Is the wicked Covid vaxx-PUSHER Bill Gates a jew? On his mother’s maiden name — “MAXWELL”

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Mary Maxwell, later Gates, mother of Bill Gates.


In some photos Bill Gates looks incredibly jewish, albeit with light hair, which could be Ashkenazi (a mix of Hun, Slav and Ostrogoth, plus some genuine jewish) or just fair-haired British-German genes, which is Gates’  ostensible heritage.


That smirk, and the proudly nerdy look say, very jewy-jew, “I am Mr Super-Intelligent; you’re a shmuck.”

The nose maybe…


Obviously, it would be useful to determine with high likelihood if the incredibly evil Bill Gates is a closet jew masquerading as a rich WASP.

The website jewornotjew,com denies Gates is jewish:


Longtime US senator from West Virginia Jay Rockefeller (note the nose and vaguely Asian eyes)

Jay R. lived in a mansion close to top-secret, underground federal facilities in an area of the state called  Greenbriar. Margi and I drove around the area. At that time, around 2006, civilians were not to operate cell phones or microwave ovens.

Richard Rockefeller — almost kinky hair, the nose, the brown eyes. This guy (supposedly a Roggenfelder originally) is Dutch?  

Aaron Russo, a jewish show-biz wizard who became a whistleblower (and was then murdered, IMO) with Nick Rockefeller, who told him there was a NWO which planned to chip and control the whole human race

Laurence Rockefeller and wife

David Rockefeller with his openly German-Jewish agent, Henry Kissinger

It is ludicrous when Forbes Magazine lists the “200 Richest Billionaires,” putting Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates at the top, and does not even mention Rothschild and Rockefeller. Banker Rothschild and oil magnate Rockefeller were worth thousands of billions.

“Lutheran” Jeff Bezos

Bezos with some kid

Anyway, back to Bill Gates. His now ex-wife, Melinda Gates, is pretty darn homely in not a few photos for a multibillionaire’s wife…hmm. Was this an arranged marriage to keep (part-jew?) Bill with his dangerously empowering 40, 80 or now 150 billion dollars on the narrrow path to achieving goyish genocide? (Nice inverted cross, Melinda.)


We all know The Donald with his money certainly did not date “dogs.”


My father was a self-made millionaire and both his wives (my mother and a Canadian) were “lookers.”

My mother

Wife two, Helen, with him

Helen seated in front of me in this 2007 family photo (Margi on the far right) 


No real need to belabor the point that rich men often have beautiful wives.

However, some rich jews do have nasty-looking jewish wives, at least the first wife is — in order to please the jewish family and the rabbi, and reproduce the jewish people. I grew up around enough jews to see this. The second wife is often a “trophy” white woman.

The Gates kids, NOT vaccinated according to the family physician himself at a medical conference (!!!), look in any case VERY Northern-European i some photos.

Awww,.so cute and “All-American”…..just the right guy to trust as he genocides us.

But, hmmm… daughter Jennifer Gates has a generous proboscis:

Phoebe Gates — both the smirking, “knowing” expression and the Ashkenazi-Hunnish eyes

Susan Gonda, a Khazar, co-donated a building at the Mayo Clinic

Ashkenazi Katie Halper

Lucille née Seligman, the wife of rapist-strangler Leo Frank

“Russian” jews: Note the cheekbones on most of them. Only the one upper-right looks pure-semitic/jewish. EastAsians have round, wide cheekbones.

If white people have prominent cheekbones, such as Germanics, they are not round but like a ledge, a slash, going sideways, not round, Chinese-style, like a big coin.

Yours truly with my hair dyed black

Photo two weeks ago — me photographing a security monitor at Walmart

I grew up among British Isles-stock people in New England. I think I know pretty how my own people look, and both Gates daughters, IMO, and also both parents, Bill and Melinda, likely have something else “in the woodpile.”


