Did jewish star comedienne Roseanne Barr just sneakily “DENY” the Holofraud and denounce jewry the way her late friend Norm Macdonald would do it and not get banned??

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Jim Rizoli just published on Bitchute this seemingly astounding, earth-shaking clip of a top star blasting the jews and their Holofraud, and saying the Holocaust should have happened since the jews do cause all the world’s troubles!

Now for this whole interview:


644,695 views Jun 14, 2023 This Past Weekend

Roseanne Barr is an Emmy-award winning comedian, writer and actress known for her iconic show “Roseanne” which aired for 10+ years. She is also a best-selling author, political activist and and active stand-up comedian. She just launched “the Roseanne Barr Podcast” which is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

Roseanne joins Theo Von on a special episode of This Past Weekend to talk about her crazy childhood, finding a voice through stand-up, getting kicked out of Hollywood, what the industry gets wrong about working people, the lasting legacy of her show, bad honeymoons, the special call she got from Louis CK and much more.

Special thanks to Joe Rogan’s Comedy Mothership in Austin, TX for hosting this episode of the show.


The host is Theo Von (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theo_Von)

Theodor Capitani von Kurnatowski (born March 19, 1980) is an American stand-up comedian, podcaster, television personality, and actor. He is the host of the This Past Weekend podcast and former co-host of The King and the Sting podcast.

Early life
Von was born to Gina Capitani and Roland Theodor Achilles von Kurnatowski (1912–1996), who was originally from Bluefields, Nicaragua [and part of the German nobility, hence the “von”].

***JdN Theo looking very nervous as Roseanne says the Holocaust never happened, but 6 mio. jews do deserve to die


Von’s father was 67 when he was born; Von rounds the age to 70 years for his comedic material.[1] He died from cancer when Von was 16 years old.[2] Von grew up in Covington, Louisiana, with his older brother and two younger sisters. Von was legally emancipated at 14.[2]

He graduated from Mandeville High School in Mandeville, Louisiana. He attended Louisiana State University for a time, as well as Loyola University New Orleans, University of Arizona, College of Charleston, and Santa Monica College.[3] Von received his undergraduate degree in 2011 from the University of New Orleans.”


…My take on this

As the article below says regarding the technique of the late stand-up superstar Norm Macdonald, who was a good friend of Roseanne and stuck up for her under fire, you can get away with a lot if you are clever, ambiguous, and pretend that the taboo truths you get out there are just “tongue-in-cheek.”
I wrote this to one of the many jerks or paid trolls who pullulate on Bitchute and who attack me endlessly:

I watched the entire interview. She is playing a clever game where she gets to say the truth and yet claim it was all just satire. Shortly after these remarks she went on to say Hollywood was indeed jewish and then how evil Hollywood was! Then she said other right-wing things, regarding Biden, the 38 [big-city] counties (out of 5,000 counties nationwide) that had potentially 81 million votes and supposedly they all went entirely for Biden, and the “mandated” truth about Biden winning the 2020 election. In fact, she says “mandated”  repeatedly and in a very negative tone.
Roseanne is no fool, she is jewish herself by birth on both sides, and knows Hollywood inside and out from being “one of them” in multiple ways. (She also makes a remark about how she is jewish in a different way ( presumably meaning the Hebrew concept of “tikkun olam,” meaning “heal the world”) from the judaism of the Hollywood movie moguls  (money sex,  power,  fame, sexual harassment, and white-bashing).

So she knows perfectly well that if she were to say the truth straight out about jewry and the Holofraud, her career instantly would be over. She would be branded as a “self-hating jew” — like Bobby Fischer, Benjamin Freedman, Ron Unz, Gerard Menuhin, Israeli professor Shlomo Sand, and also Ariel Toaff, a Bar Ilan university professor in Tel Aviv who exposed jewish ritual murder.
And unlike these Bitchute trolls with their fake screen names, all these jews are out there with their real names and their lucrative careers at risk (as I have been since 1978, and I was disinherited by a multimillionaire).
Roseanne knows furthermore that any video interview where she bluntly says the whole truth would be banned by JewTube, and no one would even see it. Also, it would cause huge trouble for her gentile, Aryan (and likable) host, Theo Von, especially with him being a white, male half-German, a “von Kurnatowski”!
My conclusion is that Roseanne Barr meant every word literally that she said in the Bitchute clip, but as the old line in some Westerns used to go, when a cowboy in a bar made a remark at which another whisky-downing, armed cowboy might take umbrage:
“Smile when you say that, pardner.”
So she did. She smiled, or she gave it an ironic sound. And it worked, getting away with spouting career-endangering truths — just as it worked for decades for Norm Macdonald.


