It was Americans who taught Hitler about race, Jews, and the suffering white workers

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…..Tom Watson, a national socialist before Hitler

If to be NS means to understand 1) race, 2) the jews and 3) the need to save the white working class, and 4) their potential as angry voters to get you — defending them from both gentile and jew greed —   into political power, then Tom Watson of Georgia, Congressman, Senator and publisher, was a true NS four years before Adolf Hitler.

Watson became red-pilled about Jewry — very rare back then in the Deep South ! — and then used his newspapers to get the vile pedophile jew Leo Frank (head of B’nai B’rith in Atlanta, Georgia!) lynched for his beating, rape and murder of a beautiful 13-year-old Aryan girl (Mary Phagan).

He had woken up fully to the Jewish problem over the course of the national newspaper hysteria which the Jews created in 1913-15 to get off a “poor, innocent Jew” who was a “victim of antisemitic bigotry and disgraceful Southern ignorance.”

Except he wasn’t. In fact, the South had been pro-Jew until New York Khazars tried to get Frank off by massive bribe money and by bashing the South!



Watson not only dug deep into American Jewry and its hatred for white children, but also into the Jewish traitor Alfred Dreyfus in France (a French army captain who sold France’s biggest military secrets to Germany for whore- and champagne-money), and the Menachem Beilis ritual murder case and trial in Ukraine, where a little white slavic boy who had gone missing was found drained of all his blood and with 100 puncture wounds all over his body.

Meanwhile, Watson also became a champion of white working women (such as Mary Phagan — pressured at just 13 to give her lecherous jew  boss Frank sex on demand — a girl who, to help her impoverished family, labored in the Jew’s dismal sweat-shop pencil factory starting at age 11 for 55 hours a week for 17 cents an hour).

And Watson awoke as well to the problem of black rape of white girls and women, and though a very kind man with a big heart (he had brought free mail delivery as a Congressman to all the rural areas of America! — yes, farmers now got the mail delivered too, and not just city people), he went from an opponent of lynching to one showing understanding for this brutal “solution.”

Here is a blog on Watson, a brilliant writer and American hero for the white race who, five years before Adolf, was a true fighter.

Tom Watson, the first national socialist


….Hitler, pupil of American racial thinkers 

(a comrade sent this)

Excellent, educational, and well-researched 3-part article which talks about the white racialist origins of America, and how Hitler got most of his racial ideas from American racial thinkers like Madison Grant and Henry Ford. Also talks about Patton, his growing anti-Semitism after WWII, and how Trump has repeatedly quoted Patton in his tweets:

Hitler called Madison Grant’s The Passing of the Great Race his “bible.”

The famous 1934 “Nuremberg Laws” were heavily influenced by – and wouldn’t have come into existence without – America’s “anti-miscegenation” laws, which banned marriage between a white and a non-white in 30 states.

Virginia – the land of Jefferson – was home to the famous Racial Integrity Act of 1924. This Act designated people as non-white by the “one-drop rule,” This was significantly more hardcore than the Nuremberg Laws – “too racist” for the Nazis to copy.

These laws were lobbied for, and inspired by, the fiercely patriotic Madison Grant, whose lifetime achievements are absolutely breathtaking. He counted multiple U.S. Presidents as his friends including fellow white racialist Teddy Roosevelt (1901-1909) and Herbert Hoover (1929-1933).

Here’s a link from the above three-part article on Patton. Most do not know Patton also served in WWI, was severely wounded in battle as a 32-year-old lieutenant colonel, and had a near-death experience. Maybe the Jews don’t want this known about him:


….My comment

As so often, because white earthlings are so spiritually primitive, it takes an external enemy to unite whites. The Indo-Europeans broke up at least four thousand years ago, and have fought each other all that time.

Now, however, we see Brits, Americans, Canadians, Germans, Russians, French, and Swedes all coming together. The Jew, in that one sense only, is a back-handed but tremendous blessing.