…..Bill Gates’ mother, née Mary Maxwell

The Maxwell surname

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Maxwell is a Scottish surname and is a habitational name derived from a location near Melrose, in Roxburghshire, Scotland. This name was first recorded in 1144, as Mackeswell, meaning “Mack’s spring (or stream)” (from the Old English well[a]). The surname Maxwell is also common in Ulster; where it has, in some cases, been adopted as alternate form of the surname Miskell.

The surname Maxwell is also used as a Jewish surname,

either as an adoption of the Scottish name, or as an Americanization of one of several like-sounding Jewish surnames.[1] The surname Maxwell is represented in Scottish Gaelic as MacSual.

Mary Maxwell Gates near the time of her death in 1994

Much younger, as a University of Washington student:

Her widowed husband and kids — from

Notice all four noses, especially that of the sister Kristianne on the left. Elizabeth, on the far right, is the other daughter. The paterfamilias, btw, Bill Gates, Sr., stood 6’7″/201 cm, but some few jews ARE super-tall, such as the boxing champion Vitali Klitschko.) Actually, all four here have noses that hook down a bit.

NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 20: Kristianne Gates Blake, Bill Gates Sr., Bill Gates and Elizabeth Gates Armintrout are seen during the The Lasker Awards 2013 on September 20, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/Getty Images for The Lasker Foundation)


Mary Ann Maxwell [Bill’s mother], was born in Seattle, Washington, on July 5, 1929, to James Willard Maxwell (Nebraska, 1901-1960), a banker, [4] and his wife, who married him in c . 1927, one Adele Thompson (c. 1903-1987, probably born in Enumclaw, Washington). [5] [6]

Her paternal grandfather, James Willard Maxwell (1864–1951), was president of the National City Bank of Seattle from 1911 to 1929 and director of the Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.


Looked very Aryan

Wiki : The name “Maxwell” (which sounds very British) was taken by this Jew, born Jan Hyman Benjamin Hoch, who fathered the notorious jewish hebephile madame, Ghislaine Maxwell, seen next to Donald Trump, on the right.

Her father was a crooked jew who stole many German patents after the war. A Mossad agent, later the Mossad itself killed him.

Robert Maxwell

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Robert Maxwell


binary comment


Maxwell at the Global Economic Panel in Amsterdam (1989)
Member of Parliament
for Buckingham
In office
15 October 1964 – 29 May 1970
Preceded by Frank Markham
Succeeded by William Benyon
Personal details
Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch

10 June 1923
Slatinské Doly, Czechoslovakia (now SolotvynoUkraine)

Died 5 November 1991 (aged 68)
Sea around the Canary Islands
Resting place Mount of Olives Jewish CemeteryJerusalem
Citizenship Czechoslovak
British (since 1946)
Political party Labour

(m. 1945; his death 1991)

Children 9, including ChristineIsabelIanKevin and Ghislaine
Military service
  • Czechoslovakia
  • United Kingdom
Years of service 1940–1945
Rank Captain
Battles/wars World War II
Awards Military Cross

Ian Robert Maxwell MC (born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch; 10 June 1923 – 5 November 1991) was a British media proprietorMember of Parliament (MP), suspected spy, and fraudster.[1] Originally from Czechoslovakia, Maxwell rose from poverty to build an extensive publishing empire. After his death, huge discrepancies in his companies’ finances were revealed, including hisfraudulent misappropriation of the Mirror Group pension fund.[2]

Early in his life, Maxwell, anOrthodox Jew, escaped from Nazi occupation, joined the Czechoslovak Army in exile during World War II and was decorated after active service in the British Army. In subsequent years he worked in publishing, building up Pergamon Press to a major publishing house. After six years as a Labour MP during the 1960s, Maxwell again put all his energy into business, successively buying the British Printing CorporationMirror Group Newspapers and Macmillan Publishers, among other publishing companies.

