This is a screenshot of an actual Israeli sniper and his posting on Facebook.
Razan Al-Najar, 21, RIP
Israeli snipers target and shoot in the chest a Palestinian nurse in an all-white nurse’s garb while tending to a wounded man.…/428521-gaza-israel-border-paramedic-k…/ There are no words. Hey, Trump, you give a flying f—k about any of this?
Naaa. Too busy like a madman threatening Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, and, oh yeah, the EU, Canada and NATO.
The killing of a 21-year-old female medical worker during the Great March of Return at the Gaza border is nothing short of a war crime, Palestinian officials said, calling on…
A shadowy Israeli firm called “Black Cube” is responsible for undermining the Iran nuclear deal, which may lead to war with Iran and possibly WWIII with Russia:
The firm’s name likely references the small black cube, called a tefillin, that Jewish rabbis wear on their foreheads in prayer, as well as the large black cube of the Kaaba in Mecca, which devout Muslims circle around counter-clockwise – the black cube is a symbol of Saturn/Satan.
The Jewish tefillin is a black cube:
The Muslim Kaaba in Mecca is a pre-Islamic black cube:
The black cube is a symbol of Saturn/Satan:
See David Icke’s long but fascinating video on Saturn / Black Cube symbolism and more below. There are clearly powers at work on Earth which most people are totally unaware of. I used to think that David Icke was a lunatic, with his talk of reptilian archon overlords, but as time goes on, and the symbolism becomes more blatant and pervasive, it’s becoming obvious that Icke knows what he’s talking about: