Jewish caniption as prestigious UK bookseller Blackwell’s book sells “The Protocols” as ‘interesting’ and ‘possibly genuine’; White man who spent 16 years as a muslim convert discovers the Koran’s rape commandment

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Blackwell’s book advert called notorious anti-Semitic forgery ‘interesting’ and ‘possibly genuine’

·3 min read
A leading [British] bookstore [chain] has advertised an anti-Semitic conspiracy text as an “interesting book” which had “validity”, prompting outrage from the Jewish community.

Blackwell’s, which has 20 shops nationwide, issued its justification for selling The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, saying it “neither supports nor denies the message” of the racist forgery.

The text is a notoriously fraudulent document that served as a pretext and rationale for anti-Semitism, mainly in the early 20th century.

Blackwell’s was urged to issue a full apology after it listed the item on its website, translated from Russian, for £15.95.
Blackwell's listed the racist forgery text on its website for £15.95
Blackwell’s listed the racist forgery text on its website for £15.95

Following pressure from the Jewish community, the bookseller changed the synopsis on its website from saying: “We neither support nor deny its message, we simply make it available for those who wish a copy” to: “Not all documents that change the world are good — some are despicable, and leave hatred and bigotry in their wake. Such is the case with the 1900-era anti-Semitic manifesto.”

Reacting to the listing of the item, Marie van der Zyl, the board of deputies president said: “It is astounding that a supposedly reputable retailer would distribute a notorious anti-Semitic forgery accusing a cabal of Jews of being behind a plot to rule the world, with a blurb on its website that claims the work could be genuine.”

A spokesperson for the charity [sic] “Campaign Against Antisemitism” added: “The reputable bookseller has demonstrated grotesque ignorance in providing a synopsis that implies that the forgery may in fact be genuine.”

*** As I explained in Mein Kampf, and Napoléon a century before me, repetition makes it true for the sheeplike masses.


If your lying, egoic mind CHOOSES to believe it, then the great thing is you can sleep at night knowing there is no jewish danger to combat, I have no reason to worry, and no duty to risk my life for the freedom of my nation.

The jews always gives your egoic mind a positive cover story, a beautiful-sounding rationalization, for wimping out.

…such as you “reject hate”….

Naaah — truth is, white man, that you pussied out.

White dude with a beard and huge arms (from how many hours of vanity-induced body-building?) does nothing as black woman in wokie-bolshie Seattle, without provocation, kicks a white woman from behind and her hair flies forward.

“I’m just being tolerant. And, hey, the Blacks have every reason to be angry.” No, you are simply a coward.



The original synopsis on the bookseller’s website called it: a book which “supposedly outlines a plan of action by elders of the Jewish Nation to rule the world — to take control over key organizations, including assets, in order to manipulate world affairs in their favour”.

The website’s original description for The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion, said that “some say the issue has already been settled conclusively – that it is clearly a forgery. Although there may be final evidence to this effect, we have not seen a clear and convincing version of it produced by those making the claim.

“Others maintain that it was and is absolutely genuine — proven by the fact that all copies were destroyed in Russia in the early 1900s.

“If The Protocols are a forgery, they still form an interesting book which deserves to be studied.”

It adds: “If, however, The Protocols are genuine (which can never be proven conclusively), it might cause some of us to keep a wary eye on world affairs.

“We neither support nor deny its message, we simply make it available for those who wish a copy.”

Description came from ‘automatic feed’

Trading since 1879, Blackwell’s of Oxford is the largest academic and specialist bookseller in the UK.

Its spokesperson said: “The description that appeared for The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was an automatic feed from the publisher, not something written or endorsed by us.

“With over eighteen million books on our website, we are unable to physically check each record, but once this was brought to our attention, we replaced the description with these words which express our complete condemnation of the contents of this book.”




Look at the body language! Irate jew master and cowed, intimidated, bullied white French GENERAL!

This vile jew had YELLED at the talkshow guest, a GENERAL, who had implied that the media and government were controlled by “someone”:

“Mais qui?” [ = But who?],”Qui? Qui?” “Who? Who???”

A beautiful French schoolteacher, Cassandre Fristot [photo], got a huge fine, a suspended jail sentence, and lost her career for holding up a sign asking “Qui?”! (Who?)

Fact is that the Big Jews want more muslims in white countries, to rape, beat, humiliate, murder and dominate us, and they now dare to openly say so:

In 2016, in Calais, Normandy, France (location of a filthy, crime-ridden, nasty illegal-alien encampment), the retired commander of the tough-as-nails French Foreign Legion, General Christian Piquemal, a senior citizen to boot, was thrown hard to the ground by French thug-cops like some serial killer, and cuffed for protesting muslim immigration:


Piquemal had ignored an illegal decree from the local prefect saying the demonstration would “endanger public order.” Awwwww – the poor muslim rapists might get upset.… And rape is commanded anyway by the Holy Koran! You can enjoy raping any infidel female, “the fruit of your left hand.”

White North American ex-muslim looked it up and he lays it out:




At age SEVENTY-FIVE, the general was brutally body-slammed to the concrete, his neck kneeled-on like George Floyd (a violent negro felon on drugs who required it), and then was roughly handcuffed and dragged away.

This is how the jews always end up acting once you have no guns!


You want my guns, feds?

Nomon labe….. “Come and take them.”



  1. Lol. I saw on Amazon recently a book by some Afro Caribbean stating some kings of Scotland were actually African negroes! Lol All because James 2nd was called ” Black Jamie” on account to of his Portuguese mother. A Portugese Royal. All the blacks were giving it 5☆ ratings as Gospel.

  2. Always remember: white men have always been fierce warriors:

    Kike mindset – never forgive them:

    Kikes against whites with black golems

    Do your part for the white awakening

    Keep waking people up, and this will be our future:

    Always hit them, where it hurts:

  3. Silver ends the FED

    Nelson Bunker Hunt, Lamar Hunt, and William Herbert Hunt, the sons of Texas oil billionaire Haroldson Lafayette Hunt, Jr., had for some time been attempting to corner the market in silver. In 1979, the price for silver (based on the London Fix) jumped from $6.08 per troy ounce ($0.195/g) on January 1, 1979, to a record high of $49.45 per troy ounce ($1.590/g) on January 18, 1980, an increase of 713%. The brothers were estimated to hold one third of the entire world supply of silver (other than that held by governments). The situation for other prospective purchasers of silver was so dire that on March 26, 1980, the jeweller Tiffany’s took out a full page ad in The New York Times, condemning the Hunt Brothers and stating “We think it is unconscionable for anyone to hoard several billion, yes billion, dollars’ worth of silver and thus drive the price up so high that others must pay artificially high prices for articles made of silver”.

    Never forgive the kikes

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