Maxwell had a flamboyant lifestyle, living in Headington Hill Hall in Oxford, from which he often flew in his helicopter, or his luxury yacht, the Lady Ghislaine. He was litigious and often embroiled in controversy. In 1989, Maxwell had to sell successful businesses, including Pergamon Press, to cover some of his debts. In 1991, his body was discovered floating in the Atlantic Ocean, having apparently fallen overboard from his yacht. He was buried in Jerusalem.

Maxwell’s death triggered the collapse of his publishing empire as banks called in loans. His sons briefly attempted to keep the business together, but failed as the news emerged that the elder Maxwell had stolen hundreds of millions of pounds from his own companies’ pension funds. The Maxwell companies applied for bankruptcy protection in 1992.



…..From my 1989 article on “The Great Patents Heist”


In addition to official government looting of Germany (what GIs always called “liberating”), there was also the personal looting bonanza exemplified by Robert Maxwell, financier extraordinaire, and at one time the most hated man in Britain. The great contribution of this Orthodox Jewish citizen, born Jan Hoch in what was then Czechoslovakia, was to found a scientific publishing empire in Britain, called Pergamon Press, based entirely on German research he had looted with British intelligence connivance.

Maxwell came to dominate the British tabloid press and raided his own employees’ pension fund to the tune of 90 million pounds. He finally perished mysteriously and nakedly in a plunge from his yacht in 1991 just a week after standing up to the Israeli secret police, the Mossad – who may have set him up in business in the first place. Interestingly, his main co-conspirator in the United States, Robert Rubin, formerly of Goldman Sachs, is now [Clinton-Administration era] the Secretary of the Treasury.7

When not gunning down a surrendering German mayor armed only with a white flag (as he boasted in a Der Spiegel interview) or bribing British officers to invent his heroic war record (for which war record Montgomery personally pinned a medal on him), Maxwell/Hoch8 was in the British Zone of Berlin in 1946 with the full backing of British intelligence, coercing the vast research findings of the Springer science publishing house from Springer’s widow for pence on the pound.

Ultimately, after Maxwell stripped $94 million from the pension funds of the 5,000 employees of the Mirror Group, his U.S. financiers at Goldman Sachs were stripped of an estimated $250 million to settle their claims – whereupon Maxwell’s body was fished from the sea by an astonished Spaniard, to be buried with full honors in Israel and hopefully forgotten.

Far from exemplifying that the Germans were nothing without Jewish scientific help, his life suggested that one Jew could become a billionaire by exploiting German ideas.




…..Jewish-looking David Maxwell was a prosecutor at Nuremberg

This horrid creature, a “Maxwell,” was certainly of at least part-jewish DNA. David Maxwell-Fyfe was the chief British prosecutor at the Nuremberg “War Crimes Trials” and initially wanted to have all NS leaders shot upon arrest, just as did Stalin and Churchill.

A horrible cell at Nuremberg


The jews humiliated the German leaders further by having many negro GIs as guards

Julius Streicher testified bravely at Nuremberg that a jewish officer had had negro guards urinate in his mouth. He was hanged entirely for his opinions, for his views, for his writings on jewry. He had exercised no role whatsoever in the national Reich government. In fact, he was under house arrest for corruption as a local official and over an embarrassing little sex scandal where photos got out into the public. This was certainly a case of getting the death penalty entirely for “hate speech” (and all of it was true).

Streicher was, btw, an enemy of vaccines, and depicted them in his newspaper, Der Stürmer, as a jewish plot.

Anyway, this was David Maxwell-Fyfe.,_1st_Earl_of_Kilmuir


I have reported on this website for 15 years on Bill Gates and his many crooked dealings.

I have also reported on the many goyim who have done  the jews’ bidding. It is vital to understand trhere are tons of white traitors out there, such as the slanderer Carlos Porter, who stays out of prison by defaming me.

But I do suspect strongly that Gates is, and sees himself as, a closet jew.

