In the arch-Catholic Bavaria of the 1920s, Adolf Hitler (and his close friend and mentor, Dietrich Eckart) understood that Judeo-Christianity was an incredibly dangerous lie — 1) “the Jews are God’s Chosen People” and 2) “Jesus was a good Jew.”
Unlike jews, Jesus preached service, not domination; forgiveness, not vengeance; sharing, not greed; and love, not hate.
They also grasped that Saul of Tarsus (the totally self-appointed “Apostle Paul,” who had elbowed aside Jesus’ actual disciples and even Jesus’ own half-brother, James) had totally hijacked the Jesus message, which had been radical opposition to the savage, psychopathic tenets of Yahweh Judaism.
Jesus, a “bad jew,” did NOT scorn a “goy” Roman officer.
Jesus’ jewish followers were shocked that he would help a goy — a Roman!
But Hitler and Eckart also felt that the time had not yet come (over a century ago) to declare war on Judeo-Christianity.
If you love your children, you deal with them realistically as they actually are.
If you love your people, and your race, you also consider “where mentally they are at.”
Or you will lose them. Their face betrays that what you are telling them is only shocking them, not truly educating them. They are just not yet able to process it. Your thoughts are still way too advanced.
At Georgetown, I had to read a great 1962 book, “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” by the MIT, Harvard, U. Chicago elite jew Thomas Kuehn. (“Kühn,” in German, means “bold.”)
It was, in a way, an appalling book about what happens when new scientific breakthroughs occur — the fierce reactions of reputable scientists against them….for reasons of pure ego, professional jealousy, envy, resentment, HATRED, and stubborn opposition (what the Germans call “Oppositionsgeist”).
If even trained scientists, who are supposed to be all logical, cerebral and cold, “Mr. Spock” types, can fight the truth tooth-and-nail, what about the average slob????
Kuehn actually says that the only way a new scientific truth takes over and sweeps aside the old thinking — what he calls a “paradigm shift” — is when the old scientists literally die out.
Yes, they have to “croak.” They have to “kick the bucket,” and this is the only way — the “biological way” — that their opposition to the new idea ends.
(Actually, Kuehn’s 1962 book, by being widely read and taken quite seriously, helped to attenuate this problem. Scientists saw via this book how ugly and stupid their stubbornness really was.)
The most extreme case of the denial of reality BY SCIENTISTS and MEDICAL DOCTORS was what happened to Ignaz Semmelweis, MD.
*** The Tragedy of Ignaz [Ignatius] Semmelweis, MD
This Austrian doctor saw an explosion of women dying in Vienna hospitals right after childbirth.
He denounced the fact that doctors were performing autopsies of the dead, and then, barely wiping their hands off, were then going across the hall and delivering babies! The doctors — with their corpse-infected hands — were killing their patients!
The upshot?
Ignatius and his wife Maria
It was whistleblower Semmelweis who was punished!
He lost his medical license!
He was locked up in an insane asylum. He was beaten severely by guards — and died of an untreated hand infection!
In 2008 Austria at least finally honored him with this 50-Euro commemorative coin:
I repeat:
If even trained scientists, who are supposed to be all logical, cerebral and cold, “Mr. Spock” types, can fight the truth tooth-and-nail, what about the average slob who makes no pretense of having any training in logic and the scientific method????
The starseeds are those who incarnate here from higher planets out of compassion.
And what they run into is that earthlings do not love the truth.
The truth, for them, is just trouble. They see it as “something that will get me in hot water.” And women are even worse than men are in this regard.
The overwhelming urge women feel to “fit in with the group” — which their female brain hormones reinforce — pushes for their compliance with group wishes, seeking “social harmony.”
Your average female, her brain “bathed repeatedly in estrogen,” becomes a kind of “harmony and compassion machine.” This equips her to care for her babies — puking, pooping, and crying at 3 am, no matter how exhausted you are 😉 — with infinite patience, with, as they say, “a mother’s love.”
Louanne Brizendine, MD (Harvard), a wife and mother herself, wrote a great book on why human females act as they do.
I said in a speech in another life that I could never have put my own mother, Klara, on a jury in a murder trial. Why not? She could not condemn even the worst murderer to death!
