Three-trillion-dollar Iraq war; Jew senators lead in screaming for gun confiscation; MK-ULTRAs and obviously faking-it actors abound in Newtown massacre government op; open Satanist and child molester Michael Aquino runs psy-ops for NSA

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On the heels of the embezzlement of $4,000 in donations and for work I did (stolen by a staffer who has now disappeared BUT HAS STILL NOT BEEN ARRESTED, DESPITE A FULL POLICE REPORT SUBMITTED ON THE 18TH), now this:

We sent out a mass email today to my entire list promoting this major blog. But then many wrote back that the link did not work. The link LOOKED like this (that is, perfectly fine) if you regarded it or copied and pasted it:

But if you right-clicked on the link, as most do, then THIS appeared (but ONLY after right-clicking!!!):

Try it –it doesn’t work now. Do you see now the tiny change that was made? It appears this was indeed sabotage. An extra period was added to the URL… to the link, inserted right before the “.us” suffix.

I had this problem also with certain videos…an extra character was added and the whole thing stopped playing.

I guess the NSA does not like this particular blog about their general who (see below!) is

a child molester and LEADING American satanist! *;) wink


Well, I don’t like child molesters OR satanists!


Now watch this short video of Anderson Cooper (gay son of Gloria Vanderbilt) holding an owl drawing supposedly drawn by a girl who was shot at the Sandy Hook school.

“Big deal, an owl,” you say. “All kids draw owls.”
Now watch this footage from Bohemian Grove, the yearly retreat for the male ruling elite, in the forests of northern California. Watch the symbolic “Cremation of Care” which they say symbolizes human sacrifice. Maybe they are cremating all the caring about family values and basic MORALITY? Maybe they are being taught Aleister Crowleyism: “Do what thou wilt!”
See any similarity to Anderson’s owl drawing?

Just a coincidence…. Yeah, like every penny I have being embezzled so I face eviction, and then the sabotage of my mass email — about satanism and the National Security Agency — by adding a period to the link… all just a coincidence.

Let us go now back in history…. The historical fact is indisputable. Jewish Zio extremists invaded Palestine. Through terrorism, murder and torture they stole the whole region from its inhabitants.

They were 5 percent of the population of Palestine in 1905 and then embarked on massive immigration into the area with the intention of establishing a Jewish supremacist state. When their numbers became large enough, the horror began.

First the Zio terrorists blew up British facilities, and kidnapped and tortured and murdered British nationals who administered Palestine.

Jewish terrorists like Menachem Begin blew up the King David Hotel.

That was a far more murderous act proportionately against Palestine than 9/11 was for America. They wanted to drive the British out as a necessary step before they could drive the Palestinians out. They were afraid the British would stop their planned genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

They even assassinated respected United Nations diplomats such as Count Bernadotte.

Once they drove out the British with terrorism and murder, the Zionists began their terror against the Palestinians in earnest. They committed a series of horrific atrocities.

At Deir Yassin they murdered at least 200 Palestinians. Almost all the victims were women, children and old men.


If you want the truth about Deir Yassin, you can read the accounts of Jewish Haganah officers who took part in it. Israeli Colonel Meir Pael on his retirement, remorsefully admitted that,

The Irgun and LEHI men came out of hiding and began to `cleanä the houses. They shot whoever they saw, women and children included, the commanders did not try to stop the massacre.

Zvi Ankori, who commanded the Zionist Unit at Deir Yassin gave this statement on April 9, 1982:

I went into 6 to 7 houses. I saw cut-off genitalia and women’s crushed stomachs. According to the shooting signs on the bodies, it was direct murder. (New York Jewish Newsletter in October 1960)

The Zionists had bayoneted the wombs of pregnant Palestinian women and crushed the heads and bodies of dozens of children and babies. And then in the ultimate chutzpah, Zionists purposely publicized their horrific crimes. Menachem Begin was actually proud of Deir Yassin.

He boasted that the massacre he ordered induced the terror that the Jews needed to help ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from the new Zionist State. Quote:

The massacre was not only justified, but there would not have been a state of Israel without the victory at Deir Yassin. (New York Jewish Newsletter in October 1960)

700,000 Palestinian men, women and children were terrorized and driven from their homes. äThe Jewish extremists accomplished this by mass murder, torture and terror. This is a psychopathic people, and they always have been psychopathic throughout history.


.….Best video ever of Marines in house-to-house combat in Iraq

It would be nice if the US Marine Corps, to which both I and my father proudly belonged (he fought at the famous and flag-raising battle of Iwo Jima in WWII), were using its valor and training to end the Jewish threat to our freedom and our children (SEE BELOW!!!), not killing Arabs who, like’em or not, are at least enemies of the Jews!

According to Nobel Laureate and economist Joseph Stiglitz (A JEW, BTW, BUT AT LEAST AN ANTI-WAR JEW), the Iraq War will have cost us three trillion dollars ( by the time the last sick vet dies before his time in a VA hospital.


STIGLITZ-trillion_dollar_WARA 2006 survey by the Department of Defense’s Central Command showed that the United States is employing more than100,000 private contractors; this number represents a tenfold increase over the use of contractors during the Gulf War in 1991. Given our failure to increase the size of the military, the United States cannot operate without them. For the most part, these people work side by side with U.S. troops and share the risks and hardship. An estimated 1,000 contractors have been killed since 2003.

