Jewish bolsheviks storm a Russian church during Mass
Jewish bolsheviks storm a Russian church during Mass
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Purtroppo non ricordo più l’artista di questo quadro,ma mi è rimasto davvero impresso per le brutte facce tutte simili 🙁
funny as christianity is the reason we have jews and multiculturalism in our countries
I understand your heathen antipathy toward what I call Paulianity, which I share to the fullest.
However, the situation is not as clear as one might think, all-black or all-white. The jews will use any ideology — such as communism; its opposite, unshackled capitalism; or Paulianity — to destroy gentile power.
Rome had a terrible jewish problem BEFORE it adopted Christianity, and in my opinion it was jews who brought down the Western Roman Empire BECAUSE it was enforcing Christianity.
If you read this, you will see the jews in Palestine revolted twice against pagan Rome, and inbetween also carried out a gigantic uprising, the Kitos War, massacring 460,000 Gentiles in Egypt and on Cyprus.
John, I have some unfortunate news for you regarding Robert, the Spaniard who is associated with “Cosmic Agency.”
As you correctly predicted in past articles, Robert has began the all to common “Nazi-bashing” by saying in this latest video that the Germans control the secret space program, migrated to Argentina and of course, are the ones behind “the cabal.”
Gosia and Swaruu don’t appear to echo this theory, as they haven’t said anything, its only coming from Robert. It’s really such a shame.
Thanks, comrade. I will look into it. Robert dresses exactly like a leftist: long hair, black glasses and baseball cap.
Communist bastards in black crime-ridden Chicongo riot against Christopher Columbus statue – almost all of them young white idiots. What great bravery they display, huh? Throwing stuff at cops who’ve been ordered not to fight back. Of course, none of these young white libtards would dare to walk on Chicongo’s west or south sides at night, because they would get robbed, assaulted, or raped (if female) by the black pets they claim to be protecting:
Here’s a better view of these young white fools:
These people are nothing but race traitors, and they deserve a traitor’s fate, despite their white skin. There’s no excuse for this type of shit – none.
Thanks, comrade —
Cascano tutti sopra il Nazismo…eh si,questi Rettiliani e
Questi Bastardi senza Gloria 😉
Le persone non rimarranno a bocca aperta…cadrà loro direttamente la Mandibola 🙂
They all fall upon Nazism … yes, these Reptilians andthese “Inglourious Basterds…”
People will not be gaffing open-mouthed when the Big Jaw comes down on them.