UPDATED Jesus didn’t win with his noble lie — WE WILL, WITH THE TRUTH

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NS Germany got it about race, but DeNiro is getting a very hard racial-truth lesson every time he looks at his own half-black kid.


A comrade asked me this (https://johndenugent.com/very-good-article-on-european-races-but/#comment-619053)

If you truly want to unite people under a new “religion” (faith), why do you have spyware from Google on your website? I assume this spyware is the reason why most people do not post comments on your website. I could tell you a lot more, but under these circumstances I won’t.

My reply:

Whether it is “spyware from Google” (I think by this you mean I have “Google Statistics” — like everyone else — to show how many visitors I get daily, what articles they click on, and from which countries) or some other surveillance software, there is no way to stop the feds from keeping track of me, my supporters and visitors.

The very Internet itself is from the Pentagon, originally called “the DARPANet”!

(DARPA — “Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency” — still exists today, and how!)

You can cherish a comforting delusion that somehow you can outfox the NSA with its at least $70 billion (true) budget, but you or I as non-governments, as private persons, cannot.

It has come out over the years that it was the NSA itself that created the seemingly wonderful Tor browser, the supposedly untraceable browser that would prevent government spying.

And as for operating systems, when Linux came out, again dissidents were naively cheering. But when its inventor, Linus Torvalds of Finland, was asked the direct, blunt question if he had been forced to provide a “back door for the NSA,” he refused to answer.

OF COURSE the Deep State would be obsessed with finding out who is choosing to use Tor or Linux, and what information they are imparting with them.

The NSA wants to know everything about the exact kind of rebellious person who wants secrecy and uses Tor or Linux.

So let us face reality.

The government, which is totally controlled by Luciferian, pedophilic jews, knows everything we do online.

If you cannot deal with this reality, then fine, say my site is soooooo “dangerous,” and way tooooo dangerous to visit —  but they all are being watched.

And when 5G kicks in, next year, the process of fully zombyization (remote control of our bodies and minds) will begin as well. Then, once we are in effect lobotomized, come the mandatory vaccines, chipping, the cashless society, hate-speech laws in America, and gun bans.

GAME OVER for Whitey.

So my religion must start and gather steam well before then.

The five reasons why so few post on my site are these:

1) They had heard some defamation of my character and believed it without making the slightest effort at all to hear my side of the story (which is why the jews have always used slander, ‘cuz it works)

2) They heard I believe in aliens and reincarnation and that I was Hitler in my last life, which for them automatically makes me a total nutjob. 🙂 And, again, no mental effort at all is made to examine my arguments. For them, Hitler was a god, though if he really had been a god, then why did this “god” lose the war to mere mortals?)



In point of fact, Hitler was NOT a god, or even enlightened by any accurate definition of this word, and so he lost.

He was just these very good things: idealistic, brilliant, heroic, kind and loving to his people.

But he was not at all this way toward the Russians –  a gigantic, powerful and also highly antisemitic white nation — and the war was lost there.

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

So when I say I was Hitler, it is also saying I take responsibility for blowing the war.

This video goes into it:


And NOW HEAR THIS (old Navy loudspeaker message)

Human earthlings, white or otherwise, do not “deserve” — by virtue of some wonderfulness which they obviously lack —  to win or to be “saved.” 

You may WANT TO BE SAVED, BUT neither I, nor Jesus or Buddha, or anyone else, “needs” to save you.

Humanity, including Whites, is like an alcoholic who gets four DUIs, yet won’t go to AA.

Earthlings, including Whites, hate, deride and bash all truthtellers, or find them weird and ignore them, and finally get drafted and march off to fight and kill the innocent for their mortal enemies…. and to soothe their conscience, they embrace the comforting lies told by Jews.

Like about the Greatest Generation….