Klara Pölzl and her husband, Alois Hitler — who definitely could have sent a murderer to the gallows. LOL As I said in MK, “My father I respected; my mother I loved.”
I wonder sometimes if my father in this life had been Alois in the last one. 😉
But,being honest, our earthling MEN are awful too. They flout the truth almost as badly.
Democrat Sam Rayburn was a legendary Speaker of the US House of Representatives (with a big building in Washington DC named after him), and what did he tell every freshman Democrat congressman?
“To get along, go along!”
If even our leaders are this way, how about the masses?
And so I say:
What makes the earthlings capable of denying the most important, even life-saving truths?
Eckhart Tolle of Germany answers the question
But an Australian comrade wrote me in understandable disgust:
Have you ever heard Eckhart Tolle condemn the Israeli war crimes? Can’t say I have, but he will bring up the sacred Holocaust like every other sell-out.
I replied:
I fully understand your disgust.
Do not skip quickly over these photos of what American bombs have done.
It is just shameful and horrible.
But for going along with the Holofraud you could also slam Elon Musk (who has enabled a lot of free speech on Twitter, which in turn has forced even the Facebook of Zuckerberg to also loosen things up), or Tucker Carlson, or Mel Gibson, or David Icke, or Alex Jones, or the Duran video duo, or Colonel Douglas Macgregor, or Scott Ritter, and so many, many others ….such as Richard Nixon, Billy Graham, or my own father.
Whatever their private thoughts, they never go “full-Hitler” on the jews…and so they do commit some perfunctory Nazi-bashing, or they at least bring up the Holofraud now and then.
Actually, having actually read Eckhart Tolle’s books, comrade, which I suspect you have not, and having seen dozens of his videos, which you likely also have not seen, Tolle just does the absolute minimum of pro-Holocaustiana that is necessary for him as a white, male, blue-eyed German to avoid being cancelled.
He is dealing with the reality that if the jews turn against him, he is finished.
As we say in America, “Do not criticize a man unless you have walked a mile in his moccasins.” (Moccasins are an Amerindian kind of shoes.)
In fact, Tolle does criticize above all else “the egoic mind” — something which the jews incarnate far more spectacularly than any other people. In fact, some of his writings clearly have the jews in mind.
…..Eckhart Tolle — does he “get it” about the Jews?
I suspect he does, but his kind of critique would be different, more of the leftwing, Noam Chomsky, “” and antizionist kind, accusing the Jews (and Israel) of racism, militarism, discrimination, torture, violence, hatred, ethnic supremacism, and religious fundamentalism — all the things liberals loathe.
However, as I have pointed out, Tolle has been a huge, life-changing help to me.
BUT as the expression goes, “cobbler, stick to your last.” This means no one is OR CAN BE an expert on everything, so only teach what you yourself have knowledge and experience with.
So I do not expect Tolle to go beyond spirituality to exposing the Deep State, or business, media, and political skullduggery.
Shoe “lasts” are something which cobblers use — they cut the shoe leather around the wooden form of the last. In German they have the same expression about expertise: “Schuster, bleib bei deinem Leisten.”
I can integrate Tolle’s teachings into my own, because I do understand race and the JQ. And that is fine, because my goal is to first straighten whites out, not obsess on what other races are doing, things which other WNs and I have covered ad infinitum for years, decades and even generations.
In my view, either Tolle does not fully understand 1) the racial issue (= racial differences) and 2) the Jewish question, OR he is simply petrified, especially as a German, to even “go there” — due obviously to the high risk that his booming and very socially useful career as a worldwide spiritual teacher would be over instantly if the Jews targeted him.
His wife is not white, but an attractive Chinese woman, no rarity in Vancouver, British Columbia. They have no kids.
Tolle did a major series of excellent interviews in 2007 with Oprah Winfrey (
Be that as it may, this excellent section from chapter 4 of “A New Earth” indicates to me Tolle probably does “get” the JQ:
…..from Eckhart Tolle himself
[Jew-like traits were bolded by me, JdN, not Tolle, and I added all the images and captions in italics, not Tolle.]
As we have seen, the ego is in its essential nature pathological, if we use the word in its wider sense to denote dysfunction and suffering.
Many mental disorders consist of the same egoic traits that operate in a “normal” person, except that they have become so pronounced that their pathological nature is now obvious to anyone, except the sufferer.
