Israeli buses carry ad proclaiming Gentiles want the jews to rule them; the handful of sincerely nice “little jews” have no power; spiritual reading

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The source is tweets by the Israeli-Canadian journalist David Sheen, part of the 10% of jews, little jews, who reject jewish hatred of the goyim but have zero influence.

Photo taken probably in the capital, Tel Aviv, published in a tweet by Sheen

Google translation (and I thank a long-time supporter in New England for sending  this) 

So maybe it is time to bring back the good old institution of slavery.

See, the British and Abraham Lincoln were good goyim, because Britain abolished the negro slave trade, and Lincoln then freed the black slaves.

This is because slavery BY the goyim is wrong, because no goy, born a servant to jewry, should be a master.

BUT the enslavement OF the goyim by the jews —  now THAT is good, and that is the natural order of things.


….Forget the nice little jews

In the mid-1990s I responded to a personals ad in the Boston Globe and met a very, very nice gal with blond hair and blue eyes in Natick.  To my surprise, eventually she turned out to be full-blooded jewish, albeit with some visibly Lithuanian-nordic admixture somewhere back in there.

When I realized this, I broke it off, but with great sadness. She was very hurt and puzzled, since we had gotten along just great, and I did not tell her the real reason.

She also stood to inherit $2 million….

So it was a big thing in every way for me to walk away from her, and I emphasize that she was truly nice. It was sad for both of us. I would say I was at the point of falling in love with her.

But my instinct was right. My mission comes first, not my personal happiness. I did not reincarnate here yet again to have a good time.

These nice little jews, in a way, serve — unwittingly, because they are sincere — as a trap to get us to make peace with jewry, citing — as a cop-out for our cowardice — this nice jew we know, or that friendly one….

And I cannot forget our family doctor in my last life, the good Dr. Eduard Bloch…. who charged working-class patients little or nothing, and cared for my mother Klara during her fatal breast-cancer struggle. I said “If most jews were like Bloch, there would be no antisemitism” — but they are NOT.

By the way, I allowed the kindly jew Dr. Bloch to leave Austria with all his money, unlike almost all other German and Austrian jews with their often ill-gotten gains.

Notably, when Dr.Bloch moved to America and the Rosenfeld Administration and the jewspapers went to him, this  jew refused to bash me.

From Wiki: (

In 1941 and 1943 Bloch [then living in the Bronx, New York City] was interviewed by the Office of Strategic Services (a predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency) to get information about Hitler’s childhood.
He also published his memories about the encounter with the later “Führer” in the Collier’s Weekly in which he painted a remarkably positive picture of young Hitler, saying that he was neither a ruffian nor untidy nor fresh:

“This [negative stuff] simply is not true.

As a youth he was quiet, well-mannered and neatly dressed. He had patiently waited in the waiting room until it was his turn, then like every fourteen- or fifteen-year-old boy, he made a bow, and always thanked the doctor politely.
Like the other boys in Linz, he had worn short lederhosen and a green woolen hat with a feather.

. JdN; I loved lederhosen all my life, actually, and, after the war and victory, I would have put the whole Wehrmacht in them over the summer. Girls like men in lederhosen, too.

[Hitler] had been tall [at  5’10” he was three inches above-average in height for back then] and pale, and looked older than he was. His eyes, which were inherited from his mother, were large, melancholy and thoughtful.
To a very large extent, this boy lived within himself. What dreams he dreamed I do not know.”


And so the existence of a pitifully tiny number of nice jews, of all the benevolent Dr. Bloch types, or like the nice woman I inadvertently dated, is irrelevant to our mortal peril.

It is the Big Jews (like Rothschild, Soros, Satanyahu, etc.) who run the jewish people, and they hate us with a passion.


The Israeli newspaper in English, Haaretz, is another example of a newspaper that churns out articles all compassionate for the occupied and bombed Palestinian people, and for other goyim, such as Christian tourists in the “Holy Land” who are regularly being harassed and literally spat on by jews, with their Christian churches being fire-bombed (!).

Of course, being liberals, they denounce Israeli policies of colonizing illegally the West Bank as “apartheid.”

And they want the black jews from Ethiopia in Africa, the Falashas, to get full rights as jews with the white jews….

And Haaretz (meaning “The Homeland” in Hebrew) opposes Satanyahu and the Likud party, but it too has no power over the jewish masses.

Israel rounds up and expels Black Africans, but it has a “use” for them… to go to Europe.


Trump was denounced for building a Wall, but this billion-dollar Israeli wall — 440 miles — keeps the non-jews out of Israel (

But they want more wogs for us.


And the Haaretzers and other “nice” jews are ignored totally also.

IMO the Big Jews actually tolerate them gladly as being useful. They are good for PR. If we castigate “the Jews,” they can come back with: “Israeli public opinion is not monolithic. You cannot generalize and say ‘all jews’ this, or ‘all jews’ that. Many jews object to Netanyahu policies.”

I found out about the impotence of the nice jews also in the case of Rabbi Michael Lerner. He is a kind gentleman whom I got to know a bit by email correspondence during a phase in the late 1990s and early 2000s when I kept trying a sincere outreach to various jews.

It was in this book by Lerner that I found out 1) that many little jews complain how the Big Jews do not care about or listen to them, 2) that many little jews who are not rich feel despised by the rich ones, and 3) that jewish woman feel, well, ugly and unattractive compared to Aryan women, and many get nose jobs and breast reductions.

I also met Rabbi Lerner once briefly in person at a Hillel (jewish college student) meeting at Brown University.

I also met thrice (in Washington DC and twice in Boston) with some very nice (and, interestingly, often physically very attractive) “Jews for Jesus.”