A troll on Bitchute:

  • You to rasberri

    This is a five-year old Tweet….So you cancel her, just like the libtards do — by finding an old tweet. Did you know that some people actually change their minds? Not you, of course. 😉 And is she now a national socialist? No, probably a sincere liberal, like Robert Kennedy, Junior. But I guess you hate him, too. Unless Roseanne and Bobby Jr start sieg-heiling, goose-stepping, and raising a swastika flag, then for you they are total scum. Btw, is “Rasberri” your real name? I ask because Roseanne and Bobby Kennedy use their real names, as do I.




…..Norm Macdonald: the comedic attack on our kosher masters

Macdonald actually said this, and it was on YouTube — but then it disappeared. Then he died at 61. David Letterman called him “[The best] in every important way, in the world of stand-up [comedy]… an opinion shared by me and all peers.”

Remembering the GREAT Norm Macdonald and recognizing his valiant efforts to win the culture war [with must-see, exclusive video footage analysis]
by JdN staff writer
A lot has already been written about the legendary comedian Norm Macdonald over the past month or so since the GREAT man’s premature death from cancer at the age of 60.
Instead of padding all that has already been written online, I wanted to eulogize Mr. MacDonald by sharing some of his ”hidden gems” that best demonstrate the invaluable contribution he has made to our cause. This article will contain clips for which genuine nationalists, libertarians, patriots, conservatives and free-thinkers ought to remember the talented comedian.
Remember, above all, we are in a culture war – a battle fought by people with the power to influence the masses against our oppressors – and in MacDonald we lost one of our bravest fighters this past month.
Unlike other celebs who find themselves cancelled for saying things inadvertently, or for things they said before the Twitter mob made being honest and funny a punishable offense, Norm MacDonald was regularly cancelled for things he not only knew he was going to be cancelled for, but wanted to be condemned for.
In that way he was just like us, just with infinitely more to lose….
Recognizing that it is in ”culture” that this most perilous of wars is being fought is what is argued with great eloquence by another MacDonald – Dr Kevin MacDonald – in his seminal work The Culture of Critique.
I’d advise everyone who has not yet read it, to order it online and read it. At one point in my life I wrote for, and worked closely with, Dr. MacDonald for a few years – recording countless hours of content with him etc.
I recall discussing with him the importance of brave free-thinking comedians and celebs speaking their minds.
A brave man stands alone, and dies alone
We need influencers – whether they are irreverent politicians like Donald, valiant pundits like brother John, witty comedians like Norm, or philosophical writers like Kevin.
We desperately need society’s bravest to not only push the traditional ideas and values which we witnessed coming again to the fore during President Trump’s historic “Make America Great Again” movement, and bring them to the town-square of political discourse, but we also must introduce novel ideas the masses often do not even know exist.
Comedians have always been a part of our pushback.
Funny men often comment on society, elucidate our ills, at times even going after the people at the top harming us. This is why the sneering class have, in fact, done their damndest to maintain their power by selling the masses pseudo-comedic programming like “Saturday Night Live,” “Late Night with Jimmy Kimmel,” the Steven Colbert show. etc.
While these charlatans feign compassion and solidarity, oftentimes presenting themselves as if they were on our side, they are in fact little more than mouthpieces of our oppressors. This is evidenced by the fact that they “punch down” and denigrate the very best of our nation [us “deplorables” in Hillary’s  word] while parroting and promoting the likes of the filthy-rich elitists who are the Clintons and Obamas.
Although comedians should, of course, mock our folly and at times make their audience feel uncomfortable [while they laugh], a good comedian should not be punching down – as the sneering class do – but punching back, and punching UP — at the ruling political class.
This is why it serves little purpose making fun of low-hanging fruit like transgender freaks and Blacks, for example. It’s the people in government,  Wall Street and Hollywood that warrant our collective ire and fury, not some militant in a dress or porch primate swilling a 40-ounce Colt 45 malt liquor — as abjectly heinous as most of these people are.
Although Dave Chappelle – whom I once saw live when we were both younger men and who, in fact, dedicated his latest controversial comedy show on Netflix to his good friend Norm MacDonald – was certainly brave to base his routine on the hideousness of the trans agenda, he did so while ignoring the elephant in the room – the (((evil people))) behind it.
Comedians need to punch upwards at the likes of reptilian-overlord Mark Zuckerberg, at Covid-19 vaxx pushing pedophiles like Bill Gates, against the Prince Andrews, and the evil-doers in Tinsel-Town, as comedian Ricky Gervais so eloquently and bravely does while hosting the Golden Globe awards, which are run by a man who, I have just learned, is a Hollywood outsider, not insideer, and with a ”track record of supporting right-wing ideals.” This was Ricky Gervais’ legendary appearance hosting the 2020 Golden Globe Awards.
In January 2020 Ricky Gervais skewered ‘woke’ Hollywood, made jokes about Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein and Prince Andrew, and tackled topics such as MeToo and ISIS as he left his A-list audience wincing during his opening monologue at the 77th Golden Globe awards. Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro, and Gwyneth Paltrow were left with stunned looks on their faces as Gervais mocked Felicity Huffman over the college-admission scandal, branded James Corden a ‘massive pussy,’ and ripped Judi Dench for ‘licking’ her own minge in his eight-minute speech.
In one moment which shocked the stars in the crowd, Gervais made a pointed remark about the death of pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein was found [supposedly] dead in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York, in August 2019 while awaiting trial on numerous sex offences [JdN: with all the cameras mysteriously malfunctioning and with all the black guards sleeping. An autopsy report claimed he had hanged himself. Actually, he just had to lie still and act dead for some still photos, then hop a plane from New York to Tel Aviv to report to his Mossad masters for whom he collected videos of VIP felony sexual activity with minors, “dirt”.]