*** This only applies to earthlings. There are thousands of planets where people have evolved far beyond where we are — stuck in INSANE denial about all sorts of things, not just about the jews and race.
Nordics lead a federation all across our galaxy. Most of them have given up on the Whites here, the “white trash” of the galaxy.
Nordics are here for gold, silver, hydrogen, titanium, and other elements their craft need.
Jews were sent here by a reptilian federation to conquer us, enslave us, and 90% exterminate all pure Whites
Skeptical? Watch this lecture, held before soldiers on Israel’s solemn Memorial Day in the year 2011
So why did I lose 50% of my readers in 2010-11? For given WNs the truth about aliens and about reincarnation — FACTS.
“You can’t handle the truth!” said Jack Nicholson.
And the tragedy of Adolf Hitler is that the brutal truth about 1) the jews — and 2) about the low level of earthlings, which makes democracy into, not freedom at all, but mental slavery to jew lies and financial slavery to oligarchic jew billionaires — was too much for them to handle.
The Slavic and Anglo-Saxon Whites brutally destroyed his country, the one truly happy nation in human history.
A German woman in Dessau cries….
All flattened…
*** back to Eckart Tolle
For example, many normal people tell certain kinds of lies from time to time in order to appear more important, more special, and to enhance their image in the mind of others: whom they know, what their achievements, abilities, and possessions are, and whatever else the ego uses to identify with.
Some people, however, driven by the ego’s feeling of insufficiency and its need to have or be “more,” lie habitually and compulsively.
Most of what they tell you about themselves, their story, is a complete fantasy, a fictitious edifice the ego has designed for itself to feel bigger, more special.
*** JdN
Yahweh supposedly chooses the Jews as His people at Mount Sinai
*** Tolle
Their grandiose and inflated self-image can sometimes fool others, but usually not for long. It is then quickly recognized by most people as complete fiction.
*** Tolle
The mental illness that is called paranoid schizophrenia, or paranoia for short, is essentially an exaggerated form of ego.
It usually consists of a fictitious story the mind has invented to make sense of a persistent, underlying feeling of fear. the main element of the story is the belief that certain people (sometimes large numbers or almost everyone) are plotting against me, or are conspiring to control or kill me.
The story often has an inner consistency and logic so that it sometimes fools others into believing it too. Sometimes organizations or entire nations have paranoid belief systems at their very basis.
Big report in the weekly Washington City Paper about my protest demo at the US National Holocaust Museum’s official opening in April 1993 in the US capital, where I disturbed Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel’s speech, that of President Bill Clinton and of the president of Israel!
*** Tolle
The ego’s fear and distrust of other people, its tendency to emphasize the “otherness”of others by focusing on their perceived faults and make those faults into their identity, is taken a little further and makes others [JdN: National Socialists, “fascists,” Palestinians, whit males, and others] into inhuman monsters.
*** Tolle
The ego needs others, but its dilemma is that deep down it hates and fears them. Jean-Paul Sartre’s statement “Hell is other people” is the voice of the ego.
Jean-Paul Sartre ((here with his wife, Simone de Beauvoir) was a pro-communist, French, atheistic philosopher, seen here visiting Che Guevara and Fidel Castro in Cuba
*** Tolle
The person suffering from paranoia experiences that hell most acutely, but everyone in whom the egoic patterns still operate will feel it to some degree.
The stronger the ego in you, the more likely it is that in your perception other people are the main source of problems in your life. It is also more than likely that you will make life difficult for others. But, of course, you won’t be able to see that. It is always others who seem to be doing that to you.
The mental illness we call paranoia also manifests another symptom that is an element of every ego, although in paranoia it takes on a more extreme form. The more the sufferer sees himself persecuted, spied on, or threatened by others the more pronounced becomes his sense of being the center of the universe around whom everything revolves, and the more special and important he feels as the imagined focal point of so many people’s attention.
His sense of being a victim, of being wronged by so many people, makes him feel very special.
Mordechai Nisan is an Israeli professor, member of the World Zionist Organization, and scholar of Middle East Studies at the Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His most recent book, Only Israel West of the River: The Jewish State and the Palestinian Question, appeared in July, 2011.
