National socialism was the restoration of moral health, the rebuilding of the family, the remasculinization of men and the refeminization of women, and vigorous, even violent action to protect women and children from the wicked.
A comrade and regular, generous donor wrote me this comment:
The way to attack the Jewish enemy, and Jews are indeed an enemy, is to promote the well-documented reality that Jews commit ritual murder. We can rationally assume that Jews commit ritual murder in America today. After all, they own the Press, by which they might be exposed for this ungodly act.
In ritual murder Jews stab a White male child numerous times with an awl, before finally severing an artery and bleeding the child to death. Andrei Yushchinsky of Kiev was pierced by an awl 47 times before he bled to death. That was the verdict of a Ukrainian jury.
I say the way to attack the Jewish enemy is to expose his practice of ritual murder.
I replied:
Thanks very much for this.
I can absolutely see your point of view as to the best line of attack.
I remember when in 2006 Blood Passover by JEWISH/ISRAELI professor Ariel Toaff came out.
The Big Jews were very apprehensive, knowing full well that many, many pogroms for the last two thousand years began with the discovery of a blood-drained child’s corpse, and they moved heaven and earth to get Toaff to recant, which he did, though unconvincingly.
Toaff was, of course, a tenured, full professor at Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, the son of the Grand Rabbi of Rome, Eli Toaff (the one who met with Pope John Paul II in 1987 in his own synagogue) and even Wikipedia said “the recognized world authority on Italian jewry in the the Middle Ages.”
My personal speculation, a bold one based in part on Israeli newspapers discussing the Toaff book and with unnamed friends of the family in Israel speculating as to why Toaff wrote it, is that Ariel Toaff HATED his father Eli, who may have sexually molested his son. In other words, he may have committed incest on him, causing the son to revile the father — the highest jewish religious leader in all of Italy — and thus the religion of Judaism as a whole.
I also think that incest may have been the real crime lurking in the mysterious, ominous, twisted Bible story of Ham and his drunken father, Noah (of Flood fame), a CRIME resulting in Noah’s curse on Ham and on his descendants, from whom, the jews claimed, the negroes descend.
Between 2006-2009 Margi and I were active participants in a free-speech website, Liberty Forum, that had been founded by a libertarian who called himself online “John Deere.” (The jews, I think, bought it in 2009, and then shut it down.) I published there the Toaff revelations about Italian jews ritually murdering Christian boys.
The jews on the forum showed signs of real panic.
After all, it was not some “Nazi” who had written the book Blood Passover. It was one of their own, and THE acknowledged authority on Italian medieval jewry, and the son of the Grand Rabbi of Rome!
At its core, this ritual-murder thing is about depraved adults killing a poor, weak, helpless little child, and the question is then what kind of person or religion could do that?
At its core, this is about the primal instinct in all normal people (of whom there are less and less!!!), yes, this is about our fundamental genetic programmming as a species to adore, cherish and protect our kids, who obviously are THE NEXT GENERATION of our species.
Our DNA makes us love kids, and feel terrible and even frantic when they suffer!
*** Poet Ben Jonson (1572 – 1637) grieves in 1603 over his little son, who died at age seven, and tries to find a way to cope with his bereavement
(Having read this back in high school in the 1960s, and now after losing my beloved wife, Margaret, in 2022, I can feel doubly for Jonson. My heart muscle literally ached when she died — as I watched in the ER — and I developed dangerous hypertension. tbis was not “chest pain” across my rib cage at all, but the literal heart itself palpably hurting.)
On my First Son
Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy;
My sin was too much hope of thee, lov’d boy.
Seven years tho’ wert lent to me, and I thee pay,
Exacted by thy fate, on the just day.
O, could I lose all father now! For why
Will man lament the state he should envy?
To have so soon ‘scap’d world’s and flesh’s rage,
And if no other misery, yet age?
Rest in soft peace, and, ask’d, say, “Here doth lie
Ben Jonson his best piece of poetry.”
For whose sake henceforth all his vows be such,
As what he loves may never like too much.
But to this crime of jewish ritual murder I would also add jews sexually molesting kids, and this includes f–king their own children!
Hervé Ryssen of France, a brilliant author, Sorbonne graduate, and friend whom both Margi and I cherished, has detailed, especially in his Psychoanalysis of Judaism, how often jews commit incest on their own kids. This includes jewish fathers impregnating their own jewish daughters, and jewish mothers seducing and getting pregnant by their own jewish sons. (Elie the Wiesel of Holofraud infamy wrote a novel clearly laying this crime out, with a jewish mother confessing it to her rabbi, and implying it was just cutesy and naughty.)