….Bill Gates: crook, thief, sadist, bully and CIA stooge from Day One

An Italian comrade sent me this cartoon about Gates devouring the key tech breakthroughs then found in Apple computers.

Actually, I think this cartoon refers to the Bill Gates of the 1980s (with no gray hair, but still fairly light-haired, in fact,) who de facto won in court against the corporation called “Apple.”

Gates stole key Apple tech, and then the CIA enabled him to get 90% market share worldwide. Apple sued for damages and lost!

And there you have a kind of proof that Gates and his virus-ridden Windows operating system were designed for and by the CIA-NSA nexus so the US Deep State could illegally — without any search warrant — read all your private information.

A comrade named Richard C. who is Windows Security Certified told me

“Windows is designed like Swiss cheese. All the government has to do is back its truck into the loading dock and haul away all your private information, which they cannot do with Apple.”

I spent almost a year working on an Apple computer, doing layout for a yoga magazine in 1993-94.

It was really fun using a Steve Jobs computer.

Later, I had to learn to use Gates’ Win 93, and was floored speechless at how horrible, primitive, difficult and illogical it was.

But Windows was designed for and by the Deep State to rape our privacy in this utterly fake, jew-ridden “democracy” we live in.

Microsoft gets a slap on the wrist though Gates lied constantly in court, and his vicious mistreatment of employees came out as well — no wonder every hacker in the world went after his OS:,_Inc._v._Microsoft_Corp.

  1. Tim Douglas

    Over nineteen years ago I concluded that Microsoft Windows treats you as if you were a fool. That was way before I became Jew aware.

    So now the connection is clear. Well, more than a connection, a different part of the same monster.





  1. Dear John and Frank (you don’t mind if I call you Frank, do you? I feel that we may have a special bond)

    I’ve always wondered about this nose fetish that anti-semites seem to have, and I confess that I usually came down on the side of those with the prominent noses. After reading your stuff John, I’m beginning to have some doubts. Could either of you tell me whether the size of the nose is proportional to the intelligence, net worth or power of the wearer?

    • Spoken like the jew you doubtless are. Sorry to insult you like that, but you are, after all, actually proud to be a jew.

      You have that wonderful command presence of a lord of creation

      …just like these three Masters of the Universe:

      I have read your sexual vulgarities, superciliousness and threats for years, and it goes beyond leftist to a diseased, stereotypical jewish mind.

      And you all will end up like those three above.

  2. You give a “good” picture of Maxwell-Fyfe from Wikipedia there. The picture of him from David Irving’s “Nuremberg” book was not quite so flattering. He was the only one, according to Irving’s book, who got to Göring and made him a bit uncomfortable on the stand. With everyone else Goring would dominate and humiliate.

  3. Jojo Rabbi. I bet you still believe Anne Frank wrote her own diary. Or are ignorant about the Stern gang sending a letter bomb to Churchill during WW2. Or when the Stern gang asked the German Abwehr twice for weapons to kill British personnel in Palestine in WW2. Not the innocent victims, eh !

    San John e i 24 Anziani/Apocalisse.Albrecht Durer.
    Mi vergogno di tutto questo;dei cattolici cristiani illuminati solo dai Soldi.
    Mi vergogno della cecità delle persone e degli Abusi indiretti sui bambini.
    I bambini hanno sofferto molto di più rispetto a loro.
    Mi vergogno della complicità spudorata di molte persone.
    Mi vergogno del Silenzio di questi tempi,descritto e raccontato con fatica durante i Secoli da persone davvero Illuminate.
    Sono felice che tu sia qui(non puoi immaginare quanto).E con me tutte le persone Illuminate che hanno lavorato duramente nel tempo.

