railroads instead of spending them on military spending.


How many kilometers of high-speed rail do we have in this country? We have wasted $ 3 trillion in military spending. China has not wasted a cent for wr, and that is why it is ahead of us in almost every area. And if we had taken that $3 trillion and put itinto US infrastructure, we would have a high-speed railroad. We would have bridges that do not collapse. We would have roads that are maintained properly. Our educational system would be as good as that of South Korea or Hong Kong.
That such common sense has never touched the mind of an American leader speaks volumes about the nature of power in this country. It is doubtless difficult for a state that accounts for 45% of world military expenditure and has 725 military bases abroad, where the arms industry controls the deep state and whose foreign policy has made 20 million. since 1945, to question its own pathological relationship with armed violence.

The aircraft carrier “Enterprise”

“The war in Vietnam,” said Martin Luther King, “is a symptom of a disease of the American spirit whose pillars are racism, materialism and militarism.”
But this question is mainly about the future. By the fault of their leaders, are the United States condemned to know the fate of these empires who have succumbed to their excessive ambitions, literally asphyxiated by the exorbitant weight of military expenditure? At the end of his term, in 1961, President Eisenhower denounced with prophetic accents a military-industrial complex that put a heavy burden on American society.


No more than Donald Trump or Barack Obama, he did not care about the fate of people hungry, invaded or bombed by Uncle Sam in the name of democracy and human rights. But like Jimmy Carter today, he sensed that the arms race would be the main cause of the decline of the empire.
Because the neoconservatives and other “Doctor Strangelove” of the Pentagon, for several decades, have not only rhymed American democracy and mass murder in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and in Syria, not to mention the killings orchestrated in the shadows by the CIA and its branches,

from the extermination of the Indonesian left (500,000 dead) to the exploits of Guatemalan death squads (200,000 dead) through the baths of blood executed on behalf of the empire by the lobotomized planetary jihad. The strategists of the containment of communism with napalm shots, then the wizard-apprentices of the constructive chaos by importing terror, in fact, have not only set the planet ablaze.
Puppets of the deep American state, these warmongers who have established themselves in Congress, in the White House and in the neo-con think tanks have also plunged the American society in an interior doldrums that barely mask the frenetic use of the board to tickets. If the warmongering of the United States is the expression of their decline, it is also the cause.

It is its expression, seeking to stop its decline by the brutality of military intervention, economic sabotage and false flag operations —  the hallmark of US foreign policy. It is the cause, when the inflation of military spending sacrifices the development of a country where the rich are getting ever richer and the poor more and more numerous.
As China invests in civilian infrastructure, the United States is abandoning its own for the benefit of its arms industries. Washington is ranting outside its borders, but lets the country disintegrate within. GDP per capita is huge, but 20% of the population lives in poverty. American inmates make up 25% of the world’s prisoners. 40% of the population is struck by obesity.


God bless America…..


The life expectancy of Americans (79.6 years) has passed below that of Cubans (80 years). How can a small socialist country, subject to embargo, do better than a gigantic capitalist power crowned by its planetary hegemony? It must be believed that in the USA the health of the plebs is not the major concern of the elites.
A skilful competitor, Donald Trump won the 2016 elections by promising to restore the greatness of the United States and committing to restore jobs lost due to unbridled globalization. But the results obtained, in the absence of structural reforms, inflict a cold shower on his incantatory ardor. The trade deficit with the rest of the world has exploded in 2018, beating a historic record (891 billion dollars) which pulverizes that of 2017 (795 billion). Donald Trump has completely failed to turn the tide, and the first two years of his administration are the worst for business in US history.
In this overall deficit, the persistent imbalance of trade with China is heavy. It reached in 2018 a historic record (419 billion) which exceeds the disastrous record of the year 2017 (375 billion). In fact, Donald Trump’s trade war has especially aggravated the US trade deficit. While imports of Chinese goods to the United States continued to grow (+ 7%), China reduced its imports from the United States.

