Jared Taylor’s Jewish concubine denounces him as a cad; how he undermined my winnable campaign as a WN for sheriff — open seat — in a 98% white, Obama-HATING Appalachian county

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Evelyn Rich denies her overt Jewishness — but cannot deny she is a leftist and hates all white nationalists and especially her sex partner Taylor


The Daily Stormer had a thread (http://bbs.dailystormer.com/t/whiny-little-bitches-of-vice-attack-trump-for-being-supported-by-amren/37639/92) on Jared Taylor and the possible Jewishness of his concubine, Evelyn Rich.

I wrote there:

I am John de Nugent and have personal knowledge of these issues and people.

Picture of me in 1990, a year after I met them both.


What none of these commentators say is that Taylor dropped the connection to the jew-bashing IHR as soon as he personally (sexually) got involved with the leftist Jewish activist Evelyn Rich.

I and Jared Taylor both were active on the podium at the 1989 conference of the openly Jew-bashing Institute for Historical Review that was founded and run by the late, great Willis A. Carto in southern California, a fierce and feared antisemite.



At the 1989 IHR conference I did the simultaneous interpretation for a great Dutch national socialist, Florentine Rost van Tonningen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florentine_Rost_van_Tonningen), discussing her life, values and ordeals in fighting for our race.


Jared Taylor, who had once lived in Japan and still spoke fluent Japanese, then interpreted for a retired Japanese general who (in his language) was explaining the truth about Franklin Roosevelt and how FDR provoked and goaded the Japanese into their attack on Pearl Harbor.

***** as to who I am

If you are not very familiar with me, here is more on my long WN career:



I stand here vindicated now, btw, after five years of smears by the infamous and now overtly leftist, race-mixing traitor Henrik Holappa and his ally, Carlos Porter, the only man in the British Isles or the EU who can write the word “nigger” seven times on his website and not be arrested for hate speech because he defames ME.

Holappa has now come out as “converted” from racism and antisemitism, has married a Chinese, has abandoned his white wife and four daughters and has gone on TV in Scandinavia and written a book denouncing both me — and his newest “betrayees,” the comrades of the Nordic Resistance Movement.




Speaking at the David Duke conference in Memphis in November 2008, and wearing a tie, shirt and jacket I lent him.



and after


Now Holappa loves multiculturalism and muslim immigrants.


In Finnish: “I started a Neo-Nazi Organization” Now Hitler is an evil criminal….


This is the same man whose character attacks on ME the Jewish-owned Google features on page one under my name! If you cannot trust a traitor, whom can you trust?




( https://johndenugent.com/english/jdn-defamer-porter-claims-jews-did-not-kill-john-kennedy-and-mary-phagan-porters-chief-source-against-me-defamer-henrik-holappa-endorses-black-white-miscegenation/)


I am the one who exposed Evelyn Rich’s Jewishness, and indeed, I have actually met them both:   https://johndenugent.com/?s=taylor+rich

OF COURSE Rich is a Jewish “honeypot,” and a classic example.

Why on earth would a SJW (“social justice warrior”) female get involved otherwise with a male white nationalist???????

IMO, she comes across as a feminist, Jewish bitch who probably — in the well-known Jewish American Princess-modus operandi  — sucked his dick until he screamed — and this made him into her sex addict.

Way back in the 1920s Dr. Joseph Goebbels was writing about this specific theme of jewesses “putting out sexually” to seduce and ensnare young Aryans of great promise! Jewesses have been glomming onto up-and-coming Aryan males to defang them as potential antisemitic leaders for millennia.

The Roman general Titus, the very one who destroyed Jerusalem, had a Jewish girlfriend, Berenice, and probably for this reason he did not exterminate them all!


In fact, according to the Old Testament, “Queen Esther” in 500 BC was sucking the Persian emperor’s cock to sexually enslave him and thus help her fellow Jews take down the prime minster, Haman, and 70,000 other antisemites in ancient Medo-Persia!



(BE sure to read Evelyn Rich’s purported but vouchsafed email about Jared below. She cannot stand the man, oy veh, but a nice Jewish girl carries on with her goy-destroy mission.)

And Rich absolutely IS a (((Jewish)))  name.