The invasion of Iraq opened up new opportunities for private military security firms. The State Department alone spent more than $4 billion on security guards in 2007äup from $1 billion three years ago. Blackwater Security got an initial toehold in 2003 with a $27 million no-bid contract to guard L. Paul Bremer III, the administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority (the U.S. occupational authority in Baghdad). That contract was expanded to $100 million a year later. By 2007, it held a $1.2 billion contract for Iraq and employed 845 private security contractors.

In 2007, private security guards working for companies such as Blackwater and Dyncorp were earning up to $1,222 a day; this amounts to $445,000 a year. By contrast, an Army sergeant was earning $140 to $190 a day in pay and benefits, a total of $51,100 to $69,350 a year.

…..HUMOR :-)
White woman holding a bottle of wine in her hand and speaking to a
North American Indian woman:
Look, I got this for my husband…
Indian woman said…”Good trade.”



Great lyrics! Bowman (original name in German “Baumann,” meaning carpenter) symbolizes the Scotch-Irish-German mix that gave us this Appalachian Mountain-inspired, and truly WHITE music.




681 CANAL Rd

Apollo PA 15613



Alright, so in this video I am Tom Cruise, and you, my dear reader, are…. ? :-)


And I humbly thank a German comrade for this striking video tribute:

A comrade and journalist named Jeff in New York City wrote me after the last blog (

I received your thoughtful essay on this Christmas day.

Never doubt that your very considerable contributions have freed so many minds, armed our forces with truth and helped in many, many ways to dispel the darkness we presently find ourselves in.


Thanks go to a German who once lived in America for this!



And to a Canadian for US $100!80-us-dollars




…..STRANGE BEHAVIOR BY MEDICAL EXAMINER IN NEWTON, CONNECTICUT (after Sandy Hook — Sandy Hoax? — Elementary School mass child killings)

An excellent article questioning a dozen bogus details:

And now watch this! This is amazing. This “MD” acts like a complete and giddy buffoon. And yet the media (I checked on Google) all refer to him as “Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver II, M.D.” Judge this cat for yourself….

I was thinking, in fact scratching my head trying to figure any possible alternate explanations for the goofy, yes, spacey, in fact nearly delirious behavior of the good doctor… and that maybe the guy got himself DRUNK in order to be able to deal with the horror of so many little white children being shot up… But he does not act in my experience as if it is alcohol that is affecting him. It seems like something psychological, and perhaps it IS in fact MK-ULTRA programming. His behavior is extremely bizarre.
My sense of things is that “they” will NOT get more gun control out of this come January, when the new Congress convenes — but if they do two or three more big massacres like this, they might be able to.
All this is just more Illuminati dialectic: “order from chaos.” How about banning instead Jews, Illuminati, harmful psych-meds, satanism and bloodthirsty video games instead?



Look at this jerk (who for all his WASP name of “Robbie Parker” looks to be part-Ashkenazi Jew in cheekbones, nose and eye color) smiling and then putting on his sad face right at the beginning, plus the fake tears he attempts to sob:



A comrade sent me info on General Michael A. Aquino that I found mind-blowing. This guy is a high-level satanist, yet clearly working AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS of the NSA (National Security Agency) and the US Army! Here is Google on this human turd, and he is about as sinister-looking as they get:


Here is Aquino on a Geraldo Rivera show, with my late friend Ted Gunderson speaking first. Ted, who died last year (with suspicious blueness under his fingernails, indicating he was poisoned) was a high-ranking FBI official with a thirty-year career, who ran both the Dallas and Los Angeles regional offices of the FBI. After his retirement, Ted became a whistleblower:

This Aquino even has, if you will, the satanic, that is, up-twirled eyebrows. Btw, I saw those on Max Larson, a high-ranking Jehovah’s Witness (who ran things more and more in his seventy-three years with the JWs and until his death at 96 in 2011) when I worked as a volunteer at the JW HQ in NYC in 1975.

(When my parents divorced, my mother got custody and dragged me into the JWs in 1970. I left as soon as I could, and it was not easy leaving a mind-control cult that deliberately cuts your ties off to all relatives and friends. But at age 21 I did, even though it meant moving to Europe to do so. I moved to Austria totally on my own — and partly to sever ties with them so they could not reel me back in.)

In fact, Larsen was the one assigned to prevent me from leaving their HQ when I became disillusioned. People like this look like and ARE reincarnated demons.

Michael Aquino


Here is what can only be called a “puff piece” on his sect, the Temple of Set, which he formed after Anton LeVay (born as the Jew Howard Stanton Levy) died and his Church of Satan collapsed:

Note that the article baldly admits: “History The Temple of Set was reconsecrated in 1975, by Dr. Michael A. Aquino, in a “Working of Greater Black Magic” that resulted in what believers regard as an inspired text titled The Book of Coming Forth by Night. This Working became necessary when many Satanists, along with the majority of the Priesthood of the Church of Satan,[1] left that organization because of administrative and philosophical disagreements with its founder.[LaVey]

Anton LeVay, 1930-97, born Howard Stanton Levy


It also states: “The Temple of Set is an occultist organization following the left-hand path.” Well, for those who took Latin as I did, the word for left-handed issinister. This is about as open an inside joke as you can get.