3) My material is factual and scholarly, and not just the usual WN-type, crowd-pleasing, jew-, muslim- and black-bashing (or women-bashing à la Daily Stormer)

4) Many readers with a high-school education do not feel they are equipped to comment intelligently or add anything of real substance on some of my advanced topics. I sort of intimidate some people, and I especially sense it in those who have heard I might really be the reincarnation of Hitler.

So they just read my articles and make no comments.

(In fact, I have a high percentage of readers with master’s degrees, says this “Google Statistics” which you fear.)

5) The spiritual issues which I address (freedom from the egoic mind, karma, the power of now, Eckhart Tolle, etc.) are just not something the average person can tune into, not YET. 🙂

The mission of my new faith, in fact, is to elevate people to a higher level, NOT go down to theirs.

I am not here to be a crowd-pleaser (like Anglin, smearing white women to the delight of his male “incels,” which is both factually and morally wrong and also will doom him to lose every jury trial he may ever face, since half of jurors are women).

Most folks are just AM radio-type people, so to speak — sports, talk, traffic and weather —  and my programs, my content, is higher — FM, like classical music. 🙂

And yet these very same folks who just don’t “get” or like me, or understand my message, may very well be good, bright, honest, giving, idealistic white people.

Here are two examples, using two of my own wonderful supporters actually, and both cases have to do with them resisting watching the movie “Miracles from Heaven.”


This is a fact-based true story of a NDE, a Near Death Experience, and I spent four hours online verifying the details.

Samuel Nurko, an MD at the Harvard-affiliated Boston Childrens Hospital who treated the little girl, confirmed that the whole Annabel Beam story — her total remission from a fatal disease after falling thirty feet onto her head —  is true.


This movie proves life after death.

AND it also shows how, if you are a mostly good person, you go temporarily at death to a kind of heaven, a welcome center.

And then, sooner or later, whether the ER doctors can bring you back or not (and you die, as we all do at some point), you get sent back to earth to learn more lessons.

Why would anyone not want some genuine and huge good news like this? That there IS a loving God? AND DEATH IS NOT THE END?

But they don’t WANNA watch this movie!

Or something-in-them does not.

I have blogged over and over about this film on my website.




As a dad, this scene at the partly collapsed tree — where a kind of double horror happens for the parents — really gripped me.

My own little Ingrid, at three, suddenly got a 108 fever, began staggering, and I had to rush her under a cool (not cold) shower while with the other hand I dialed “911.” When you think your child is going to die, and see it convulsing, it is just terrible.  You want to take their pain upon yourself for them.

And yet I can think of these two excellent people who refused to watch the film for months, and months, and months.


The egoic mind living inside them sensed this film as a threat to itself.


The egoic mind is a thing.

Try to grasp this: we are SOULS having a human journey, and not at all humans having a spiritual journey…..

Then the egoic mind is exposed by the reality of the learning, evolving soul as a fraud.

Why a FRAUD?

Because we truly are not our mind. We are souls. We are not our personality. We are souls. We are not our memories. We are SOULS! We are not our trauma, our PTSD or our lousy childhood. 😉

We are not our dreads and fears either, NOR our dreams, goals, and ideals.

We are eternal SOULS — immortal beings having many, many incarnations, souls that own minds and should use their minds, their BRAINS, an organ for God’s sake, a bag of blood and tissue, as our slaves, tools and devices.

The fact is, however, that 99% of my readers cannot shut off their mind, their thinking, their mental chatter, for even ten seconds.

Their mind is so relentlessly on auto-pilot that it HAS to think of something, come up with something or anything, every single second, rehashing this or that issue, fuming over some stupid past event or argument or injustice, and thus the mind always regains control OF YOU!

(go to “My question” 3/4 down)

Thank you to my donors! My spiritual question….

So your soul, reversing the divine will entirely, and turning the hierarchy of life completely upside down, obeys your mind

…the slave rules the master;

…the general obeys the private;

…the CEO drives his own chauffeur around town;

….and the owner obeys his dog, wags his behind, begs for a treat, and rolls over. 🙂

In the case of two very fine individuals that I have dealt with, both quietly refused to watch this “Miracles from Heaven” movie…..UNTIL……

…tragedy struck.

