Jewish lawyer threatens lawsuit after I expose Charles Goodwin MD

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To whomever it may concern:

Consider this message to be a cease and desist order on behalf of Dr. Charles Goodwin, MD.

As an attorney representing the interests of Dr. Goodwin, I hereby request all references to my client be expunged from your website, in addition to a public apology being issued for your numerous libelous and defamatory statements.

Failure to comply within 48 hours of receiving this message will result in ensuing legal consequences.

Thank you.


Matthew Eliason

Eliason Law Office P.C.
| 400 Quincy Street, 4th Floor | Hancock, Michigan 49930 |
T: 906.483.4610 | F: 906.483.4621





….My immediate reply


Dear Mr. Eliason:
Is your client, Charles Goodwin, MD, jewish, and are you jewish?
My wife is dead because of him.
Counter-suit, discovery, everything….
My wife got no treatment for five months.
John de Nugent


  1. Good for you John. Let’s make him famous. He probably knew who You and Margi will be interesting to see if his legal Eagle is Jewish . I’ve had jews telling me to remove articles or they will sue me, blah blah blah.
    Your doc probably saw $$$ signs in this .

  2. Be careful, John – don’t let your anger get the best of you. Recall what recently happened in the Alex Jones trial – fined $965 million for hurting the feelings of some Sandy Hoax Jews. Jones’ career and future are likely now ruined. Jews have the money to hire the “best” shyster lawyers, which I doubt is the case with you.

    • Thanks for your sincere advice. I am very aware of the Alex Jones case and of the whole crisis involving lawfare, which has been waged for six years now even against the billionaire Trump.

      I know exactly what I am doing. Yes, I am angry, but vengeance is a dish best eaten cold. Let this jew doctor explain how he gave her no treatment for cancer from January to May 24.

      Let him explain to a Yooper (UP of Michigan) jury saying: “We’ll start the Keytruda [immunotherapy], but it will take two or three weeks to sort out the insurance.”

      Two or three weeks when she was already Stage IV.

      I will never forget that jew smirk on his face at the very first appointment.

      He knew who we are — and he dragged his feet to make her die. He WANTED her to not get an MRI scan with gadolinium. His manner was “Good, she does not want it.!

      Besides, my strategy toward jewry involves much, much more than a courtroom.

      Yet, in the end, yes, to me as a human, as a man, as a husband, as a widower, this guy deliberately, though indirectly, by FOOT-DRAGGING, murdered my beloved wife. She was just a shiksa to him — a gentile female animal — and, worse, to him she was a Nazi.

      And so a small tumor in January became Stage IV by May.

      Yoopers, btw, hate doctors. So many are mediocre or worse — bottom half of medical school. The good doctors often do not want to work up in this out-of-the-way land of six months of snowy winter.

      And there is an overriding necessity here. What kind of a leader, and what kind of a man, would I be if I just let a jew murder my wife?

      • To Mr. de Nugent:

        You have my sincerest of condolences regarding the tragic loss of you wife. Being angry over losing a loved one is normal and acceptable.

        What is unacceptable, however, is maligning a respectable, competent, and dignified physician; a seasoned practitioner who had done everything within his power to assist and rehabilitate your ailing companion.

        The first amendment allows for an individual such as yourself to be as virulently racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and anti-Semitic as you so desire.

        That being stipulated, the first amendment prohibits Mr. de Nugent from accusing an innocent man(a man who happens to be a valued member of society; a doctor who has saved countless lives of all races, genders, religions, and ethnic creeds) of having committed the unspeakable crime of murder.

        The medical records, documented correspondences, and countless witnesses will indicate to the exclusion of any reasonable doubts that Dr. Goodwin’s efforts to provide the best quality of healthcare available to Ms. Huffstickler were admirable and abundant.

        No substantiated complaints were filed within the period of time that Ms. Huffstickler was being treated by Dr. Goodwin.

        Evidence will also indicate that Ms. Huffstickler and her husband, Mr. de Nugent, were cantankerous, paranoid, and downright uncooperative at times – all the whilst Dr. Goodwin’s professionalism prevailed via his impeccable bedside manner.

        If Mr. de Nugent decides to allow his conspiracy theories and narcissism to persist, this will be by far the easiest and most provable civil case I have ever had the honor of filing in my entire life.