The following email from Evelyn Rich to her coterie blasting Jared Taylor is vouchsafed as authentic by a very trusted and longtime friend of mine, who knows a person in norther Virginia who actually knows both Taylor and Rich.

He said to my totally trusted friend that the Rich email is absolutely genuine and was indeed sent out by her.

**I directly asked Rich in our email back-and-forth if this email was authentic and she did not respond, though she had responded earlier to other things, and she knows I am an opinion-maker.**

(Over 700,000 hits on my name on Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=john+de+nugent&gws_rd=ssl)

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Evelyn Rich <iamevelynrich@gmail.com>
To: John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, 12 March 2016, 18:03
Subject: Re: I Am the Subject

I am who I say I am. Once again, I am not Jewish and no one in my family is or ever was Jewish. Google the name “Rich” and English and you will see it is a very old and venerable English name.

On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 5:51 PM, John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com> wrote:

Dear Ms. Rich:

(Assuming you are who you say you are)

Well, then we actually met at an IHR conference, maybe in 1988 or 1989.

I remembered your voice and face from the 1993 Frontline, though it seemed a tad more BBC-English in 1992 and less Scottish than at the IHR. (I studied linguistics and accents at Georgetown, graduating with high honors.)


I am sorry, Ma’am, if you are indeed who you say you are, and not Jewish, as you assert. You sent me a Scottish church birth certificate but Karl Marx and Benjamin Disraeli were also “baptized.”

As part of my counter-attack on Mr Taylor I examined your case as well, but this is a war Taylor and others started. They are trying to destroy me.

In fact, I had always admired Mr. Taylor’s work, I saw him as a real asset, his good looks and Ivy League degree were great things, and I used to subscribe to his print newsletter in the early 1990s.


Taylor (center) with (left) the gay-voiced, gay-approving Richard Spencer of the “NPI” (https://johndenugent.com/?s=richard+spencer)


But Mr. Taylor is part of a wolfpack that has been **savaging and defaming me with the most terrible character defamations for seven years straight,** causing me incredible suffering and, worst of all, a great thwarting of my efforts to save the white race.

I have some questions then to pose to you, if you are amenable to responding to them ALL:

You deny, though I doubt you, that you are Jewish. Fine. Moving on:

1) Are you a leftist, liberal or moderate, and against white nationalism, as you seemed to be in 1992 on Frontline?

2) Are you also against “antisemitism”?

3) Why did Mr. Taylor not marry you if he gave you two children (whom one mutual friend, “SS,” has met — all four of you)?

4) **Is this email that follows actually and authentically from you?**

## _From: Evelyn Rich <____________@gmail.com>_
## _Date: _
## _Subject: Re: Family Meeting_
## _To: _
## _Cc: _

## _<http://www.amren.com/> _

## _I am starting this message with Jared’s American Renaissance masthead. For about 25 years Jared has chosen this Thomas Jefferson quote as a symbol of his desire to tell the truth to the whole world.. It reads: _

## _”There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world.”_

## _My aim is more modest. I am telling the truth to far fewer people. _

## _In August 1993 Jared and I became parents to our first child. We were not married. When I told Jared I was pregnant he pleaded with me to have an abortion. When I refused he told me that he would take no responsibility for the child. Why should he be made to pay for a child he did not want? Abortion was the obvious and cheapest way out. Because my health insurance did not cover pregnancy and because Jared refused to help pay for the pregnancy and birth I was forced to go on welfare. Jared’s major concern was that I never named him as the father because he knew they would come after him for money. I still have nightmares about that pregnancy and birth.

## _Jared refused to contribute any money to help buy clothes, diapers or furniture. Everything was bought buy me at the Salvation Army.

## _Eventually Jared was forced to come to family court with me. He was still refusing to admit he was the father. Eventually the authorities got him to admit the truth. Jared was required by court order to pay back the costs. He paid this for years and years._

## _In 2002, 8 plus years later, our second child was born. In the years between I had two miscarriages. Jared had told me he would pay for pregnancy insurance, but he never did. My second child was my second welfare baby. Jared was very relieved when he found out that Virginia, unlike Kentucky, would not make him pay a dime towards this pregnancy and birth.