As Gervais did at the Golden Globes, comedians should be commenting on the evils of the Clinton family and the FACT that there is a Deep State full of pedophiles and sexual deviants in charge of our laws and civic well-being.
We need influencers to push the FACT that it is demographic change that poses our society’s gravest threat, resulting from unfettered immigration, the homosexual agenda, the elite’s love of pedophilia and abject sexual deviance, the war on our ability to speak and think freely, and the J-Team’s total control of our culture and its war on our people.
It’s not the immigrants picking our oranges, as some useful gate-keeping right-wing comedians posit, that deserve our collective ferocity, but rather the people bringing these impoverished and diseased people here.
Remember, both parties [check the congressional voting record between when Ross Perot first attacked NAFTA, which “45” (Trump) dismantled] have historically supported unfettered immigration from the Third World, albeit for different reasons.  Never forget that.
Right-leaning, freedom-loving comedians shouldn’t obsess over transgenders, gun rights and abortion as both parties want. You know, the sort of topics with which mainstream Republicans have been reeling us in for generations….
While gun issues are, of course, important, remember that apart from the bullets fired at Ashley Babbit, not a single shot was fired January 6th [definitely not by anyone on the right side of history.]
These people aren’t scared of our guns. They will ALWAYS have more. In fact, I BELIEVE that they want patriots to start shooting. Then they really can take control and shred the Constitution.
Hundreds of millions of guns in the hands and holsters of a castrated, wussified, passive people are no threat to anyone.
Many fetish gun owners are far more concerned with watching millionaire white-hating black felons carrying a football for a total of 9-12 minutes — that’s the total action an NFL  football game has during a 60 minutes gridiron tilt — than with the fairness of the nation’s most important election in history, the 2020 Stealection.
This is why our oppressors fear people on YouTube and online and not larpers.
One such man many at the top did fear was someone who actively attempted to change our culture through humor. That man was the honorable subject of this essay – Norm MacDonald.
Firstly, I want to touch upon some of the anti-establishment comedy many of Norm’s fans might have missed.
Even if fans caught these clips, they might not have recognized the depth of their significance. Again, challenging the elite and their agenda on their own platforms while employing their own techniques is key to winning the culture war. Dressing down in camo while waving a flag in DC or carrying a little tiki torch while sporting a fash haircut in Charlottesville definitely isn’t.
This article will be constructed using actual video footage of the good man. It won’t be based on or derived from things written about him or his work by members of the sneering class – who have all but ignored his important work, while disingenuously singing his praises. I will conclude with videos of Norm’s most important work which I edited myself and uploaded to the site and commence with elements of Mr. MacDonald’s comedy which the media most often ignore.
Macdonald [who was Polish, btw, not Scottish; his father had changed the last name], had to comment on Marlon Brando saying the jews run Hollywood.
The tragic news of Norm Macdonald’s passing stunned many people who were fans of his work due to the fact he kept his decade-long battle with cancer to himself from 2013 to the end in 2021.
This, in the age of ”me too” one-upmanship – where generating social media capital for how much sympathy you can drum up – demonstrates the courage Norm possessed.
The suffering involved with getting one’s derrière groped by filthy Harvey Weinstein while begging for a role in his movies and dressed in a halter top and mini-skirt pales in comparison to a man dealing with stage-four, terminal leukemia.
Norm’s comedy and delivery style
To most of us, the stoic MacDonald was part of the last golden era of stand-up comedy, where even mainstream comics were funny and answered to no one.
Norm’s wit was second to none, and oftentimes he would intentionally have his audience laughing at him for slurring his speech during lengthy monologues filled with anecdotes – that at first appeared to have no point – until the audience realized that the joke was on them.
Norm’s savage Polish-sausage barb told a decade and a half back on a late night talk show was one such occasion, and, of course, being Polish helped let him get away with it.  I wanted to share this clip in particular to give the uninitiated a better understanding of Norm’s style and delivery. This clip best illustrated the techinique he would employ when attacking higher-hanging rotten fruit like Clintons and J team.