Interesting point from Aquino’s infamous US Army publication “MindWar” ( Here a screenshot of the opening of this document:


And now watch him advocate (back in 1980!) what we now understand to be the chemtrail-HAARP nexus of electronic brain-waves to exert mind control over the US population! In footnotes 19-21 (pages 9-10) he states:

* * *

19) Atmospheric electromagnetic (EM) activity: The human body communicates internally by EM and electrochemical impulses. The EM field displayed in Kirlian photographs, the effectiveness of acupuncture, and the body’s physical responses to various types of EM radiation (X-rays, infrared radiation, visible light spectra, etc.) are all examples of human sensitivity to EM forces and fields.

Atmospheric EM activity is regularly altered by such phenomena as sunspot eruptions and gravitational stresses which distort the Earth’s magnetic field. Under varying external EM conditions, humans are more or less disposed to the consideration of new ideas. MindWar should be timed accordingly. Per Dr. L.J. Ravitz:

Electromagnetic field constructs add fuel to the assumption unifying living matter harmoniously with the operations of nature, the expression of an electromagnetic field no less than non-living systems; and that as points on spectrums, these two entities may at last take their positions in the organization of the universe in a way both explicable and rational … A tenable theory has been provided for emergence of the nervous system, developing not from functional demands, but instead deriving as a result of dynamic forces imposed on cell groups by the total field pattern. Living matter on has a definition of state based on relativity field physics, through which it has been possible to detect a measurable property of total state functions. (Ravitz, “State-Function, Including Hypnotic States” in Journal of American Society of PsychosomaticDentistry and Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1970.)20) Ionization of the air: An abundance of negative condensation nuclei (air ions) in ingested air enhances alertness and exhilaration, while an excess of positive ions enhances drowsiness and depression.

[JdN: I am adding this YouTube video about massive chemical spraying]

[JdN: I am also adding this YouTube video about DRIED RED BLOOD CELLS BEING CHEMTRAILED ONTO US!]

Calculation of the ionic balance of a target audience’s atmospheric environment will be correspondingly useful. Again this is a naturally-occurring condition – caused by such varying agents as solar ultraviolet light, lightning, and rapidly-moving water – rather than one which most be artificially created. (Detonation of nuclear weapons, however, will alter atmospheric ionization levels.) Cf. Soyke, Fred and Edmonds, Alan, The Ion Effect. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1977.

21) Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves: ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once more naturally occurring, but they can also be produced artificially (such as for the Navy’s Project Sanguine for submarine communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses,yet their resonant effect upon the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction with media broadcasts as well. See Playfair [JdN: An inside-joke name!], Guy L. and Hill, Scott, The Cycles of Heaven. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978, pages 130-140.

An excellent video exposé of this fiend:




The above is an article about massive child sexual abuse and satanism on an Army base in San Francisco. It is taken from a very major, mainstream California newspaper, the San Jose Mercury News of July 24, 1988



Were children really being sexually abused at the Presidio?
The Army didn’t want to believe it.
The prosecution didn’t think they could make a jury believe it.
But the parents believe it.

By Linda Goldston


Key excerpt regarding Aquino:

Larry and Michelle Adams-Thompson had noticed changes in their daughter’s behaviorafter placing her in Gary Hambright’s class four or five times in September and October of 1986. The girl, who turned 3 in October, had begun having nightmares and would wet herself when frightened. Her parents believed it was just “a bad stage” she was going through until they heard about the Tobin boy in January. The girl was taken to a therapist at Letterman Army Medical Center in February. In therapy, the girl talked about being sexually abused by Hambright and by a man named “Mikey” and a woman named “Shamby” whose identities were unknown. On Aug. 12, 1987, the Adams-Thompsons were shopping at the PX at the Presidio. Suddenly the girl ran to Larry Adams-Thompson and clutched his leg. He looked up and saw a man whom he knew as Lt Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] Michael Aquino.


“Yes, that’s Mikey,” the 3-year-old told Adams-Thompson. After being taken outside, the girl added, “he’s a bad man and I’m afraid.” As they were leaving the parking lot, the Adams-Thompsons saw Aquino’s wife, Lilith. Larry asked the child if she knew the woman.

“Yes, that’s Shamby,” the girl said.

The family went home and called the FBI.

When interviewed by authorities the next day, the girl identified Gary Hambright from a photo lineup and said she had been driven to Mikey and Shamby’s home by Hambright. There, she said, she was abused by Hambright, Mikey and Shamby in a room with black walls. She said that she had been photographed. She said Hambright and Mikey were dressed in women’s clothes and Shamby was dressed in man’s clothes.

The investigators drove her to Leavenworth Street in San Francisco. The girl was asked to identify any of the houses that she had been to before. While walking past 2430 Leavenworth, the girl identified the house as the one where she met “Mikey” and “Shamby.” It was the Aquinos’ house.

A search warrant was served on the Aquino home on Aug. 14. In attendance were agents from the FBI and the San Francisco Police. Because the abuse allegedly occurred on city property, it was to be a city case.