Mordechai Nisan is a contributing expert to the Ariel Center for Policy Research and a research consultant for the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense, Some of his texts have been polemical for expressing radical Semitism. Nisan has written extensively in English and Hebrew. Other books include Identity and Civilization: Essays on Judaism, Christianity and Islam (1999) Minorities in the Middle East: A History of Struggle and Self-Expression (2002) and The Conscience of Lebanon: A Political Biography of Etienne Sakr (Abu-Arz)(2003). He holds a Ph.D. from McGill University in Montreal, Canada.[1][2]
- “The Syrian occupation of Lebanon”, NATIV, Ariel Center for Policy Research, Volume Thirteen, Number 3 (74), June 2000.
- “Brief Reviews”, in: Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2002 ¢ Vol. IX: No. 4
- “The War of Islam Against Minorities in the Middle East,” in Muhammad’s Monsters, 2004
- “Kadima’s Treachery Must be Punished at the Polls” March 27, 2006
Published works[edit]
- (1977): The Arab-Israeli Conflict, A Political Guide for the Perplexed. The Joshua Group.
- (1978): Israel and the Territories A study in Control 1967-1977. Ramat Gan: Turtledove. ISBN 978-965-200-005-7.
- (1982): American Middle East Foreign Policy: A Political Reevaluation. Griffin, GA: Dawn Pub. Co. ISBN 978-0-9690001-1-2.
- (1991): Toward A New Israel: The Jewish State and the Arab Question. New York: AMS Press. ISBN 978-0-404-61631-1.
- (1999): Identity and Civilization: Essays on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. University Press of America. ISBN 978-0-7618-1356-9.
- (2002): Minorities in the Middle East: A History of Struggle and Self-Expression (2nd ed.). McFarland & Company. ISBN 978-0-7864-1375-1.
- (2003): The Conscience of Lebanon: A Political Biography of Etienne Sakr (Abu-Arz). London: Routledge Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7146-8378-2.
- (2011): Only Israel West of the River: The Jewish State and the Palestinian Question. ISBN 978-1-4610-2726-3.
Ovadia Yosef (Hebrew: עובדיה יוסף Ž Ovadya Yosef, Arabic: عبد الله يوس٠Ž, translit. Abdullah Yusuf Ž; [2] September 24, 1920 “ October 7, 2013)[3] was an Iraqi-born Talmudic scholar, a posek, the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1973 to 1983, and the founder and long-time spiritual leader of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Shas party.[4][5] Yosef’s responsa were highly regarded within Haredi circles, particularly among Mizrahi communities, among whom he was regarded as “the most important living halakhic authority”.[6]
*** Tolle
In the story that forms the basis of his delusional system, he often assigns to himself the role of both victim and potential hero who is going to save the world or defeat the forces of evil.
The collective ego of tribes, nations, and religious organizations als frequently contains a strong element of paranoia: us against the evil others. It is the cause of much human suffering.
The Spanish Inquisition, the persecution and burning of heretics and “witches,” the relations between nations leading up to the First and Second World Wars [NO special mention of “Nazis,” Hitler or Jews], Communism throughout its history, the “Cold War,” McCarthyism in the Middle East in the 1950s, prolonged, violent conflict in the Middle East [this could well imply the Jews and Israel], are all painful episodes in human history dominated by extreme collective paranoia.
The more unconscious individuals, groups, or nations are, the more likely it is that egoic pathology will assume the form of physical violence. Violence is a primitive but still very widespread way in which the ego attempts to assert itself, to prove itself right and another wrong.
American GIs die under German MG fire during the landing (from the 1998 film “Saving Private Ryan”)
*** Tolle
With very unconscious people, arguments can easily lead to physical violence. What is an argument? Two or more people express their opinions and those opinions differ. Each person is so identified with the thoughts that make up their opinion, those those thoughts harden into mental positions which are invested with a sense of self.
In other words, identity and thought merge. Once this has happened, when I defend my opinions (thoughts), I feel and act as if I were defending my very self.
Unconsciously, I feel and act as if I were fighting for survival and so my emotions will reflect this unconscious belief. They become turbulent. I am upset, angry, defensive, or aggressive. I need to win at all cost lest I [my precious ego] become annihilated.
That’s the illusion.
