Is the Ukraine crisis largely about keeping GERMANY down? and Russia begins joint air patrols with Israel’s enemy, SYRIA

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German chancellor Olaf Scholtz gets a sinister smile from Brandon

This is an especially brilliant Duran video! A key goal of this manufactured Ukraine crisis is to prevent Nord Stream 2 and keep Germany subservient to the US!

My comment:

@theduran This is about these people using America to put their boot on the Germans’ necks…

even if the Germans in power are Social Democrats and Greens, leftists and anti-Nazis who are obsessively apologetic over the claimed “Holocaust.”
They still are Germans — and Germans must be humiliated forever by the Victoria Nuland people.
Btw, the Germans are forbidden by an Allied Occupation Decree to resume making gasoline out of coal, as they did massively during WWII, notably at the giant refinery at Auschwitz. Even a truncated Germany still has immense coal reserves, and yet their coal mines have been flooded with water!!
The sinister goal of shutting down NS2 is for the US Deep State to make the huge German economy dependent on outside energy sources which Washington controls — again, to dominate and bully the Germans, even wokie Germans born five decades after the war.

Notably, also, the German eagle is depicted as being inside a cage shaped like a hexagram, which is the interior of a Star of David!

Auschwitz had a huge refinery to turn coal into gasoline:

and another to make artificial rubber for tires for cars and trucks:



….Russia now patrolling Syrian skies as protection against IsraHell

Syria is at war with Israel, and has never negotiated with it. It is the last Arab country to stand up to the jews.

The Durans also made the extremely important point of the disastrous Western underestimation of the Russian economy, comparing it even to the US state of Iowa!

In reality, it is tied for third place with Japan!


World’s top 10 largest economies

  1. United States of America
  2. China
  3. Japan/Russia
  4. Germany
  5. India
  6. France
  7. United Kingdom
  8. Italy
  9. Brazil
  10. Canada1


    • Thanks.

      “I’m sorry I offended you that definitely was not my attention,”


      But the truth is I would have dinner with him. Elite people of all races can have a meeting of the minds. In the NFL these guys take an incredible pounding and keep on fighting.

    • Austrian actors in Hollywood bash the Germans to kiss the jews’ ass.

      Waltz is a despicable traitor for acting in “Inglorious Basterds.” But he made tons of money, and that is all that counts…He was certainly convincing as a psychopath, a role he was born for. 😉

      What Waltz says is somewhat true if one also hears what he says between the lines — that Austrians ARE Germans, just not as blunt.

      The place is spotless; everything is on time; quality must be perfect; and, before the Muslims came, there was basically no crime.

      Believe me, it is like the difference between Tennessee and Georgia, both Southern.

      I have lived in both places, and in Austria and Germany.

      Austrians are very strict, and are simply southern Germans, and historically the offshoots of Upper Bavaria.

      I should know. 😉

      In the new religion, we are both yin and yang, lightning and the sun.

  1. I found this article very informative. Like most Americans I don’t see beyond our borders; and the issue of nordstream 2 was unknown to me.

    The importance of a pipeline by which Russian natural gas could be supplied to Germany was invisible to me until I read this article.

    Good work!

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