Italian health ministry: Most Coronavirus fatalities are elderly with three pre-existing conditions

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Average of 2019-nCov deaths in Italy is 81: identikit from ISS
by RR
March 6, 2020

The Istituto superiore di sanità [ = Engl. “Higher Institute of Health”] in Italy has published an “identikit” of mortality associated with 2019-nCov based on an analysis of 105 Italian patients who died up to March 4, 2020:


-The average age of deceased and positive patients is 81 years; 73.3% are men; in more than two thirds of cases they have three or more pre-existing diseases.

-The average age of the deceased is 20 years higher than the the average age of the virus positive patients.

-The majority of deaths (42.2%) occurred in the age group between 80 and 89 years; 32.4% were between 70 and 79, 8.4% between 60 and 69, 2.8% between 50 and 59 and 14.1% over 90 years.

-Women who died after contracting COVID-2019 infection are older than men (median age women 83.4 – median age men 79.9).

-The average number of pathologies observed in this population is 3.4 (median 3, Standard Deviation 2.1).

-Overall, 15.5% of the sample had 0 or 1 pathologies, 18.3% had 2 pathologies and 67.2% had 3 or more pathologies. The most represented co-morbidity is hypertension (present in 74.6% of the sample), followed by ischemic heart disease (70.4%) and diabetes mellitus (33.8%).

-The median time from the onset of symptoms to hospitalization was 5 days and the median of the time between hospitalization and death was 4 days.

“Although preliminary, these data confirm the observations made so far in the rest of the world on the main characteristics of patients,” comments the president of ISS Silvio Brusaferro -, in particular on the fact that the elderly and people with pre-existing diseases are more at risk.

These are very fragile people, who often live in close contact and who we must protect as much as possible “.

(The report concerns deceased patients and is based on data obtained through the compilation of a questionnaire developed specifically for the purpose of detecting death cases).
Published March 6, 2020

Several doctors who have given media interviews have emphasized that these deaths are associated with 2019-nCov and not necessarily attributed directly to the virus. 2019-nCov refers to the virus. COVID-19 refers to the Corona virus disease. It’s possible to test positive for 2019-nCov without necessarily suffering from COVID-19.


…..Again, this dovetails with what this “Gosia” is saying

This is all hype to create hysteria and “justify” police-state measures the NWO wants.




  1. Attualmente la mia Regione sembra aver avuto due casi,lontani da qui;purtroppo il contagio è avvenuto al nord e trasportato nell’Università del capoluogo.

    Non sappiamo quanti ragazzi sono stati contagiati e messi in quarantena..

    Il Sud non è in grado di far fronte a questo pericolo,non come il lo spirito di sopravvivenza e di solidarietà è più radicato,calcolando tutti i terremoti della storia.

    Non sto mettendo da parte il problema che c’è ed è sto cercando di essere fiduciosa da un po’ di tempo a questa parte.[….]

    • Transl:

      Currently my region seems to have had two [Coronavirus] cases, far from here; unfortunately the infection occurred in the north and transported to the university of the capital [= Rome, OR of her region].

      We don’t know how many kids have been infected and quarantined ..

      The South [os Italy] is unable to cope with this danger, not like the North … but the spirit of survival and solidarity is more rooted, calculating all the earthquakes in history.

      I am not putting aside the problem that is there and it is real .. but I have been trying to be confident for some time now. [end]

      My reply:

      Thanks for this.

      As for the nightmares, it worked for me and for a friend to call on the name of Jesus for protection. I recommend it to you.

      The Talmud actually has a case of a rabbi who was at death’s door, called on Jesus (whom the jews hate) and survived, to the disgust of the other rabbis!

  2. Questa frase mi è apparsa sul cellulare nel mese di dicembre,forse prima non so..

    Ho aspettato il momento giusto, se esiste un momento giusto..

    Non è firmata da nessuno, ma ha avuto un certo impatto su di me.

    Mi sono promessa di aspettare..di comprendere meglio questa frase.

    Di non sentirmi sbagliata, in errore..o credere chissà a quali chimere!

    Chimere che mi sono state buttate addosso in questi giorni,una “stupida Sognatrice” che pensa cose strane, ALIENA catastrofica che non sta con i piedi per Terra.

    Chissà in quale dimensione sono..devo ancora capirlo.

    Mi devo “Sentire in colpa” (ANCORA) per quello che sono stata, per il mio Passato disastroso..per essermi sentita nel posto sbagliato.

    Nessuno percepisce chi sono oggi.

    Tranne i miei figli..

    Una mezza verità che ho detto che si è rivelata dopo “non ascoltata”..

    Questa è una cosa brutta..nessuno mi ascolta davvero.

    Sono tutti nelle loro MENTI.

    Io conosco la maggior parte di loro..chi sono stati nell’ultima Vita..nessuno potrebbe capire.

    Non ho mai smesso di “comprendere” le parole della ragazza IPOVEDENTE..sentivo qualcosa di particolare in Lei.

    Ma non mi ha detto tutto sotto dettatura automatica..”Lo sentiva”.

    Il Signore mi ha donato un orecchio particolare..sono cresciuta così.

    Ma non so spiegarmi quello che percepisco,quello che vedo,gli odori,il tatto.

    Non ho una spiegazione logica.

    Qualcosa mi porta a riflettere.

    Non mi sento “Superiore”..Dio Santo.

    Questa è la frase:

    • Transl:

      This mysterious sentence appeared to me on the cell phone in December, maybe before I don’t know ..

      I waited for the right time, if there is a right time ..

      It is not signed by anyone, but it has had some impact on me.

      I promised myself to better understand this sentence.

      Not to feel wrong, wrong … or believe who knows what chimeras!

      Chimeras that have been thrown at me these days, a “stupid dreamer” who thinks strange things, catastrophic ALIENA who is not down to earth.

      Who knows what size I am … I still have to understand it.

      I have to “feel guilty” (STILL) for what I have been, for my disastrous past … for feeling in the wrong place.

      Nobody perceives who I am today.

      Except for my children ..

      A half-truth I said that turned out to be after “unheard” ..

      This is a bad one really listens to me.

      They are all [trapped] in their [own] minds.

      I know most of them..who have been in the last one could understand.

      I never stopped “understanding” the words of the visually impaired girl … I felt something special in her.

      But he didn’t tell me everything under automatic dictation .. “He felt it”.

      The Lord gave me a particular ear … I grew up like this.

      But I can’t explain what I perceive, what I see, the smells, the touch.

      I don’t have a logical explanation.

      Something leads me to reflect.

      I don’t feel “superior” .. Holy God, no.

      This is the sentence:


      My reply:

      If this message is not something sadistic from the branch in Italy of the Cabal, designed to play psychological games with you, then it would seem to be a message about the “higher soul.”

      Part of us is on the other side, watching our lower self have our adventures here, our tragedies and our joys.

      We must always love ourselves, and admire our courage to incarnate here for the serious work of learning, loving and growing. Your higher soul, up with God and angels assigned to us, is your loving friend! 🙂 It wants you to succeed!

  3. Dear John,

    I’m starting to wonder if this virus is designed to wipe out the over-60 population. After all, due to China’s one-child policy, China is aging rapidly, and old people are of no economic use but a drain, as many workers must support one pensioner. Also, the western world is saddled with debt, its pension system may collapse, and we also have all the migrants and asylum-seekers to support so the New World Order may have decided that the world’s over-60 population must be eliminated by germ warfare.

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