Jewish revisionist and conservative David Cole: Jews hate the white, Christian West; Rabbi Waton agrees

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David Cole in 2013

David Cole is the Jewish sometime revisionist who, wearing a yarmulke, famously got the director of the Auschwitz Museum to admit on camera that the gas chamber shown to the public was a fake, built after the war by the Soviets.

David Cole with Ernst Zündel in Auschwitz

(Cole wussed out on the Big H once under severe pressure from the violent JDL of neanderJew Irv Rubin.


He has also done a semi-wuss-out about the camp at Treblinka.  

No, David, no Jews were exterminated at Treblinka either.

Anyway, here is his useful new article.

[source: ]

JdN: Added by me 😉

As comedian Larry Miller pointed out in a Weekly Standard op-ed sixteen years ago, once you accept the fact that the lawyer for Hamas is named Stanley Cohen, there’s very little Jews can do to surprise you anymore.

Or so I thought. My apologies, Larry, but your example just got one-upped.

Last Tuesday, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer got into it with Republican Rep. Ted Yoho over the issue of migrants from “shithole countries.” At a certain point during the interview, the conversation turned to whether or not the U.S. should prioritize skilled immigrants over those whose skill levels don’t rise above being able to shit in a hole. The congressman suggested that U.S. immigration policy should return to the days “when we brought in workers that had specific skill sets.”

That led to the following exchange:

Blitzer: But congressman, congressman, I don’t know about your ancestors when they came over to the United States, but I suspect they didn’t have a whole lot of skills. They were probably very poor. But look what they achieved while here in the United States.

Yoho: Sure.

Blitzer: My ¦my parents came over the same way. They didn’t have many skills, but they achieved a great deal, because this country gives these people great opportunities.

Yoho: Opportunities.

Blitzer: So you can’t ban these people from coming to the United States, right?

Yoho: You’re absolutely right.

Wow, that Ted Yoho is one tough debater! I haven’t seen a Republican check out that quick since Budd Dwyer. With guys like Yoho on his side, Trump’s gonna get that wall built in no time!

“Apparently you can spit on the grave of a Holocaust survivor if by doing so you make it easier for a Mexican drug dealer to wreak havoc north of the border.”

After watching the interview, I was not so much interested in Yoho’s white flag on the skilled-immigrant question as I was in Blitzer’s family history. See, I knew the guy was raised by Holocaust survivors. But that’s about all I knew, so I looked a little deeper, and I saw that Blitzer’s father, David (who passed away in 2002), was a Polish Jew who was interned by the Nazis when he was in his early 20s. The man survived Auschwitz and a series of smaller labor camps. Well, that told me volumes. A Polish Jew? As Goebbels so cavalierly remarked in his diary, if Polish Jews were unskilled, they were toast. An adult Polish Jew sent to a labor camp instead of the death factories at Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, or Chelmno was, by definition, a skilled worker. But I dug even deeper, and I found the audio-recorded postwar testimony of David Blitzer.

The dude spends damn near half the testimony bragging about how fucking skilled he was! How he, in fact, became invaluable to the Nazis because of his unique (and, for the time, cutting-edge and highly sought-after) railroad engineering and management skills. The man’s skills literally saved his life. In his own words, the Nazis classified him as a “specialist.” He was a highly skilled worker, and he says so again and again in his testimony. After the war he stayed in Germany, where he got married to another survivor, and the two of them brought young Wolfie into the world while living in Augsburg in 1948. When the Blitzers eventually emigrated to the U.S. (legally, the elder Blitzer stresses), daddy Blitzer became a restaurateur, and then an expert home builder.

When Wolf Blitzer called his father “unskilled,” he was straight-up lying. David Blitzer’s skills were not only impressive, they were recognized as such by the Nazis, who specifically classified him as a skilled worker. Think about that for a minute ¦and try to wrap your brain around this stunning fact: The Nazis apparently had a higher opinion of Wolf Blitzer’s father than Wolf Blitzer does. Sure, they may have considered David Blitzer a verminous Jew, someone to imprison or expel, but at least they acknowledged that the guy was skilled, a “specialist,” and they kept him alive, reluctantly, because of those skills (no question it was reluctantly, because, as I said, Polish Jews were pretty much marked for destruction unless they had “value”).