MacDonald’s routines were often met with delayed laughter from the audience as they tried to keep up with him – oftentimes unsure if he was being serious, even until the very end.
Norm was regularly referred to as a comic’s comic, due to his wit and penchant for the sort of 1960’s Anglo deadpan delivery truly funny comedians appreciate to this day. This technique was in fact ”coopted” by the Jewish comedians (first on the Borscht Belt comedy circuit) that now control the industry in Hollywood and New York.
Now THAT….is cultural appropriation.
There was no pie throwing or the Jewish reliance on ”potty-humor” when the jokes suck (think foul-mouthed miscreants like Sarah Silverman and Andrew Dice Clay – born Andrew Clay Silverstein) with the genuinely hilarious Norm.
Norm also had a propensity, when attempting to hammer someone with reckless abandon, to act as though he were oblivious to the offense his commentary might ”unduly” cause.
Picture someone’s drunken uncle staggering about at a 4th of July picnic mocking people from the ghetto with his butt stuck out and lips puckered up to a watermelon. While sober, his intended audience might blush in embarrassment. Humorless left-wing filth in attendance might heckle, confront, or even call the cops…. But Uncle Norm, with all 140 of his IQ points firing on all cylinders, was ”drunk”, so “no harm, no foul.”
“I’ve never drank, no,” Norm once told a interviewer. “Still, people think I’m drunk all the time because for some reason my voice is all slurry, and when I’m talking onstage, I’m thinking a lot… When they ask what I’m drinking and I tell them I’m not, they either don’t believe me or they’re very disappointed. 😉
He then winked, concluding with this little gem….”I actually don’t drink or do any drugs. I guess I’m just naturally lazy and incoherent. Especially when telling jokes.”
As well as playing the jester equipped with a handful of ”get out of jail free” cards in order to get away with mocking the elite, Norm, who claimed he did not have sex outside of his relationships and abhorred one-night stands, also employed this technique while flirting with women.
“I’d be in a bar and for some reason when you’re drunk, girls will put up with it if you try to grope them or whatever,” he laughed, OBVIOUSLY JOKING.
“(In a high-pitched voice) ‘What are you doing? Ha-ha.’ If you’re sober, they’re like, ‘Hey! Just what do you think you’re doing?’ So, I’d just garble my words. I have used being a drunk to my advantage many times.”
No one’s perfect….
Norm, though, was loved most of all for never shying away from ruffling the filthy, satanic, blood-and-semen soaked feathers of our vulturous masters. I’ll get into THAT a little later in this piece….
At the end of the day, if Norm believed that it was funny, he would say it, even if it offended the audience. Unlike cowardly comedians who ply their trade at the expense of their audience, while leaving their bosses alone, Norm HAMMERED his paymasters and the most arrogant ones among us….
His attacks on teachers and their all-powerful unions comes  as no surprise, and one exchange comes to mind which the good man had with a loud-mouth, low-IQ public school teacher/heckler whom he encountered during a show in California, all captured by an audience member:

Norm also often offended the high and mighty people that paid his salary, choosing to do so even if it meant he might lose it. Case in point: The Hollywood Reporter posited that ”his firing from SNL in 1998 was reportedly because he wouldn’t let up on O.J. Simpson, who happened to be a close friend of NBC executive Don Ohlmeyer.”

