Jew boasts “we have power even over God”

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….Power even over God

(I am not sure if a Jew really wrote the below, but it conforms with what a hundred rabbis wrote plainly in the Talmud, the Shulchan Aruch, and other psychopathic, sick, Jewish “holy” books. Judaism is a cult religion rooted in overt megalomania, “we are the greatest”; paranoia, “everyone is against us”; and sociopathy, ” we live and breathe for vengeance, torture, enslavement and murder of all who cross us.”)


A helpful comrade sent me this comment (


The jewish psyche archived:

The question on was:

Has anyone watched this documentary? It’s called ‘Defamation’ and it’s by a Jew but in it exposes not only the lies they tell non-Jews but to their own kids, like that scene with Polish people just asking what some kids were there for and they cry “antisemite.” It’s crazy. What explanation does /pol/ have for this behaviour? I mean, it makes [a certain low kind of] sense to lie to outsiders, but lying to your own kids? Why do Jews do this?

A jew answered:

“>>13203062 (OP)
Goyim are like animals: they can’t think for themselves without becoming barbaric. Without Jewish guidance Europe would have never existed. So G-d gave to us the right to lead you as a shepherd leads a flock, which it is not your place to question our methods. If you will not serve us, our covenant with G-d ensures that Shaitan will wreck you.
Get it?”

“Who sent the angel of death, Samael, to kill the firstborn of Egypt?
Who controls the angel of death?
Who knows the blood rituals to make the angel of death pass over us unharmed?
We Jews do.
So who has power over both G-d and “Satan”?
We Jews do.
Not you.
This is why ALL will serve Israel.
Watch and see.
Lies and truth are what we decide it is, not you.”

“It is you who is leaving, into the pit of eternal fire and shit where your Jesus calls home.”




……An apparently apocryphal quote

I agree with Dr. William Pierce, for whom I worked 1981-84.

Why be lazy, and a liar just like the Jews, and INVENT Jew quotes to hurt them when there are HUNDREDS of legitimate and proven Jew quotations we can use, and show a scan right out of a genuine Jew book??? Such authentic quotes cannot be debunked by some wisenheimer Jew, either!

Sometimes I think the new Aryan religion should be called sacra veritas, Latin for “sacred truth,” or “sacred is the truth,”  because our race has lost its primary virtue in comparison with the Chinese, blacks, Jews, Muslims and others — of honesty!

Honesty is to respect and obey reality! 

Anyway, here is a seemingly fake quote that, some say, can lead to a computer virus from Israel to infect your laptop!

Other say this quotation, while its content is totally true, is fake and a Jewish trap:

“Subject: It’s a disinformation-bated trap Fw: Israeli Tzipora Menache: “We control the stupid Americans” “You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us?…” —fake person “Tzipora Manache” — the quote sends people looking for Israel into a search where they find a virus download. This is scripted stuff — scripted for the effect it would have on us. The goal is to get people googling for Tzipora — where they will find a link that will download a virus. The fake quote is like the a doll attached as bait to the trigger of a landmine — those investigating the influence of Israel will attempt to hunt down Tzipora Manache and will fall into the trap.”


As distorted, corrupted, toxic and judaized as Christianity has become, Jesus said it best:

VERY early Roman depictions of Jesus as, not a semite, but a dark-blond white man:



UPDATED Jesus depicted as an Aryan by early Christians; NS writer Bochaca says Jesus was not physically Jewish — His native Galilee was “the District of the Gentiles”



I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

What is my religion based on?








…..Recent donations

I am deeply grateful for the donations that have come in after my fundraising appeal for Margi.

You’re really helping Margi get back her high notes and defeat her throat cancer!

–29 April 2019 $200 via PayPal from E in Virginia

–28 April 2019 via PP from T in Arizona

–24 April 2019 check from J in Nevada

–22 April 2019 $100 from P in New England via PayPal to








–19 April 2019 $108.34 via PayPal from F in Germany (Paid by F[] fr[], Transaction ID 1NU[] Note: Für Ihre Behandlung [ + “for your treatments”], Frau Huffstickler. Gruβ an Herrn de Nugent. 🙂 )

–15 April 2019 check from J in Nevada

–13 April 2019 check from P in Washington DC

–11 April 2019 cash from K in New England


–10 April 2019 PayPal for 250 Euros (US$271.56) from S in Germany

–9 April 2019 check from G in Nevada

–2 April 2019 check from G in Nevada

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