But little Wolfie dismisses his dad as just another unskilled laborer.

So here’s the question I began to ponder after poking around the Blitzer family tree. What would make Wolf Blitzer decide to shit all over the memory of his Holocaust-survivor father, for no other reason than to push for the U.S. to be flooded with unskilled immigrants? Why is that so damn important to the guy, that he’s willing to dishonor the memory of the man who raised him?

This is a low point for leftist Jews. I would argue that this may indeed be the lowest point that any leftist Jew has ever managed to reach. Because, as sacred as the Holocaust is to the average Jew, and as sacred as Holocaust survivors are to the average Jew, apparently you can spit on the grave of a Holocaust survivor if by doing so you make it easier for a Mexican drug dealer to wreak havoc north of the border.

Now, normally when I “ponder” an issue in this column, I already have an answer, a conclusion, in my head. But in this case, I’m not sure I do. I’m not at all certain I can answer “What is it with you (leftist) Jews, anyway?” I mean, there are the obvious, “safe” answers. Most U.S. Jews are Democrats, and therefore every Republican president is to one degree or another Hitler, so any strategy that stalls their agenda is encouraged and accepted. Another “safe” answer is that Jews are “always on the side of the downtrodden and the underdogs” (at least when there are cameras rolling). If smearing a Holocaust survivor is necessary in order to secure U.S. citizenship for Julio the Mexican drug dealer, Boniface the Haitian AIDS carrier, and Bakari the Ebola puss-bag from the war-torn Republic of M’Bunghole, so be it!

But those answers don’t satisfy me ¦maybe because I’m not asking the right questions. Perhaps I should be asking, are Jews still fighting World War II? There was an episode of King of the Hill in which Hank confronts a self-styled “warlock” who believes himself to be a “14th-level sorcerer.” Facing down the basement-dwelling pencil-necked nerd, Hank says with a sigh, “Some of this isn’t your fault. A man can only take so many wedgies before he goes to pieces.” Did the Jews take one wedgie too many in Europe? After centuries of pogroms and expulsions, was the Holocaust the last straw?

Will Jews forever carry a hatred of the West, a desire to see Western traditions and values subverted even at their own expense?

As future Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel wrote in Commentary magazine in 1962,

I cry out with all my heart against forgiveness, against forgetting, against silence. Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate ”healthy, virile hate ”for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the dead.

I think, for far too many Jews, that hatred extends not just to the Germans, but to the white Christian West as a whole. I’ve seen this pathology before; American Jews who just can’t muster up the kind of hatred for today’s Muslim Jew-killers that they can easily summon for the descendants of the White Christian Jew-killers of yore. But why? Why are so many Jews still seemingly at war with Christendom?

Let’s turn again to Wiesel’s 1962 essay, especially the part where he concocts a conspiracy theory worthy of Alex Jones. The Germans, he claims, could not understand why, in the years after the war, average Jews did not seek to murder every single German they came across. “Finally,” Wiesel concludes, “the Germans understood that they had nothing to fear (from the Jews), and so their fear turned into contempt. ˜Look at those Jews: they’re not even capable of revenge!'” A tad disingenuously, Wiesel continues, “Two thousand years of persecution had failed to prepare the Jewish mentality for hate, had only immunized it against hate.” Jews, he explains, “had to show the executioners our moral superiority, prove to the other peoples that the Jews are incapable of deeds of hate.” Which is why he exhorts his fellow Jews to keep hate alive. Wiesel is essentially saying, if you don’t hate the Germans and what they personify, the Germans and those like them will hate you even more.

If you read Wiesel’s piece from a certain angle, it does make sense, if not the sense he intended. A guy like Wolf Blitzer is committing a hateful act against a civilization he very likely despises. Maybe he was taught that hatred by his survivor parents, maybe he developed it on his own. Yet his act of hate ”using his estimable influence to push for the importation of unskilled, impoverished immigrants, many of whom are criminals and most of whom are a financial burden ”is cloaked in humanitarianism. He is “virtue signaling” his “moral superiority” while, at the same time, indulging in the hate that Wiesel believes is the only path of self-defense for the Jewish people.

