Jewish pedophile lawyer Dershowitz says Supreme Court ruling from 1905 means MANDATORY vaccines now — you cannot refuse; one simple question for vaxxers

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The following is something I blogged about in May of last year.

…..Just to put jew shyster Dersh in context, this (((pedophile))) flew many times to Epstein’s child-rape island in the US Virgin Islands


See 6:13-14

Excerpt from

Alan Dershowitz was a guest of Epstein’s, on his private jet, at his homes in Palm Beach and New York, and on his private island in the Caribbean.

Epstein’s mini-synagogue on the gentile-kid-rape island in Israeli blue and white

As Epstein’s guests, many grown men are said to have had sex with underage girls. Two of Epstein’s victims have accused Dershowitz of joining in, a charge he has denied energetically and with litigation, suing one of the women for defamation.

He has also claimed that his accusers’ lawyer, David Boies, encouraged them to invent stories about him. Perhaps nothing is impossible, but this is a truly odd accusation on Dershowitz’s part. David Boies is not some desperate sleazy idiot taking out ads on bus benches. He is one of the most prominent lawyers in the country, having led the government’s successful prosecution of Microsoft and defending such zeitgeist villains as Harvey Weinstein and Theranos. Why would he risk disbarment and ruin by defaming another of the nation’s top lawyers? Boies has sued Dershowitz for peddling this batty conspiracy theory, calling it defamatory. No one has any way of knowing the truth of any of these charges and countercharges yet, since all this litigation is ongoing.

The proven facts are that Dershowitz was friends with Jeffrey Epstein and spent significant time in his company, and that is bad. It was a passionate friendship: Dershowitz told New York magazine that he found Epstein “feisty,” exulting over his “quirky mind,” even claiming that he would have hung around with him even if he weren’t so rich. Despite all that, Dershowitz claimed Epstein was just an “acquaintance.”


…..Mandatory Vaccines? The Supreme Court Said Yes! But Wait, There’s More…

What struck me is the simple logic Spiro uses on the whole vaccine issue:

If vaccines really do work, then fine, all who take the vaccine survive any contact with infected anti-vaxxers.

So, fine, let the anti-vaxxers just die, the dummies — and the pro-vaxxers will live.

So why can’t the pro-vaxxers, to cite a James Bond movie, just “live and let die”?

If you really believe vaccines work, Mr. Bill Gates, aren’t you protected by the vaccine from diseases carried by the unvaccinated??


Also note in the comments under the video how many say they will resist with literal violence any mandatory inoculation.


May 18, 2020

69.5K subscribers

If there is one topic that even comes close to the amount of coverage the virus gets, it is vaccines, and the big question is will they be mandatory? Recently Jason Goodman of Crowd Source The Truth interviewed Alan Dershowitz and Dershowitz made some very bold controversial statements… Dershowitz, a high profile lawyer who has formerly represented president President Trump, OJ Simpson and even Jeffrey Epstein, amongst other high-profile clients, stated you have no constitutional protection against being forcibly vaccinated for an infectious disease.
Let’s take a closer look… Alan Dershowitz Addresses the Systematic Destruction of the U.S. Constitution… Jacobson vs Massachusetts… Is Mandatory Vaccination Legal in Time of Epidemic?… Jacobson v Massachusetts: It’s Not Your Great-Great-Grandfather’s Public Health Law… Eugenics & The Story of Carrie Buck… Bill Gates: Phase 2 Is A Bio Terror Attack… Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance… Why Big Oil Conquered The World…


I have to say that this Greek-American, Spiros Skouras, is one of the best vloggers out there, right up with the Amazing Polly, or Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch.

This “vaccine” is not what you think it is. Untested & dangerous. It will alter DNA & introduce ID2020 RDIF technology. I am a nurse & I will never be forced to take it 😡😡


As a nurse of 23 years i will not comply with taking vaccine nor giving it. They can fire me


Average Consumer
There is 0% chance I will take that vaccine.


Sheep Tru
That old man is the DISEASE


Keith Ridd
I guess they will kill me. There is no damn way I’m accepting their vaccine. Why in the hell aren’t the people that made this virus swinging from a rope


Tygr Shrk
Fun Fact: trying to put a needle in me will cause you to get lead poisoning.


Lindy Lou
We must fight against this!


Considering the people behind the vaccine and the fact that in most places the plandemic is 98% survivable I will not be taking the vaccine. There is a 100% chance I will defend myself violently. This is still my body and life. No one’s rights supersede my rights, especially with my life and liberty. I cannot believe how people have rolled over and let their rights be summarily taken away. Freedom is worth fighting for. Past generations sure as hell did. What’s your excuse?


Charles Catagnus
The mass murder using vaccines around the world for 50 years is like 911, an inside job. A genocidal program for 50 years. No arrests, no investigation.


Robert Hector
This is the 3rd world war coming to a street near you


How dare he say that.. The prick


tea 4 2
In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign. Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.


Faith 410 Truth
Sm pox was on the decline when the inoculation came out. Sm pox inoculation caused great harm to k’s


Andrew Mcinnis
Rockefeller at every turn, beyond criminal.