        This entire website has already been archived, as the evidence contained is overwhelming.

        I am well aware the Mr. de Nugent refuses to be reasoned with and seems highly intent on acting as the catalyst for his own ruin.

        As legal counsel for Dr. Goodwin, the purpose of these messages is to establish that attempts to avoid litigation proved fruitless and untenable.

        If Mr. de Nugent wishes to honor the memory of his dearly departed loved one, I suggest he heed my constructive advice to cease and desist immediately.


        Matthew Eliason

        Eliason Law Office P.C.
        | 400 Quincy Street, 4th Floor | Hancock, Michigan 49930 |
        T: 906.483.4610 | F: 906.483.4621

        • “cantankerous, paranoid, and downright uncooperative at times” —

          Amazing, since at the Mayo Clinic 12019-20 Margaret was compliant with absolutely everything they wanted her to do, including chemo and 34 sessions of radiation.

          I have their complete record and Goodwin’s and Wright’s.

          Is Goodwin a jew or not— and, secondarily, what were his grades at what medical school?

          Yoopers hate doctors, btw. They feel we get the hand-me-downs.

          Is Goodwin a jew or not? Discovery will tell, and reveal his animus from the first appointment on toward my wife.

          I told locals in Ontonagon that Dr. Goodwin said:

          “We’ll start the Keytruda [immunotherapy], but it will take two or three weeks to sort out the insurance.”

          They gasped.

          Bring it on.

          It is YOUR client who needs to settle.

          • Mr. de Nugent:

            Were there even an ounce of veracity to your baseless, unfounded, and tremendously inflammatory claims, you already would have filed a wrongful death suit, in addition to a legal claim of discrimination.

            Instead, you choose to adopt a cowardly and unbecoming approach by way of expressing your delusional and defamatory accusations in a public forum, conveniently shielded from any legal ramifications or factual scrutiny.

            Every response you submit only yields us further evidence.

            And to briefly and gratuitously dignify your repeated and biased personal attacks, Dr. Goodwin’s ethnic heritage is wholly irrelevant to this matter – as is mine.

            From August 28, 2022:
            Goodwin, by his name and appearance, might be jewish, or half-jewish, but even if so, I am not saying his work is bad or there was deliberate neglect.

            The above constitutes evidence of you having ethnically profiled Dr. Goodwin from the very beginning, yet your own rhetoric vindicates him of any wrongdoing.

            This very website showcases a succinct chronology of you having scapegoated Dr. Goodwin upon a disappointing, albeit unavoidable outcome.

            Ms. Huffstickler’s unfortunate health conditions do not in any way, shape, or form reflect upon Dr. Goodwin’s work ethics. In fact, the records will show that Dr. Goodwin’s expertise and dedication gave her the absolute best shot at beating what was nearly insurmountable odds.

            It may be difficult to accept Ms. Huffstickler’s fate, but blaming others for your own personal misfortunes is not conducive to living a healthy and productive life.

            I would suggest you proceed at your own risk, but if “Bring it on” is your mantra, then Dr. Goodwin and myself will graciously oblige.

            Consider this to be your very last warning.


            Matthew Eliason

            Eliason Law Office P.C.
            | 400 Quincy Street, 4th Floor | Hancock, Michigan 49930 |
            T: 906.483.4610 | F: 906.483.4621

          • I was nice to the guy obviously because my wife was still alive, and in his (dubious) care, and in Stage IV.

            However, AFTER her demise, and also AFTER reading Goodwin’s hostile notes, received quite recently, then the 28 August blog became disproved by events. His animus became clear to me, and my view hardened.

            So now I AM saying what I previously only suspected: “deliberate neglect.”


            Footdragging by a doctor who loathed his patient.

            He gave her no treatment from January to May 24, nor did he urge her to do anything at all, unlike Dr. Geddes, who for all his faults, relentlessly urged her in the winter and spring of 2019 to do chemo and radiation at every single appointment, and she did finally did comply, albeit mostly at the Mayo Clinic, and using their proton-beam radiation.

            Goodwin never made any earnest and serious attempt to persuade Margaret to do the MRI scan with gadolinium and overcome her concerns about the radioactive dye. I know; I was there for every consultation.

            When Goodwin then said, in May, “it will take two or three weeks to start the Keytruda,” I was appalled, stunned, and had an awful feeling Goodwin wanted my wife to die.