Among the items seized were video tapes, cassette tapes, notebooks with names and addresses, two photo albums one paper plate and two plastic gloves from the kitchen garbage, four plastic cases of negatives and 29 photos of costumes and masks. With his widow’s peak and arching eyebrows, Lt Col. Michael Aquino looks more like a pudgy Dracula than a high ranking Army officer with top security clearance. He is thefounder and high priest of a satanic church, the Temple of Set. His wife, Lilith, a gaunt woman with long, dark hair, is a priestess in the temple’s Order of the Vampyre. The couple refer to the search as a “raid” and have branded the investigation a witch hunt.

“The Army has known about my religion for the last 18 years and has no problem,”Aquino told me in a telephone interview late last year. “Not one single person in the US. Army, with the exception of the chaplain, would have the remotest notion that I would be involved in anything like this.”

Indeed, Army spokesmen at the Pentagon label his military career as “extraordinary” and say he is entitled to his religious beliefs. As for his top security clearance, they say his openness about being a satanist makes him much less of a security risk than a homosexual or someone with drug or money problems would be.

The Army did not suspend his clearance when he joined the Church of Satan, founded by Anton LaVey, in 1969. Nor when Aquino founded his own satanic church in 1975. Nor when Aquino while on a NATO tour of Europe in 1982 performed a satanic ritual in the Westphalian castle that had been used as an occult sanctuary by Heinrich Himmler’s SS elite in Nazi Germany. [JDN: SEE FURTHER BELOW!!!] Nor did the Army move to suspend Aquino’s top security clearance during the sex abuse investigation. “The nature of the investigation that prompted the search of his house, and I understand some of his belongings were taken by police, really is a question for the San Francisco Police Department,” Maj. Greg Rixon, spokesman at the Pentagon said Aquino, who now works as a program analyst at the Army Reserve Personnel Center in St Louis, has vehemently denied ever meeting or having in his house the young girl who has alleged he abused her. He unsuccessfully tried to have court martial proceedings initiated against Adams-Thompson.

In a Temple of Set newsletter sent out two months after the search of his home, Aquino accused Adams-Thompson, who is an assistant chaplain for the Army, of trumping up the allegations as some sort of Christian vendetta “Also relevant is his profession as a Christian clergyman; I certainly doubt that he would have made such an outrageous accusation against any Lieutenant Colonel who was not known to be a prominent Satanist”

In April, Aquino wrote a four-page letter to the head of a children’s advocates group in Southern California warning that “we do not intend to see a replay of what happened in Nazi Germany, when the reluctance of the Jews to challenge those who systematically and falsely accused Judaism of heinous crimes-including the sexual abuse and ritual murder of Christian children- led to violence against them.”

Aquino said that the Temple of Set neither prescribes nor tolerates any form of harm, sexual or otherwise, to children or animals. “It is made clear in our membership publications that, should we have any reason to think that a member is engaged in any such activity, he or she will be immediately expelled and reported to the appropriate law enforcement or animal-protection authorities.”

In a February appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show this year, Aquino said that satanists “are not servants of some God; we are our own gods; we are our own decision makers. And people naturally fear this.” Their beliefs, he said, are “most closely aligned to that of Plato.”

Neither Aquino nor his wife has been charged in connection with the case.



Alex, this is John de Nugent speaking. You and Mike Rivero had a yuckfest at my expense in 2007 when I began promoting awareness of Profession Ariel Toaff’s book Blood Passover, with the truth that some Jews DO ritually torture and murder Christian children and drain their blood out for use at Passover.
You speak contemptuously of what you call “Nazis.”
Yet the fact is that it was Germany and Hitler who stood up to the Jews who now are lying about YOU. Stop bashing the Third Reich in order to vainly kiss the Jews’ butt.
The Jew is the enemy of all races. THE JEW IS THE TRUE NAZI.
You have been happy for years to bash people like me, but now that the Jews are after you, now you protest.

If the world had listened to Hitler and not destroyed him, with three superpowers ganging up on one brave, scrappy country (Germany), today you would not be talking about a NWO because there would be no NWO, Alex, and no ADL to harass you.Alex.
It is the Jew World Order. It is not a New World Order, for it is as old as the Talmud, 2000 years ago, that preached a slave planet ruled by a Jew master race. Get that through your loud skull: Jew World Order.

The Great Seal of the United States since 1935 (Roosevelt) has this at the top. Go out and find a one-dollar bill, Alex, and look at the back.

And look this up, Alex, and verify it yourself:
And Hitler was no satanist. The JWO is the satanists. The Jews are the satanists. Satanists desecrated the SS castle at Wewelsburg with child murders, rapes, and the painting of “666” all over.
Here was my major story on that — so sickening that most cannot get through it. SATANISTS HATE HITLER, ALEX JONES!
So why do you hate Hitler?
This article is so important I have added it to the bottom of this very blog. (See below!)
Warning: there ain’t nothing the Jews have done worse than this. This is why judaism must be banned under the RICO Act and dissolved as a criminal, psychopathic, and truly genocidal mind CULT. It is not a religion, but a nightmare of slavery and death for all humankind. The Jews are the Nazis. Hitler was never a Nazi.
The people of Germany came to LOVE a man who rose from the working class himself, became a war hero, then entered the thankless task of politics to rescue them as the leader of the nation from the Wall-Street-caused Great Depression, and the years of hunger, joblessness, humiliation and despair that Wall Street JEW STOCK SWINDLERS had caused both Germany and the world.

