Jews lied; our soldiers died

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Polls show that a growing number of veterans have become disenchanted with the post-9/11 wars that continue in the Middle East.

WASHINGTON — Tyler Wade was awarded the Purple Heart while serving in Afghanistan, and says he is “proud of everything” he did during his service. He also believes the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan were a mistake, as do a growing number of veterans — from retired generals to those who served across the enlisted ranks, from supporters of President Trump to “resistance” Democrats.

“All in all, it is a lot of wasted lives and money and time and effort spent to accomplish a goal we never accomplished,” said Mr. Wade, 31, who was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan during his five years in the Marines and is now a nursing student in Las Vegas.

Nearly two decades after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, polls show that a majority of all veterans have grown disenchanted with the continuing wars, even if the national security elite in both parties continue to press for an American military presence in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

64% of Middle East American combat vets have HAD it (New York Times report). My dad was disgusted back in 1953 after Korea became our first “no-win” war. HALF his Marine Corps officer class at Quantico was KILLED or evacuated (as he was, being in a coma for three days after a Chinese mortar round landed nearby… He woke up in Tokyo, Japan, and was evacuated back to the States). “So many good, good men died in Korea, John, and for what?” he said to me several times.

He predicted to me in the year 1964 (after the vile crypto-Khazar Lyndon Johnson was elected) that Nam would be “the NEXT no-win war” …and he told me in the year 2003 that Afghanistan and Iraq would “turn out the same way.”

He saw the flag go up on Iwo Jima in 1945.

“John, you cannot ask a man to die, or lose his limbs, or his eyes, or his mind, for NOTHING.” The tragedy of PTSD does not come from seeing blood and gore, and moaning, dying and dead people, but from realizing: IT WAS ALL A LIE.

Are you surprised the regime fears my potential? 80% of these angry, disgusted COMBAT vets are WHITE, and the highest percentage of veterans in the entire USA is in my 97% white, pro-Trump, Upper Peninsula of Michigan.



    Quando ho ascoltato e visto questo video ho provato molta commozione.
    Mi sei venuto in mente.
    Non ho mai avuto molta stima per gli Americani..per via delle guerre intraprese.Ma oggi qualcosa è davvero cambiato..non ho mai desiderato vedere i grattacieli e le sue meraviglie,a differenza di mio marito che sembra molto attratto.Anche gli Americani sono stati giudicati per troppo come criminali..a differenza dei cittadini tedeschi attuali(ho ascoltato una discussione di questo tipo tra due persone anziane).Non conosco nulla dei marines,eppure guarda caso ho conosciuto una persona della mia zona che è stato un marines sempre lontano da casa.Una persona davvero gradevole!Ma tu guarda che coincidenza!Forse questa idea dei MARINES sembra qualcosa che lascia pensare solo allo Stato Americano semmai.Ci sono tanti militari quella divisa americana ha davvero il suo fascino!!Ho sempre gli occhi lucidi quando apro questo video..Churchill ha solo abusato di questi valori!

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