Is the Siteground webhosting company taking money from the Jews to give us terrible service?

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404 error message — a constant now on Siteground. 

All my videos are on and it is down most of the time.

Over two months of constant slowdowns and hackings of my own site,, have caused views of my site to decline by a third,. I and my webmaster, who is extremely skilled and professional, have switched from Siteground to Orange to InMotion and now back again to Siteground.

Siteground used to give excellent service, and did so for years on end, while being fully aware of my WN content, so we returned to them.

Now they seem engaged, under Jew influence or threats, in inflicting deliberate time-devouring sabotage on me.

I cannot upload photos, then I can, then it stops me again.

I cannot activate a ”plugin” to see even how many people are visiting my site!

This photo uploading is important for some paid work I am doing, such as this online version of the book The Nameless War, by Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay.

The Nameless War, by Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay (1 of 4)

The Nameless War, by Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay (2 of 4)


I need donations, serious donations, and NOW, to switch again.

Otherwise I am at the total mercy of a webhost who seems to now be working for the jew enemy.

Otherwise, when I start the religion Virtus, no one will know about it because the site will be down, very slow (45 seconds to open), or otherwise disabled, and the key videos will not be see-able, because will  be down.

I think really only a retard would not agree that the Jews are showing by all these actions a real fear of my potential to cause them great harm.

They are just afraid in general due to Brexit and the Trump victory.

I am sure you all understand that I am risking my life here, as I have for decades, but now more than ever.


It is karma on you if you do nothing. It is glory if you do all you can to help.



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