Jews — and Margi’s suspicious cancer

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Margi on her first, dreaded, long-resisted day of “chemo” for throat cancer, with the tumor now right on top of her carotid artery (meaning she could bleed out at any moment).


I am 70% convinced the Deep State has done this. (Margi never smoke, never drank, never ate junk food or got overweight, exercises daily and has eaten only organic foods for decades.)

All five oncologists at the famous Mayo Clinic who met with us were SHOCKED how rapidly the tumor has spread since her April PET scan.

(Margi, a fmr nutritionist, nota bene, spent $100,000, her whole inheritance, on proven, natural therapies against cancer that have saved many other sufferers.)

I am 70% convinced they put something like radioactive polonium in her food and/or are bombarding her with some beam from a nearby house to start and/or accelerate her cancer — all to harm me as well as her, a resolute WN who HAD money for our Cause a year ago, precious funds that now are gone.)

“J’accuse” the.  JEWS.😡.

(We will use every natural therapy to rebuild her immune system after the chemo and radiation. But now we must act fast, drastically, or she will be lost… after 15 years of this great and loving woman — and fierce comrade — at my side. 😒 I am blogging soon on all this with more details.)


Mark Calvin on VK:

The Jews’ favorite curse is “get cancer. “ It could be an attack.


Mark, we both thought that doubly when the Mayo doctor said it should not have spread this fast.





  1. Good luck and God bless you both.
    You are doing gods own work. Of course the devil tries to harm you!

    Jesus has aryan roots and the New Testament contains truth:
    John 8:44 (Jesus to the jews)
    “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

    That this is true, show these articles:

    The eyes and mouths of the boys had also been mutilated in a manner never publicly released.

    Another interesting forensic aspect of the case was that the boy’s wounds contained traces of an unspecified GRAIN, of all things, a form of matzoh.

    Floor mat patterns embedded in the flesh of one victim indicated that his body had been transported in a Packard automobile, a luxury car popular among the wealthiest people of the time which was no longer made, and which indicated someone with money enough to buy and maintain such an upmarket vehicle.

    Mrs. Van Hyning had her own suspicions and sent the father of the two murdered boys, Anton Schuessler Sr., a copy of Arnold Leese’s definitive work JEWISH RITUAL MURDER.

    Schuessler read the booklet and was stunned by what he learned. He then made the mistake of going to the police and demanding that the possible ritual murder angle in his sons’ death be investigated.

    The Cook County Sheriff of the time was a Jew named Joseph Lohman.
    Lohman immediately placed Mr. Schuessler under arrest on suspicion of killing his own children.

    A jewish deputy named Horowitz was sent to the Schuessler home with a party of men.
    Having ransacked the house looking for “evidence”, Horowitz then placed Mrs. Eleanor Schuessler and her family under virtual house arrest, forbidding them to leave the house or speak with anyone on the phone lest they “spread rumors about the jews.”
    Instead of releasing him, the authorities committed Anton Schuessler to a private mental institution in Des Plaines, IL operated by a Dr. Leon Steinfeld. Mr. Schuessler was rushed right into electroshock treatment, where he died the same afternoon he arrived at the “sanitarium”


  2. Anche qui in Italia ci sono questi omicidi rituali,un bambino di nome Lorenzo di 8anni,Davide Astori,un calciatore fiorentino,tutto per inaugurare la caduta di Matteo Renzi.Un bambino biondo di nome Leonardo per i 500 anni di Leonardo Da Vinci,e un ULTRÀ fascista della Lazio(sparato dietro la nuca da un tizio mai preso)per festeggiare la caduta del governo fascista di Matteo Salvini!Poi il ponte Morandi di Genova,i terremoti dell’Aquila e del centro Italia,quello dell’isola di Ischia.Gli ITALIOTI ci cascano con tutte e due le zampe!Sofferenza..e Odio.

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