    • Transl:

      St. John and the 24 Elders (Revelation), by Albrecht Dürer

      I am ashamed of all this; of Christian Catholics enlightened only by money.
      I am ashamed of the blindness of people and indirect child abuse.
      The children days have suffered a lot more than the adults ever did.
      I am ashamed of the shameless complicity of so many people.
      I am ashamed of the silence of these times, described and told with difficulty over the centuries by truly enlightened people.
      I am happy that you are here (and you cannot imagine how much). And agreeing with me are all the enlightened people who have worked hard over time.


      Thank you.


    • Transl:

      I know this will please you as it pleases me.


      Yes, indeed, and thanks. Good old Odin with a wolf, his ravens, antlers and the moon.

      When I and Margi were moving into the Hope Lodge, a free hotel for cancer patients at The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, on 26 Nov 2019, I opened the curtains and saw this.

      This is the kind of thing you cannot forget and must not forget. 🙂

      • La leggenda racconta di una “Lancia” che gli trapassò il costato..e resto’ appeso per nove giorni e nove notti(correggimi se sbaglio).
        E so che questa storia ricorda semplicemente qualcosa.
        E so che le indicazioni di Leonardo sono giuste;il suo “percorso” descritto nei suoi dipinti.
        È sceso qui per darmi proprio queste indicazioni 😉
        Sei davvero tante cose;ci vorrebbe un libro intero per spiegare tutto ma in particolare sei sangue del mio sangue.

        • TRANSL:

          The legend tells of a “Spear” that pierced his side .. and remained hanging for nine days and nine nights (correct me if I’m wrong).
          And I know this story just resembles something.
          And I know that Leonardo’s indications are right; his “path” described in his paintings.
          He came down here to give me precisely these indications
          You are so many things; it would take a whole book to explain everything but in particular you are blood of my blood.

        Poseidone o Tritone.
        Con queste leggende hanno creato un po’ di confusione in realtà.
        Quanti Dei degli Abissi marini ci sono????per non parlare di quanti nomi adottati su una singola persona.
        Questa immagine è bellissima.
        Mi si stringe il Cuore.
        Una sirenetta proprio stupida!!:( E’ l’unico cartone animato che racconta benissimo la storia di Atlantide.

        Avevo dimenticato questo pittore.
        Gustave Moreau.
        Guarda il serpente 🙂
        L’Arte che racconta una verità sepolta.
        Anche Giovanni è identificato con una coppa e un serpente che fuoriesce dalla coppa,per accostarsi al Cenacolo di Leonardo.
        Ormai riesco a capire quando si tratta di Lilith:mela,serpente e coppa..e in rari casi le corna di un’ariete.
        Nessuno poteva capire questo ciclo di Reincarnazioni;ora mi rendo perfettamente conto del Ruolo dei semi di stella e dei veri Illuminati.
        Non conosco il pittore ma qui abbiamo Adamo e Lilith/Lucifero e Lilith/Angeli caduti 😉
        Come la storia di Icaro che cadde dal Cielo,di Prometeo che rubo’ la fiamma della luce agli Dei..per non parlare di Enki Samael accostato di nuovo a Lilith e padre di Lucifero 😉
        Le leggende cambiano ma non i personaggi 🙂 🙂
        Come i giorni della Settimana che ruotano sempre intorno a loro. (Adamo,Lilith e Enki)(Sigfrido,Brunhilde e Odino).

        • Transl:

          I had forgotten about this painter, Gustave Moreau.
          Look at the snake.
          The Art that tells a buried truth.
          John is also identified with a cup and a snake that comes out of the cup, to approach Leonardo’s Last Supper.
          By now I can understand when it comes to Lilith: apple, snake and cup .. and in rare cases the horns of a ram.
          Nobody could understand this cycle of Reincarnations; now I am fully aware of the Role of the star seeds and the true Illuminati.

          I don’t know the painter but here we have Adam and Lilith / Lucifer and Lilith / Fallen angels
          Like the story of Icarus who fell from Heaven, of Prometheus stealing the flame of light from the Gods … not to mention Enki Samael once again approached by Lilith and father of Lucifer
          The legends change but not the characters
          Like the days of the week that always revolve around them. (Adam, Lilith and Enki) (Siegfried, Brunhilde and Odin).


