Jew-krainian Army routinely MURDERS Russian soldiers who honorably surrendered

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My study of Eckhart Tolle has shown me that a severely egoic mind means you will tend to become delusional in ALL the important areas of your life.


I know libtards here in this small all-white town of Ontonagon (the type that is all shocked by my racial and political views) who are totally into TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) AND they took all the vaxxes and boosters…AND their personal lives are a shambles of drugs, booze, having just one offspring, and it is from a “one-night stand,” AND arrests for DUI…. AND alienation from their kids.

The egoic mind means you lie to yourself, and on some deeper level you actually KNOW that you are lying to yourself, which is actually quasi-deliberate self-harm!

In the case of these hate-deranged Ukrainian soldiers who slaughter Russian POWs who come toward them with their hands up and no weapons, they have already accepted the Big Lie (a jewish specialty, as Mein Kampf explained) that Ukraine’s savage war of aggression against its own ethnic Russian citizens was justified!!!!!!

This involved seven years of shelling and massacring civilians, starting in 2015, bombing villages, farmers markets, and apartment buildings!

The Russian areas were PUT into Ukraine against their will in 1922 by the psychopathic bolshevik leader Lenin! It is not THEIR fault they ended up in Ukraine! And in the 1950s, another bolshevik leader, Nikita Krushchev put Russian-speaking Crimea also into Ukraine…. against the Crimeans’ will.

This war crime of shelling the Russian-speaking eastern Ukrainians erupted soon after the jew-CIA-organized Maidan putsch that overthrew the democratically elected government of Victor Yanukovich. It brought the fat, crooked, jew billionaire Petro Poroshenko into power.

Seven years BEFORE Putin FINALLY invaded, Ukraine began atrocities against ethnic Russians.

But once you swallow that these CRIMES were justified, then the killing of surrendering Russians is “okay” as well.

But killing POWs is not only a war crime — for which death is the penalty  but also stupid as well as cruel.


A “take-no-prisoners”policy is idiotic

in military terms because it means

your enemy will never lay down his arms,

even if defeated, surrounded and cut off,

but instead, facing death either way,

will FIGHT DESPERATELY to kill you

because you

are a merciless, criminal,

barbarian bastard without honor.


Did you forget, Ukie, that your white, Slavic brother too has loved ones : parents, a girlfriend or wife, and maybe little kids, too?


And as a final note on this: No country in Europe was mor jew-aware than the Ukrainians, and many joined the Waffen-SS’s Galicia Division in WWII!

Yet now they believe every anti-Russian slander out of the mouth of Ukrainian jews whom their own grandfathers rightly hated!


The millage of coins (the little grooves added around the edges) were created to prevent jews from clipping off the edges of coins, which used to be pure silver or gold



…..A poem about chivalry

Composed in French Flanders, in the Artois forest, spring 1916
Based on a true story


In a Thicket of the Forest at Artois
It was in a thicket in the Artois Wood.
Deep in the trees, on blood-soaked ground,
A wounded German warrior lay stretched
And his cries rang out in the night.
In vain “ no echo answered his plea.
Will he bleed to death like a beast
Shot in the gut, that dies alone?
Then suddenly
Heavy steps approach from right and left
He hears them stamp on the forest floor,
And new hope springs in his soul.
And now from the left,
And now from both sides,
Two men approach his dark resting place
A German, and a Frenchman.
And each watches the other with distrustful glance,
And threateningly they aim their weapons.
The German warrior asks: “What are you doing here?”
“I was touched by his desperate calls for help.”

Drawing by me to illustrate the poem


“He’s your enemy!”
“He’s a man who is suffering.”
So both lowered their weapons without a word,
then entwined their hands together,
and with muscles tensed, carefully lifted
the wounded warrior, as if on a stretcher,
And carried him through the woods
Till they came to the German outposts.
“Now it’s done. He’ll get good care.”
And the Frenchman turns back toward the woods.
But the German grasps for his hand,
Looks, moved, into sorrow-dimmed eyes

Hitler, convalescing in a hospital in Berlin in 1916


And says to him with earnest foreboding:

“I don’t know what fate holds for us,
Which inscrutably rules in the stars.
Perhaps I shall fall, a victim of your bullet.
Perhaps mine will fell you on the sand,
For the fortunes of battle are unpredictable.