And now we need another man like him. Or better. For America, our mindset and our own traditions of political freedom.

But this was a man who did not rule by fear, and who was deeply loved.



And that is why he rode in an open car, top down, with hardly a bodyguard.





I call my movement the Eternal Solutreans because the Solutreans whites were the first settlers of North America during the Ice Age. The Asiatic Indians then invaded via Alaska to massacre most of them by sheer superiority in numbers, and take their land. We are now finding white weapons and skeletons all over North, Central and South America from LONG before Columbus.
The Solutrean culture of western Europe got its name from this very important rock formation, now in east-central France, where in the Ice Age the Solutreans hunted and many of their weapons and tools have been found.
Solutré in winter; reindeer, wild horses and woolly mammoths once roamed here and were hunted by Solutrean using new weapons that were “high-tech” for those times.
Two previous Discovery Channel documentaries, “Homicide in Kennewick” and “Ice Age Columbus– Who Were The First Americans?” had supported this new historical revelation.

But when the DC came to interview ME, it reversed itself and was in attack mode throughout the four-hour interview. Now it was a “neo-Nazi myth” – the very topic the DC had been advocating in the two previous documentaries!

This major book by the former director of anthropology at the Smithsonian, Dennis Bradley, proves whites were here first, and they were highly intelligent, creative and courageous.
The fleur-de-lys is the of the oldest symbols of our race and people.
The Eternal Solutreans need a chieftain today, like the selfless Solutrean chieftain Beyorg then…..
…who loves his people……
Beyorg is greeted by his grateful daughter Zia, a heroine herself in the docudrama after he is killed.
…..and punishes the wicked with exile and death.
The murderer is exiled…..
Most of the exiles perish in the wilderness.
Beyorg asks, at the clan’s horsemeat feast…..
All laugh when a follower responds… ;-):

This is taken from my blog of May 26, 2012:

…..Ritual murders at Castle Wewelsburg and the Extern Stones in Germany

I just finished watching the full (one-hour) 2003 German documentary “Höllenleben — Der Kampf der Opfer rituellen Missbrauches in Deutschland” (“Life in hell: the struggle of the victims of ritual abuse in Germany”).

Clearly, Satanists did ritual child murders in the 1990s and in the year 2000 specifically at the Wewelsburg, the famous onetime SS school-castle (., which was many centuries old…. and in a way practical for that purpose because it had ritual rooms (it had belonged to a bishop), it had been a prison and had chains on the walls of its dungeons already.

(Castle is slightly upper-left on a hill)

A further motive for satanists: 1) desecrate it as Himmler’s castle, 2) discredit somehow thereby the SS and thus the Third Reich, and 3) try to end it as a source of some mystical Aryan power, or 4) twisting the power for evil, or, of course all of the above…..

Wikipedia’s articles in English and in German on the Wewelsburg mentioned nothing about these massive allegations of child murders there……
To me it all suggests the Satanists want very badly to 1) weaken the Wewelsburg energy or 2) capture it… and certainly try to “ruin” any future enjoyment of it by us after our victory. It will really need a ritual cleansing…As will the whole Federal Republic of Germany…..The German ID card, the Ausweis
Ornaments brought in by satanists for a 2000 ritual murder at the Wewelsburg

I assume that the reason the media has not made a big thing out of this is that if satanists hate NS, then by extension their lord, Satan, the ultimate in evil, might hate Hitler, Himmler and the values of NS…….This has to be a main thrust of my final video. I have seen people SEETHE when one brings up child molesters and murders of children. Nothing infuriates people, more, not even 9/11.

Ritual scenes from the basement of the Wewelsburg: goat head, red snakes, inverted crosses, children raped (lower left), chests punctured, being hoisted up and bled)

The details, btw, were beyond the word shocking. I will just say that two sisters went on camera, accused their own parents, the father being a Protestant minister, and both confirmed on camera that the older sister was forced to give birth (from rape) to a baby, then kill it with a dagger, and open the chest cavity, take out and eat some of its heart.

Of course, no one has been arrested, despite many witnesses stepping forward, identifying other victims on photos, and describing the perpetrators using the same or similar names.

Interestingly, one redheaded girl says the children being held in captivity never talked to each other, and would not talk to each other today even as adults. In most cases, they were forced to commit various crimes, from the horrific one one above to killing cats and kittens.

I always wondered why my brother would never contact me for any reason, never send birthday or Christmas cards, I never sent him any, and to this day no one in my family sends birthday cards.