Donald Trump wanted to use the tariff weapon to rebalance the US trade balance. It was not illegitimate, but unrealistic for a country that linked its destiny to that of a globalization dictated by transnational companies Made in the USA.
If we add that the trade deficit with Europe, Mexico, Canada and Russia has also worsened, we are measuring the difficulties that beset the declining hyperpower. But that’s not all. In addition to the trade deficit, the federal fiscal deficit has also widened ($ 779 billion, against $ 666 billion in 2017). It is true that the flight of military spending is impressive. The Pentagon’s budget for 2019 is the highest in US history: 686 billion dollars. The same year, China spent 175 billion, with a population four times higher. Unsurprisingly, under these conditions, the federal debt broke a new record, reaching 22.175 trillion dollars. As for private debt, that of businesses and individuals, it makes you dizzy (73 trillion dollars).
Admittedly, the United States benefits from an exceptional situation. The dollar is still the reference currency for international trade and central bank reserves. But this privilege is not eternal.

China and Russia are replacing their dollar reserves with gold bullion and a growing share of trade is now denominated in yuan.


The United States lives on credit at the expense of the rest of the world, but for how long? According to the latest study by the PwC audit firm (“The World in 2050: How the World Economy Will Change in the Next 30 Years”), emerging countries (China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Turkey) could to account for almost 50% of global GDP in 2050, while the share of G7 countries (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan) would fall to 20%.
The fall of the eagle is near.


….In the near future, national socialism will be reborn

in a new form for our multiracial and totalitarian times.


As we fight for a new hope, it is important to realize that we national socialists do not represent a pie-in-the-sky theory, a proposal, but a successful reality.

WE took a real nation — a shattered country, the Weimar Germany of 1932 — which was bankrupt in the Jew-triggered “Great Depression” in every way that was imaginable — financially, morally, militarily, culturally, psychologically and politically — with millions literally facing starvation and actually contemplating suicide.

“Our last hope — Hitler”


And while America remained racked by the Great Depression under Franklin Rosenfeld, part-Jewish via both his father and mother (she was the daughter of Warren Delano, a descendant of sephardic jews and an opium dealer), under Adolf Hitler Germany began eliminating the Jewish middle man, and turning around instantly, becoming a free, prosperous Great Power again in just five years!

It was Franklin Delano Rosenfeld who by executive order high-handedly had the Great Seal of the United States redesigned in 1935 so a Star of David appeared over the American eagle. Hard to get more blatant than that 😉 And so as Jesus said: “Let those who have eyes, SEE!”





The “old” Great Seal had a very random pattern of thirteen stars, symbolizing the thirteen rebellious colonies that fought for their freedom.

the first sketch in 1782s, approved by Congress






1882 commemorative coin


Back of the old one-dollar bill under the Republican presidents Harding, Coolidge and Hoover

By Rosenfeld’s executive order, the Great Seal was openly Judaized, and the sinister Freemasonic pyramid with a watching eyeball, seen here, with the Latin mottos “Our plan has succeeded” and “New World Order” was switched by FDR to the left side.







Back to national socialism and its prowess:

When a second world war was forced upon Germany by Delano Rosenfeld, the Reich proceeded to smash 1939-41 every enemy that had stymied the old Germany in WWI!

It finally took the gigantic militaries of three superpowers three more years of extreme, all-out effort — the UK, US and USSR — to beat just ONE nation, National Socialist Germany!

And today — here is the truth — China is soaring. Why?

OH-SO-QUIETLY, and without admitting it to the jew-run West, China, dumping all marxist economic theory, is using almost ALL of Adolf Hitler’s key teachings on preserving and improving the race,

— the leader principle,

— the folk community and

— nationally planned, free-market economics

to become a superpower itself!



Zero race mixing with any lower races!

pride in a great and ancient heritage — and hard work, practical education and strong family!

The Chinese also crack down on foreign, semitic, trouble-making Islam!

China legalizes re-education camp for Muslims, bans Halal slaughter! Like Kosher, Halal has no place on our shores


What can you do — right now?

Read everything you can on national socialism so you can fight for it when it returns!



Jews, your “Man in the High Castle” series on Amazon is playing with fire! You portray America under NS as being all stifled and oppressed — but it is NOW that white people are stifled, oppressed, humiliated and attacked!


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