Hitler after four years at the front

But however it may be, and whatever may come:
It is for such sacred hours that we live,

When a man sees himself in another man,

And so farewell!

May God be with you!”

Adolf Hitler, 1916

French infantrymen, “poilus,” in the trenches (re-enactors)





In Ukraine, Killings of Surrendering Russians Divide an American-Led Unit


A German medic said he was so troubled that he confronted his commander. Others boasted about killings in a group chat.

Thomas Gibbons-Neff reported this article over several months during multiple assignments to Kyiv, Ukraine, and the front lines of the war.

Hours after a battle in eastern Ukraine in August, a wounded and unarmed Russian soldier crawled through a nearly destroyed trench, seeking help from his captors, a unit of international volunteers led by an American.

Caspar Grosse, a German medic in that unit, said he saw the soldier plead for medical attention in a mix of broken English and Russian. It was dusk. A team member looked for bandages.

That is when, Mr. Grosse said, a fellow soldier hobbled over and fired his weapon into the Russian soldier’s torso. He slumped, still breathing. Another soldier fired — “just shot him in the head,” Mr. Grosse recalled in an interview.

Mr. Grosse said he was so upset by the episode that he confronted his commander. He said he spoke to The New York Times after what he regarded as unwarranted killings continued. It is highly unusual for a soldier to speak publicly about battlefield conduct, particularly involving men whom he still considers friends.

But he said he was too troubled to keep silent.

ImageA bearded man in military gear sits on a worn chair and holds a rifle in his hands.
Mr. Grosse in eastern Ukraine.Credit…via Caspar Grosse

The shooting of the unarmed, wounded Russian soldier is one of several killings that have unsettled the Chosen Company, one of the best-known units of international troops fighting on behalf of Ukraine.

Mr. Grosse’s witness recollection is the only available evidence of the trench killing. But his accounts of other episodes are bolstered by his contemporaneous notes, video footage and text messages exchanged by members of the unit and reviewed by The Times.

In a second episode, a Chosen member lobbed a grenade at and killed a surrendering Russian soldier who had his hands raised, video footage reviewed by The Times shows. The Ukrainian military released video of the episode to showcase its battlefield prowess, but it edited out the surrender.

In a third episode, Chosen members boasted in a group chat about killing Russian prisoners of war during a mission in October, text messages show. A soldier who was briefly in command that day alluded to the killings using a slang word for shooting. He said he would take responsibility.

“At the Hague ‘I regret nothing!’” he wrote. It was one of several text messages reviewed by The Times that make reference, directly or obliquely, to killing prisoners. Andok said in an interview that he had been joking.

Mr. Grosse was not on that mission but said that, afterward, a fellow soldier recounted killing a prisoner. Mr. Grosse documented it in his journal.

The Times is identifying frontline soldiers by their call signs in keeping with Ukrainian military protocol. They have not been charged with any wrongdoing.

Killing prisoners of war is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. Once soldiers clearly indicate an intention to surrender, they cannot be attacked and must be safely taken into custody. The Ukrainian government has repeatedly pointed at Russian troops killing unarmed and surrendering soldiers as proof of Moscow’s lawlessness.

A Greek soldier known as Zeus was at the center of all three episodes — tossing the grenade and, Mr. Grosse says, firing at the wounded Russian in the trench and bragging about another kill. He did not respond to messages seeking comment left on his phone and through Facebook.

Ryan O’Leary, the de facto commander of Chosen Company and a former U.S. Army National Guardsman from Iowa, said that Zeus did not want to speak.

In an interview, Mr. O’Leary denied that members had committed war crimes. He said that his fighters had killed wounded Russians, but only those who could have fought back.

Mr. O’Leary said that the trench episode that Mr. Grosse recounted never happened, and that he was not on that mission. He also dismissed the significance of the text messages. “That’s predominantly blowing off steam,” he said.

He said the grenade episode was not “black and white,” because the Russian soldier and another nearby might have posed a threat. The video leaves unanswered questions about what Chosen members saw or considered threats before the attempted surrender.

But in the United States military, a video showing the killing of a surrendering soldier, regardless of the circumstances, would prompt an immediate investigation, said Rachel E. VanLandingham, a professor at Southwestern Law School and a former U.S. Air Force lawyer.

“Failure to investigate is more troubling than the incident itself,” Ms. VanLandingham said. “Lack of accountability starts with lack of investigation.”

