Spanish painting from the 1400s depicts a genuine UFO, implying that Jesus himself was a Nordic alien. As His disciples, all blond, look on, He ascends to heaven in a flying saucer.
This will be one of the more extraordinary blogs I’ve ever done.
Actual footage (apparently) of a UFO that is shaped like a fork flying silently over downtown Los Angeles:
I will summarize it first:
- Earthlings are anything but alone in this universe and on this planet, and some of these aliens are literally humans, advanced humans who often look very Scandinavian, who wish us well, and want earthlings, especially Whites (which they themselves are) to survive and evolve into a mature and peaceful civilization
- Werner von Braun, after being pushed by the juze out of NASA, and then going to work at Fairchild Industries outside of Washington, D.C, told his assistant there, Carol Rosin, PhD, that the Pentagon was planning four fake or exaggerated panic campaigns. The first three would be 1) the fear of communism, 2) the fear of terrorists, 3) the fear of gigantic asteroids or comets striking the earth (requiring expensive, huge space-laser weapons costing trillions), AND 4) a genuinely catastrophic, dangerous and real conflict after a fake “alien invasion” which would lead to widespread devastation,
- As federal insiders David Grusch and Luis Elizondo have both testified recently to Congress, and as Area 51 worker Bob Lazar has been saying since the late 1980s, since back in the Nineteen Forties the US has been shooting down (or recovering) crashed UFOs and then “back-engineering” alien technology
- The huge, black, triangular UFOs are US-made TR3s; one of them notably overflew Phoenix, Arizona in 1997, causing a huge uproar when seen by hundreds of thousands of people … This was a US spacecraft… and it moved in absolute silence…
Wiki:Shortly after the 1997 incident, Arizona Governor Fife Symington III held a press conference, joking that “they found who was responsible” and revealing an aide dressed in an alien costume. Later, in 2007, Symington reportedly told a UFO investigator he’d had a personal close encounter with an alien spacecraft but remained silent “because he didn’t want to panic the populace”. According to Symington, “I’m a pilot and I know just about every machine that flies. It was bigger than anything that I’ve ever seen. It remains a great mystery. Other people saw it, responsible people… I don’t know why people would ridicule it“.[10][17][18][19]
Former Arizona Governor says he saw a UFO during the 1997 Phoenix Lights
- In New Jersey and elsewhere we have been seeing for MONTHS now “SUV-size drones” but also crafts with “alien” capabilities, such as flying (or simply hovering) in an eerie, total silence; instant acceleration to Mach 10; the ability of some crafts to somehow sense when an earthling is looking at, discussing, thinking intensely about, or photographing a UFO, and then to visually disappear instantly from sight as if they were dematerializing, or, in Star Trek lingo, “cloaking” (and they already had no radar signature at all). I saw this in July 1989 in McMinnville, Oregon. The craft sort-of crinkles and fades away; an ability to simply turn off the electric current on regular drones that had been sent up by curious or angry locals, causing them to crash; this is reminiscent of the 1967 Malmstrom AFB incident where a large red disk hovered over ICBM silos, and turned their electric power completely off for a while (and each missile has its own separate wiring and power source)
- A former 25-year FBI agent says the US itself has built a number of seemingly “alien” spacecraft; it has back-engineered crafts that not only look alien but also have some of these advanced capabilities.
- One purpose of these “alien”-but-actually-US craft is to begin carrying out more and more literal, real, and devastating attacks (while pretending to be “the aliens”) on the US and other countries so as to cause national panic, get a declaration of war, militarize society, draft all the young of both sexes, crush dissenters with the 1917 Sedition Law, have “the aliens” knock out the power grid, and then collapse the economy, ban all guns and free speech, and coop the broke, hungry and very scared masses people up in miserable 15-minute cities.