This molestation of kids too is an enormous crime against children. And incest in the worst form of sexual molestation. Parents are supposed to LOVE their kids, not rape them!
The victims of incest are psychologically harmed for life and often commit suicide.
And any kids born of this crime are often incredibly ugly, which is why many jews are indeed incredibly unattractive.
In this regard, there used to be a Wikipedia article on the “Zim-Zim” — long since deleted. This was the term a Chinese roving ambassador in the 700s AD used in a report transmitted along the Silk Road back to his master, the emperor of China, discussing his findings about the various kingdoms, states, peoples, and empires in the Middle East, China being, back then just as now, interested in trade with them.
The Chinese ambassador wrote that the “Zim-Zim” were a wealthy nation of traders and middle-men scattered around the Middle East, but other peoples found them appalling because they had sex with their own children.
Ancient Roman authors, in harmony with this, said centuries before that the Jews did things “too shameful to mention.” Since the pagan Romans and Greeks were no prudes themselves, with all kinds of phallic imagery, and their gods and heroes committing the crime of rape, and homosexuality among even masculine men being condoned as long as the alpha male was the “top,” this mention clearly refers to some special crime that even the Greeks and Romans found to beyond the pale.
So, yes, there must be a focus on jewish crimes against kids.
To the extent that Whites are not in a state of total neurochemical and psychological numbness, and one should never, ever discount in this regard the massive docilizing effect of chemtrails, which criss-cross our skies on every single low-wind day, the torture or rape and the murder of our kids (and even of THE JEWS’ OWN kids!!!) is an ideal way of creating a healthy hatred for the death cult of Talmudic Judaism…. and a desire to extinguish this dangerous religion, which is like the Thuggee cult in India before British rule… a cult of ritual murder.
….Birds of a feather: Pedo/rapist Joe Biden defends pedo/rapist/sex murderer Leo Frank
There is really nothing I want to say about Joe Biden….. except he is an abomination, and every single day that we tolerate this this walking turd in our White House is bad karma on all of us.
For the Greeks and Romans, there were three goddesses who DEMANDED that men avenge murder, or be cursed by them.
And right now we ARE cursed.
A race of cowards.
The one ideology and faith that can again de-cowardize us is
national socialism.
The evidence against Leo Frank was overwhelming.
The grand jury that voted to charge Frank with the murder of Mary Phagan contained several prominent Jews.
The chief of detectives in the Atlanta police department issued a statement that they did not need the confession of Conley to convict Frank, though Conley’s confession and re-enactment of his helping Frank carry the dead girl to the elevator, then to the basement of the huge building that contained the pencil factory of which Frank was the Supervisor, was unlike anything they had seen before.
The jury of Frank’s trial quickly voted his guilt and recommended the death penalty, and the judge endorsed this.
The Jews appealed the verdict, and, at every level of the higher courts, all the way to the Georgia and the US Supreme Courts, the guilty verdict with the death penalty was upheld.
The fact that Jews dispute the guilt of Frank today is simply a testimony of the extent to which Jews have no respect for Truth.
Jews are truly a race of liars!
Thanks. This is exactly right.
Louis Marshall, who was the most famous jewish lawyer in America, long resisted taking the case, knowing Frank was guilty, that all appeals would be hopeless, and that even trying to get Frank off, especially given how beloved, pure, well-behaved, dutiful, hard-working, virginal and beautiful Mary Phagan had been, could only inflame antisemitism.
Among Italian-Americans there was never a comparable outcry of “anti-italianism” when a Mafioso was sent to prison! “If you do the crime you do the time,” or, if the prisoner was sent to the electric chair, he took it like a man.
As I said in Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, the German jews used to defend themselves from our citation of lists of the most horrible doctrines found in their Talmud by saying “Oh come on, we modern Reform Jews, we doctors, lawyers, and scientists, certainly do not read that old stuff from Babylon in 300 AD.”
I replied that this has it all in reverse. The Talmud does not make the jews wicked; it is just one of many products of the wicked jewish mind.
Other wicked products are Saulianity (believe Jesus is a jew, that Jesus is God, and abandon this world for heaven), usury, communism, freudianism, freemasonry, Kabbalah black magic, porn, turbo-capitalism, neo-conservativism, American exceptionalism, most major wars, Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, most major recessions and depressions, lead in gasoline, insane numbers of vaccines (72), Covid, rising cancer rates, the explosion in autism, the mRNA vaxx, the trans ideology, critical race theory, open borders, Trump and Russian collusion, stolen elections (including my own in 1990 in Tennessee), etc, etc.