The Ukrainian military has the authority to investigate accusations of war crimes and has opened investigations into claims of abuses committed by Russian forces. In response to a list of questions, the military stopped short of promising an investigation. It said “the issue raised will be thoroughly examined and verified.”

The American volunteers are fighting without the backing of the United States government, which does not want to be drawn into direct combat with Russia. But the U.S. Justice Department also can investigate because Mr. O’Leary and other Chosen members are American.

Soon after The Times began asking questions, Mr. O’Leary vowed to find out who was speaking to journalists.

“Some stuff the reporter brought up was only known by a few people,” he wrote in a group chat. “But we will cast a wide net regardless to snare the rabbit.”

The very existence of the Chosen Company is a peculiar feature of Ukraine’s war effort. Desperate for personnel, the military opened its ranks to thousands of international volunteers after Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022.

Fighters with varying degrees of experience and professionalism, some of whom would not have been allowed near a battlefield in an American-led war, were welcomed and armed.

Mr. O’Leary wanted Chosen to be a home for professional, disciplined fighters. The unit — a mix that included deserters, thrill seekers and aging soldiers — became a hub for volunteers seeking combat.

Mr. Grosse, a former German soldier, came to Ukraine seeking purpose and adventure. He fought alongside other foreign fighters early in the war. Then, he found his way to Chosen.

The company, of about 60 people from about a dozen countries, fell under the command of Ukraine’s 59th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade. Ukrainian officers were technically in charge but, as in most foreign units, they largely performed administrative functions.


A soldier in full military equipment, with goggles raised on his helmet, stands in front of a concrete wall in Ukraine.
Benjamin Reed, an American volunteer with Chosen, on an operation in eastern Ukraine in 2023.Credit…via Benjamin Reed

Chosen often acted as shock troops, teams that could lead assaults and clear Russian positions despite heavy fire and, sometimes, heavy casualties.

Internally, the company had its own reputation. Benjamin Reed, a former Chosen member from Massachusetts, said in an interview that he “heard, to such a large degree, innumerable conversations, about the executions of P.O.W.s on various operations.”

Mr. Reed said that even the unit’s recruiter told him that it “was OK to kill P.O.W.s if they didn’t surrender in the strictest Geneva Convention standards.”

On Aug. 23, 2023, just over a dozen soldiers from Chosen joined a small Ukrainian force on a mission that became known as Operation Shovel.

The goal was to drive Russian forces out of trenches south of the eastern Ukrainian town of Pervomaiske.

Chosen stormed the trenches in vehicles and then on foot, surprising the Russian soldiers and pinching them on either side.

The fighting was mostly over in less than a half-hour. Everyone in Chosen survived, though some were wounded. Most of the Russian forces died, but a few fled, taking cover in nearby craters that had been left by explosions.

The episode took place after the trench was declared clear. But artillery fire and drone attacks remained a threat. And the battlefield was dynamic: About 10 minutes earlier, an unarmed Russian soldier had frantically darted into Chosen’s trench, then hurried away before being shot and killed.

Mr. O’Leary showed The Times two videos that he said proved that what followed was murky, not a “dirty kill.” The videos, which he said were unedited, were taken from a drone and a soldier’s helmet camera.

In the helmet camera video, sporadic small-arms fire is audible in the distance, but no hostile fire comes from the craters. The two Chosen soldiers seen on video were somewhat exposed and scanning the area, indicators that they were not under fire.

Mr. O’Leary, who was nearby in the trench, called out to Zeus and another soldier: “Three Russians in front.”

One of those three was dead. Two others were in a nearby crater. One, dressed in olive-colored battle dress, seems to try to get the attention of Chosen troops. He puts his hands to his mouth, apparently calling out. He fires his weapon directly in the air, then puts it down and approaches the edge of the crater with his hands up, an internationally accepted sign of surrender.

Beside him is another Russian soldier, who appears wounded and barely moves. He does not try to surrender.

Mr. Grosse, the medic, said he heard a Ukrainian drone team report on the radio that a Russian soldier was trying to surrender.

Mr. O’Leary initially denied that his radio was working properly. When asked, if so, how he knew that three Russians were in or near the craters, he acknowledged that some transmissions had gotten through.

The surrendering Russian soldier has his hands raised for several seconds, as seen from the drone footage, when a grenade lands nearby, killing him.