## _Because we are not married Jared has always said he is not responsible for supporting me. This has not stopped him from accepting $50,000 from my mother towards our children’s college education. My mother (unaware of any of this) also bought our older daughter a car. _

## _Meanwhile, Jared has completely ignored my last message to you all.

## _Evelyn_


5) Would you be willing to speak to me on the telephone, Ms. Rich? I was an interrogator in the United States Marine Corps. If you can disprove my allegations to my satisfaction, I will retract them. My fight will have to go on against the slanderous Mr. Taylor, because I cannot lead anyone if my character continues to be successfully impugned by Jared and others like him.

John de Nugent
(906) 884-6689


Evelyn Rich refused this time to answer any of my questions.

Here now is my open letter to Jared Taylor:



Dear Mr. Taylor:

Let me tell you when I finally, really “had” it with the effects on my work of your defamation of me, and that of your clique.

I do not mind the Jews or other subhumans attacking me, and I expect that.

But when a fellow soldier defames me it hurts more, yes, and it is far more damaging to my WORK.

In 2012 I moved to Apollo, Pennsylvania to serve our race by 1) exposing the NUMEC issue and 2) then running for office, whether as sheriff of the surrounding county or as mayor of the town of 1500 that is Apollo.






The town and the county (Armstrong) are both 98% white and consist of rightwing, Obama-hating hillbillies of Scotch-Irish ancestry, 50% German-Americans, and a few Slavs and Italians. The county landslided against Obama in both 2008 and 2012. This is Appalachia — pickup trucks and shotguns.

Apollo High School cheerleaders


Just 12 blocks north-to-south –it would not have taken a lot of funds to cover this town.


Not only do both areas loathe blacks, but there is rage over the epidemic of cancers caused by the Israelis, who using Zalman Shapiro founded and ran the illegal, treasonous, toxic, radioactivity-spewing NUMEC nuclear-fuel plant. The whole town, and the whole southern edge of the county, are full of rare forms of lethal cancer, including rare brain cancers and thyroid cancer, cancers which has infected some who were born literally after the plant was torn down.

(Here is more info, before I move on with our issues, Mr. Taylor: https://johndenugent.com/english/to-a-skeptic-swedish-weekly-leftists-get-a-taste-at-home-of-their-own-medicine-how-i-could-have-used-numec-to-awaken-america/) and please scroll down 3/4 to “How I could have used NUMEC to awaken America to the Jew menace”)

The 2013 race for sheriff, in an open seat, was in my professional judgment the only race any white nationalist could have won in the United States, and then there was the even more winnable race after that for mayor of Apollo, Pennsylvania, a town of just 12 blocks and, as I say, a mere 1,500 people.

(And being gregarious, friendly and a helpful person, I had become known and liked by many in that town for both my personality and my views.)

Yet because of a vast, slanderous campaign, both surreptitious and overt, of which you are an integral part, Mr. Taylor, to revile me, and call me (one or all of the following) a homosexual, pedophile, child molester, con man, lunatic, fake Marine, lazy, parasite, and psychopath,  these two golden opportunities received only pitiful financial support and thus in neither case got off the ground.

I note that Google joined right in too with the specific “gay” defamation, and when one entered my name, for years this popped up:

Sergei Brin of Google






….and the same on Microsoft’s Bing search engine, then run by the Jew Steve Ballmer



Now in the spring of 2013, when I was trying to run for sheriff, a true activist, Harry Bertram of West Virginia, contacted me and asked why the American Third Position was not supporting me, since “they are looking for good candidates,”

william-D-Johnson-afpI replied: “Call the chairman, William Johnson, and ask him. I assume it is because Jared Taylor and Jamie Kelso are defaming me.”

He called me back and said: “I just spoke to Johnson in L.A. and he is interested to hear from you.”

So I called this man, an AFP founder and the chairman, and we had a good conversation. I told him about my work, my resumé, my decades in the WN cause, my Margaret, and my children and grandchildren.

William Johnson (by reports a Mormon, btw, and thus a family-oriented guy) and I actually had a good conversation, and he ended by saying:

“I am glad we had this conversation, I am going to talk to the board of the American Freedom Party about you.