The Talmud does not cause the jewish mind; it reflects it perfectly.
The jews are of primitive, nasty, ugly neanderthalic stock and are thus prehistoric humans with Stone Age brutality.
More recently, the semitic jews were the Habiru (Hebrews) a mongrel horde of cuthroats that roamed the Middle East, living as hitmen for hire, fences (purveyors of stolen goods), pimps, whores, and marauders. As for the Ashkenazi jews, they descend from the dreaded Huns, who later were known as the Khazars.
It is a criminal gene pool in both cases.
Edgar Cayce, as an old friend and antisemite named Truman Keesey once told me, said (in a book never published) the jews were “reincarnated criminals.” (The Wikipedia article on Caye USED to have a paragraph saying only that Cayce embraced the antisemitism and racism that were common in his era….. which is an iceberg of a statement, concealing much.)
The jews brought about the downfall of Atlantis when they were the Sons of Baal whom Cayce denounced as wicked, perverted, insanely greedy satanists.
And now it is us or them.
And yes, this repulsive race of liars does indeed murder our male children and eat the blood they have drained from them in the course of their slaying!
Biden’s granddaughter is quite pretty and he kisses her on the mouth, wich normal grandparents don’t do
Sehr geehrter Herr Nugent, können Sie die Worte von Biden bezüglich Leo Frank kurz in deutschen Sätzen übersetzen?
Ich verstehe im Normalfall Englisch sehr gut, aber Biden sein Genuschel kann ich kaum verstehen. Der hat einen üblen Slang drauf.
Meine Theorie bezüglich des Mordes an Mary Phagan:
Es war ebenfalls ein Ritualmord. Ich denke, Leo Frank war nicht der einzige jüdische Täter.
Sie ermorden und schänden eine 13jährige Jungfrau namens Maria (Mary) am Tage von Jahwe (26). Typisch.
Oft haben sie es auf 13Jährige abgesehen, wieso auch immer. Ich weiss, wovon ich rede.
Die Juden rasten wegen dem Fall Leo Frank richtig aus. Auch in Deutschland.
Diese beiden Mordfälle sind noch nicht aufgeklärt:
Der Mord an Stefan (13) gleicht dem Morde an Mary fast bis aufs Haar. Er wurde am jüdischen Feiertag Tischa Baav ermordet.
Der Mord an Tristan (13) ähnelt wiederum dem Morde an Simon von Trient.
Simon und Tristan wurden am 26! März ermordet. Simon von Trient wurde auch am 26. November geboren. Er hieß eigentlich Simon Unverdorben (Namenssymbolik). Jahwe geweiht, Jahwe geopfert.
26 ist die Zahl von Jahwe.
Ich glaube, ich habe durch Zufall das letzte Geheimnis der Zarenfamilie vielleicht gelöst. Nicht die gesamte Zarenfamilie wurde Opfer eines jüdischen Ritualmordes.
Zwei der Kinder bekamen eine Sonderbehandlung. Die Leichen wurden in einem anderen Grab gefunden als der Rest der Familie. Es waren der 13 ! Jährige Alexeij und seine Schwester Maria, geboren am 26. Juni 1899.
Alle wurden an einem hohen jüdischen Feiertag (Tischa Baav) am 17. Juli 1918 ermordet.
Die hatten erst 5 Jahre zuvor Mary Phagan an einem 26. ermordet.
Die stehen auf Namens- und Zahlensymboliken.
Ich hoffe, das lesen hier Russen mit.
Interessant, und wohl bedeutend, dass die Leichen des Tsarensohnes und Thronfolgers Alexej und der Maria von den Bolshewiken getrennt verscharrt wurden, was vermuten läßt, dass ihre Leichen von den Juden irgendwie pervers geschändet wurden. Wenn nicht, warum wurden ihre Leichen woanders hingebracht?