Zeus, who threw the grenade, was not wearing a body camera. Footage from the nearby helmet camera does not show the Russian soldier, indicating that Zeus may not have seen him.

But after the explosion, Zeus indicates that he had seen him. “I think I killed a guy with a grenade in his hands,” he said, laughing. There is no indication in the drone video that the Russian had a grenade.

Mr. O’Leary said that since he could not see into the crater, he had no idea if the Russian soldier or his comrades could fight back if Chosen tried to capture him.

The Ukrainian military later released an edited video that shows only two seconds of the fatal encounter. It shows that the Russian has no weapon, but the moment that he raises his hands is not included.

And the editing made it appear that the killing occurred in the heat of combat, rather than when the battle was all but over. A spokesman for the 59th Brigade would not discuss the video.

Mr. O’Leary denied that Mr. Grosse was on the mission.

But in interviews, Mr. Grosse recounted details that other Chosen members corroborated. And, using the publicly released video, The Times geolocated the battle and placed it exactly where Mr. Grosse said it had occurred. He is not sure whether he is in the military logs for the battle, but those are notoriously unreliable, according to other foreign fighters not involved with Chosen.

The Ukrainian military justice system, though, is widely regarded as outdated and ill equipped for such situations.

“Reports of human rights violations within the military have become a toxic issue for the Ukrainian government and highlighted the issue,” the Wilson Center, a Washington-based research organization, wrote in February.

As Operation Shovel winded down that same day, Chosen secured the trench line and waited for reinforcements.

Around dusk, Mr. Grosse said, a badly injured Russian soldier, who had been presumed dead, began crawling through the trench, calling for help.

A Chosen soldier from the United States, known as Cossack, knew some Russian and tried to speak to him, Mr. Grosse said. When Cossack said that he was American, the injured man began saying “help” and “surrender” in English, Mr. Grosse said.

Cossack called out for first-aid equipment. “I think he wanted to help him,” Mr. Grosse said.

It was then, Mr. Grosse said, that Zeus arrived and shot the Russian soldier in the chest. “He was breathing and wiggling around,” Mr. Grosse said.

Mr. Grosse said Cossack then shot the Russian soldier in the head with a Kalashnikov rifle in what Mr. Grosse assumes was a mercy kill.

Cossack did not respond to phone messages seeking comment.

Roughly an hour later, Chosen soldiers returned to their base, where they watched a medley of videos from the operation.

There, Mr. Grosse said he first saw the grenade attack. He had been elsewhere in the trench and had not witnessed it.

Mr. Grosse, who said he was already disturbed from the shooting, said that he complained to Mr. O’Leary in front of others.

“I specifically said that, because I’m the medic, I want prisoners to be in my care and nobody gets to shoot them,” Mr. Grosse said. “‘They have to arrive in my care healthy, or at least in the way you found them.’ And everybody was like, ‘OK fine.’”

Mr. O’Leary confirmed receiving a complaint after Shovel about the unit’s tactics in general. And he said that Mr. Grosse did complain about conduct on other missions — conduct that he said was lawful. But he denied that Mr. Grosse had raised concerns after Shovel.

Afterward, Mr. Grosse said, Zeus bragged “a thousand times” about killing the surrendering Russian.

Word spread within Chosen about the video’s contents.

When Mr. Reed joined a few months later, he said he was told — not by Mr. Grosse — that there was a reason the Shovel video had not been not released in full: “because it would look very bad on us,” Mr. Reed said.

Nearly two months later, in mid-October, about a dozen Chosen members were again called to an area around Pervomaiske, this time to halt a Russian advance.

Afterward, a group chat lit up with discussion alluding to the shooting of Russian prisoners.

Andok, who briefly took charge that day, said his team had been exhausted and low on ammunition. They had no reinforcements and nobody to carry the wounded, he wrote.

“And then someone’s like ‘We got these captures,’” Andok wrote. “Me: Why the fuck aren’t they sleeping, sort em out.”

He added: “If indeed that’s what actually happened.”

One soldier posted an image from the World War II movie “Inglourious Basterds” showing a German prisoner about to be killed.

Discussion focused on Zeus. But Andok said that he, not Zeus, was responsible. “He was just doing his job,” Andok wrote. He then posted the photograph of the Croatian war criminal.

One soldier asked if video of the shooting existed. “Because if not, it’s sound,” he wrote. “Unless someone grasses on him,” he added, using the British slang term for reporting someone to the authorities.