PS Here are more notes I took:

Satanism: getting power to be a god; self-deification

life is in blood, so blood power

children had to kill cats “for starters”
had to watch other children being raped
one saw 11-year-old brother screaming and twitching; he finally committed suicide
–sibling victims do not want to talk to each other afterward
–special initiation: open grave in graveyard next to church; girl had to take heart out of a fresh cadaver; then enter church with lodge officials, lay self on altar; sexual things done to her; the victim should do evil things too and also feel powerful; trained then to do rituals and kill children; child gets recognition and praise for every crime it does;
–German policewoman: The rule is that if there is no Anzeige (criminal complaint) by the victim, there can be no investigation whatsoever, no mater how much suspicion or proof. A victim must step forward and, with his or her real name, make an accusation before any investigation can BEGIN…..and then go nowhere (which the documentary says, in quiet disgust).
–adults who were victims do not come forward because they too have committed crimes (under duress)the pastor’s daughter at the Externsteine, forced there to murder a 14-year-odl girl; victims fear being indicted themselves. But usually there is no body.
–three dirty, cold cellar roomsthis former East German girl….…. whose parents were well-situated communists, described…a holding room being held being electroshocked
Red-haired girl taken to a fire place created on the floor of an abandoned factory basement being bled
–satanists take many photos during these crimes for online porn offerings (and I add: for blackmail)Children on all fours and with a golden ring on a finger (not visible): all this means to the sickos “you can do anything to them and they will cooperate, being well broken-in”
.! Use segment 25:27-44 or to -26:38 child dragged toward fire (I remember myself being dragged and to this day if I see a person dragged on a rough floor it gives me a horrific feeling)
–children never talk, dead-silent, while being transported to and from abuse location
–child aborted in sixth month and sacrificed on the spot, on the ritual fire location of Wewelsburg
–children must harm other children–use of reversed words by satanists
“Do what you want” (in English and backwards, a modern version of the Aleister Crowley phrase); a child is tied up in a wooden box to be sexually molested by hooded figures
–witnesses recognized each other, recall similar-sounding names of perps
–high priest, cloaked, called himself Manngott, Man-God
–38:43 at Externsteine a woman, then 17, threatened with death if she talked, then ordered to slit throat and filet a 14-year-old girl, then praised after doing it for the “great job”
–victim says that being forced to harm or murder another child is much worse than any rape or torture
–regular mode of operation to always make victims into perpetrators
  • a German expert, Renate Rennebach, former MP Member of the Bundestag in Berlin, 1990-2002, 12 years,
  • around 53:18, she says:
  • “They have a network; we have none.”
–girl raped (see picture directly below) at 13, gave birth at 14 (sister, then 10, witnessed and confirms this). Forced to eat part of the placenta, then forced to kill her own child by stabbing the baby in the chest, then to open the ribcage and eat part of the heart; then all the hooded figures around the altar ate of the heart too; the high priest “Atama” with a black-gold mask on guided her hand in the stabbing and chest-opening.This was the only time either of the two sisters, who acted numb and zombylike. usually on-camera, got teary.The same girl (right below) who had to kill her baby was also raped on an earlier occasion on a church altar by a goat after being smeared in a stinking substance.
–constant use of 666….. in this form: three sixes (666) with the balls touching and thus three whirling
Judaea delenda est.Wikipedia article on Jerusalem with coordinates of the city
child being raped (erect penis of priest) at the Wewelsburg, who has been stabbed in the heart and blood is being taken out by syringe while he is vomiting and streams of tears fall; several victims have come forward testifying to the same details and even the same perpetrator namesand no one has been indicted.

wrist slit while hoisted up by feet — all these are practices described in Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff


12/26 @ 01:43 : Roquefort-sur-Garonne, FR[ANCE]
12/26 @ 01:43 : San Vito Al Tagliamento, IT[ALY]
12/26 @ 01:43 : Edgewater, Maryland, US
12/26 @ 01:42 : Russian Federation, RU
12/26 @ 01:42 : Hamburg, DE
12/26 @ 01:40 : Karachi, PK
12/26 @ 01:34 : Germany, DE
12/26 @ 01:28 : Washington, District of Columbia, US
Home of the Barnes Review magazine (, for which I have written many major articles, many found atä (See the first third of this page.)
12/26 @ 01:28 : Berlin, DE
12/26 @ 01:27 : Uster, CH
12/26 @ 01:27 : Ottawa, CA
Stephen Harper, the George W. Bush of Canuckistan
12/26 @ 01:27 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
12/26 @ 01:25 : Brazil, BR
12/26 @ 01:23 : Saint Louis, Missouri, US

12/26 @ 12:21 : Beverly Hills, California, US

12/26 @ 12:21 : Grugies, FR[ANCE]
12/26 @ 12:20 : Muskegon, Michigan, US
12/26 @ 12:18 : Chemnitz, DE
12/26 @ 12:17 : Redmond, Washington, US
Home of one of the world’s most evil corporations, Microsoft….ä Hi, Bill…. ;-)
12/26 @ 12:15 : Aix-en-provence, FR
12/26 @ 12:13 : Montpellier, FR
12/26 @ 12:13 : Winter Garden, Florida, US
12/26 @ 12:13 : Aix-en-Provence, FR
12/26 @ 12:13 : Accra, GH
12/26 @ 12:12 : Sao Paulo, BR
12/26 @ 12:12 : Dronten, NL [NETHERLANDS]
12/26 @ 12:12 : Holden, Massachusetts, US
12/26 @ 12:11 : Chambray-les-Tours, FR
12/26 @ 12:11 : Germany, DE
12/26 @ 11:59 : Meursault, FR[ANCE]
Meursault is in Burgundy and near Solutré, after which the great Ice Age ancestors of our race is named
Solutré; the Solutreans were the toughest and smartest of the Ice Age Europeans and survived the genocide caused by 20,000 years of terrible cold and snow that killed off most whites by annihilating the large animals they hunted…. reindeer, woolly mammoths and wild horses.
Rock of Solutre classic
12/26 @ 11:56 : New York, New York, US
12/26 @ 11:55 : Keller, Texas, US
12/26 @ 11:54 : Bakersfield, California, US
12/26 @ 11:54 : Rabat, MA
12/26 @ 11:53 : New York, New York, US
12/26 @ 11:52 : Columbia, South Carolina, US
12/26 @ 11:51 : Waterbury, Connecticut, US
12/26 @ 11:49 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
12/26 @ 11:46 : Alton, GB
12/26 @ 11:46 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US12/26 @ 11:26 : Zurich, CH [SWITZERLAND]
12/26 @ 11:26 : Turnu, RO
12/26 @ 11:21 : Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, US
Pocono Mountains near Stroudsburg in northeastern Pennsylvania