But I found out that all these “nice” jews have no sway and are simply ignored.

I have also had a bit of correspondence on LinkedIn with Mordechai Vanunu, the heroic Israeli nuclear technician who blew the whistle on the Israeli nuclear-weapons program at Dimona, and converted to Christianity.


Israel literally kidnapped Vanunu in Italy, and put this little jew into solitary confinement for  eleven years! That is pure mental torture, because humans are social animals, and we need to talk and have friends with other human beings! But the Jewish State kept him locked up with no human company for an eternity!!!!!!! In American prisons, to punish a prisoner by putting him “in the hole” — in isolation — is something they do for one month! Vanunu –11 years!

I have also had several good jewish supporters, and by that I mean both moral support but also financial donations, not just empty talk.

But tragically they do not matter, except to God, who can judge whatever real goodness may be in their hearts.

When the American GIs stormed shore on D-Day, we Germans did not hold our fire, saying deludedly:

“Think of all the good Americans: Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin….”

Yes, but the good ones had no power.

All we knew was that GIs (all white back then, and mostly quite brave) were coming at us to kill us — and unbeknownst to them, to 1) return Europe to jew control and 2) to gradually use the US negroes more and more to crush the Whites in America itself!

Oh, and btw, they came ashore at the time, day and month that add up to 666, the kabbalistic numerology for the 1944 date and time of “June 6, 6 am.”



Goering was right, I was right  — we national socialists were right. And this is why we fought to the end, and then evacuated to Antarctica to plan our comeback after a nuclear WWIII.



….spiritual reading for August 25

We want to ask you to consider that which is unforgettable for you today. You might fnd that you
are thinking of people, experiences, emotions, possibly places or things. Passages in your life.

Probably you will notice that those things which will not leave you in some ways define you. This is in part how you build the edifice of your personality. This is in part how you come to know who
you are in the world.

But of course, in this era, it is also how you have come to limit, constrain and diminish yourself.

While there must be no violent partings from that which you believe to be yourself, today try to see more clearly how various memories which hold firm and vibrant for you may keep you from expanding into something and someone greater.

There will likely be some things that are easy to see, obvious. “Ahhh,” you will say. “There was that time when….” And you will know immediately, if it is not already in your consciousness, how that memory confines you.

But there will be other memories, of moments or deep knowings which seem to have lifted you and brought the sacred into your world, your life, your very body, which appear to be about nothing
but expansion.

Don’t send too much time puzzling over these — they are in fact great moments or experiences, and there was nothing in them which served to keep you in check.

It is, instead, the very act of remembering, of holding them in mind and heart, which restricts where you go in this moment. Whenever you attempt to make something fast, to tie it to you so that you can always touch into it, then you become a prisoner, or perhaps a jailer who is no more free than her charge, holding the other end of that rope.

Today, we ask you to consider surveying your memories and looking at whether there are any with which you can dispense. Remembering is an act of will and intent as well as a cellular decision. With will and intent, you can let go just as you can hold on.

We regret in some ways that we need ask you again to clean and clear. There is so much pressure for you to become a pure vessel. There is a need on a planetary level, and there is a great longing on an individual basis. This is what is being asked of you: that you continue to polish and polish and polish. There is little respite and there is little choice at times, but please understand that the very diamond nature of your being is at a last becoming visible and now is not the time to balk.

We send you much love and many, many blessings.





  1. Today is the 56th anniversary of the August 25, 1967 assassination of George Lincoln Rockwell of the American Nazi Party.

  2. It’s great that you’re showing your support. But in general, this issue was discussed in the American Academy of Sciences recently. In particular, Ihor Shafarevich, expelled from the academy, discussed the issue of Jews. Who carried out this activity on behalf of the Kremlin. The problem with Jews is inspired by the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the “national” Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

    In general, Jews have their own country, their own ethnic area. And Ukraine is not the country of those you are talking about. Ethnic Ukrainians are an Iranian-speaking people who are also called “Sarmatians”[]. And most of the territory of Ukraine is called the “Sarmatian Plain” (which is also called Russian for some reason). That is, they are Persians, who at one time slaughtered many people in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth together with Moscow.

    Persians and Ukrainians are as different as Palestinians and Jews. It is enough for a Palestinian to accept the Jewish faith, and he will become a full-fledged Jew. This is only a matter of beliefs, because people are one and the same. Jews and Persians are also very similar people who live very close to each other. Therefore, Zelenskyi is a completely legal person on the territory of Kyiv, an ethnic resident, a real Ukrainian. He is a greater Kyivan than any Pole, Czech, Hungarian, etc.

    Use translate and search for “Sarmatian”

  3. Ukrainians are Cossacks. Cossacks are Sarmatians. I constantly scold myself for translating from Ukrainian, although I am not and never want to be Ukrainian. The Kyiv Verkhovna Rada (Parliament of Ukraine) does not define the concept of nationality, and this is very bad. I suggested many times to people to at least switch to Latin in order to separate themselves from the Sarmatians. But these people are obviously still animals who do not have a sufficiently developed cerebral cortex, especially the frontal lobe, which is responsible for planning actions and comparative analysis of signals, to realize. People with mental retardation are prescribed gamma-aminobutyric acid, but in this case it is not a problem of inhibition – they no longer drink water from a puddle like other animals, but they do not yet think as they should think. It’s not a problem of mental retardation in the clinical sense, it’s a problem of mental retardation in the evolutionary sense, in the developmental sense, and they talk a lot about development, how they develop. They develop very hard, it is always a very cruel struggle for survival. Only because of misunderstanding, intelligence, they destroy a lot of people. And this is the evolutionary process I am talking about.

    Zelensky’s problem is that he spreads the power of nomads and tries to solve his problems with other people’s resources.

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