Frankly, I had heard you were a pedophile.”

I asked: “Who told you THAT?”

He demurred, and said again:

“I will talk to the board and get back to you in a few days.”



And that was the last I ever heard from Johnson…….

I was informed, Mr. Taylor, that you were on that AFP board then and that you had a big influence on William Johnson.

Here now are three questions for you:

**Were you the one who told William Johnson of the AFP to not send me funds for a winnable race for an open seat for sheriff in a black-despising, Obama-hating, 98% white, gun-toting, rednecky Appalachian county of western Pennsylvania?**

And were YOU the one who called me a pedophile?

Because someone sure did, and someone engineered a total reversal of Johnson’s initially positive impression of me.

And why ever did you get involved with a leftist Jewess?

Was “it” so good it was worth treason?


John de Nugent


**** from Evelyn Rich

From: John de Nugent <wordpress@johndenugent.com>
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, 12 March 2016, 17:16
Subject: I Am the Subject

From: Evelyn Rich <iamevelynrich@gmail.com>
Subject: I Am the Subject

Message Body:
I am not Jewish. I have never been Jewish. No one in my family is Jewish. No one in my family has ever been Jewish.

I am not married to Jared Taylor. I have never been married to Jared Taylor.

I offer a $100,000 reward to anyone who can prove otherwise.

This e-mail was sent from a contact form on John de Nugent (https://johndenugent.com)




  1. It sounds almost like she’s a victim of Jared Taylor. Leftist is probably more dangerous then Jewish in my opinion, but it’s pretty common knowledge radical left wing movements are funded mainly by Jews. Either way I would say Taylor is the one in the wrong here, he got her pregnant, he refused to do his job as a father, we don’t know the circumstances of why she’s left-wing, perhaps she was raised that way and never knew any better. The real issue is Jared Taylor is openly trying to gentrify people through the alt-right movement and AMREN.

    There’s also clearly a movement out to discredit you John, I myself got caught up in it, but finally I’ve seen the truth that you are a heroic man, and I feel foolish for my actions.

    I feel a new respect for you much greater than before now that you’ve learned through experience not to be so trusting of these wolves in sheep’s clothing; well, “wolves” honestly is almost a complimentary term, but you know what I mean.

    • Thank you for the comment and compliment!

      In all fairness to any of my critics who may be honest and not hateful, in my research to create an new Aryan heroic religion I have published blogs whose themes have induced various hard-nosed and materialistic skeptics to dismiss me as being “looney” — at least in those compartmentalized areas, while they do agree with me on race and the Jews.

      I am referring specifically to 1) my research on reincarnation and 2) my growing certainty that we humans are not alone in this huge universe.

      In other words, I believe in both the possibility of alien life in this galaxy and among them, in the reality of full humans who are far more advanced than us in technology and longevity and who were called gods — “shining ones” literally in Indo-European — by our ancestors (Zeus, Apollo, Odin, Thor, etc.)

      Achilles, for example, was described matter-of-factly as the grandson of Zeus. And Zeus was a horny bastard, like several of the gods. The Ancient Greeks were so incredibly gifted because they had god blood.

      (See also my recent blog: https://johndenugent.com/english/spectacular-poiice-video-of-a-ufo-splitting-and-reuniting/)

      I myself, and a client, saw a craft like this in McMinnville, Oregon in July of 1989.

      And no, not all UFOs can be explained away as US government secret projects, which can sometimes be a cowardly form of denial. This shot was taken in the year 1870 at Mount Washington, New Hampshire, decades before the Wright Brothers. 😉


      This is a woodcut from the year 1561 of a shocking aerial battle that took place over Nuremberg, Germany, and which the newspapers of the day (yes, thanks to the German Johann Gutenberg, there were newspapers 455 years ago). On the lower right you can see a craft that was shot down. The battle was finally and suddenly decided by the ominous appearance of the giant black, dagger-like “battleship,” seen lower-center. This was one of several air battles over southern Germany and Switzerland. I really don’t think the US Air Force was running any black projects in 1561. 😉

      I have become convinced that today’s whites (and East Asians, and the other races) descend from stranded war or disaster refugees and from planned colonists who arrived here from other human-settled planets in several waves, and that this earth has undergone itself many devastating wars, some of them nuclear, and several rises and falls of civilization. There are traces of green glass from nuclear explosions in Central America, Iraq, the Gobi Desert, and many other places.