12/26 @ 11:14 : Birmensdorf, CH

12/26 @ 11:12 : Huntington Station, New York, US

12/26 @ 11:11 : Poznan, PL [POLAND]
12/26 @ 11:11 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US
12/26 @ 11:10 : Finland, FI
Two Finnish elementary school girls. Finland and Sweden are the two blondest countries in the world.


12/26 @ 11:09 : Macon, Georgia, US
12/26 @ 11:08 : Orlando, Florida, US
12/26 @ 11:08 : Kittanning, Pennsylvania, US
12/26 @ 11:07 : Vrhnika, SI
12/26 @ 11:03 : Tallinn, EE
12/26 @ 11:01 : Djatinegara, ID
12/26 @ 11:01 : Prague, CZ [CZECH REPUBLIC]
12/26 @ 10:22 : Mangalore, IN[DIA]
12/26 @ 10:19 : Mainz, DE
12/26 @ 10:18 : Franklin, Tennessee, US
12/26 @ 10:18 : Saint-Mandé, FR
12/26 @ 10:16 : Asheville, North Carolina, US
12/26 @ 10:14 : Egerkingen, CH
12/26 @ 10:10 : Belgium, BE
Antwerp, a huge port
12/26 @ 10:09 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
12/26 @ 10:07 : Hamburg, DE
12/26 @ 10:04 : Howell, Michigan, US
12/26 @ 10:02 : Sintra, PT [PORTUGAL]
12/26 @ 10:01 : Bad Dörrheim, DE
12/26 @ 09:59 : Den Haag, NL
12/26 @ 09:57 : Sampaloc, PH [PHILIPPINES]
12/26 @ 09:57 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
12/26 @ 09:57 : Berlin, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]

Hotel Adlon, Berlin, with the famous Quadriga sculture atop the Brandenburg Gate in the foreground.

12/26 @ 09:56 : Verbier, CH [SWITZERLAND]
12/26 @ 09:56 : New York, New York, US
12/26 @ 09:56 : Delhi, IN[DIA]
12/26 @ 09:55 : Delhi, IN
12/26 @ 09:52 : Moldova, Republic of, MD
12/26 @ 09:51 : Leksand, SE [SWEDEN]
12/26 @ 09:50 : Montreal, CA[NADA]


Montréal is the third-biggest French-speaking city in the world. Millions of Quebeckers have left the Catholic Church after massive pedophile scandals and secret deals with the Ottawa federal government on behalf of the British Crown (= Rothschild!)


12/26 @ 09:49 : Montreal, CA
12/26 @ 09:49 : Providence, Utah, US
12/26 @ 09:48 : Providence, Utah, US
12/26 @ 09:45 : Christiansted, VI [VIRGIN ISLANDS IN THE CARIBBEAN]
12/26 @ 09:44 : Halethorpe, Maryland, US


  1. NSA and U.S. military psyop specialist Major Michael Aquino’s Church of Satan’s East Coast headquarters is in Newtown, CT, which is right next to Sandy Hook, CT:

    This article includes a photo of young Emilie Parker giving the Baphomet devil sign:

    Adam Lanza had a Web page worshiping the devil:

    Church of Satan’s East Coast headquarters in Newtown, CT:

    This video is a real eye-opener – note the red and black colors the children are wearing, and the devil sign they taught the little girl to give while sucking her fingers – pretty cute, eh? Also note the demonic smile (grimace?) on the mother’s face – these people are Satanists for sure:

    Below are The Sandy Hook Interviews, Parts 1 – 4. Notice that NONE of these actors shed any tears, and most of them seem pretty happy. The funerals were all apparently closed-casket (very convenient). Also, in video #2, the Soto family is interviewed at 3:41 of that video – notice that the young Soto boy has the exact same “Eddie Munster” Satanic-type haircut that Michael Aquino used to wear. What are the odds? In another video of Robbie Parker that I saw, he mentions that he was teaching his young daughter Emilie to speak Portuguese, and that their last conversation was in Portuguese, but why teach such a young child Portuguese? That language is only spoken in Portugal and Brazil. I’m sure that Emilie Parker is alive and well in one of those countries, and that “Robbie Parker” now has several million dollars in his bank account for his acting performance. I also think that many, if not all, of these Satanists in Newtown, CT are Spanish and Portuguese crypto-Jews (Marranos). Even the blond-haired teacher who looks like Meryl Streep has black eyes, as does “Robbie Parker” – a made-up name if ever I’ve heard one.

