Israeli Deep State created (and loves) Hamas (such as for slaughtering 12 harmless Thai field workers inside Israel); brilliant Brian Berletic video on how Britain and America created radical Islam and WANT it to commit atrocities

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Brian Berletic is a former US Marine and excellent military/diplomatic researcher. See his video below.

I have always said that IsraHell created the obscene and psychopathic ISIS — and Berletic shows that the Jewish State previously also created Hamas — because its rival, the PLO, came across to the world as too moderate and reasonable.

The jews blatantly cooked ISIS up. Their spy & murder agency, the Mossad, is actually not even called that officially. “Mossad” just means “the institute.”

Its official name is ACTUALLY “ISIS” –the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.

I took this screenshot myself in 2017 of the Mossad website! Look upper-left, below the menorah logo!

Israel LOVES it when Hamas commits atrocities, or it invents them to add spice to the mix.

( Btw, I am not denigrating or defaming the average Hamas fighter, who may be risking his life, is an honorable and trained soldier, and is not out to rape, or to kill children.)

What Israel really fears is the organization called Hezbollah up north in Lebanon, BECAUSE it is Iranian-funded and -trained, highly professional — and does NOT commit atrocities. Also, Hezbollah is in the Shiite branch of Islam, like Iran (and much of Syria and Iraq).

Hamas, however, is in the Sunni branch of Islam, and its big financial backer is the Sunni country of Qatar, NOT the Shiite nation of Iran —  and testimony by the Pentagon to the US Senate confirmed this. It is Qatar that is behind Hamas.

Even Haaretz in Israel admits Satanyahu is happy with Hamas:


I do not know if Hamas really raped and killed 300 young Israeli people at a “rave,” but this is certainly exactly what the Israeli-created ISIS would have done.

The story of the supposed beheading of 40 jewish babies, which senile Biden backed, has been debunked even by the CNN jewess who first reported it.

Brian Berletic, who says he lives in Thailand, reports that Thai TV was full of reports  of Hamas pointlessly killing the 12 Thai citizens — who, looking East Asian, obviously were  not jews —  and interviewing their grieving families.

All this disgusting slaughter is designed to make the enemies of Israel look like insane and despicable villains.

Hezbollah, semi-controlled by Iran (a part-white, part-Aryan country), never does this kind of atrocities.

This video below comes highly recommended. Berletic also says US support for Jewkraine must end and soon — because US (and NATO) stockpiles of tanks and ammunition for the West are now dwindling rapidly. Nothing is more dangerous, IMO, than a Jewnited Snakes military which has too few conventional weapons and, being controlled by crazy jews, rather than accept defeat goes nuclear — on Russia (and/or China and/or Iran).


As I said in Mein Kampf 99 years ago, if the West gave the jews Palestine — forgetting the right to live there of the Palestinians! —  they would not calm down and become a normal people like any other.

No, because the true, Talmudic version of Zionism is not about just having a safe little country to avoid bigoted persecution.

Israel is intended to be the CAPITAL REGION (analogous to Washington DC, a government city) ruling over  a global, demonic, master-and-slave empire.

A gift for a Gaza child from the highest and most cultured people:

And it is time to face the fact that Yahweh IS Satan.

The jews follow Satan.


This is why Michelangelo depicted Moses as he did, daringly, with two horns.









  1. Der beste Beweis das den jüdischen Führern das Leben der kleinen Juden auch scheißegal ist…

    Die israelische Elite ist genauso korrupt wie Unsere. Alles das gleiche Pack.

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