      Personally I lack the credentials to look down on Oxford PhD Joseph Farrell, whose book here is magnificent and, between the lines, very, very antisemitic. The part about the being called Yahweh is earth-shattering.

      I further believe that the Jews, with their uncanny and uniquely genocidal, enslaving ideas, are (as Rabbi Michael Laitman of Moscow openly has stated in videos on Youtube) the descendants of a hostile human race that came here, that was SENT here, as proxies for an especially malevolent, non-human species.

      I believe, in fact, that Yahweh is a real and hideous alien being who is manipulating and using the Jews, and has perhaps inserted some alien DNA into them to control and weaponize them.

      (All this gives a whole new meaning to the famous New Testament verse John 8:44: “You are from your father, the Devil.” This is actually the most anti-Jewish thing anyone has ever said, that the Jews literally are descendants of a demonic race.)

      Those who are fair are forced to acknowledge that in order to back up my claims I offer a veritable mountain of facts (maybe a tedious mountain to those with a Daily Stormer attention span 😉 ).

      I provide this stack of facts on the principle that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.”

      And indeed, because I respect my readers (and I do, and I ask them to respect me back and my hard work, and donate to my mission if they have received valuable teaching), I diligently gather vast amounts of facts, I analyze them, I sift the wheat from the chaff, and then only do I publish what I am convinced is factual, truthful and believable.

      I owe that to my readers and supporters, and to the truth, which for me is sacred.

      Anyone who reads this essay, for example, on reincarnation, sees that my new religion, like this article, is not some cultlike, mind-controlled, guru-led, thou-shalt-believe put-on, and no insult to the intelligence of an Aryan man or woman.



      A blond Rhodesian boy describes what he saw to a Harvard Medical School doctor and researcher, who interviewed hundreds of abductees:

      The problem is that the campaign of vilification against my character has been so intense and widespread — and has gone on for seven long years now — that so very many have heard from some online friend that I am an nut and never, ever go to my site at all.

      Of course, not more than one percent make the slightest effort to verify such assertions. They believe it because their friends do. 😉
      I recall, in this regard, vividly some WN guy named Paul who called me once rudely at 10:30 pm when I was, for a change, already in bed. No stranger really should call a private home uninvited after 9 pm.

      So I answer in my usual baritone and with a note of irritation in my voice. This Paul was completely befuddled, having sincerely expected, based on the orchestrated slander campaign against me, that some dweeby little freak would timorously pick up the phone, some weenie he could troll and bully. 😉

      I told him : “Young man, it is 10:30 at night; you have disturbed my evening’s rest. If you wish to speak with me, let us set up an appointment.” His attitude changed instantly. 🙂

      As for Jared Taylor, whether he is an agent, an FBI-“turned” individual succombing to bribes, blackmail or both, or he trash-talks me merely out of common, narcissistic, jealous malevolence, the fact remains this:

      He is attacking a fellow soldier in time of war. And that is really a kind of treason.

      Our race is under attack. Speaking as a former Marine, it is unthinkable to me, with the enemy rushing at us, to go and stick my bayonet into the shocked ribs of a fellow warrior, a man fighting on the same side. Even if I dislike or disagree with the man, still he is fighting the common foe and I need him.

      REally, to attack people on our own side is like wishing for our defeat.

      And we know from the Thomas Goodrich book and the documentary film “Hellstorm” (to which I and Margi freely contributed six voices) what horrific doom awaits us Whites if we lose.


      We know from our own times what has happened since 1994 to the betrayed, pitiful whites of South Africa:


      “Vae Victis,” as the Romans said — woe to the vanquished.

      And I will issue a fair warning — that those who have libeled and slandered me, heedless of the facts, and harmed my mission to save our race from genocide, will some day get their karmic consequences.

      I am not a mere bookworm. I am the descendant of warriors.

