Jewish CPS worker Laura Sobel shot to death by Vermont mom after she seized her child

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Jewish CPS worker Laura Sobel shot dead by mother after her child was seized

The Vermont Department for Children and Families worker, Lara Sobel, had been involved in a case that saw Jody Herring’s 9-year-old daughter taken into state ¦
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Vennie Kocsis
V Where does it say the CPS worker was Jewish? And it never says why the child was being removed from the home.
Layne Lawless
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Sobel is simply a Jewish name, like Goldberg or Horowitz. And many Jews work in CPS and fields like that.
Layne Lawless Maybe that’s what happens when gubmint workers do stuff they shouldn’t, but we’ll probably never know. I’m still waiting for some terminal (but functional) vet to shoot up the VA. If it happened, would anyone report it?
Layne Lawless

Layne Lawless There is more info here:…/vt-dcf-worker-shot-and-killed-in…

A worker with the Vermont Department for Children and Families was shot and killed outside the office in Barre ¦
Jim Gaul
Jim Gaul 10 points.
Mark Hastings
Mark Hastings Right on
Robert Dullars
Robert Dullars Jewish?no thanks
Vennie Kocsis
Vennie Kocsis Really sad – heritage has nothing to do with this. That woman would have shot anyone trying to take her child. Our system is just so broken. They should have let the child go to school and collected her there – but sad for the child – always sad for the kid who loses everything
Like · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs
John de Nugent
John de Nugent I know of so many cases myself where CPS, under a secret quota-reward system, has taken kids from normal families under some excuse and put them into foster homes knowing that they would be massively molested there.
Like · Reply · 5 · 14 hrs
Vennie Kocsis
Vennie Kocsis Yes, it is rampant, isn’t it? It’s child trafficking. It’s been going on for over 50 years. MK Ultra set the groundwork.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent One of my closest friends for 11 years now was put in an orphanage run by a Baptist church in Texas. The staff sold all the meat meant for the orphans to local restaurants and pocketed the cash, and a Jew came out and molested some of the boys, but of course Gentiles do it too. A friend of mine here in Ontonagon was in an orphanage and two different Jews tried to molest him, and both suddenly died of heart attacks, which I view as divine intervention (guardian angels). They target especially blond male children. Another friend of mine was molested by a priest, and told me in detail how there is a network within the Catholic Church and the Mafia to send little blond boys to New York and Washington DC to be molested. The pedos sarcastically call them “Minnesota nice” after the phrase widely used to describe the midwestern friendliness of Minnesotans.
John de Nugent

John de Nugent I fit the bill:

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John de Nugent

John de Nugent Joyce GREENBERG paints crying blond children:…/greenberg-crying-baby-boy-2…



John de Nugent

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Deenot Yeboem
Deenot Yeboem Well done!
Jim Gaul
Jim Gaul You know it’s an abusive system when people threaten to report for trivial reasons.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs


Austin Ceawlins
Austin CeawlinsCPS are usually Jewish or under rules of Jews. Hopefully the mother gets her kid back and doesn’t do time.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs

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