Is THIS top basketballer a WOMAN?

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We are allowed no more natural pleasures by the jooze, not even seeing a beautiful, soft female body.

So far I see nothing online about her/him/it — this “Sabrina Ionescu” — as being a transgender. So what was in the Jew World Order’s drinking water (or whatever — a vaccine?) to make “her” so frigging masculine?

I am used to female athletes having small breasts, but not none at all. Its chest is flatter than a pancake! Not even a training bra is under there — no need for one.

This is ridiculous. And look at the face; look at the jaw…

…and the torso. “Hips?” Hunh? Fuggedaboudit!

Nice arms, bud.

Good thighs, too. The NFL, or rugby, could use you.

These are the freaks, right before our eyes, of the Brave New World, as in the Aldous Huxley novel, and what did Huxley also say?

“Maybe this world is the hell of another world.”

Aldous Huxley’s antisemitism

Aldous Huxley on mescaline, on drugs and distractions mesmerizing the masses, and on the Jews


When they come kicking our doors in to take our guns, with us WN males it will be armed lesbian soldiers/special cops who have been indoctrinated to a fierce hatred of white males.

Margi and I both know the great Spanish NS Pedro Varela in Barcelona, and treasure our friendship with him.

We spoke in Spanish at his meetings there in 2006 and 2012, I about psychopaths, and she about the Gestapo.

Antifa smashed his beautiful bookstore, Libreria Europa, and 100% would have burned it down, but it was on the ground floor of an apartment building full of families. No arrests were made.

Later, the bookstore was just seized by the police with brute force: all the computers, all the books, todo confiscado.

Twice he has been put in prison, to the grief of his many young white followers, put in with murderers, rapist and thieves, and on insultingly absurd charges.

So whom did they send out to arrest him? A female leftist judge sent out a female SWAT team, all bad-ass in their balaclavas, MACHINE-GUNS OUT, to humiliate and strip-search, full body-cavity, the white male Nazi.


Look and learn your own fate were I to fail.




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