Jewish feminism and white disaster

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This is pretty funny but has nothing to do with women’s suffrage

John De Nugent
Margot  I think the arrière-pensée here is Pauline — that women should be submissive to the paterfamilias and that women’s lib overall has been a ghastly mistake (or worse, given the visible prominence of anti-white hooks in radical feminism, a deliberate destruction of the eternally feminine path).

I can truthfully say — — because religion and spirituality are my main focus, pursuit, and vector for saving our race — that I have seen utter chaos — booze, drugs, sleeping around, jail,  and having just one kid (or none at all)  — in the secular, agnostic/atheistic western women of today, including right here in this small white town of Ontonagon…

….and yet I have also gotten to personally know happy women with nice families amongst various kinds of conservative Christians — of the “wives, obey your husbands” doctrine — Mormons, Trad Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Apostolic Lutherans. And their kids were well-adjusted, and not in and out of jail, drugged out, gay, tr@nz, Demoncrat, etc.

I am convinced that, like my late father, who became an atheist in Korea — after seeing horrors there — but was an avid church supporter and even an elder, that the accuracy of the doctrine (Jesus/ heaven/hell) becomes secondary; what counts is “to be around nice people who believe in the family and in morality” (as my dad once put it).

The sad thing is that one big argument back then for giving women the vote was that women would be anti-war. And American women did get the vote right after WWI. But we have had far more wars and interventions since women got the vote.

The j-media only have to crank out atrocity propaganda and demonize “the enemy” with women in mind — and American women vote for the pro-war politicos. I remember the canard about the Iraqi soldiers dumping Kuweiti babies out of incubators onto the hospital floor — a total lie — and bingo, the women were for the US invasion of Kuweit in 1991.

All that is necessary is to scare women with specially designed propaganda about how “the enemy” is cruel toward women and children. As a result, we have been in non-stop wars and armed interventions since 1920, when women got the vote.

68% of unmarried women vote Demoncrat

I will say, however, that the lone voice for sanity in Congress in 1940-41 as Frank Rosenfeld maneuvered us into the disaster of WWII was indeed a woman, US Representative Jeannette Rankin of Montana

New Orleans negro male stole white woman’s car, dragging her literally to death as neighbors watched, seeing her arm be literally ripped off. Whites dialed 911 for four and a half minutes in vain in this negrified city.  As bad as it is for white men, it is far worse even for white women.

UPDATED INFO: Negro hate crime in New Orleans (where I lived 1989-90); white senior dragged by her own car until her arm rips off and all her clothing; she dies naked on the street as Whites desperately dial 911, but no Afro picks up the phone for 4:45 minutes; my memories of New Orleans white-rights candidate David Duke

….Old German couple sing “Erika”


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