John de Nugent – NUMEC Part 1 of 2 — Radioactive Cancer Town
Israelis make a Pennsylvania town radioactive & kill thousands with cancer as they illegally steal plutonium from the NUMEC nuclear fuel plant for their atomic bomb & ruthlessly dump deadly atomic waste in the toilet, rivers, streams, and woods of a small and innocent town in western Pennsylvania, Apollo.
See my “Israelis make a Pennsylvania town radioactive & kill thousands with cancer as they illegally steal plutonium for their WMDs & dump the waste”:
When President John F. Kennedy found out that Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation, run by the arch-Zionist Jew Zalman Shapiro and the financier Loewenthal, was smuggling atomic-bomb fuel illegally to Israel and protested, that sealed his doom (he already had many enemies) and he was murdered in Dallas in1963.
John de Nugent – NUMEC Part 2 of 2 – Confronting the US Army Corps of Engineers
The USACE (US Army Corps of Engineers), responsible for many years now for the dragged-out cleanup of the NUMEC radioactive disaster, held a meeting for the public at the Parks Township Fire Hall PA November 27 2012. Patty Ameno, an “activist, ” a lesbian and fmr US Navy petty officer, and a friend of the Jew Zalman Shapiro who founded NUMEC, did not want me to ask any questions about why Israel should not pay for the $500 million cleanup.
The sparks flew as I came to the microphone.
Satanic Babylonian Talmudists [so-called “Jews”] have attempted to exterminate the Celtic bloodlines since 40 A.D. Anyone interested in learning the real reason they sacrificed JFK please visit