Jewashington Post gloats in Covid tweet about Trump DYING

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Hook-nosed “Lutheran” Jeff Bezos, the obscenely rich Amazon mogul who bought the WaPo, had this tweet deleted, but too late.

Bezos has profited sickeningly from the closure of his competition, local shops and stores, due to the Covid lockdown.

This tweet was indeed a shocker, or really not a shocker in our sick society — just normal jew psychopathy, and kudos to Andrew Anglin for finding and republishing it.

I note the end of Anglin’s article on Trump’s Covid (


It’s really just nuts, that people are so disconnected from reality.

*** Yes, it is nuts. As in legally insane. As in “love thy enemy”. As in “the jews are God’s chosen people”…..

I decided four decades ago I just had to understand this mechanism, which overrides even the supposedly supreme instinct, which is the will to survive.

Later on, in a private matter, I once had an incredible conversation with one of my significant others as things were breaking down between us. And I could see that she totally believed her own b-s, which was jarringly against all the hyper-obvious facts.

It shook me that a reasonably intelligent and otherwise nice person, and a usually very truthful person to boot, could choose to invest in such an overt lie, and sincerely believe it.

Or I could rephrase that:

She believed she believed it in order to justify what she was doing.

I always go back to the accurate observation of the mega-wicked jew Howard Levy, who called himself Anton LeVay, and founded a modern satanist religion (

“Man is the only animal who can lie to himself — and believe it.”

Think about it: you are knowingly lying to yourself, and knowingly believing something that, on multiple levels, you know is a lie.

And lies, by going against reality, are ultimately futile. Lies are a house of cards. A rubber check will bounce. A marriage where one cheats will collapse. A nation built on racial equality will suffer poverty, decline and downfall.

As Goethe said:

“Das ist der Fluch der bösen Tat, dass sie fortwährend Böses muss erzeugen.”


“This is the curse of an evil deed [and spreading a lie is an evil deed], that it continuously generates ever newer evils.”

My mission to to dismantle the mechanism in earthlings that allows them to lie to themselves.

Then the jews are done.

Having brought our world only misery, how can they peddle their b-s any further once, as Jesus said, people use their eyeballs to SEE?

To see what is in front of their nose?

This jew at MIT, Howard Shrobe, does research on Artificial Intelligence — turning us into robots, and creating robots that can think and finally take over. Just L-O-O-K at the malevolent spirit in his eyes and facial expression!

As Jesus said: “let those who have eyes see!”

*** Back to Anglin’s article….

There will be a positive upshot to Trump testing positive, I believe. For one thing, he can now go out there and say, “I got it, it’s nasty, but it’s not the end of the world, and some people are just going to have to get sick and deal with it like I did if we’re going to bring our country back.”

It was pretty much totally necessary for him to get it in order for him to go out there and say we need to open the country back up. I expect that after the election, if he is not forced out of office by a lunatic mob, he is going to get to work on getting rid of these insane restrictions.

Don’t anyone worry. He will be fine. Even according to the CDC’s own totally fake statistics, he has over a 99% chance of surviving.


*** It all sounds good, Andrew…..

….unless Trump “takes a turn for the worse.”

I’ll run this WaPo tweet again:

If he died, would we then be “shocked, shocked” like the police captain at the end of “Casablanca”? 😉

What I am about is presenting hard facts and harder truths AND THEN getting our race to face up to and process these facts and these truths, causing an inner revolution.

First the inner revolution, then the outer one. 🙂

When I first saw this photo of Bush’s Homeland Security secretary, Michael Chertoff (meaning, in Russian, “Devil’s son”), I thought:

“If only our people could just process, unfiltered, what is staring them naked in the face — a human devil.”

Btw, it was this same Chertoff who pushed for the airport groping that began in 2010 and who peddles at great profit the actual machines that humiliatingly strip us naked via x-ray for some negro to stare at.

Long before the Covid mask, the jews were daily devising new means to humiliate us “goyim” and teach us the most craven submission. Letting someone touch your sexual organs is the ultimate in induced cowardice.

This is what TSA (Traffic Safety Administration) negros and hispanics see — everything.

I have not flown since 2007, refusing to be humiliated AND also, as a targeted dissident, to go anywhere unarmed.

Even when I cannot carry a gun, I am armed and ready to fight to the death, inflicting death on any attacker.

In another life, a jew lawyer, Hans Litten, had me subpoenaed, and I had to testify and be examined on the witness stand for three hours by this habiru.

He, a communist attorney, was accusing ME of violence!!!!!! while Stalin was killing twenty million people right next door! The chutzpah!

This same cocky, communist-sympathizing jew deluded himself that he could stay in Germany, he of all people, after we came to power in 1933. He finally committed suicide after five years in our concentration camps as an especially wicked prisoner.

One whole incarnation later, I still seethe at this jew, this human turd. Never will I submit in any way for even one minute to the will of a filthy communist jew.

Hey, CNN and NBC, I adopted your slogan used every time Antifa and BLM are “protesting”:

Make your minds up, comrades, that we will never submit.

Leonidas had it right, submission is unacceptable.  (And it was the jew movie director Zak Snyder who depicted the Spartans in “300” as having ridiculously anachronistic black hair and eyes like modern, arab-mixed Greeks.The Spartans were very nordic, as is indeed the Irish-Scottish actor Gerald Butler who played the Spartan king, but with jew-dyed hair and black contact lenses.)


…..Recent donations

–3 October 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

My thank-you note:

Thank you for the Gift Card! I so enjoyed seeing my two recent visitors from the faraway Southland, but thinking also: “Soon, I will not be able to walk down the street or go into a bar and grill, unless I have bodyguards.” These are my final weeks of “freedom,” brother J. Then comes only the iron call of duty.

I am deeply grateful that you have stuck by me all this time. The supplements your gift cards (and those of another comrade) have bought have also saved Margi’s life. Even the Mayo told her in July of last year that with all of their wizardry she had only a 20% chance. So pat yourself on the back, dear brother.

— John de Nugent


    Un bambino di Napoli si è suicidato,11anni,11esimo piano.
    Contatta i ragazzini su varie piattaforme…e li porta a giocare,li terrorizza.
    Pedofili immagino o qualche stronzo psicopatico che sta torturando tutte le Nazioni(da quello che ho potuto intuire).
    Ci mancava pure lui..o ((loro))!!!!
    Sono mesi ormai e nessuno lo ferma?
    Immagino il perché…
    I genitori del bambino non si erano accorti di nulla..
    Come la Blu whale…

  2. Per la Blu whale è stato incolpato un ragazzo russo…che strano,non trovi?
    Ma io sospetto che dietro c’è una rete di uomini depravati…ben istruita,magari dalla (CIA).
    Non è un vero personaggio…ma un comando computerizzato che viaggia in rete…e sceglie le vittime.

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