Then there was the now near-mythical interview he did on the notorious ABC libtard talk show ”The View”. Norm at the time had a pretty popular sitcom, “The Norm Show,” (example below) playing a cad, and he was doing the customary rounds to promote it.

ABC had already paid him for a full season of “The Norm Show” and needed him to promote the program on one of their staple afternoon shit-shows. But instead of promoting the show to the sort of impressionable women who waste their time watching toxic garbage like “The View,” MacDonald used the opportunity to attack the Clintons and terrorize the [[[jewesses]]] Joy Behar and Barbara Walters. Their consternation, protestation and belligerence at being ignored only served to propel MacDonald more.If you have not see this, you must. The guts of this guy, because this is a top show, and these leftie woman can be and are often mean…. “Your career is over after this,” say Joy Behar!

Then there was his faith and how Norm ever allowed his comedy to sully or undermine what he often referred to as his personal relationship with God. In fact, I would argue Norm was quietly, but oh so importantly doing God’s work throughout his remarkable career.
The New York Times, when they were a little less conspicuously hateful than they are now, once lauded (in a leftist, devilish sort of way) Macdonald’s comedy for being “quite Christian,” because he ”admitted he was anti-abortion” and once ”pushed back on another comedian’s quip” that ”compared the Bible to the Harry Potter books.”
The so-called comedian, Harrison Goldman, was appearing on a talent show that Macdonald was judging, and was Jewish, as were the other judges. They thought MacDonald was joking when he lambasted the vile man for bashing the Christian faith. He most certainly wasn’t, although the joke was tame compared to the evil the likes of Sarah Silverman spews.
So ask yourself if a similar joke were to be made at the expense of the Torah and “the people that shall dwell alone” and how well it would have been received – or even allowed – on network television.

Even daring to translate and disseminate the supremacist words of the Talmud to the people it attacks is a no-no in our society.
Then there’s Norm’s not-so-subtle criticism of the #MeToo movement and its hypocritical proponents. In 2018, during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the good man discussed the aforementioned movement. “I’m happy the MeToo movement has slowed down a little bit,” MacDonald said. “It used to be, ‘One hundred women can’t be lying.’ And then it became, ‘One woman can’t lie.’ And that became, ‘I believe all women.’ And then you’re like, ‘What?’”
In that same interview, he even expressed sympathy for his friends Roseanne Barr and Louis C.K. [born Louis Székely to Hungarian Jewish father and Mexican mother], the latter of whom had admitted to sexual misconduct in 2017 after five women came forward with horrific accusations against him.
Although perhaps misguided, Macdonald demonstrated his willingness to remain loyal to friends – both of whom in this case may at times have been scum. My guess is Macdonald did not know their dark side.
Newsweek reported that Macdonald defended Barr after her ”reboot of Roseanne was canceled by ABC in 2018 after she went on a shockingly racist Twitter rant about former President Barack Obama’s ex-adviser Valerie Jarrett, comparing her to an ape.” (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6597083/roseanne-barr-valerie-jarrett-racist-tweet-tv-show/)
Although ”he ultimately walked back some of his comments”, MacDonald was clear as day that he felt it important to stand by one’s friends in their time of need.
That in and of itself flies in the face of what our evil modern culture is all about and deserves our utmost respect.
Then there was his most infamous work, something that you can find carefully mixed into Norm’s other content if you wander around the Net hard enough.
His opinion of (((our masters)))….
To save you the trouble of having to watch scores of clips, I have carefully sifted through dozens of hours of content and compiled this…
Rest in peace, Brother Norm. You will be sorely missed.
Lastly, if you appreciated the work I and John put in, please drop us a donation.
[JdN: Norm here, being a verbal master of wording, irony and nuance, is doing a mind-f—k on his guests regarding the “Holocaust.” They have no idea whether he is serious or not, and this is exactly how M liked to do it with radioactive topics in the jew-ruled entertainment business.]