          Great painter…. Says Wiki: he made, btw, two trips to Italy (1841; 1857 to 1859), which took him to Venice, Florence, Rome and Naples, where he devoted himself to the art of the Renaissance. He saw the original masterpieces by Andrea Mantegna, Crivelli, Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci.

  5. Io sono distante da tutto e tutti,con persone che hanno completamente paura.
    Ci siamo allontanati da tutti perché basta Covid,basta paura,basta stronzate che ci buttano addosso,compreso mio padre.
    Non ne posso più.Oggi non mi ha chiamata e sinceramente non ho voglia di ripetere sempre le stesse cose,ma anche mio marito la pensa così,le loro fobie ci stanno distruggendo e noi dobbiamo proteggere i bambini che sono delusi anche dai loro amici di scuola e quartiere.
    Oggi poverini li ho sentiti lamentarsi veramente di questo…e hanno ragione.
    Abbiamo sempre la Natura dalla nostra parte,siamo dei “viandanti” anche noi 😉

    • Transl:

      I feel distant from everything and everyone, from people who are completely afraid.

      We have distanced ourselves from everyone because wnow say no more Covid, no more fear, no more of this bullshit they throw at us, including [].

      I can’t take it anymore. [Relatives’] phobias are destroying us and we must protect the children who are also disappointed by their friends at school and in the neighborhood.

      Today, the poor things, I heard them really complaining about this … and they are right.

      But we always have nature on our side. We too are “travelers” going through this world. [end]

      I replied:

      I feel this too, but I also see how tragedy can force growth. We agreed to incarnate here and face these challenges. Here you can grow 30 times faster than on some of the higher planets!
      Guardian angels go over with us in our interlife the full extent of the difficulties we will face here on this egoic planet if this is where we choose to go or to return.

      Having warned us, as well as praised us for the willingness and desire to grow under fiery tests, they shrug their shoulders, say, “Okay, as you wish, and good luck!” and let us do it.
      But often they think we have maybe “bitten off more than we can chew.” 😉

      I remember how it was in the Marines recruit training — three months of hell. People were being eliminated from the program brutally every three days or so. We dropped from maybe 65 young men to 40. That is 25 guys gone in 87 days. You march back from the cafeteria (“mess hall”) after lunch and the man’s bunk bed (“rack”) is stripped, with no sheets, pillow or blankets, and his sea bag (“duffel bag”) has disappeared. No goodbye — he’s just gone. He was judged to be weak and a loser, the kind that would run, that would desert in combat, or break down and cry like a coward, or put up his hands and surrender.

      Not a man and not a Marine.

      Then the guy who “washed out” shows up at the pool hall a week later, back in his home town, “his tail between his legs,” and everyone knows he “tried to join the Marines but washed out in bootcamp.”

      Many then commit suicide. This had been their “big chance” to change their life and “be somebody.” And they “blew it.”

      But it was a wonderful feeling after 87 days for thiose who endured it, grew, and succeeded!

      A funny comedy video, riffing off the Marine drill sergeant who was shot by a recruit — and who now is in charge of ghosts 😉

      I had to keep reminding myself in “boot camp”:

      “You volunteered for this. No whining because it is hard. How glorious afterward to know ‘I endured all this, I won the victory over myself, and now I know I am strong!” 😉




    • Grazie! 🙂

      Quando avremo di nuovo il potere, la giovinezza sarà così divertente. Ogni bambino della scuola avrà di nuovo due ore di divertimento e sport ogni giorno, poi si sentirà piacevolmente stanco fisicamente e pronto per imparare. (Anche agli insegnanti è piaciuto!) I ragazzi diventeranno uomini forti e le ragazze diventeranno donne, mogli e madri affascinanti, tutte felici al suo posto, adempiendo al proprio ruolo nella comunità popolare.