Maria zehn Jahre davor:
So ein Idiot war jener Tsar, einen völlig unnötigen Krieg gegen das mächtige Deutschland und Österreich-Ungarn vom Zaun zu brechen. (Dabei war Deutschland die Heimat seiner eigener Frau Alexandra und auch seines Großvaters Albert von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha/Bayern, des Konsorten der englischen Königin Victoria.) Also Krieg gegen seine christlichen Mitmonarchen, Wilhelm II von D und Franz Josef von Ö, zu einer Zeit, also es für ihn und sein Russenvolk eine ganz gewaltige innere Gefahr gab — die Zehntausende von erzkommunistischen, brutalen, haßerfüllten, vom Wall Street-Juden Jakob Schiff finanzierten Chasaren im Lande!
Russischer Bischof: „Zar Opfer jüdischen Ritualmords“
In Russland werden die Todesumstände der ermordeten Zarenfamilie untersucht. Ein Bischof behauptet, sie sei Opfer eines jüdischen Ritualmords geworden. Jüdische Organisationen laufen dagegen Sturm.
Russlands größte jüdische Organisation hat gegen die Behauptung eines örtlichen orthodoxen Bischofs protestiert, dass der letzte Zar des Landes von Juden für rituelle Zwecke ermordet worden sei. Die These wurde von einem Beamten des Justizministeriums wiederholt. Das berichten laut Kathpress „Interfax“ und die israelische Tageszeitung „Haaretz“ am Mittwoch.
Marina Molodtsova, leitende Ermittlungsbeamtin eines Sonderausschusses für die Ermordung von Zar Nikolaus II. im Jahr 1918, sagte laut „Ria Novosti“ am Montag während einer Konferenz in Moskau, ihr Komitee werde „eine psychohistorische Untersuchung“ durchführen, um herauszufinden, ob die Hinrichtung der Zarenfamilie ein Ritualmord gewesen sei.
„Ausdruck eines antisemitischen Mythos“
Bei der gleichen Veranstaltung sagte der orthodoxe Bischof Tichon Schewkunow, dass nach „der strengen Herangehensweise an die Version des Ritualmordes ein bedeutender Teil der Kirchenkommission, der sich mit der Ermordung Nikolaus’ II. während der Revolution 1917/18 befasst hat, keinen Zweifel daran“ habe, dass dies „ein Ritualmord war“.
Die Föderation der jüdischen Gemeinden Russlands, eine Gruppe mit mehr als 100 Mitgliedsgemeinden in ganz Russland, nannte die Wortmeldungen in einer Erklärung am Dienstag einen „schockierenden Ausdruck eines antisemitischen Mythos“. „Wir alle halten das für absolut inakzeptabel“, sagte der Sprecher des Verbandes, Boruch Gorin, gegenüber „Interfax“. Er sagte, er sei „vor allem von der Absurdität der Vorwürfe schockiert“. Der Euro-Asiatische Jüdische Kongress verurteilte die Kommentare in einer Erklärung am Dienstag ebenfalls.
Ermittlungen zu heiligen Zaren
Angesichts des zunehmenden Nationalismus und der Nostalgie für die Zarenzeit in Russland unter Präsident Wladimir Putin, hatte ein russisches Gericht 2010 den Staatsanwälten befohlen, die Ermittlungen gegen den Mord an dem Zaren und seiner Familie wieder aufzunehmen. Internationale Historiker gehen jedoch alle davon aus, dass der Mord durch die Bolschewiki verübt wurde. Die russisch-orthodoxe Kirche hat den ermordeten Zaren und seine Familie im Jahr 2000 zu Heiligen gemacht.
Die übergroße Prävalenz der Juden in den Reihen der Revolution war eine Hauptstütze des antisemitischen Narrativs in der Region. Während des Holocaust diente er als Vorwand für die Ermordung unzähliger Juden in ganz Osteuropa durch selbsternannte Feinde des Kommunismus und Russlands, trotz der Tatsache, dass Kommunisten bereits damals Juden und öffentliche Äußerungen ihres Glaubens unterdrückten.
Juden in „großer Sorge“
Die Mörder von Nikolaus II. waren „offensichtlich engagierte Atheisten, die jeglichen Glauben an irgendeine Macht ablehnten – außer ihren eigenen“, sagte Gorin „Haaretz“ gegenüber. Boruch Gorin ist ranghoher Berater von Russlands Oberrabbiner Berel Lazart. Die Schuld der Juden für den Tod des Zaren sei „ein absolut antisemitischer Mythos, der in der antisemitischen Propaganda seit mehreren Jahrzehnten verwendet wird, weshalb wir Juden dies mit großer Sorge betrachten“.
Publiziert am30.11.2017
Macron Defends Pedophile Painter
Thanks. I already blogged on this jewess, Miriam Cahn.