  1. Premature deaths from cancer seem to happen extremely often to men who stand against what our Jew-ruled government desires. My own father was a prominent physicist who pushed the idea that government research jobs should be be given prejudicially, in opposition to merit, to Americans — since the American public did the labor that made these desirable positions available. My father died of a super fast growing cancer at age 61. (Perhaps the government did not want nationalist sentiment in Physics.)

    I think a statistical analysis of the probability of cancer occurring in men whom our Jew-controlled government is displeased with should be done, in order to determine the probability of this happening, barring foul play.

    • How sad. Age 61 is indeed young!

      If I may ask, did he smoke or have other habits bad for his health, such as obesity? Somehow I anticipate that your answer will be no.

      Was he himself in proximity to radioactive materials?

      I think often of the two years that Margi and I spent in Apollo, Pennsylvania (2012-14), trying to awaken the sheeple in that town massacred by the jewish-owned and jewish-run NUMEC nuclear-fuel plant. Yes, we risked our lives knowingly to try to start a movement in that location, which should have been perfect for an antisemitic renaissance. After all, the jews killed THOUSANDS there in the Sixties with the slow, painful, horrible disease that is cancer by dumping nuclear wastes everywhere and allowingt for years a shocking lack of safety inside the plant itself.

      In any case, it is a fact that we were exposed to Apollo’s radiation problem for two years, and another fact is that, four years later Margi, had throat cancer — though she never smoked, drank, was overweight or ate junk good. In fact, for almost her entire life, she ate only all-natural and organic things from natural supermarkets at a third more cost. She would even insist that I not start the car until the windows were rolled up to prevent the car’s exhaust fumes from entering the car. And all our drinking water was filtered and either lugged home from the natural-food store or, later, we bought a $120 water filter.

      Margi was the very last person who should have gotten cancer, and yet she did.

      Yes, 61 was way too young for your father. I am sure he was a fine man.

      A Jew wrote this comment below the video:

      E 509th
      2 years ago
      I cut my finger, scratch my car , dead bird in the garden, All Israels fault..
      This really is getting a bit silly, blaming Israel for everything . I mean if there were any Jews in the U.S, it had to be them right?? And I must be Mossad?
      Most Israelis are Clever, Rich extremely wise and have a beautiful woman hanging off their arm. The problem here is Envy.

      • “Envy” of a jew ? Of a people who’ve been kicked out of so many lands and countries for meddling in state affairs!

        Their role in Spain’s efforts to expel the Moors is one example. People are waking up to you.

      • He led a very clean life. Didn’t smoke, drank only two drinks per day, (one when he got home from work, another before he went to bed), played sports, keague fast-pitch softball when he was younger, (where he was a carcher), then tennis when he was older, and, finally, he was trim.

        He did work around radioactivity, but the cancer started in his colon, which I have been told is unusual for radioactive induced cancer.

        And something I have always found suspicious is that the family doctor, who had known him for 20 years, died in an accident a few months before his cancer began when the propeller came off his private airplane.

        Another suspicious thing was that when he was dying a Jewish work colleague showed up at the house and made a remark about Senator Percy (whom the Jews did not like).

        The main think that makes me suspicious about his death was his advocacy that Americans be given a priority for jobs as scientists in national laboratories since American labor made these highly desirable jobs jobs possible.

        • Thank you. I am sure he was an honorable man and father. You certainly inherited his high intellect.

          I remember how the jews took Senator Chuck Percy down, and another totally shocking thing.


          In 2006, writing about the influence of political lobbies on the U.S. relationship with Israel, political theorists John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt wrote that they believed Percy’s loss was the result of a campaign waged against him by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).[27] Earlier that year, Percy and the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Dante Fascell, expressed sympathy for the cause of Karl Linnas, a former concentration camp commander who was to be deported from Pennsylvania to Estonia, having lied in the papers he used to enter the United States. Linnas was found to have ordered, and participated in, the murders of Jews and other prisoners.[28] Percy’s view, shared by Fascell, Representative Donald L. Ritter of Pennsylvania, and the Helsinki Commission, was that Linnas should be deported, but not to the Soviet Union.


          One of his twin daughters, Valerie Percy, was murdered at age 21 in her bedroom in the family home in Kenilworth, Illinois, near Chicago, during his senatorial campaign in September 1966.[32] She had been beaten and stabbed to death in her bed while the family was in residence. Although her stepmother had a brief glimpse of the killer and considerable resources were devoted to solving the crime, the identity of the murderer remains unknown.[6] The wife of a first responder physician to the scene stated in 2016 that her late husband, Dr. Robert Hohf, felt that “the crime scene had been cleaned up” by the time he arrived to the Percy home early on the morning of Sept. 18, 1966.[33]

    • Good points.

