Is the US Deep State (or its Antifa/BLM darlings) burning down the West Coast?

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This was a really good tweet by conservative actor James Woods!


Canada does indeed report 1/3rd LESS fires than previous years:

Mexico has so few wildland fires that it is sending firefighters up to the american State of Oregon:

I will refer to my blogs over the last two years past on this, which conclude that the US Deep State IS deliberately burning down the West Coast.

Georgia Guidestones commandment number one:

  1. The (((Deep State))) is practicing its genocide, ahem, “depopulation” techniques. IMO, the Thailand tsunami that killed 400,000 innocent people, probably using HAARP and/or an underwater nuke, was also genocide practice.
  2. By burning rural and suburban single-family homes down, it is basically getting ALL the whites out of California, Oregon and Washington State, preparatory to, IMO, possibly a literal Chinese takeover. If Trump is gone, you can count on the Chinese taking the West Coast, perhaps after the US “defaults” on its gigantic debts to China and/or the U.S. dollar collapses.


Giant California fires — NWO practicing with weapons for white expulsion and genocide — even sewers catching on fire!!

READ THIS: Air Force pilot confesses who does the chemtrailing and how they keep it secret; why did California have 13 years of drought and fires 2006-2019?

Totalitarian, one-party-leftist California thwarts vital survival tool of ham radio

California Logged Its Hottest Month Ever, and Things Are Only Going to Get Worse

Are the massive forest fires out west a sign of JWO depopulation? I brutally confront a Harvard pro-chemtrails guru about being a Jew




  1. I live in San Francisco. As of today, Saturday, the air is so bad you shouldn’t go outside. There will not be good air until Tuesday, I’ve read.

  2. I worry about the pigeons. They have been breathing the bad air. They have no indoor shelter in which to retreat, as we do. I worry about the pigeons.

    Are Jews responsible for this bad state of affairs? I expect they are.

    Soon I will acquire a vehicle and will explore California towns east of San Francisco. I will do this in order to distribute a free book I wrote in 2014. When I to this I will see for myself whether the Whites of this part of California have vacated the state, or whether they are rebuilding. I will report here about this.

  3. It is obvious that Oregon Governor Kate Brown is a Communist revolutionary facilitating the overthrow and the destruction of the State of Oregon. It is a Constitutional offense to NOT invoke the Insurrection Act to arrest and prosecute this governor and her co-communist officials for treason. If no forceful action is taken against this subversion, these Communists will win. It is an actual war, and it is not likely to be a “mostly peaceful confrontation.”
    Take a quick look at important information before it gets replaced as the current posted news changes as it comes in.
    A few photos and screen shots, too. By the way, the Clackamas County Sheriff has also been fired for speaking the truth about Antifa arson in a twitter video. As an Oregon resident, this infuriates me.

    “BOOOOM: After Oregon’s fire marshal (Jim Walker) pointed out that most of the fires were arson, THEY FIRED HIM AND PUT IN A LATINO ANTIFA SUPPORTER.
    The police, the fire marshal and lots of witnesses are saying Antifa is lighting the fires, and the FBI says they are not. Considering the fires the FBI lit on 911, including to their own world headquarters in building 7, who are you going to believe? Police, eyewitnesses, or them? Why did they force the fire marshall to resign immediately and put in his place an Antifa sympathizer???
    I kid you not!!! Antifa lighting the fires soaked through the censorship like cheese cloth and now Oregon TOOK ACTION and has a female hispanic fire marshal in place that will not mention arson. TOO LATE:

    Two antifa were spotted in gas masks lighting a hayfield on fire.

    Three other Antifa were spotted by power crews lighting fires as they tried to repair lines that Antifa downed.

    A BLM/Antifa activist who has been protesting since 2014 was busted as he lit a fire on Highway 167

    CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OR-Heard over the Police Scanner: “Suspicious Vehicle (Subaru) With Texas Plates Throwing Molotov Cocktails.” that will get a fire going quick

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