……When the madness stopped 




“We had a very decent Christmas Day in the trenches. We had Christmas puddings sent up to us and a few of the boys and myself managed to hot them up, and with some sausage and potatoes and brussels sprouts, which we succeeded in foraging from a farm, we had a very good dinner.

On Christmas Eve we were surprised to see Christmas trees alight on the tops of the enemy’s trenches.

Some of the Germans (139th Saxon Regiment) shouted to our fellows to come over and have a drink and a smoke. They turned the searchlight on, and some of our boys went out and met them half-way.

The first German who came along threw his arms around one of our chap’s neck and kissed him!

Next they offered us cigars. On Christmas Day we were out of the trenches along with the Germans, some of whom had a song and dance, while two of our platoons had a game of football.

It was surprising to see the German soldiers “ some appeared old, others were boys, and others wore glasses.

But they ˜played the game’ for all that, and some of them even went as far as to state they would not shoot so long as our regiment was on that particular set of trenches. A number of our fellows have got addresses from the Germans and are going to try and meet one another after the war.” – Pvt. Farnden, of the Rifle Brigade, writing to his parents at Leyton.

Kaiser Wilhelm II


The Jews with their open border policies are pushing the people of the United States into a race war and I hope with all my heart and soul that instead of different races, ethnicities and cultures fighting against each other, everyone, I mean literally everyone, unites against the Jews and they get deported to Madagascar in toto.

The Bizarre Irony: Transgender Jews for Refugees (except to Israel) 


When I think of my old friend and boss (1987-93 and 2005-08), Willis Carto, now in Valhalla, I think, you lucky dog 😉 (Amazing oil portrait by Pete Papaherakles.) 


Adolf Hitler came to power in Jan ’33 because 1932 saw a wave of suicides; people were hitting rock-bottom in every way and the economy was in the gutter. What the Jewsmedia does not want people to know can be seen in the epic documentary ‘Adolph Hitler, the Greatest Story Never Told’ and 2015 film Hell Storm! If you haven’t watched these two very well produced items, please watch them at the Internet Archive ( and YouTube. Look up both of these excellent videos, if they are blocked in your country download the Tor Browser (you can surf the internet privately).

A great quote from Codreanu:

“Jews, like mosquitos, need swamplike conditions to thrive in.” 😉 

I see the bad moon arising.
I see trouble on the way.
I see earthquakes and lightnin’.
I see bad times today.[Chorus:]
Don’t go around tonight,
Well, it’s bound to take your life,
There’s a bad moon on the rise.I hear hurricanes ablowing.
I know the end is coming soon.
I fear rivers over flowing.
I hear the voice of rage and ruin.[Chorus]
All right!Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we’re in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye.[Chorus]


Now, let us thank everlastingly the German soldiers who stopped the Marxists and Judeo-Bolshevik Soviet juggernaut from conquering all of Europe and then the world.

Not to be missed: Suvorovs Chief Culprit Stalin was about to Conquer all of Europe until Hitler…

Remember that Europe controlled, via its colonial empires, most of the world and the fall of Europe would have meant a miserable, communist world.

The capture of Britain would have meant the capture of its empire — in 1921 1/4 of the earth! At one point in time the sun never set on the British Empire, today it is imploding from refugee chaos, open border immigration, legal immigration population explosion, radical Islam and Jewish cultural occupation at all levels from education, media, finanace, judges to government officials.


Germany sacrificed itself for you, and to stop Stalin and his horrific, raping hordes.



The Christmas tree came to the English-speaking world from Germany and from Prince Albert, the German-born husband of Queen Victoria of England. From England it then spread to America, supported of course by the millions of German immigrants to the United States.


Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha; unlike many dynastic marriages, his to Queen Victoria (1840-61) was extremely happy, and when he died, she wore black in mourning — literally — for the rest of her life,  1861-1901, a span of forty years. Prince Albert set up a German Christmas tree at Windsor Palace, and the custom spread!.


Prince Albert, Queen Victoria and four of their eventually nine children, painted in 1846 by the German Franz Xaver Winterhalter





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