Islamic courage proves whites need their own aggressive religion, too

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Brave Palestinian dissident Ahed Tamimi was just released from an Israeli prison for slapping two Israeli occupation soldiers standing with weapons inside her country.

She comes from a Palestinian town full of white people, the West Bank village of Nebi Saleh.

Even as a little girl this racial Aryan was confronting the Jews!

In this Friday, Aug, 28, 2015 photo, Palestinian women and youth scuffle with an Israeli soldier trying to arrest a 12-year-old boy during a protest near the West Bank village of Nebi Saleh. A video showing the incident has been viewed more than 2 million times on Facebook, and shined a light on Israeli military policies in the territory.

And no, white blood in the Middle East is NOT mostly because of randy Crusaders!!!

There is still ancient white blood everywhere in the Middle East and North Africa, but Islam exterminated most of it by massacres or by polygamy, with sheiks seizing hundreds of beautiful young white girls for their harems and creating mongrel kids!!


I have blogged often on this.


…..The founders and rulers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were nordics

UPDATED Whites of today a mix of Cro-Magnons and ET Nordics ” two different waves of humans from the galaxy that made ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Greece, Rome and the modern West

The scribe Sakkara (Aryan Egyptians put an ochre-colored powder  on their skint to prevent sunburn)

The very early Pharaoh Ka; ruled around 3,000 BC


A blond harpist (right) 

Circa AD 500, Egyptians depicted Mary and Jesus as blond, and a red-haired and a blond angel as protecting them

……Jesus an Aryan Galilean?

UPDATED Jesus depicted as an Aryan by early Christians; NS writer Bochaca says Jesus was not physically Jewish — His native Galilee was “the District of the Gentiles”

One more good reason why Christianity must be kept (though urgently fixed)


But my point today is not that.

It is this — that Islam is a warlike religion, and it gives Muslims raw courage, tenacity and the will to win.

Even the Arabic script looks like swords! 😉 Just look at the Saudi flag!

Since the latest intifada in Gaza began, on April 30 of this year, 180 Palestinians have been killed by the Jews, and 19,000 injured.

And yet they all persist.

And we, with our Christian turn-the-other-cheek? Every day in America 100 white women are raped by blacks. Every day in Germany, the same thing. And in England.

When will We strike back?
I am tired of tears, comforting and candles!








1 Comment

  1. Good point about the need for a more aggressive religion.
    But Christianity is based on the bible, a book in its entirety written by jews, except the gospel of Luke. In my eyes the perfect religion to enforce onto an enemy to soften him up and in the end make him rot from the inside.
    It is a religion with a slave mentality, which I clearly see in my own family by those who are very much into Christianity.

    But it is the only ‘complete’ religion the west have at this time, and as such probably a necessary ally in the earlier phases of an eventual white comeback. But not Christianity on its own, but more so as in earlier times: Christianity paired with pagan strength. Christianity took over Europe by replacing gods like Balder with that of Jesus. But the religion itself does not promote the struggle as a people on this earth, only a struggle with accepting Yahveh and the degradation of life, ie to accept the life of the slave or the sheep.

    As always – thank you for keeping up the good work! Your pages frequently inspire us to think outside the box.

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