Nikki Hinton
Thank you Spiro. Global house arrest and we’re on death row! 💉 Bless the resistance: Italian lawmaker/politician, Sara Cunial, calls for Bill Gates to be arrested for crimes against humanity.🕯️🙏 🕊️


Burnt Offerings
There is no way I will take this deadly vaccine. My body my choice. Time to water the tree of liberty.


Teresa Bennett
They better dip it in chocolate cause I will feed it to them! They will have to kill me outright!



  1. Sogar Bill Gates hatte mit Epstein zu tun.

    Eventuell ist die Coronakrise ein Ablenkungsmanöver.

    Im Fall Epstein scheinen ja sog. Eliten aus aller Welt! da mit drin zustecken.

    Jetzt können sie schön Beweise vernichten und Zeugen töten (war dann eben Corona).

    • Ja, lautlos führen sie mittlerweile 5G ein, die Musels vergewaltigen weiter, der Mittelstand und die Arbeiter gehen unter, und die Judmedien warnen vor der “noch schlimmeren” “zweiten Welle”, wo die Gates’sche Impfung alleinseligmachend sein würde…..

      Ich las gestern Abend noch einen Artikel im Speichel, wo man über Trump, Bolsonaro (in Brasilien) und über deren Empfehlungen von Hydroxychloroquin lästerten.

      Soviel faustdicke (aber selbstredend mit dem Selbstbewusstsein der “Qualitätspresse”) vorgetragene Lügen auf einem Haufen….Man hört auf zu zählen. Da blieb mir die Spucke weg. Ich lese ja nur noch so selten die Systempresse, bin hautpsächlich in den Alternativwebseiten und -Videos unterwegs. Aber man muss auf dem laufenden blieben, was der Feind unseren lieben Schafsköpfen auftischt.

      Da gibt es noch eine ganze Welt, eine surreale, die aus einerseits völkermordenden Lügensöldnern und andererseits aus den lächerlichen Lügenschluckern und Nachpläpperern besteht. Da kann man nur noch staunen, dass die noch gläubig sind. Das ist wie ein anderes Universum. Aber ein zahlreiches.

      Die Amis sagen: “Lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to my twice, shame on me.”

      “Schande dem, der mich einmal belügt. Schande aber mir, wenn es ihm zweimal gelingt.”

      Dabei sind die einen demütig naiv (ganz der deutsche Michel), die andern aber eklig arrogante Snobs, die sich toll und besser vorkommen, weil sie im Gegensatz zum Volk “die Qualitätsmedien” bevorzugen. Auch jetzt noch! Wo man dabei ist, endgültig ins Maul des Judenungeheuers zu fallen und für allemal in seinen Menschenrechten, wirtschaftlich und sogar biologisch vernichtet zu werden!


  2. Rudolf Steiner più di cento anni fa, nel 1917, lo aveva previsto e scriveva quanto segue:
    “Nel futuro si eliminerà l’anima per mezzo di farmaci. Con il pretesto di un “punto di vista salutare” si troverà un vaccino mediante il quale l’organismo umano verrà trattato, quanto prima possibile, eventualmente direttamente alla nascita, in modo tale che l’essere umano non possa sviluppare il pensiero dell’esistenza di anima e spirito. Verrà affidato ai medici materialisti il compito di eliminare l’anima dall’umanità.

    • Transl:

      Rudolf Steiner predicted it more than a hundred years ago in 1917 and wrote the following:

      “In the future, the soul will be eliminated by means of drugs. Under the pretext of a “healthy point of view” a vaccine will be found by which the human organism will be treated, as soon as possible, possibly directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of existence of soul and spirit. The materialist doctors will be entrusted with the task of eliminating the soul from humanity.” [End]

      Thank you. Yes, he said that:


      “Materialistic doctors will use vaccines to drive the idea of the soul out of our children. They are vaccinating against the instinct of spirituality.”

  3. Noone has a right to force that vaccine on another. I don’t care what court assumes so. The government may possess the physical power to force you or kill you, under the “might makes right” principle but that is all. No century old court ruling changes that. It was wrong then and it’s wrong now. The only absolute power over my sovereign body in this world is God’s. Another man cannot assume that role with black robes and granite buildings, without resulting to organized gangsterism.

  4. Corresponding to Steiner’s words, there is now the most recent push to inoculate ever younger children, even babies!
    Unfathomable evil!

  5. If people don’t wake up even because of this dangerous roundup of their innocent little ones, then I see no hope anymore.

    • Robert Kennedy Jr. has been making an issue about vaccines required for children. Children’s Health Defense is an organization he has founded which addresses this. I have personally learned a lot about the dangers of vaccines from RFK’s writings.

  6. Dershowitz is proof, in my opinion, that Jews should not be permitted to be lawyers. I don’t think Hebrew culture values the individual as White culture does. I think the Jews are innately inclined toward totalitarian government. Regarding the Covid vaccine, I will not take it. Even if it were safe, which it is not, I still would not want it. In general, I prefer to put my faith in my immune system than in vaccines.

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