            He is guilty of footdragging, negligence, nonchalance, and callous apathy as my wife went down.

            The only reason Goodwin did anything for my wife was I called his nurses and badgered them: “When, for God’s sake, do we start the Keytruda?” And then it was: When do we resume the Keytruda”???

            It was like pulling teeth.

            Goodwin is a jew, like you, and he wanted her to die. And now he has, by amazing coincidence, a jew lawyer too to cover up what he did by his inaction to kill a person he viewed as an “Amalekite.”

            Not once ever, Eliason, did the Mayo Clinic say my wife was argumentative or non-compliant.

            I have their records.

            And they beat her cancer.

            In discovery we will learn that your client Goodwin is a jew, felt a jewish animus toward his patient, hid behind his (or his father’s) assumed WASP name.
            And, I suspect, discovery may also reveal that he probably had low marks in medical school — and it was from a mediocre, no-name medical college.

            So Goodwin originally studied biology and then switched to medicine? Why? For the big car and house? Status and money?
            Oh, and is your client married — to a woman, that is?

            If you really had me over a barrel, you would relish going to court, Eliason, and want this to proceed, and not keep on issuing “warnings.”

            “No better friend, no worse enemy” — thisis how we Marines see ourselves.

            Your client via deliberate footdragging murdered my wife. He only became active AFTER my many bitter complaints and when she was Stage IV.

            Mission Accomplished, eh?

            ….my wife who was beloved, intelligent, highly educated, charming… Women in this town cried when they read her obituary.

            Maybe I should sue Goodwin here in this county, where so many knew and loved her.

            So put that nasal nerd on the stand; I dare you. I am the husband of the woman he killed.


        • Oyyyy Veyyy…….

          I hear a bunch of legalese, but you didn’t answer the man. What’s the half a year hold up over? It ain’t right.

          • Yes, and this is how a jury will see it.

            Especially here in the UP where doctors, hospitals, and big pharma are viewed with great skepticism, and the whole fake, bogus Covid/mask/vaccine mania was rejected by 70% of UP residents, except for the Democrat minority.

            What we have here is a Rick Moranis-type nasal jewish nerd from out-of-region who cannot explain five months of giving no cancer treatment to his cancer patient, or can he?

            “She criticized our jew power over gentile America. Let the shiksa die.”

            Btw, the famous Queen Elizabeth I in the late 1500s had her jewish doctor executed for seeking her death. He too protested his innocence.

  3. Your readers are Jew-wise people. It is impossible to slander the Jews among such a readership — for their reputation is already so bad that it cannot be made any worse.

  4. Eliason gives away his line of attack:


    The above constitutes evidence of you having ethnically profiled Dr. Goodwin from the very beginning, yet your own rhetoric vindicates him of any wrongdoing.

    This very website showcases a succinct chronology of you having scapegoated Dr. Goodwin upon a disappointing, albeit unavoidable outcome.


    Jews always push and create narrative at odds with reality. The reality is the facts at hand: Was care denied or not? That sort of information is easily found out. The assertion that the outcome was inevitable is a Jew technique of planting false narratives. There is no way to know the future, there is only probabilities, not inevitability. If even one person has kicked stage four cancer, then there is no inevitability. These Jew rats are really sickening, and in their hubris they are not even aware of how they are perceived.

    I recently advised my sister to be a racist, to “profile.” If you are an intelligent person, then you notice patterns. Once you notice the pattern of Jews, you cannot un -notice it. Ethnically profiling, LoL. Jews do act as an in-group… a people, looking out for their own interests at the expense of their hosts. Ethnic profiling is typically done by Jews against Goyim.

    Hubris and over-reach are a character flaw of Jews; being kicked out of 108 countries is not some sort of accident of history. Unfortunately, with demonocracy we cannot go for 109.

    I predict these rats will push and push, and not be self-aware enough to realize that the publicity will be good for John. Besides, his mission can only be helped by publicity. My sister was jolted awake by a simple command from her brother. Her brainwashing fell away.

    • Margi beat Stage III at the Mayo, and she WAS Stage III for months here while Goodwin was her oncologist. But he never showed the slightest sense of urgency, so his nurses began getting an earful from me — and also her GP and mine, Dr. Keith Wright.

      He only got off his heinie when she was already doomed. Maybe B’nai B’rith will give him a medal.