        Mi piacerebbe che per una volta si raccontasse della Germania e dei Bianchi che hanno sofferto e che continuano a soffrire.
        Anche se qui vedo comunque una denuncia:”Topolino e la Stella di Davide”.Credo si tratti della pedofilia ebraica.
        Questa bellissima canzone è di nuovo per TE 🙂

        • Transl:

          I would like it to be told for once about Germany and the Whites who have suffered and continue to suffer.

          Although here I still see a complaint: “Mickey and the Star of David”. I believe it is Jewish pedophilia.

          This beautiful song is for YOU again.


          Questo è stato molto toccante.

          Devo aver affettato le cipolle. I miei occhi sono umidi. 🙂

          • Le cipolle….si.
            Va bene,sei tremendo.
            Lo ammetto,tu piangi e io rido.
            Sei identico a [].
            Quando sto giù riesce sempre a farmi ridere…sempre.
            Siete due monelli per questo.
            Come devo fare con voi due?

          • Certo che ho capito..
            Lo so che ti sei commosso 🙂 🙂
            E che mi fai sorridere…non so come.
            Come ci riesci?
            Ti voglio davvero bene…e questo mi commuove sempre.

          • E un’altra cosa;sto giù perché mi manchi,non chiedermi come è possibile ma sto lottando contro (qualcosa).
            So di essere fuori dal tempo,ma credo di percepire qualcosa di te anche da lontano e questo mi manda in crisi.
            Quando [] era piccolo si attaccava alle mie orecchie per poter dormire…non si addormentava senza.
            Cinque anni così LOL
            Ora sto provando io la stessa cosa per te,non ridere! È tutto vero 🙁

  6. When Taft was President a Jew named Louis Marshall terminated a trade treaty with Russia that had been instituted when Jackson was President. This happened behind Taft’s back, for Taft considered Russia to be a very friendly nation. In any case, here is a case of the name Marshall being used by a Jew.

      • It gets worse. He created a second video:


        At 1:57:53, Jacques Le Moyne’s drawing of white skinned “Indians”, the Timucua, were exceedingly tall. The Timucua built a human sacrifice altar on Jekyll Island (Shekel Island). The room where the Federal Reserve act was hatched is directly over this baby-murder altar.

        Jerusalem and Jekyll Island are both on the 31st parallel. Jekyll Island’s closest municipality is Jerusalem, Georgia. Which is also on the 31st parallel.

        Well worth watching:

        • Thanks. I am actually very busy at the moment with my new abode, solving a many months-old dilemma, but am making myself watch this right now. (This version seems better than the first one, which went very pedantically near the beginning into every possible kind of wildlife and plant on the island, for example. 😉 )

          The truth about the Fed and the truth about chemtrails are in the same class, for one sees the words “Federal Reserve” daily when using cash, and the same goes for chemtrails — you cannot help but see them almost every day. (The Deep State does prefers not to spray chemtrails on windy days, because then the toxins, in descending, may be blown off-target, away from the city or village which the Big Jews are assaulting. (I have seen this often in their spraying of Ontonagon.)

          So both the Fed and chemtrails are good issues for building daily outrage, like picking at a scab — it keeps coming back at you. One can forget about the Holocaust issue in our daily lives, but not about what is printed on every single dollar bill (except the rare silver certificates) and what is ribboned across our skies and falling into our lungs!

          As they say, some things, once seen, cannot be unseen.;-)

          Earth is truly a mixed bag, with actual satanists living next to heroic and good people. This is one of the themes of Michael Winkler’s “Die spirituelle Welt” ….

          ….the unique moral diversity on this planet, and the reason why one can grow 30 times faster here.

          On earth one can be witness to absolute evil operating with absolute impunity, and also encounter brave truthers, supporters, activists and warriors who are not humanimals but noble Aryans.

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