Blitzer has to hate while appearing to love. That’s misdirection worthy of Penn and Teller, and leftist Jews have the routine down pat.

Representative Yoho’s position (the one he ran from like Stepin Fetchit in a haunted house) is hardly unreasonable. Give priority to immigrants who can contribute something positive to the nation. For the record, lest my position be misread, I don’t think race should enter into it at all. Let in the best and the brightest, from everywhere.

No world leader has ever said, “Damn this brain-drain! We’re losing all our best minds to Ghana.” America should be the premier destination for the world’s finest.

It’s a worthy ideal, no matter how much the Blitzers among us despise it.


Brian Avran j’s have never stopped their war against Christ; only now they are much better at it, the whites do the work for them while they sit and watch. its practically on auto-pilot now.
Valhalla Mack David Cole sure aged a bit, I remember his auchwitz video he was like 20yrs old then. A true warrior. RIP Ernst Zundel
Tim Babb No, Cole is still in the Exterminationist. He has been rejected by the revisionist community as a fraud. Was he ever really a true revisionist or just riding on the coat tails of others?


Tim Babb IN FRENCH [THEN TRANSLATED]  David Cole mouché par Fred Leuchter

Un certain nombre de correspondants auront probablement eu vent des propos désobligeants et même orduriers tenus par le juif “révisionniste” David Cole sur les révisionnistes en général et le professeur Faurisson en particulier dans son ouvrage récemment paru aux Etats-Unis: “Republican Party Animal”.

Nous n’entrerons pas dans les détails, qui n’en valent pas la peine, et nous contenterons de diffuser la lettre que lui a adressée le 23 juillet Fred Leuchter, auteur du “Rapport Leuchter”, cet homme qui est pourtant la bonté même mais qui n’a pas supporté les attaques de David Cole. 

Voici sa lettre :

(traduction rapide):

Je tiens en outre à  répondre à  David Cole:

23 juillet 2014

Je n’aime pas voir de disputes entre révisionnistes et bien souvent je me retrouve au milieu et essaie de servir de médiateur. Malheureusement, cette fois-ci cela n’a pas été possible parce que tu as décidé de mettre sur la place publique tes calomnies malveillantes contre Faurisson et contre le reste de la communauté révisionniste. Ton comportement dans cette affaire est répréhensible. Tu arrives dans le Révisionnisme comme les carabiniers et tu as réussi à  obtenir de Piper qu’il reconnaisse la tricherie des Russes [le fait que la ch. à  g. d’Auschwitz-I était une reconstruction]: tous les révisionnistes le savaient avant que tu commences.

Tu prétends avoir été un expert à  Auschwitz en matière de drains de canalisations. Tu mens quand tu dis que tu as été le premier à  les avoir reconnus. J’en ai parlé dans mes Rapports (si tu les avais lus tu le saurais) et je n’étais pas le premier. Tu t’es accroché aux basques de plusieurs Révisionnistes compétents avec tes plagiats. Tu n’es pas un Révisionniste! Tu n’en as jamais été un. Tu es un voleur égocentrique qui foules aux pieds la réputation de beaucoup de braves gens. Quand je t’ai connu tu étais un blanc bec. Tu l’es encore. Moi, comme beaucoup d’autres Révisionnistes, je t’ai accepté et me suis lié d’amitié avec toi. 

C’était une erreur. Je déclare publiquement que tu es un imposteur. Je suis désolé d’en être arrivé là . Bon vent, Mr Do Nothing ! Adieu ! Je ne dirai rien de plus!

Wednesday, 23 July 2014 12:28 AM

I further would like to address Davis Cole:

I do not like to see infighting amongst Revisionists and quite often get in the middle and try to mediate. Unfortunately, it was not possible in this case because you decided to publicly display your malicious slander against Faurisson and the rest of the Revisionist community. Your conduct in this affair is reprehensible. You are a “Johnny Come Lately” to Revisionism who managed to Get Piper to admit to the Russian Fraud. All Revisionists knew about this before you started.

