“Marilyn Manson” has classic neanderthalic features:
A comrade sent me:
First John Lennon, then David Bowie, then Michael Jackson, now Marilyn Manson.
How many other “neo-Nazi” rock stars that we don’t know about? I’m surprised Anglin hasn’t picked up on this story – it’s tailor-made for him:
“Wood, who is Jewish, talked about how he also began to express interest in Nazism while they were together, hanging the words “Kill All the Jews” over their bed.”
LOL. She probably made this up to ensure that he’ll never get another recording contract. I’m surprised she didn’t also claim that he has homicidal gas chambers in his basement, and that nightly in his living room, Jews are eaten alive by a bear, an eagle, and a snake, and also killed with pedal-powered brain-bashing machines.
Evan Rachel Wood claims Marilyn Manson ‘essentially raped’ her in 2007 music video
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Evan Rachel WoodAmerican actress and singer
Marilyn MansonAmerican rock band
Evan Rachel Wood claims Marilyn Manson “essentially raped” her while making the music video for his 2007 single “Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand).”
The allegation was made in Phoenix Rising, the documentary about Wood’s life, including the four-year relationship she was in with the shock rocker. Wood revealed in 2016 that she had been previously raped by a significant other — and in February named Manson as her alleged abuser.
In the first part of the docuseries, which debuted Sunday at the Sundance Film Festival and will premiere on HBO in March, Wood discussed being groomed into the relationship with Manson (real name: Brian Warner), who was 18 years her senior, in 2006 when she was just 18. She said his “first crime” against her allegedly took place a year later when making his 2007 “Heart-Shaped Glasses” video.
“It’s nothing like I thought it was going to be,” the actress said of the video, which ended with their characters having sex in bed while drenched in blood. “We were doing things that were not what was pitched to me.”
The Westworld actress claimed Manson actually had sex with her. She said she had been fed absinthe on the set and felt barely conscious.
“We had discussed a simulated sex scene, but once the cameras were rolling, he started penetrating me for real,” she said. “I had never agreed to that. I’m a professional actress, I have been doing this my whole life, I’d never been on a set that unprofessional in my life up until this day. It was complete chaos, and I did not feel safe. No one was looking after me.”
Wood said it was “a really traumatizing experience filming the video. I didn’t know how to advocate for myself or know how to say no because I had been conditioned and trained to never talk back — to just soldier through,” explained the Thirteen actress. “I felt disgusting and like I had done something shameful, and I could tell that the crew was very uncomfortable and nobody knew what to do. I was coerced into a commercial sex act under false pretenses.”
She said, “That’s when the first crime was committed against me and I was essentially raped on camera.”
Manson has denied Wood’s allegations — as well as those from other accusers who came forward, including Game of Thrones actor Esme Bianco and his former assistant Ashley Walters Manson.
“Obviously, my life and my art have long been magnets for controversy, but these recent claims about me are horrible distortions of reality,” he said last year. “My intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual with like-minded partners. Regardless of how — and why — others are now choosing to misrepresent the past, that is the truth.”
In the doc, Wood talked about being groomed by Manson, who she claims isolated her from her friends and family. He was the the first adult man who she ever kissed, recalling Manson jamming his tongue down her throat when they were talking and feeling “icky” after. She spoke about them branding their relationship, carving their initials on each other. Wood, who is Jewish, talked about how he also began to express interest in Nazism while they were together, hanging the words “Kill All the Jews” over their bed.
The doc also looks at Wood championing the domestic violence bill Phoenix Act in California, which extends the time victims have to come forward and get justice. It was signed into law in 2019.
Wood spoke after the screening in a virtual Q&A, saying she agreed to make the doc, directed by Amy Berg, because: “It’s time for me to tell the truth. It’s time for me to finally tell my side. I can’t have it told for me anymore and people are going to believe whatever they’re going to believe. It’s not my job to convince people. I’m not lying. It’s my job to tell the truth and that’s what I’ve done.”
Wood added, “Unfortunately my story is not unique. It’s unique in the way that it’s been in the spotlight and that it’s gone virtually unnoticed, but the tactics and everything involved is very common.”
Evan Rachel WoodAmerican actress and singer
Marilyn MansonAmerican rock band
Manson ha messo su parecchi chili, fino a diventare quasi grasso, anche se adesso va in palestra, «dieci minuti di corsa, esercizi per braccia e gambe alle macchine, niente pesi». E ha iniziato a frequentare Johnny Depp. A quanto pare, si capiscono più di chiunque altro. Anche perché nessuno dei due ha bisogno di parole: «Ci borbottiamo qualcosa e poi finiamo le frasi a gesti». Hanno anche delle passioni in comune; hanno tentato di comprare la pistola con cui Hitler si è suicidato ed entrambi riescono ad addormentarsi solo se la tv è accesa: «Io preferisco cose molto violente e rumorose». Hanno anche gli stessi tatuaggi..(..)