“No go pro footage, didn’t happen,” another soldier wrote.

Mr. Grosse was not on that October mission. But he said Zeus later bragged directly to him about the killing.


A hand holding a notebook with handwritten text in English.
Mr. Grosse wrote a poem in 2023 about a friend who had died. He writes whenever the mood strikes.Credit…via Caspar Grosse

Mr. Grosse keeps journals, though not always chronologically. His thoughts and poems spread across Moleskine or off-brand notebooks, whatever is nearby when the mood strikes.

He showed The Times a copy of an entry that he said he wrote immediately after his conversation with Zeus.

“Today a good friend willingly executed a bound prisoner,” the entry begins. “As the prisoner was sitting in a trench blindage with his jacket draped over his shoulders, Zeus came up behind him and shot him into the back of the head multiple times. Going to bed.”

(The entry misspells the word “blindage,” a protective structure in a trench.)

Though the entry is undated, Mr. Grosse said it was written in October. That aligns with an early conversation he had at the time with a Times reporter, when he spoke about being troubled by battlefield incidents.

In an interview, Mr. Reed, the former Chosen member from Massachusetts, said his time with the unit was marked by disagreements, all unrelated to accusations of battlefield wrongdoing.

He recounted harassment and death threats. He threatened to disclose Chosen’s location publicly, jeopardizing its security. In anger, he said, he posted embarrassing photographs of a Chosen member in a pro-Russian channel on the messaging platform Telegram.

In January, Mr. Reed posted a video on TikTok criticizing his former comrades. “Those guys are kill-crazy cowboys, nothing more,” he says.

Unlike Mr. Reed, Mr. Grosse said he left last fall on good terms, but disenchanted. “You couldn’t rely on the guy next to you,” he said.

In April, word spread inside Chosen that The Times was asking about the deaths of Russian prisoners and surrendering soldiers.

One Chosen member questioned in the group chat why anyone was “snitching on bros’.”

Mr. O’Leary wrote that the accusations were baseless. He said that anyone who had spoken to reporters faced years in prison for releasing confidential information.

“I’d prefer to stop any investigation before it starts and simply say it was a misunderstanding,” he wrote. “End of day, we are brothers.”

Niki Kitsantonis and Dave Philipps contributed Marine infantryman. More about Thomas Gibbons-Neff


  1. The Huns, Turks and Mongols had neanderthal DNA and the Khazars were a nomadic tribe of savage cannibals that make the Aztecs look tame, killing nearly half a million Greeks and Romans [in the Kitos War of AD 117], eating their flesh, drinking their blood, and making belts from their intestines and wearing their skin.
    I think that most white people could not comprehend that jews could be capable of doing something like that, but i don’t think most people know that they’re not homo sapiens as we are, and what a pure-blooded jew looks like. They have a larger skull with a bigger brain capacity.
    No other group could be organised enough to create a complex system such as globalism, i think they’ll probably cause WW3 and destroy the planet.
    And I believe that climate change is caused by geoengineering.
    I don’t think that group can ever be defeated; their usery is the great corruptor of mankind.
    And only the most stupid, greedy people will let jews run their banks.
    It’s why the most stupid people are the world’s leaders.

    • That#s because the rival parties are run by crypto-jews and blocked her party. Voting won’t work anymore; it’s all rigged now.

      Most French are against that vile crypto-jew demon [Macron], but it’s the same as that old quote from Joseph Stalin: “It’s not who votes that counts — it’s who counts the votes.”
      I don’t need any spiritual help or relief, and I hate the religion of Christianity the most.
      I read a theory about Christianity being something jews created to make white Europeans feel sorry for them, and as a method to control us.
      I think it’s definitely possible that he didn’t exist, or that he was a psychotic jew that agreed to the other jews to be martyred.
      So the Jews could use the Christian religion as a method to control and conquer us.
      Because I read a true speech that was officially dated at a particular time and place, with a Rabbi saying that jews created Christianity to control and destroy white Europeans.
      We have them in the palm of our hand and have the stupid christians put in line.

      • Himmler would have had you busted to private or worse for insulting Jesus, the person.

        The jews seek to take over anything that starts out good and that gains momentum and turn it into a weapon against us.