You claim to be an expert on Auschwitz in the matter of floor drains. You lie when you say you were the first to recognize this. I discussed it in my Reports (if you ever read them you would know that) and I was not thefirst. You have been riding on the coat-tails of many competent Revisionists with your plagiarisms. You are not a Revisionist! You never were. You are a self centered thief who runs roughshod over the reputations of many good men.

I knew you when you were wet behind the ears. You still are. I, like many other Revisionists, accepted you and befriended you. That was a mistake. I publicly call you the fraud that you are. I am sorry it has come to this.

Have a nice life Mr. Do nothing! Good bye! I will say no more!



ReplySee Translation10m

John de Nugent FRENCH Merci, camarade Tim Babb. Ce Cole… Je crois vraiment qu’ils ont de l’ ADN reptilien. Leur nature est de mentir. Leur nature est psychopathique et prédatrice. La vérité ne signifie rien pour eux, et admettons-le — qu’il n’y a pas au monde des gens qui soient comparables à  l’àˆquipe-J…. tout simplement diaboliques.



John de Nugent ENGLISH I really do believe that they have reptilian DNA. Their nature is to lie. Their nature is psychopathic and predatory. The truth means nothing to them, and let us agree to this — that there is no people even remotely like the J-Team, not even close.


…..My Holocaust protest with 30 supporters in April 1993 when the Holofraud Museum opened in Washington

Excerpt from

…..US Holocaust Museum opening in Washington DC 1993

On April 22, 1993 the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, the President of Israel, Chaim Herzog, and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel inaugurated the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.



(It was solemnly promised at the beginning that this museum, dedicated to a claimed event that occurred overseas and did not involve Americans at all, would not become a burden to all US taxpayers, 98% of whom are not Jewish, but in 2016 said taxpayers shelled out $54 million annually for said “museum.”

jdn-profile-shot-holocaust-museum-protest-rally-4-22-93John de Nugent organized, in cooperation with the US Park Service, a large demonstration to shout out a very loud protest across the street against the criminal Holocaust fraud as these three men spoke. Both Clinton and Wiesel, it was reported to him later, departed from their prepared remarks to add “And it is because of people like that” [his protest group] that we need this museum” …. so there is no more hate, etc.

Here is the full article (click on the images to expand them) on this event found in the April 30, 1993 Washington City Paper, but” distorted, slanted and sarcastic throughout, and containing one ludicrous lie against JdN — claiming one of his protest chants actually was “Jewish communistcannibals!” Cannibalism is the one accusation he has not yet levelled at the Jews. ;-)

holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-1-of-3holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-2-of-3holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-3-of-3


Key excerpt, describing JdN speaking at a rally the night before the Holocaust Museum protest:


About 30 demonstrators came, and facing the “dignitaries” across the street, shouted the slogans JdN was bellowing out, such as “the Holocaust is a lie, the Holocaust is a scam!” and “Isra-el ” go to hell!” A few feet away were four JDL thugs, but police and a fence separated them from the protesters.

*** Quote

As I heckled with a loud, battery-powered bullhorn the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, the President of the State of Israel, Chaim Herzog, and Nobel Laureate Elie the Wiesel (and both Clinton and Wiesel made comments about us), along with 30 fearless white supporters, some ugly, swarthy hooks from the JDL were there. (The JDLers often are hyper-jewy-looking. 😉 )

They were foaming at the mouth and yelling behind a temporary barricade fence of wooden slats and wire that had been set up by the US Park Service about 20 feet away.

An armed Park Policeman on horseback was inside the fence on our side in case the JDLers threw, launched or even fired anything against me or us.




Glancing over at approaching mounted US Park Service police” ” with a Black author named Daryl Davis, who was then writing a book on the Klan.



(Btw, the Museum costs millions a year in annual expenses for its upkeep and generous salaries of museum officials.



……Rabbi Harry Waton: ‘Hitler was right about us Jews’






  1. John, I must tell you the frustration I am having with the Orthodox Church over this matter. they too have fallen to judencuckery.

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