      See My ancestral Normandy

    • jEWS ARE DANGEROUS LEFT OR RIGHT BECAUSE it is to be assumed that their first loyalty is to their tribe and the rest is cover for that. They, therefore, get on all sides of every issue to control the dialogue. Take Andrew Anglin, He was an SJW four years ago saying the white race should be bred out because white ppl went around the world fucking everybody. One year later he starts Total Fascism and claims that blacks and Arabs and whites have a common Jew enemy who is the organizer behind the chaos
      Then he does a 180 on that as well by taking every opportunity to demonize Muslims and blacks and saying the Jews don’t conspire. He also posts videos that the Muslims are going to take over the world and not only defeat us but the Jew.
      I had the same value system in 2012, I have now, just with more depth and understanding. Anglin was not a clueless idiot when he made that statement about whites on the radio. He was an Alex Jones follower and got articles published on his site. Interestingly, Andrew found a way to remove Total Fascism from being accessed in the way back machine. John looks the other way on Andrew. Why? There is nothing noble about calling a personal enemy an op and often judgement gets clouded when it becomes personal. However, if it isn’t personal, John pretends it’s not a problem. Hope you don’t censor, John

      • “Personal,” no. These character defamers who blast me and whose canards are put by Google on page one impede my mission.

        And at least with them, whatever their true motive and adherence, I do know they are attacking me.

        In any case, to put Anglin in perspective, while his website is fun and interesting, if he is really getting 100,000 visitors a day, given a white American population of 180 million, he is getting about one white American in 1,800 as readers.

        And from experience I can say that probably 20% of his 100,000 readers are Jews. Jews love reading antisemitic websites and books. David Irving told me himself half his book buyers are Jews. 😉 They are fascinated by themselves and delectate at their enemies’ screams of pain and racial doom.

  2. I notice that your comment on that Daily Stormer thread has been met with complete silence – not a single reply, and all comments on that thread ceased shortly after you posted yours. Their usual tactic is to immediately remove articles from their website’s main page when someone posts something they don’t like, so that no one else sees it. Checking their main DailyStormer.com web page just now, I see that’s exactly what they did – that article has been removed from their website’s main page, and they did it right after you posted your comment – that’s why no one replied to you. Rest assured that no one even saw your comment, except for the ADL admins at DailyStormer.com. Starting to get the picture? Word to the wise – Andrew Anglin, “Weev,” and their Jewish ADL “Troll Army” are not your friends, John. Don’t say that I didn’t warn you, even though you were nasty to me, and called me names. If you were smart, you would talk to that Australian guy who confronted the two Jews on video (I’ve forgotten his name now) about his horrifying “gas-lighting” ordeals prior to being imprisoned, as a result of commenting on the ADL-run “Argue with Everyone” website. All of that information, which was on the Australian guy’s blog, was scrubbed from the Web years ago. Incogman.net and DailyStormer.com are very likely run by the same ADL trolls who gang-stalked that Aussie guy and got him imprisoned. Be careful.

    • You are referring to the Australian named Brendon O’Connell, whom I know well and interviewed for a 2009 radio show.

      Gee, you did not call me senile in this post. 😉

      Two comments have appeared after mine.

      • Those two people were probably already viewing the article, because the article was removed from the Daily Stormer main page right after you posted your comment. As I said, that is their favorite tactic when someone posts a comment they don’t want other people to see. Also, one of the two commenters who posted after you, named “Hadding,” is an obvious ADL troll, because he defended Evelyn Rich in every comment he made in that thread. I stand by what I said about the Daily Stormer site and its real owners (the ADL). Ask Brendan O’Connell about his experiences with the “Argue with Everyone” ADL site. He researched it after being relentlessly gang-stalked and taunted by JIDF members on that site, and had a lot of information on his blog about his ordeals, all of which was deleted after he was imprisoned. He had names of specific people whom he had identified as the ADL trolls harassing him, and the name of a lawyer at a pro-ADL law firm in Austin, Texas that was also involved, even though Mr. O’Connell is an Australian citizen. Strangely enough, the Incogman.net site uses a website privacy service based in Australia, although they are supposedly Americans. ADL trolls on that site bragged about getting O’Donnell and someone they had code-named “Scumbag” imprisoned, and these were the main “regulars” there, who were supposedly “anti-Zionists,” until they slipped and started showing their true colors. Daily Stormer (originally called Total Fascism) was first introduced by one of these ADL troll regulars in the Incogman.net comments section. Anglin at that time just called himself “Andre.” Beware of Anglin and his ADL “Troll Army.” Their real mission is to set up White Nationalists for imprisonment, and possibly even assassination, as I mentioned with the Anglin / Golden Dawn incident in a comment on one of your previous articles. I’ve learned a lot from reading your website, and don’t want to see you end up like Brendan O’Connell, Matt Hale, or Edgar Steele.