- Win-win for the juze: 1) white 90% depopulation; 2) crush all dissent; 3) blame it on “Martians” or whomever, just not the juze; 4) FEMA as our savior — Stockholm Syndrome to the max, and trust the authority figures just as was done during the Covid lockdowns and vaxx roll-out.
In other words, aliens wrongly get the blame — it’s a false-flag attack —
as the Deep State, using stolen alien tech, carries out widespread, serious devastation of the US.
….Married couple and prepper neighbor near Richmond, Virginia suffer severe Covid symptoms after encounters with silent, spherical drones
Kevin Lake is a novelist and, he reports, a former Air Force engineer who did eight years in various war zones, including Iraq.
This fits in with a sinister interpretation of this drone phenomenon which I am also getting from Redacted: we are indeed on the verge of the long-predicted fake alien massive invasion, the desperate move by the Deep State to stop Trump’s inauguration, end all freedom, and usher in the full New World Order.
Michael Salla PhD and former FBI agent DeSouza says it will be a real war with millions of dead and a prolonged conflict, but it will be “our own government” firing on us from US-made flying saucers, orbs, cigar-shaped craft, etc. This is the sinister Secret Space Program.
And it is basically an evolution of the Mauna, Hawaii devastation, where a thousand people became homeless, a hundred died, and everything was burned unless its roof — car or house — was blue.
…”We are being prepped for something”
Chase Hughes says motives for this are
1) distraction
2) fear as a unifying tool, engendering trust of leaders, and enabling the taking awaya of fundamentlarights
3) testing the waters — is there pushback? how much?
4) getting us used to aliens
5) need for a savior
6) more and more UFO reports
7) media blitz
8) big global event
Hughes says these arethe signs of a psy-op:
Notice if suddenly all the media start parroting the same exact message and even specific words and phrases.
Ask: Will the crisis expand government and create new laws? Is the government offering confidence and solutions — or panic and new laws, agencies and laws?
Do sensational stories suddenly appear and go away after a week?
Mindfulness or presence (Eckhart Tolle’s word) will help you keep your head
Keep physical cash (banknotes and coins) on hand
….Joe DeSouza, fmr 25-year FBI agent
This is very serious — as in REAL devastation from fake aliens firing at earthlings who are human-earthling pilots and psychopaths. he predicts they wil start shooting our military and passenger planes down!
He also says the Deep State has been cloning captured aliens in deep underground bases and by the thousands in order to appear to be the dreaded alien “bad guys” — but all these clones are controlled by what he calls “the Cabal” (= the juze).
This interview was done a year ago, with DeSouza predicting an “alien invasion” soon after the 2024 presidential election
Ths was another interview by Redacted with the same man just two days ago:
……Carol Rosin, PhD on a horrified Wernher von Braun’s revelation
This is an article about this, but there are also YouTube videos of Carol Rosin PhD speaking about her late boss, Wernher von Braun. (I personally know his son, btw. The American juze threatend von Braun and the other “Nazi rocket scientists” for decades to arrest them for “war crimes” and put them on kangaroo trial on Occupied Germany.) ). This is what WvB told her:
Beautiful white woman burnt to death alive by a demon
So why did AH suspend democracy? Because people did NOTHING as this creature set a white woman on fire. Democracy is for a spiritually and morally advanced civilization — and NOT what we have now. “Demo-kratia” in Greek means “common-people rule.” Germany flourished BECAUSE AH got rid of democracy. A sick people cannot rule themselves any more than a drunk can drive a car or a kid can be given a gun. It is a power they cannot yet handle.
The thing I hate the most is the traitorous Whites that have enabled this by serving jews. If it wasn’t for our evil traitorous Whites, this poor white woman would still be alive.
We are too deracinated now. Imagine if this monster had done this 100 years ago — he would not have lasted long.
White people would have avenged this woman. Now white people are a bunch of cowards and pathetic degenerates.
Truly horrific, and much darker days are coming.
Yes, and this is the right spiritual attitude for us Aryans.