    The entire Sandy Hook incident was apparently a Satanic psyop designed to take away people’s guns. Note the blatant anti-gun propaganda and lies in video #3 – the little girl supposedly killed in the Sandy Hook shootings wanted to deliver a letter to Obama saying that only the military should have guns. Yeah, right! Also note the red and black decor of their living room. All of the people acting in these interviews are almost certainly Satanists, under the control of Jews. The bizarre and demented behavior of that CT Medical Examiner (in video # 4 above) now takes on a whole new meaning – I’m sure he’s a Satanist as well.

    I’m amazed that so few people have caught onto this Satanic hoax. John, you are the only one who has come close to addressing this – please continue to do so. These are the people who want to disarm Americans – once they’ve done so, the real nightmare will begin.

  2. Thank you for this incredibly informative comment. I looked up one of your links above, and was astounded! Look at the bottom of this, SCROLLING down TO THE END!!!

    * * *

    [from ]

    What is the Church of Satan and How Do I Get Involved?

    The Church of Satan was founded by Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey, April 30th
    1966 c.e. It was the first church based on the celebration of carnal
    indulgences and pursuit of material happiness and success. (In
    contrast to “spiritual enlightenment” and union with “God”). It was
    literally meant as an eye-opener for those who would choose to cast
    out false morality and blind faith, so to see with their own eyes and
    think with their own minds, so that the human race could grow more
    aware of itself rather than being clouded in self-righteous,
    hypocritical deceit.

    Satanists are driven to be leaders; they are strong and ambitious
    individuals who are masters of the world and of themselves. Our
    movement will enlighten those who act as predators, seeking material
    rewards and victories as their needs meet. Likewise, it will leave
    passive, non-thinkers to be enslaved in an increasingly demanding
    world that they would naturally have to face regardlessly.

    We do not favor trends or popular fanaticism because we can observe
    for ourselves how those who partake in such behaviors are constantly
    proven to fall into a mediocre category; always needing to be given
    detailed instructions on how they should conduct themselves and how to
    think. Television is their God. Satanists are above that. We
    represent the minority of free-thinkers and innovators who constantly
    pop-up in history as leaders, inventors, and “wise-men” of their time.

    Obviously there are many calling themselves Satanists these days who
    cannot and will not ever meet this standard. Satanism is a religion
    enshrouded in mystery, and the arcane aspects of it are indeed to our
    advantage. However, this sparks a temptation many times in the worst
    candidates for our elitist movement, a temptation to try joining our
    ranks and then consequently suffering their own folly while thinking
    that they are receiving worthwhile attention. One of the most
    unmistakable ways to recognize a pseudo-Satanist is that they commonly
    make a self-initiated claim to the position of “Priest”, “Magister” or
    “Magus” long before the subject is suited or capable of handling such
    a role. These labels represent a high-rank within our meritocracy,
    and they cannot be misused. The pseudo-Satanist will aspire to this
    position usually without any experience, credentials, reputation or
    talent. A real Satanist doesn’t concern himself with becoming a
    Priest. A real Satanist pursues happiness and success, and if they
    are fortunate enough to be ordained by the Church of Satan, then so be
    it. Other wise, there are many other achievements to aspire to in
    life and Satanists in various occupations are just as respected for
    their own victories.

    The Church of Satan was, is, and will always be the first above-ground
    organization ever established in the name of a religion called
    Satanism. It is advisable to check with any resources or persons what
    their feelings are for the Church of Satan and the work of Anton LaVey
    before accepting their authority. There is more inaccurate
    information on the internet, and in other resources, about Satanism
    than there is accurate information, and that is probably going to
    remain a reality for a while, until real Satanists have achieved
    enough momentum to overpower the reign of falsities, as we most
    certainly will. Since we let everyone stand or fall on their own
    merit, we don’t get directly in their way. However, we do not tolerate
    unqualified, self-ordained spokespersons and never will, so this
    information is an important way of filtering them out. Real Satanists
    will never become the majority. This is not a world with many leaders
    and only a couple of followers. Nature’s ineffable logic has never
    made it that way for quite valid reasons.

    The principles of the Satanic Bible, and the Satanic movement of the
    Church of Satan DO NOT condone: neo-nazism, racism, child sacrifice,
    animal sacrifice, child molestation, mandatory sex orgies, kidnapping,
    or illegal drugs. All of these things either consist of or are in
    themselves exemplatory of compulsive, irrational behavior which is not
    desirable for the healthy lifestyle of Satanism. Let Christians who
    don’t know what to do with themselves out of abnormal self-denial and
    neurosis abuse their altar boys – we don’t need them anymore!

    Church of Satan: PO Box 210666 San Francisco, CA 94121

    If you would like to receive an official information packet on our
    Church of Satan outpost in Connecticut, (AKA Church of Tiamat) or if
    you have questions, write to:

    Curtis M. LeBlanc []

    PO Box 3184 Newtown, CT 06470

    JdN: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hi!
    I’m working on project and would really like to know if this quote from M.Begin is true? And if so – where can I find this documentation?
    “The massacre was not only justified, but there would not have been a state of Israel without the victory at Deir Yassin.”

    All the best
    Leif Erik Askeland

  4. I must say that I find this Aquino info/illumination all VERY interesting…especially in light of these pizzagate scandals of child sex slavery and trade…tied to top government including Obama.

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