        • I am sorry, but I do not see yet how Andrew Anglin is ADL. His visiting Greece and the takedown (decapitation) of the Golden Dawn can be just coincidence. The GD were targeted for obvious reasons, being THEN a rapidly rising, almost openly NS party flourishing in a nation in economic turmoil, a late Weimar scenario.

          As for Edgar Steele, and Brendon (with an “o”) O’Connell (https://www.facebook.com/brendon.oconnell.142), and Matt Hale, or for that matter, Golden Dawn, or the hallowed “Order” — they all wussed out at the moment of truth (except, famously, for Bob Mathews, who went down in a hail of gunfire on Whidbey Island, Washington State, and whom I met and listened to, btw, in Chicago in 1983).

          They all took the non-Spartan path.

          Leonidas and the 300 fought to the death; these WNs all knew their chance of a fair trial was zilch but feared death, and surrendered, no matter how many guns they owned.

          They all were “taken into custody without incident.”

          Then they descended into hell.

          And I have already been there and done that.


          I have stated to the Joint Terrorism Task Force and on this blog many times: If you come for me there will be a gun battle, and I am an expert on the head shot.

          So cry not for me, Argentina. Cry for those who surrender their manhood to FedZOG, and knowingly entrust their body and soul to a pitiless, sadistic enemy for whom the word fairness is a cynical joke.

          I did not give one penny to Edgar Steele’s defense. If anyone knew how vile the feds are it was Edgar Steele (who interviewed me, btw, in 2009 for his radio show on “Voice of Reason”).

          And yet the state lackeys of white-genociding Jewry can just walk up their fellow white man and arrest him, and he offers no resistance, no nothing.

          Then he gets an ludicrous trial and atrocious jail and prison conditions until he dies.


    • Well, simple logic backs up many of your claims. JdN says over and over that Duke is MK Ultra as well as a limited hangout, probable op. Does Andrew Anglin go on his show all the time? Are they buddy buddy? Does either Duke or Anglin ever acknowledge a Jewish false flag op for what it is? Andrew Aurenheimer claims to have been an outed nazi for many years before Stormer association.
      So, do I have this right? A Jewess producer at HBO or equivalent does a prime-time documentary revolving around Weev. Countless interviews in the Jew media occur between 2012 and 2014. “Jew are Change” covers his trial and Molly Crabapple covers his trial, hangs with him all night the night before and writes articles and draws pictures in support of him.
      Then when he, out of the blue, is published in Daily Stormer, they all claim they didn’t know? Yea right.
      Also, the guy who was ISIS in America till arrested, Joshua Goldberg, worked with Anglin and Aurenheimer till he got outed and surprise, Andrew then scrubbed his site of the 100 posted articles Michael Slay mad in three months at Stormer. So my question is, John, do you have to have a personal vendetta against someone before you will out them as an agent? I have never seen anyone outed by you where it wasn’t personal. Clue me in if I am wrong on that assumption.
      As far as Rich goes I jew infiltrator or agent, knowing we don’t have the resources to hire investigators, will NEVER admit it. Jews go to a lot of trouble and have done so for two thousand years, to have themselves working within goy ops under the cover of a goy ID.
      Miles Mathis, a guy being brought kicking and screaming to the table about Jewish capability pretty much outed the whole SNL live cast as a Jewish op, no goy allowed amongst many other studies
      To conclude, John, I am glad to see you outing some bad guys, but I am forced to conclude that you have an MO that ignores the problem UNLESS IT BECOMES PERSONAL!