      I’ll give him a ruined career and infamy.

      Oh, and Margi and I have never said or even thought that all jewish doctors were mediocre, negligent or outright malevolent. Margi’s doctor in Asheville, NC, who first diagnosed her tonsil cancer in May 2018, was jewish, and I suspect that her excellent oncologist at the Mayo Clinic was, too. Her husband, a cancer surgeon, certainly appeared to be so, too.

      So do claim away how we hate all jewish doctors….

      Nor would I say anything negative per se about a gay doctor. My GP in Ontonagon, the late Dr. Richard Chaltry, was openly gay, and my current GP, based on his mannerisms, might be also, but he is very caring and diligent — unlike your client. There is a serious dearth of doctors, good or bad, here in the UP — my county of Ontonagon has literally NO doctors residing in it, none at all — so as long as an MD does his job, I am fine with being treated by him or her, and my and Margi’s actions have proven this.

      What we dislike is a doctor who wants us to die.

      Not all jews hate gentiles, but many do. As Martin Luther said in 1543, and the UP (and hence the jury pool) is full of Lutherans: “Christian, know that you have no more dangerous enemy than a serious jew.”

  5. Matthew Eliason. There is another website, being reactivated, which will cover the actions of jews past present and future.
    One article will be about how a jewess staying at an English hotel was shocked at a Hindu good luck carving, the reverse swastika. Lol — she was so shocked she demanded a full refund.
    Yeah, bloody Hindus, racist, facist Nazis. Putting that 100-year-old carving in that hotel room….

    • The Swastika is an ancient Aryan symbol that goes all the way back into pre-history. The “culture bearers” brought it with them when they migrated into India. Cro-Magnon whites had learned animal husbandry, making of cheese, and how to prepare and store meats. They were literally the first good shepherds.

      Most likely Swastika is a symbol of the heavens spinning as you look up. The idea is birth, life, death, renewal – with your spirit being re-born with reincarnation. The Swastika spins about its axis, showing dynamic movement.

      Life no longer being cyclical was extinguished by our (((friends))). Exactly when was by Hillel and the Prozbul clause. Jewish creditor class put their debtor jews into perpetual bondage, and the jubilee was overturned. There was no longer civilizational renewal, and time became linear rather than circular.

      Not only was time made linear, debts were to grow exponentially, to pay the creditors forever. Wrap up this sort of perpetual class warfare with a covering religion, and what do you get? The JEW!

      Dumber Jews, like the rat lawyer, are completely unware of history, and believe all of the false narratives they have sucked up since being born. Jews are perpetual victims, and cannot be scorned, etc. They are little better than the stupid white women at the English hotel, suffering from her brainwashing.

      The plain fact is that Aryans were the culture bearers, and there was a collision of Aryans vs Jews, especially in the middle east. Cro-Magnon Aryans moved West to East, especially after the flood opened up pathways, and then came into collision with the more Neanderthalic Semite types already present. This can be discerned by the skeletons in the mound civilizations.

      We generally live in clown world where we have to suffer idiotic Jews telling us how to think, as they spew narratives that are upside down. This can only be interpreted as Satanic. At what point do you start to feel sorry for the white woman who is so far gone?

  6. Yeah, sure, the doctor hires a lawyer because he was wronged, you know. It’s not that easy in the real world, the doctor is very, very much against shoveling complaints like yours into the press where he will have his ass handed to him on the end of a pitchfork.The lawyer is obviously offering contingency service, he does not get paid unless he wins. I think you’ve got the doc’s testicles in the vise of public disclosure that he surely does not want.
    The puke Alex Jones case will likely be thrown out, an excellent article by Judge Andrew Napolitano cited the many irregularities observed in the court protocol. Every time I see that Robby Parker, I want to retch and puke. Ugly stuff, our so-called judicial system is rotten to the core. Speaking of, in the next phase of the Jones trial, the plaintiff lawyers expect to ask for 2.75 TRILLION dollars from Jones.
    Kanye West just sued for 215 million dollars for some minor “infraction”. What a joke.

    • Here in the UP of Michigan, loathing of doctors as being both uncaring and mediocre in universal, as I have learned from many conversations. These people who hate doctors would be the jury. A large majority also rejected the Covid lockdowns, masks and the jew-jab vaccine.

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