The ego does not know that mind and mental positions have nothing to do with who you are because the ego is the unobserved mind itself.
In Zen they say:
“Don’t seek the truth. Just cease to cherish opinions.”
What does that mean? Let go of identification with your mind. Who you are beyond the mind then emerges by itself.
And so I say this to you, comrade:
If Eckart Tolle (a closet antisemite, IMO), in the wake of the Gaza genocide did now come out openly against the jews, risking all the career he has built up by hard work over the last 25 years, would you send him $50, $100 or $1,000?
Or would you just wish him “Good luck, mate”? 😉
If Eckhart Tolle became an Ignaz Semmelweis on the JQ and he blasted the Holocaust, ENDING HIS CAREER, what would you D-O for him?
It is so easy to criticize.
The Jews have been expelled from White countries more than 100 times with the complaint that justified these expulsions being that Jews practiced usury and ritual murder.
The Jews have always denied the existence of ritual murder, which today they name “the blood libel.”
Against this denial by the Jews, Arnold Leese wrote a book that named numerous, well-respected, prominent men throughout Western history who were convinced that Jewish ritual murder was a reality.
Very recently Leese’s book has become unavailable at Amazon.
The jews, out of long experience, mightily fear the ritual-murder accusation. Harm to little children is a huge trigger to gentile action.
I remember when Ariel Toaff’s scholarly book came out in 2007. I was then on a forum called “” and many jews were on there as well. You could duel with them there, so to speak. (The jews got the site shut down in 2009.)
The jews on really had no good answer to us for toaff’s book. the book shows that for centuries many Popes actually had defended the jews against the ritual-murder accusation and urged the civil authorities (dukes, barons, kings, etc.) to end pogroms by the people.
This was sometimes because of Pauline and Catholic theology, which said that the jews, however wicked and Jesus-hating they were, “still” remained “God’s people”…”our elder brothers in the faith” — a dogma which is the most toxic notion in all of Western history….. teaching Christians to revere — and not wipe out or expel permanently and in toto — their most dangerous, powerful, sinister and ruthless enemy.
But also, and this is what Hitler and Eckart believed, Popes opposed pogroms and sought to exculpate the jews from this accusation of ritual murder because 1) some of these Popes or their advisors were crypto-jews and/or they took enormous bribes to deny the crime even when the completely blood-drained corpse of a boy was found with a hundred or more puncture marks on his skin. Bribes also explain why the royal sheriffs in Norman England kept on looking the other way. King Edward I (“Longshanks”) tried in 1275 to change jewish behavior without any expulsions, but the jews did not comply at all. And so in 1290 he went all the way and expelled the jews from England.
(Unfortunately, many jews just emigrated north to the then independent Scotland. In the mid-1600s they began filtering back in quite illegally as “Portuguese goldsmiths,” with the king’s decree of 1290 to expelling the jews being still legally in effect. But between huge bribes and blackmail, the jews for millennia have simply flouted any and all inconvenient laws.)
But Toaff’s book was a new and severe problem. After all, unlike Arnold Leese, Ariel Toaff himself was a jew, and an Israeli, and a tenured professor of Medieval Italian Jewish history at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv and was recognized in Wikipedia as the world’s top authority on the Italian jews of the Middle Ages.
AND he was the son of the Grand Rabbi of Rome, Eli Toaff, who had met with Pope John Paul II when that pope came to his synagogue, the first visit by a Pope to a synagogue in many centuries.
So for this highly credentialed jew, Ariel Toaff, to prove that jewish ritual murder sometimes was a real thing (and not “libel” at all) was huge.
Under huge pressure, unsurprisingly, Toaff sort-of recanted, but not convincingly.
I read an Israeli newspaper on all this with an interview with some Israelis who personally knew Ariel Toaff and his father. They, of course, did not even touch on the subject at hand, which was the truth of jewish ritual murder. but instead only speculated why Ariel had written the book, and what his motives were. How about the quest for the truth? LOL — such a quest is unknown to jewish supremacists. The article was a great example of the tactic known as diversion, of the diverting of the discussion to side topics…. to not discussing the 900-pound gorilla standing in the middle of the living room. 😉 )
What these people who knew the family said was that Ariel had severe issues with his father.
Incest? It is a huge problem in jewish families.