  3. Mr. De Nugent. You have a brilliant mind. I have never been so red pilled in my life. I’m almost 40 years old and reading your material truly makes me feel “born again”, lol. It takes time to digest it all but I love it. How you describe everything in your writing is unparalleled.

  4. Dugin, Putin, C v Hoffmeister, Murros and many other leading Nationalists are ardent supporters of Eurasian union. Putin is China’s most important ally and vice versa. The future will be in Asia, not in Europe or the US. Racial mixing with Asians is necessary if whites want to have a say in future. Do not forget: Putin wants Russia United with China against the west. That’s where the future lies; in Moscow and Beijing. Not in Berlin or DC.

  5. Mr. de Nugent-

    I am convinced that Mr. Taylor is not entirely honest about his views. Mr. Taylor has consistently praised the Jews as White, while dividing Europeans, based on their ethnicity.

    He has in essence stated that NO Spaniards are White, not even from a Nordicist perspective, but from the perspective of brainwashed people who believe that “Hispanic” is a race.

    He attempts to warm up his followers at American Renaissance by having this man speak as a “Mexican who identifies with identarian movements”; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlINnX9O6qk . The Mexican is certainly not mestizo. He may be a crypto-Jew, however. He was charged with Anti-Semitism, but then renounced it :/, while helping to open up AmRenners to non-Whites. Sounds fishy to me.

    This ethnic division/widespread ignorance of it, largely perpetrated by Taylor, is troublesome to me.

    I was wondering what you thought on this subject.



  6. Dear John,

    I just came across your site from one of your Daily Stormer posts, you have some interesting information; thanks for all your obvious hard work and dedication to the WN cause for many years. You seem to be a man who has truly by lived his principles, and I respect that.

    I am impressed that you are so open with your home (which is very pretty, by the way), and your lovely family, that is a truly White trait. I wish you and your family all the best, and much success in continuing the fight for White freedom and our release from Jewish subjugation. I hope you are able to pass on your knowledge to your hopefully many grandchildren.

    Regarding your Neanderthal as Jew hypothesis; there is some interesting information there. I wanted to bring to your attention the rather opposite hypothesis of another white Nationalist, Varg Vikernes, or rather his wife, Marie Cachet, who I believe is an anthropologist. Have you heard anything about this? Any thoughts or comments? He also has his own religious philosophy, which he calls Odalism; based on European paganism, similar to Odinism, but with a few minor tweaks.


    All the best

  7. Greetings, comrade, and thanks for your encouraging praise and other comments elsewhere on my blog entries.

    My goal is to create a new Aryan religion, since what fuels the Jews, Muslims and (never to be underestimated) Masons is THEIR religion, which fans their hatred for us, and builds and reinforces constantly their unity and power.

    All our WN blogs, videos and cyberstuff, and even the whole racial truth movement on the Net, a major new factor of which DS is a wonderful part, have not moved the masses at all to open racial and antisemitic action (though Trump is “hugely” capitalizing on it).

    I read the Varg material on neanderthals years ago and, though I admire and like Varg a lot!!, and have seen a number of his videos and know about his outrageous legal persecution in France — this part, sorry, is just prima facie nonsense. Varg is a musician, and super-likable and sincere, but he just wings it sometimes and occasionally just gets his facts wrong. (I have a science degree from Georgetown, high honors, and like my mentor 1981-84, Dr Wm. L. Pierce, the facts, the truth, the details and accuracy are my gods.)

    The Neanderthals (though the northern ones may well have had light hair and eyes) obviously, visibly, clearly, and unmistakably look like what they are, the ancestors of today’s dangerous semites, not of the nordics.

    It is the sloping forehead, the weak chin, the hooked nose, and on and on, and also the stubborn, aggressive nature that all make one immediately think of the Jews and Arabs of today.




    Here are my first Virtus videos, the predecessors of my upcoming religious book:

    https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking/ (Please scroll down 2/5ths to “Virtus video series: Can we talk about religion here?”

    You might also read this: https://johndenugent.com/english/virtus-chapter-2-no-aryan-religion-is-based-on-strategies-tricks-escapism-lies-or-worshiping-our-enemys-god/

    Best to you, JdN

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