For the one, it was the shocking crime of his daughter being murdered by her loutish husband (and what makes it worse, it happened just as she was packing and getting ready to move out to safety 🙁 ).

As a dad myself, I know how fond, caring and protective we men, we fathers can feel toward our daughters.

But it took this tragedy to overwhelm his egoic mind’s resistance to watching this perhaps “fluff, escapist, fantasyland” movie.

But then when he saw the movie – he realized it was amazing — and TRUE. 🙂

(Actually, to get the movie made, the producers did add this — LOL — a likable Jew, and a wise, jolly, overweight black woman, Queen Latifah. 🙂 )

The other person who dug her heels in and would not watch “Miracles” was my own Margi. 🙂

When her beloved mother died of cancer (but at the ripe old age of 90!!!), and then she herself came down with this dread illness herself (despite living a very health-conscious life), then and only then did she agree to finally watch this deeply comforting and TRUE movie.

Because now the serious prospect of terrible pain and death rightly worried HER.


.And yet Margi, if not spiritual in the correct meaning (seeing herself as an otherworldly being, a SPIRIT, that is passing through here — via each incarnation — to learn life lessons),  is one of the kindest, most giving, caring people I have ever met.

(This is why she lent $20,000 to Fred Leuchter to avoid him being thrown, at 75, out on the street, and now she is broke herself. 🙁 )

Margi about to help a mother turtle on the roadside


And in 2008 she spent $2,000 on a Pittsburgh lawyer, Valerie May, for Finnish WN Henrik Holappa, who was applying for political asylum in the US.


Anyway, Margi loved “Miracles from Heaven” too when I finally tied her to a chair with bungee cords, and got her to watch it. 😉

A life lesson I had to learn in this life was that idealism and even heroism — living entirely for others and for our race — is not enlightenment.

The awesome task of the coming religion is to move people to actual enlightenment SO WE CAN WIN.

Or, IF ENLIGHTENMENT SEEMS TOO WEIRD, given their current, very, very, VERY low spiritual status, I must get the rest of the masses to at least trust and follow those who are enlightened.

I was given a used book recently that was written by the infamous guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, sometimes called “Osho,” and, more than curious because he was potentially a great man, but “went over to the dark side,”  I did start to read it.

Just take one look at this guy (which his young-soul followers obviously never really did!). He looked, and was, evil:

By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=14485527https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajneesh

It was scary reading this guy, who was a reprehensible mix of enlightenment (so he had charisma and a powerful aura), and thus some good teachings, lots of followers, and by exploiting them he had vast wealth and literally 30 Rolls Royces, and serious evil.

You can see the jewy stuff – primal scream therapy, and sex, sex, sex. He got in huge trouble over many issues in both India and the US.

Anyway, though evil he was, as the saying goes: “For the enlightened, everyone is your friend or your teacher.”

Osho was brilliant, and a superb speaker and writer — very much as (gulp) the murderous swine Winston Churchill was.

And the Bhagwan said some incisive harsh, accurate and cynical things, just as Churchill did (or Napoleon), about lower, unspiritual, trough-feeding, beer/sports/clothes/cars mankind, the very kinds of people he understood and preyed on.

George Orwell also saw the benightedness of earthlings.


Anyway, this “Osho” said in one of his books (with the typically suggestive title of Meditation: the Art of Ecstasy 😉 ), that  — I am paraphrasing him–

Jesus and Buddha were both well-meaning con artists who knew you have to feed people nice lies and myths to make them happy and get a following. Enlightenment is just too arduous.

Actually, Osho is right in this:

any successful mass movement (at least until now) involves shaping the message downward to the low, almost animal level of the general public, to those whom H.L. Mencken famously called “the Great Unwashed.”

