Jews furious because Roseanne Barr DID mean what she said about the jews and the Holocaust; spiritual reading

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Roseanne Barr speaking in Jerusalem, January 27, 2019.Credit: Sebastian Scheiner,AP

In Bizarre Antisemitic Rant, Roseanne Barr Claims Holocaust ‘Never Happened’

The actor, who is Jewish, said that ‘nobody died in the Holocaust. That’s the truth. It should happen – 6 million Jews should die right now because they cause all the problems in the world’

The Forward


*** JdN: It looks like I called it right. She was both joking and actually not joking.

Did jewish star comedienne Roseanne Barr just sneakily “DENY” the Holofraud and denounce jewry the way her late friend Norm Macdonald would do it and not get banned??

Jim Rizoli published a week ago on Bitchute this seemingly astounding, earth-shaking clip of a top star blasting the jews and their Holofraud, and saying the Holocaust should have happened since the jews do cause all the world’s troubles!


Roseanne Barr, the controversial Jewish comedian and former star of the working-class family sitcom Roseanne, denied the Holocaust and espoused other conspiracy theories on a recent episode of the podcast “This Past Weekend” hosted by comedian Theo Von.

The two-and-a-half-hour interview, which aired on June 14, went viral Tuesday after social media unearthed a clip of Barr’s Holocaust denial.

After suggesting that social media platforms manipulate the truth by banning select accounts, Barr said, “Nobody died in the Holocaust, either. That’s the truth.” She continued: “It should happen — 6 million Jews should die right now because they cause all the problems in the world, but it never happened.”
“I’m all Jewish. 100 percent,” Barr, whose grandmother lost her family in the Holocaust, responded.
Barr later said, in response to prompting by Von, that Jews started Hollywood and have since run it like “an organized crime network.”

“Was it weird when Hollywood went against you because you’re Jewish?” Von asked.

“Well, Hollywood Jews don’t like Jews, let’s be real,” Barr responded, “I’m a Jew and I got fired from Jewish Hollywood.”
In 2018, Barr was fired from the reboot of Roseanne — since renamed The Conners — over racist comments she had posted on social media. When ABC executives announced that the show would continue without her, Barr claimed that she was ousted due to antisemitism.

Barr was raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, where her family tried to conceal their Jewish identity and were active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, despite observing Jewish customs at home. In her 1989 memoir, My Life as a Woman, Barr wrote that being the only Jewish girl in school growing up left her feeling paranoid.

Throughout her career, Barr’s relationship to Jewish identity has fluctuated. In 2008, she was criticized for calling Israel a “Nazi state” due to its treatment of Palestinians. She’s since become a pro-Israel advocate and was invited to speak out against the boycott, divest and sanctions movement at the Knesset in 2018. In 2016, Barr declared herself a Hebrew priestess and launched a “Women’s Temple for transformation and tikkun olam” in Hawaii. Perhaps most controversially, Barr dressed up as Hitler baking burnt gingerbread cookies for a 2009 photoshoot for the now-defunct Jewish magazine Heeb.

……spiritual reading for June 30

Today is again one of those days when it is of the utmost importance to be outside and to connect with the earth. You need to become more rooted and this is the day to do it.
The quality of the earth’s energy is noticeably less equanimous, and knowing this, it is essential that you intend to reach into the very center of her field in order to touch the place where there is stable and eternal energy. Because so much is happening, to you as individuals, to your communities, to your planet, there is an air of the frenetic, and it is the easiest thing to become unglued from that which does not change.
Being fluid and able to move is a great gift, and one that we always encourage you to cultivate. However, unless you flow from a place of complete and unassailable connection to the earth, you are likely to flow off without ballast, and thus to end up somewhere you had not desired. Fortunately, it is always possible to re-anchor yourself and to weave the bond between yourself and the earth again and again.
She does not care how many times you forget Her wisdom or the crucial role She plays for you. She will always open the door to you when you knock.
If you have felt a little unbalanced, as if you have been spinning too fast or too long, go to ground today.
Re-establish your relationship with the earth and reassure yourself that your spirit is held securely in form, so that it might roam more broadly and with greater confidence.
One thing in particular that we suggest is that you work with the energies of water which arise from earth. Although this may seem contradictory (we have, after all, been talking about going deep into the center of earth where things are held quietly and remain the same) there is a special kind of moving eternity about water from which you may learn a great deal.
There is also a cleansing quality which many of you may make good use of at the moment. Because there is so much trash flying about right now, it is difficult to
avoid contamination. And even if you are employing powerful and brilliant energetic techniques to clear yourself of any accumulated garbage, today offers a wonderful opportunity to wash some of it away on a physical level. Which is where, eventually, it will settle. Even if all you do is to stick your toes into some
moving water, that will be useful.
Finally, we want to encourage you to put yourself properly in time and space. These are illusions, of course, but they are illusions with which you are working right now. You ignore them at your peril. If you are able to make some connection with earth, to cleanse some of the flying debris which has nested about your being, then in the evening, please take a little time to look at the heavens and feel your relationship to the many luminaries you can see and the even greater number which are not visible using the physical eye.
The day, as you can see, is very supportive of bringing balance and perspective to your life and your work. It is a good day to take stock of where you are and where you are going, to assess your relationships and your material circumstances with an unusual level of realism. But first, we urge you to do the work you need to do to ground and clear. Then you will be able to see and understand much that has been moving too fast to grasp.
We send you good wishes, love and blessings.


  1. Lots of Jews question the holojoke.
    David Cole was one such person. More people are questioning the official version of events.
    The Holocaust is the only period of history that carries a jail term if you don’t believe it.

  2. She says all this very straight-faced.

    She’s detecting the end of her career anyway and has nothing to lose.

    • Yes, nothing to lose but heaven to gain.

      One of the nice things about being 70 is you don’t care what scum think.

      The Germans have a word “Weltmüdigkeit,” which means “tired of the world” [and its bullshit].

      I know how she feels.

  3. Crazy old jewess had lots of plastic surgery to change her ghetto rat-face to look more human. Strange, the clip won’t even play in the Netherlands because it denies the “ Holocaust.“

    She’s always going to be part of the problem, never the solution. No matter what, including being anti-Jewish. It’s always Jews that want to control the narrative, so they’ll always play both sides of the argument, making sure some member of the Tribe wins.

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