        In the 1970s we had environmentalism, which was a good thing. Every city in America back then had a brown air dome of smog over it, and men died by 62. The windshield on your car was full of soot and dust by evening, and that went into our lungs. Now it is a Green Party that is for open-borders, anti-white, pro-war, pro-LGBTQ, and communist.

        But to bash Jesus for what happened long after He was murdered is risky. Suppose you are wrong?

        When Europe became Christian, did everyone lay down their arms and become gay? 😉

        Who fought the Turks in this battle, and smashed them?

        In what verse in the New Testament did Jesus condemn soldiers and say that all war was wicked?

        In none.

        In fact, he healed a Roman centurion’s dying servant. Did He see the centurion as a murderer?

        What Jesus bashed was judaism.

  2. I have been reading Eugen Dühring on the Jews. My copy was published in England in 1977. Today this book is almost unavailable. Yet Dühring, who died in 1921, was one of the original Jew-wise writers and remains one of the best. The control of the publishing business by Jews is producing censorship, as can be seen in the instance of Dühring’s book. Meanwhile a free press is a Constitutional guarantee. What are the implications and what is the obvious solution to this vital problem?

  3. Hi, John. I’m moving away from this stuff for good. I don’t want to focus on this anymore.
    My health is pretty bad and I haven’t been well, I think I have those fibrous clots inside me from having the mRNA shots.
    This is really horrific, what has happened and I have to move away from this horrible stuff. It has consumed my life.

    • I fully understand.

      Instead, you might buy and read Eckhart Tolle, because the only solution is fixing humanity’s spiritual problems first. Earth has always been a kind of hell, just more so now than ever before.

      Or watch “Miracles from Heaven.”

      As  I urged you several times………………………..

      I was just reading about the French election yesterday. It is astounding to see how even though things are truly terrible in France (muslim crime, grime, radical LGBTQ, and unbearable taxations — 55% — and have been dismal for many years, the centrist and leftist parties formed a voting bloc to keep even Marine Le Pen’s very moderate rightwing party from power. Marine had radically watered down her message to avoid “scaring” the electorate. Her party now only wants to end further migration, and to stay in the lethal, satanic European Union, and it supports Israel, jews, gay marriage, etc.

      Her father, Jean-Marie le Pen, who ran the party (which he had founded) for decades, had demanded that the Muslims (who are 25% of France now!!) go BACK to the countries they came from (“rémigration”), and that France leave the European Union, abandon its euro currency, bring back the franc, and restore full French sovereignty: “France for the French!”

      But the election yesterday only did what national socialist and revisionist Vincent Reynouard had predicted: The watering-down of the message to pitiful halfway measures will never, ever fanaticize and mobilize the white masses. Leaving all these muslims and negroes in France –letting them stay — and also kissing up to Israel and the jews in France, is not going to solve anything.

      France has cancer, a racial and semitic cancer, and it needs a surgeon to cut the cancer out.

      Since Marine offered no reality, the voters b naturally continued to deny reality themselves, and thus remain on the path toward gradual but complete white genocide — the death of the white French people.

      The real problem is how white people can deny reality even when the migrants are stabbing, raping, and killing them… the muslim who went around a park STABBING WHITE BABIES…. and they let Macron forcibly vaxx them with the clot shot… and this meant lying to them about “safe and effective” and taking away the most basic human freedom, the right to decide about your own healht and your body. And now the white French are suffering huge physical harm, even death.

      My mission is to make white people take a good, hard look at themselves as the primary cause of this hell, and not the jews. The jew simply exploits the egoic mental sickness that is already there.

      The jew sees the tumor, is delighted, and he makes it worse. Here, Frenchie, smoke a pack of cigarettes to cure your cancer!

      Merci, monsieur!


    • I have to agree, I take periodic breaks partly because I’ve been up on a lot of this for over 50 years, but I have descendants who have to deal with this too. My family has been fighting these demons for 3 generations. I cannot simply quit for good.

  4. In his book Dühring states that the Jews seek corruption in their host nations and exploit this corruption. They make the corruption they discover worse, very often, but they never create it from naught.

  5. An example of the exploitation of corruption discovered by the Jews, as described by Dühring, is provided by Wilson’s appointment of the first Jew to sit on the Supreme Court. Wilson was having an affair though he was a married man and the Jews discovered this and blackmailed him to appoint Brandeis, a Jew, to the Supreme Court, where a Jew had never before sat.

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