Now, a Spanish comrade wrote me this comment (which I edited to be in perfect English) and he raised a very good question https://johndenugent.com/a-nation-built-on-deceit-hitler-i-and-ending-the-human-trance/#comment-619055):

Dear John,
Lately I noticed what seems to be an inconsistency in your treatment of Jehovah and Jesus. Jehovah is portrayed as a demon, demiurge, alien, etc.
But Jesus is accepted as having great value, and even Hitler and his mentor, [Dietrich Eckart], admired him.
Jesus is the son of God, who sent Him here for our salvation.
While Jesus didn’t begin his famous recommended prayer [the “Our Father” during the Sermon on the Mount] with “Jehovah,” [the Jews’ tribal god,] but instead with the [revolutionary] Our Father, he did expel the merchants from the Temple, because they had turned ‘his fathers house into a den of thieves.’
And yet that was Jehovah’s temple, John!
So Jesus was seemingly furious about the defilement of a house of worship dedicated to this [according to you and Bishop Marcion] evil Jehovah/Yahweh. 
God sent Jesus down to us out of love for humankind, so God is loving and cannot be an evil alien.
As we know, Jews loved their Temple but many of them (mostly the Talmudic variety) despised then and now this Jesus, and of course also  the New Testament that glorifies him.
You are well-learned in the jewish topics you touch on in this blog, and also were for a time a Jehovah’s Witness, so you know about Jehovah and Jesus, the supposed Father and Son.
Please, John, can you shine some light on your apparent inconsistency of treating Jehovah as a demon (and several different good sources do that) or an alien, while at the same time recognizing the great virtues of Jesus [who supposedly obeyed and worshiped this being as his father]?
I myself was for a time believing that this Jehovah was indeed an evil alien, but lately, by reading the Bible more thoroughly, I must [entertain some] doubts about that point of view, because it generates inconsistencies such as the one described.
An evil alien, obviously, would not really want to save us from sin and its wages, death.
And sin is a very real thing. This concept exists in all or most religions.
Regards, J
My reply:
Jesus was a noble Aryan being, a Galilean,
….who radically molded and dumbed down His message to appeal to his primitive, semitic, jewish audience.
He pretended — He went along with the myths to not lose His audience — that Yahweh and Judaism were good, and that the Jews were God’s Chosen People, flattering his audience like any politician does, so he could get HIS OWN message out as well.
Slip it in, so to speak.
He tried to defang the jews and reform their religion — and he did this mostly for the sake of the rest of mankind, who were then, and who are now (more than ever) in mortal danger from these Jews, an alien-driven cult that intends to enslave and genocide them.
In the end, it all failed — because the Jews were, and are, untreatable and incorrigible, being classic psychopaths.
And once Christianity had been twisted totally by Saul-Paul,
….Christianity became a two-edged sword, a mix of truly Aryan enlightenment and of murderous Jew insanity.

My goal, both realistic and idealistic, is to not create any new “noble lie” for the masses, though the great Greek philosopher Plato advocated in his masterpiece, The Republic, which I studied for an entire semester at Georgetown (“Plato’s Political Philosophy” in the fall of 1979), that this noble lying must be done. “Mundus decipi vult,” as the Romans said – the world likes certain lies.


But nothing built on lies can really help. It gets off to a fast start, but then collapses under inevitable reality or turns into something awful —  Jew-loving Christians.


The goal is to become truly enlightened, strong, clear-minded, resolute — and win,

Or, if you just don’t get it at this stage, but know it’s good, then just swallow hard and humbly follow the orders of those who are on the upward path, who HAVE PROVEN THEY LOVE YOU, and who THIRST WITH EVERY FIBER to crush the Jews, achieve final VICTORY, and create a beautiful national socialist world.








  1. I just came across your website. It is awesome. We need to replace the lenders, one state at a time. Nationalize the banks. Follow North Dakota’s example. Then end the Fed. Replace with a United States owned Bank. What do you think?

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