Jews scream “antisemite” as Trump attacks “international bankers”; Anonymous announces it has Bill Clinton-Epstein pedophile sex video

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….Jews say recent Trump attack on bankers proves he’s antisemitic

Throughout the speech, Trump used harsh language that evoked old and ugly anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about international bankers who supposedly infiltrate national governments and control the global agenda. Citing recent Clinton campaign emails published by WikiLeaks, Trump told the crowd that “Clinton meets in secret with international banks in order to plot the destruction of US sovereignty.” Echoing the rhetoric of Alex Jones and other conspiracy theorists, Trump repeatedly referred to “globalists” as the true enemy and Clinton as their handmaiden.


Jew York Times ran a photo of Trump before a Florida state flag that looks Confederate and was doctored bizarrely to have a big black shadow on the right…..





Israel’s most influential newspaper carries American Jews moaning how scared they are. Wiki: “[…]  Haaretz has for many years been described as Israel’s most influential daily newspaper.[30] Its readership includes members of Israel’s intelligentsia and members of its political and economic elites.”




……(Unless it’s a hoax) Anonymous announces it will release a Bill Clinton pedophile rape tape


As Wiki points out in its unsurprisingly negative article, Anonymous is very powerful:

Their motto and logo:

“We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”


Strangely, the video is not (or is no longer) on Anonymous’ YT channel (it was here



BUT the video certainly was filmed in the Anonymous style, and it (so it seems) was copied over honestly to the channel of ChemtrailsMN



There is zero doubt that the hacker collective called Anonymous is rooting for Trump. See this (and other videos) by them, which ARE (still) on their YT channel (


See also:


….So will the Bill Clinton sex-with-a-kid video be released?

First, I think it extremely likely that Epstein did secretly tape Bill C. doing this.

That was Epstein’s m.o., his modus operandi. He had secret cameras all over his mansions for this.

My April 2015 video, now at 50,000 views on all platforms, goes into this and other pedophilia cases:

All the assertions in the supposed Anonymous video fit everything I have learned about Epstein, Bill Clinton, and Epstein’s blackmailing activities.

A friend asked: “Why would Lee Wexner release a tape that could sink Hillary? The Jews WANT Hillary!”

I replied: IMO, only Russia, which clearly wants Trump, has the capacity to get ahold of a video protected by the highest ranks of Jewry and of Israel.

They have the means and the motive.

If the Anonymous video comes out (with a legal version created for the public; one cannot possess or view child porn), then the story was real.

Or the story was real but it WILL NOT come out — because a dozen people have been, or will be, murdered, or bribed massively, to keep it from coming out.

Either way, if Killary gets in, we will be living in a total, satanic, police-state pedophilocracy dedicated to WHITE GENOCIDE.






How Hillary the lawyer got a pedophile off on a pure technicality who had viciously beaten, and then horribly raped the 12-y/o girl Kathy Shelton girl so bad — she could never have kids. (My eyes get wet just thinking about it. I know how it feels.)




Oh yeah, Hillary is for women.







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