The Germans say: “Sweep your own doorstep.”
Jesus: “Get the board out of your own eye before you get the splinter out of your neighbor’s.”
This is the beginning of our healing.
And reincarnation is essential to fully grasping this. It took many generations of White people (us in earlier lives) saying and doing nothing, looking the other way, and muttering “I ain’t no hero” for things to get this bad.
Ah yes, all that, and what my father said: “Be realistic. You can’t go up against the juze.” Well, this is what faux realism has gotten us!
I can’t fathom how any white person would want to live in a jew-infested hellhole like New York. It will probably only get worse before it gets better, as nature is ‘taking out the trash’ slowly. May Amelia Carter and all who have suffered under this tyranny be avenged.
Über die furchtbare Tat wurde auch in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland berichtet, und zwar in ‘Politikversagen’, wo auf die BILD-Zeitung verwiesen ward.
Der Tathergang erinnert mich an das hochschwangere Mädchen, ich meine 19 Jahre war sie, die in Berlin in einem Wäldchen lebendig verbrannt worden ist, von einem Anatolen – Herr John de Nugent berichtete seinerzeit darüber hie auf seiner Seite.
Horror-Tat in Neu York:
Schlafende Frau in U-Bahn angezündet – tot!
Neu York, 23. Dezember 2024
Grausames Verbrechen am Sonntagmorgen: In der Millionen-Metropole Neu York hat ein Mann in einer U-Bahn eine schlafende Frau angezündet – und dabei zugesehen, wie sie verbrennt.
Seine Horror-Tat soll der Mann namens Sebastian Zapeta-Calil (33) gegen 7.30 Uhr im Bezirk Brooklyn begangen haben. „Der Verdächtige ging ruhig auf die Frau zu, die am Ende des Wagens saß, und setzte ihre Kleidung mit einem Feuerzeug in Brand“, sagte Neu Yorks Polizeipräsidentin Jessica Tisch (43) auf einer Pressekonferenz.
Innerhalb weniger Sekunden stand die Frau in Flammen. Es sei „eines der abscheulichsten Verbrechen, das ein Mensch begehen kann“, so Polizeichefin Tisch.
Unfassbar: Ein Video zeigt, wie der Feuer-Killer seelenruhig zusieht, als die Flammen sein Opfer verschlingen. Weitere Aufnahmen zeigen, wie der Verdächtige später mit einem Kleidungsstück auf die brennende Frau zugeht – scheinbar um die Flammen anzufachen.
Brisant ist: Zapeta-Calil hielt sich illegal in den USA auf. Der Mann aus Guatemala war am 1. Juni 2018 an der Grenze zwischen Arizona und Mexiko aufgegriffen worden. Zwar wurde er eine Woche später abgeschoben – doch später reiste er unbemerkt erneut ein.
Danke. Auf die Schnelle — danke für alles, alles, auch fürs Neuliche!:-) 🙂
Im Buch von Jacques Vallée
“Wunder am Himmewl”
…schweben UFOs immer wieder über Schlachtfeldern und bestaunen, wie Erdlinge sich umbringen.
Mein Führer!
Gern geschehen! : – )
Im Artikel der obig genannten BILD wird schließlich auf Erdling Trump verwiesen, der den Gemeinen Eindringling wieder auf seine heimatliche Scholle verbringen ward – und das ist gut so!
Karoline Leavitt (27), Sprecherin von Bald-US-Präsident Donald Trump (78), schrieb am Montag angesichts des Feuer-Mords: „28 Tage bis zum Beginn der Massenabschiebungen. Halleluja.“
Our politicians who serve the jews are all part of a wierd sick cult.
More people are waking up to this and
not every one is stupid, we have had enough of this bullshit and we won’t back down.
The leader of the HTS terrorist group that overthrew the Syrian government with U.S. help is an Israeli Jew and Mossad agent using a false Arabic name. What a surprise, eh?