E non ti dico il resto..
Gente psicopatica.
Manson has put on several kilos until he is almost fat, even though he now goes to the gym, “ten minutes of running, exercises for arms and legs on machines, no weights.” And he started hanging out with [?] Johnny Depp.
Apparently, they understand each other more than anyone else.
Also because neither of us needs words: “We mumble something and then we finish the sentences with gestures.”
They also have passions in common; they tried to buy the gun with which Hitler committed suicide and both manage to fall asleep only if the TV is on: “I prefer very violent and noisy things.” They also have the same tattoos .. (..)
And I won’t tell you the rest ..
Psychopathic people.
Si,Johnny Depp.Sono grandi amici!A me sembra tutta una scena per la propaganda.A parte che sono fuori di testa.
Yeah, Johnny Depp. They’re great friends! Sounds like a whole propaganda scenario to me.
Except of course I’m the crazy one. 😉
Marilyn Manson nasce in Ohio, unico figlio di Barb Wyer e Hugh Warner:ha ascendenze polacche e tedesche dalla parte del padre, ed è lontano parente del commentatore politico conservatore Pat Buchanan.Fin dall’infanzia ha avuto una vita piuttosto strana e molto movimentata: nella sua autobiografia La mia lunga strada dall’inferno, racconta delle perversioni sessuali del nonno (tra cui zoofilia e sadomasochismo) delle quali viene a conoscenza, insieme a suo cugino Chad, trovando nella cantina di casa riviste pornografiche di ogni tipo, falli finti, film a luci rosse e biancheria intima da donna. La cantina del nonno rappresentava per lui un luogo oscuro e infernale, che lo spaventava molto ma che al tempo stesso lo incuriosiva.
Hugh Warner era un reduce dalla guerra in Vietnam e Manson raccontò al Guardian della prima volta che lo vide piangere: l’uomo andò a trovarlo a casa e mentre in tv andava “Apocalypse Now” gli spiegò: “Questa cosa mi provoca un mix di emozioni. Quando la gente vuole sapere qualcosa riguardo la sindrome da stress post traumatico, non credo che riesca a comprendere cosa significa quando hai ucciso tante persone e dopo devi ritornare alla vita normale, è difficile mettere tutto a posto”.
Non so sicura ma credo che suo nonno abbia qualche responsabilità sulla sua psicologia,i genitori lo hanno costretto a frequentare una rigida scuola cattolica,che lui odiava perché proibivano tutto,anche i Dolci.
Lui non crede a Satana ma alla mente Egoica degli uomini e ha conosciuto anche Lavey.
Marilyn Manson was born in Ohio, the only child of Barb Wyer and Hugh Warner: she has Polish and German ancestry on her father’s side, and is a distant relative of conservative political commentator Pat Buchanan. Since childhood she has had a rather strange and very eventful life: in his autobiography My long road from hell, he tells of his grandfather’s sexual perversions (including zoophilia and sadomasochism) of which he learns, together with his cousin Chad, finding pornographic magazines of all kinds, fake dicks in the cellar of his house, red light movies and women’s underwear. His grandfather’s cellar represented for him a dark and infernal place, which frightened him a lot but at the same time intrigued him.
Hugh Warner was a veteran of the Vietnam War and Manson told the Guardian about the first time he saw him cry: the man went to see him at home and while on TV he went “Apocalypse Now” he explained: “This thing causes me a mix of emotions. When people want to know something about PTSD, I don’t think they can understand what it means when you’ve killed so many people and then you have to go back to normal life, it’s hard to put everything right. ”
I’m not sure but I think grandfather has some responsibility for his psychology, his parents forced him to attend a strict Catholic school, which he hated because they forbade everything, even sweets.
He does not believe in Satan but in the Egoic mind of men and has also known Lavey.
This would suggest he is not jewish…but his face and nature suggest he is….
At least he’s antisemitic and semi glamourises the third reich.
looks very jewish
Evidentemente non tutti sono Ebrei..ma tutti sono “colpiti” da questi Demoni vestiti in modo elegante e da quello che producono.
Comunque Warner è un cognome Ebreo.
Si,sono sempre stati i burattini dei Grandi ebrei per la loro predisposizione genetica,per le Religioni e per la mente Egoica.
Poi il nome Marilyn Manson suggerisce una “vittima” del potere ebraico 😉