      I had seen myself the Germany video, but not the Letterman interview.

      Several remarks:

      1) He seguéd into bashing the Dutch for promoting drugs in theior “coffeehouses” and also open prostitution, showing he was a paleo-conservative.

      2) Knowing he was “on thin ice” with the Hollywood jews, maybe he felt he had better say something anti-Nazi.

      3) He was also part-Polish, hence he was likely no fan of the Germans for that reason too

      4) Sincere bafflement by Whites in general, including modern Germans, over the whole Hitler phenomenon.

      I just blogged yesterday on how the British people, due to their newspapers being jew-run or jew-cowed, having had no idea whatsoever how outrageous the Treaty of Versailles was, or its crucifying effects on the lives of the ordinary German people. It was designed (especially by the Freemasonic monster Clemenceau), and the Brits did not know this, to keep them poor, starving and powerless to defend themselves forever.

      My own mother heard a Hitler speech on NBC Radio in the late 1930s, when she was six, and told me she asked her mother (who, I figured out later, was secretly pro-NS) why that man was “shouting” and “angry,” and she said that his voice actually “scared” her.

      The fact is this, that a messaging that worked with the long-traumatized Germans, who had a national case of PTSD (from massive WWI deaths, postwar starvation, the Great Inflation, negroes raping German women in the Rhineland, the Great Depression, and in 1932 the rise of the terrifying Communist Party of Germany, run by one of Stalin’s puppets), was a total turn-off for other whites, who had no idea what the Germans had been through and no inkling why they were angry.

      And, to be honest, the almost black hair and common facial features I had also corresponded with a
      kind of “villain” image.

      In “The Wizard of Oz” (1939, a huge hit, the Wicked Witch of the West of course has black hair)

      I remember this cartoon when I was a kid:

      Beyond the appearance and the raucous sound of my voice when orating, there was also the deep, sincere fear among many Whties around the globe of a system based on one-man rule or “dictatorship.” It seemed like a giant step backward.

      Anyone who has had a tyrannical boss, or even a spouse, knows it is horrible to be under someone’s thumb who is cruel and evil, and you cannot get rid of them.

      The MeToo movement was of course partly justified. There have long been nasty men who demanded sex of their female employees! If you don’t let me rape you, you are fired, and I will also make sure you never get another job in this town again. Suppose a woman is a widow with three hungry kids and absolutely needs the job?

      And why do so many enlisted soldiers not re-enlist? Often they had a tyrannical officer or sergeant over them. The lack of freedom can be severe in the military. Basically, they own you, especially in wartime.

      Caligula and Nero have been terrifying examples for 2,000 years to whiote civilization of murderous tyrants whose every whim had to be obeyed. They even had Roman senators falsely accused and killed!

      In this life, I am determined to discuss and solve the huge issue of the natural and justified
      human desire for political and personal freedom.

      And I will explain how the white nations are not free at all, especially not now with this Covid thing and also migrant crime and anti-white hatred, but also we were not free then either, not in the 1930s and 1940s, for no one dared to criticize the jews — our main problem!

      But beyond that, freedom can only be enjoyed by those who are mature, have self-control, and can handle freedom wisely.

      The goal of NS 2.0 is indeed MORE freedom, but first the white earthlings must stop acting like wild animals who cannot handle freedom: and stop being human wolves, pigs and sheep.

      When we become truly Aryan, that is, noble, strong and wise, then and only then does freedom become feasible.

      Otherwise it is what we have now, licentiousness. Anything goes.

      And in the nuclear age, either humans must be strictly controlled so they do not blow up the world, or they must learn to genuinely control themselves by eradicating their own egoic minds.

      Hence we need an Aryan religion — so we evolve from the current status of being human wolves, human pigs and human sheep for whom freedom means disaster and the jew actually runs everything!

    • Yes, but actually, he sneakily sheds doubt on it.

      No one in the entertainment world dares ever even discuss the Holocaust in any sort of humorous manner. Here, he opens the can of worms while SAYING it is true. He avoided being “cancelled” while planting seeds of doubt.

      This is a perfect example of him blasting the jews in a sneaky way:

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