UPDATED Is this video for real???? Chinese supp. says Covid will end once US military is dead from the vaccine

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Chinese guy in Wuhan fakes fainting from Covid; puts hands out as he falls.

A comrade wrote me:

Good Afternoon, Mr. de Nugent,

I have just seen your article with the video where the Chinese guy is talking about the vaccine in the American military.
I know Chinese quite well and I can confirm that the English translation is 100% correct.
The man talking is named Guo Wen Gui, and he’s close with Steve Bannon, so not sure if this is Psy-Op stuff for American Chinese, but he is definitely blocked on China’s firewall.


  1. I don’t speak or read Chinese, but in this larger screen view, I note that it says “New Federal State of China” in a box under the speaker (not visible until halfway through the video):


    Here is Wikipedia on the New Federal State of China – it’s an anti-communist political lobby group in NYC founded by Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui:


    Here is a photo of Guo Wengui without his glasses – he is the one speaking in the above video:


    So, the video is not the case of a CCP official admitting their evil plans – it’s a video of an anti-communist Chinese named Guo Wengui stating what he believes the CCP is up to.

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